A few questions...
Jeff Mitchell
kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com
Tue Jul 11 14:42:44 CEST 2006
> I suspect this is an amaroK bug. By default both ID3v1 and ID3v2 are
> written.
> > a) Will writing an ID3v1 tag remove the ID3v2.4 tag, like it does the
> > other way around?
> > b) If we do this, is there a way to have it automatically copy over
> > values from the ID3v2.4 tag, like it does when you create the ID3v2.4
> > tag (realizing that truncation, etc., may take place)?
> See above. The default is to write both and there is an API
> function (in TagLib::Tag) to copy over values. This is done by
> default unless you are explicitly writing the tags separately.
> -Scott
I found the location in my code. I'm calling TagLib::MPEG::File::save with
TagLib::MPEG::File::ID3v2 as an argument, and didn't catch in the
documentation where it says it strips tags not in the mask. I've changed it
to TagLib::MPEG::File::AllTags. Thanks for the pointer.
One other issue I have:
When reading the ID in the UFID frame, I have come across a situation where
I'll save a uniqueid from an 8-character QString, but the value returned when
I try to read it back is 9 characters.
When saving the frame, I use the following:
file->ID3v2Tag()->addFrame( new TagLib::ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame(
QStringToTString( ourId ),
TagLib::ByteVector( m_uniqueId.ascii(), randSize )
) );
where ourId is Amarok's identifier, and m_uniqueId is a QString consisting of
randSize characters.
However, when I read it back:
m_uniqueId = TStringToQString( TagLib::String( ourMP3UidFrame( file,
ourId )->identifier().data() ) );
where ourMP3UidFrame is the following:
TagLib::ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame *
MetaBundle::ourMP3UidFrame( TagLib::MPEG::File *file, QString ourId )
TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList ufidlist = file->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()
TagLib::ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame* currFrame;
for( TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = ufidlist.begin(); iter !=
ufidlist.end(); iter++ )
currFrame =
if( TStringToQString( currFrame->owner() ) == ourId )
return currFrame;
return 0;
When this is run, m_uniqueId is equal to the uniqueId that was saved into the
tag, plus one extra character, which shows up in my debug as ? (I could try
to get the hex code for you if you want). To solve this I've had to add
a .left( randSize ) onto the returned string:
m_uniqueId = TStringToQString( TagLib::String( ourMP3UidFrame( file,
ourId )->identifier().data() ) ).left( randSize );
Any idea what's going on? It works perfectly fine with the .left, but it
feels hacky.
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