new developer q&a..

Paul Bunn paul at
Sun May 6 03:25:16 CEST 2007

Hi there;
I'm just trying to switch my music library project over to taglib. I use C#
and Visual Studio 2005.
two questions (so far)
1. Documentation; I have documentation for ver 1.4, but am using ver 1.9. Is
a more up-to-date version of the documentation available? 
2. Saving artist info; 
can't save to Tag.FirstArtist - it is read-only; 
can't save to Tag.AlbumArtists[0] original value is not changed. 
code sample;
TagLib.File tagToWrite = TagLib.File.Create(fileName);

tagToWrite.Tag.Album = tagData[0];

tagToWrite.Tag.AlbumArtists[0] = tagData[1];


where "filename" is the path to the file. and "tagdata[0]" and "tagdata[1]"
are stringd with the info i wish to save.


Any thoughts?


Thanks, Paul

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