Fwd: Unusual behaviour of taglib using threads.

Yogesh M yogeshm02 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 17:40:50 CEST 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yogesh M <yogeshm02 at gmail.com>
Date: 30-Apr-2007 15:32
Subject: Unusual behaviour of taglib using threads.
To: "For discussion of multimedia (sound/video) issues under KDE"
<kde-multimedia at kde.org>


I'm using taglib for reading tags from media files and having problem
in the following context:
Two threads are being used; one for reading tags for the playlist
(using taglib) and other for building media collection which also
reads tags using taglib. Both of the threads are entirely separate and
have no dependence on each other in any way.

The problem is that when one thread is building meta collection
(lengthy affair ~ 1 min.) and I load a very large playlist (containing
~ 90% of the total media files), the program terminates (with SIGABRT)
and (interestingly) this is the point where both threads were
reading/had read tags from the same file.

What can be the problem?

Yogesh M
Chandigarh, India

Yogesh M
Chandigarh, India
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