ID3v2 FrameID + Tests suite

nerochiaro nerochiaro at
Tue Feb 14 12:11:48 CET 2006

> > Is there any test suite available to exercise the full TagLib API ?
> Actually the best testing of the whole thing was when Dongxu did the Perl
> bindings.  There is no real test suite for the tagging specific stuff.  I
> kind of put things through a trial of running TagLib against all of my MP3s
> before releasing, plus every one that's ever come in through a bug report
> (about 20 weird or corrupted mp3s).  If anyone wants to write a test suite,
> well, great, but I probably won't do anything really systematic.

Ok, no problem.
I asked because if something was already there i would have used it.
But since it's not, I will end up testing in the same way you did, plus some
extra tests for the most tricky parts.

And thanks also for the explanation on the ID3v2 frame ID question.

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