rkward, updated version, reviewed

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at kdemail.net
Tue May 31 21:43:52 BST 2022

On Tue, 31 May 2022 02:42:00 +0000 (UTC)
someone <maffydoit at aol.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation. 
> So the R package used for means, sums, has a column labeled "length
> of sample" and RKWard is kind of organizing the R packages into one
> overall package: RKWard?

This particular dialog combines functionality that comes in different
functions in R. That is gathered and printed in a single table, because
that simply seems useful. Other dialogs will wrap just a single

The R function for "length of sample" does not return a named column
at all, just a number. The function itself is called length(), however,
which is what Meik is referring to, in this case.

Calling this function "length()" is pretty standard in the context of
programming. In many, but not all use cases, this will correspond to the
meaning of "N". In other cases, "n" would be more appropriate. That
really depends on the layout, and meaning of the data. (Consider "long"
format vs "wide" format of repeated measurements, for just one example).

So that's why I think "length (N)" might be a good mix in order to
convey the potential meaning, without making too many assumptions.

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