[rkward-users] RKWard in other languages

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Feb 24 13:37:03 UTC 2015


On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:31:21 +0000 (UTC)
Iván Artalejo <ivan.artalejo at yahoo.es> wrote:
> How can I install RKWard in other languages, for example spanish?

Before everything else: Language support will be _much_ better in the
upcoming RKWard 0.6.3 (expected in less than two weeks). If you'd tell
us which platform you're on, we could give you instructions for
installing a preview release of 0.6.3. 

Other than that, the answer will still depend on what platform you are
using, and possibly on how you are installing:

- Linux / MacOS:
All available translations should already be included in your
installation. RKWard 0.6.3 included "es", but "ca" was de-activated
due to being too incomplete. To test that translations are actually
working, start RKWard as
   KDE_LANG=de rkward
(the "de" translation is comparatively complete in 0.6.2).
- Windows:
The binaries for RKWard up to 0.6.2 did not include any translations,
yet. The upcoming binaries for 0.6.3 will include translations. The
existing 0.6.3-pre2 installer already does.

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