[rkward-users] Error of object format with Ubuntu

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Dec 4 15:18:17 UTC 2014


I believe I'm starting to understand what goes wrong on your system. What I 
don't understand is why it doesn't go wrong on mine...

Could you try this:

options ("editor"=function (name=NULL, file="", title=NULL, prompt = TRUE) 
    if (!is.null(name)) {
        if (is.null (title)) title = deparse (substitute (name))
        if (file == "") file = tempfile()
        env = environment(name)
        dput(name, file = file, control = c("useSource", "keepNA", 
            "keepInteger", "showAttributes"))
        .Call("rk.edit.files", file, title, "", prompt, PACKAGE = 
        x <- dget(file)
        environment(x) <- env
    invisible(.Call("rk.edit.files", as.character(file), as.character(title), 
        as.character(name), isTRUE(prompt), PACKAGE = "(embedding)"))

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