[rkward-users] Turn sounds off in RKward

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Mar 10 20:53:34 UTC 2011


On Wednesday 09 March 2011, Jyoti Shankar wrote:
> a) How do I turn off all sound notifications in RKward?

currently it is not possible to turn of sounds for RKWard, selectively. 
However, there is only one sound that is played directly in RKWard: the system 
bell (for certain key presses in the R Console). You can change or silence 
this for all KDE applications at systemsettings->Look & Feel->Notifications-
>System Bell.

Some systems are also pre-configured to play sounds whenever certain types of 
windows are shown (esp. errors and warning messages). You can configure those 
at systemsettings->Look & Feel->Notifications->System Notifications->KDE System 

> b) How do I search for topics in the RKward-users archive here:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=rkward-users  I am
> not seeing any "search this archive" link or button. Could you please let
> me if I have overlooked any search link?

You can search all project mailing lists, here: 
(admittedly, the link is somewhat hidden).

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