Announcing taglib-sharp-0.0.0 - TESTERS NEEDED

Brian Kerrick Nickel brian.nickel at
Fri Jun 23 13:57:35 CEST 2006

Greetings and salutations,

With hopes of solving the tagging deficiencies in C#, I've started a port of
TagLib to the .NET framework. This will allow easier and more complete
adoption by programs like Cowbell and Muine, and hopefully replace
entagged-sharp in Banshee (It doesn't play nice with multi-field text and is
not very expendable). It'll also be a very smooth port to Windows.

This first release (0.0.0) contains a complete but very untested port of
TagLib 1.4.1 to C# with some minor bug fixes (I'll report them) and some API
additions. This release doesn't install, but provides a test program
"read-files" to read the tags from files. I've tested reading with many
ogg-vorbis and mp3's and a single FLAC. (I'll check out writing tomorrow.)

What I would ask (for those of you who use mono) is for you to test the
reader with files you have and report any errors to me. Usage is as follows:

   1. Download
   2. Untar the file.
   3. Enter the directory in a shell.
   4. ./
   5. cd tests/
   6. ./read-files /path/to/files/*

The port was not that smooth with lots of typecasting and a few mistakes I
was able to find, so hopefully with some testing it should be good to go.

Thanks in advance for your testing.
Brian Kerrick Nickel <brian.nickel at>
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