W*** frames do not support description.

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 06:15:26 CEST 2008

Dňa Ut, 2008-07-29 o 13:52 -0700, Peter van Hardenberg napísal:
> The WXXX/WOAF/etc frames are not fully implemented. They should include
> a description of the URL as well as the URL. Right now the code looks
> like this, which is non-conformant with the spec.
> void UrlLinkFrame::setText(const String &s)
> {
>   setUrl(s);
> }
> Is there a good reason not to fix this?

I suggest you re-read the specification. There is a difference between
WXXX and other W*** frames (just like there is a difference between TXXX
and T*** frames). W*** frames contain only URL and in TagLib are
implemented as UrlLinkFrame, WXXX frame contains both URL and
description and is implemented as UserUrlLinkFrame.


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