Weird genre problem with taglib

Brian Kerrick Nickel brian.nickel at
Mon Jun 26 01:53:46 CEST 2006

That is very definitely a bug in TagLib. Unfortunately, looking at the code,
there doesn't seem to be any real workaround. The genre will read correctly
once the file is saved and reloaded, but in the mean time genre will return
a number. You may want to set up a parser to read the text after TagLib has
outputted it, eg.  qDebug( TStringToQString( genreFixer( v2tag->genre() ) )
); where genreFixer is a pretty much copy/paste version of the version 4
case in genre ().

- Brian

On 6/25/06, Θεόφιλος Ιντζόγλου <int.teo at> wrote:
> Here are the 4 first kb of the file and the last 128 bytes of the file
> that
> seem to have the tag. According to taglib the file seems to not have any
> ID3v2 tag at all but only a ID3v1 one.
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