Storing a UTF8 string fails with Cyrillic characters.

Brian Nickel brian.nickel at
Tue May 31 23:11:43 CEST 2005


I'm writting a tagging plugin for the Muine Music Player (Gnome/C#)
using TagLib. Everything is going well, and the library is beautiful
to use, but I'm trying to get UTF8 strings to save as UTF8.

One simple example:

   char * val = "Да, вы можете.";
   myTag->setTitle (TagLib::String(val, TagLib::String::UTF8));
   // myTag->title ().toCString (true) == "0, 2K <>65B5."

Am I just doing something wrong, or is there another way to go about
this, or is it a bug?

- Brian Nickel

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