on old bug, or is it?

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 16:59:42 CET 2008

On Jan 14, 2008 9:20 AM, Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Po, 2008-01-14 at 09:01 +0100, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I found one bug when I was using Amarok a year ago. Then it was
> > taglib-1.4 and I now retested taglib-1.5 and latest amarok on my
> > Fedora 8 and I first believed that it was resolved but not that I
> > retested it again I see the bug again :(
> TagLib 1.5 was not released, that's just Fedora's SVN shapshot version.
> As far as I can see, the latest snapshot is from 2007-11-11, the bug
> about MPEG2 streams was fixed on 2007-11-22.

Really? Cool. I'll ask fedora taglib maintainer to update taglib to
never svn snapshot and I'll retest the files then.

> > Problem is with wrong lenght of VBR mono mp3 files, so that hardware
> > MP3 players and some software ones (like Amarok) that use files
> > created with taglib have problem playing files. The files have shorter
> > lenght than they really are and hardware player stops playing the file
> > before it really ends :( So you can't hear the whole file :(
> >
> > This is most annoying with podcasts because they are much longer that
> > average tracks, if a file is 1:30h long you hear around 1:15h :(
> Can you point me to a file that reports incorrect size and it's not
> caused by the two bugs already fixed (incorrect channel mode parsing and
> incorrect frame sizes for MPEG2/2.5 streams)?
> Lukas

Try this file:

Try it in Amarok because some other players are smarter and calculate
themselves the correct audio length, or if you have ipod nano, I dont'
know how it behaves on other mp3 players because I own only ipod nano
(now I use rockbox and I have ogg support :) )


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