Which Subversion branch to use?

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Fri Feb 10 07:52:56 CET 2006

On Friday 10 February 2006 2:19, Michael Pyne wrote:
> Just posting this message because kdesupport was recently branched into
> /trunk and /branches/kdesupport/3.5  This affects stuff like qca and
> libqgs, but it doesn't affect TagLib because TagLib doesn't link to Qt.
> So, what branch should I update to stay current with TagLib?

For now I'll stick to trunk, since it can still be built with unsermake, until 
they do something screwy which makes it unbuildable without switching build 

Locally I don't actually use all of kdesupport -- I just check out the taglib 
directory into a top level directory where I still use automake.  ;-)


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