taglib cuts off long-ish tags after 30 chars

Brian Nickel brian.nickel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 10:29:48 CET 2007

Well, they could be stored anywhere. :P Traditionally they're at the
front, but Id3v2.4 makes it easy to store them in the back (which is
probably a better spot for them, all things considered).

Taglib actually scans the whole file for the Id3v2 tag.

On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 00:22 -0800, Jeff Mitchell wrote:

> On Wednesday 07 February 2007, Matthias Berndt wrote:
> > while taglib does it the other way round!
> The right way  :-)
> By the way -- you sent the last few kilobytes of that file for people to look 
> at.  Keep in mind that ID3v2 tags are stored at the *front* of the file, not 
> the end like ID3v1.
> --Jeff
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