on old bug, or is it?

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 09:01:35 CET 2008

I found one bug when I was using Amarok a year ago. Then it was
taglib-1.4 and I now retested taglib-1.5 and latest amarok on my
Fedora 8 and I first believed that it was resolved but not that I
retested it again I see the bug again :(

Problem is with wrong lenght of VBR mono mp3 files, so that hardware
MP3 players and some software ones (like Amarok) that use files
created with taglib have problem playing files. The files have shorter
lenght than they really are and hardware player stops playing the file
before it really ends :( So you can't hear the whole file :(

This is most annoying with podcasts because they are much longer that
average tracks, if a file is 1:30h long you hear around 1:15h :(

And you only hear it on podcasts that are compressed with lame on
linux boxes ;( If somebody uses some other mp3 compressor or some
other system (osx, win...) then they don't have this issue.

You can see the bug on the amarok bugtracker, and some people send a
few patches:

Thank you in advance,

linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

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