[Git][tfry/rkward-po-export][master] Remove conflicting file

Thomas Friedrichsmeier (@tfry) noreply at kde.org
Mon Oct 10 07:16:05 BST 2022

Thomas Friedrichsmeier pushed to branch master at Thomas Friedrichsmeier / rkward-po-export

96a288b2 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier at 2022-10-10T08:15:46+02:00
Remove conflicting file

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- − i18n/README.translations


i18n/README.translations deleted
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-=== Maintainance of translations ===
-So you want to work on one of the translations? Great!
-In general, however, you should NOT use the .po files in this directory as a basis for your translations,
-and neither should you commit your updates, here. Translations are managed in KDE. See http://l10n.kde.org/
-for documentation and links.
-THIS IS NOT THE PRIMARY PLACE where translations are maintained. In order to minimize the risk of your work
-conflicting with that of other translators, please get in touch with the KDE translation team for your
-language. See http://l10n.kde.org/teams-list.php for a list of teams and their mailing lists. This also has
-links where to find the most recent, and authoritative version of each .po file.
-If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please contact us on the rkward-devel mailing list.
-If all you want is a quick way to pull translations from KDE l10n, use one of:
-* scripts/import_translations.py [xx]
-  (where the optional parameter xx is your language code, such as "de"; script to be found in our git
-  repository, only, not in source releases).
-* git clone git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/tfry/rkward-po-export i18n/po
-  (this is much faster in case you want to fetch/build _all_ translations)
-=== Developers ===
-- Synchronize translations from KDE l10n to git like this:
-  1. Clone (or update) the existing translation export repo:
-     > git clone git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/tfry/rkward-po-export i18n/po
-  2. Run
-     > scripts/import_translations.py
-     (without language arg) to fetch updates
-  3. git commit & push in the export repo.
-- For dealing with plugin messages, read the i18n-chapter in "Introduction to writing plugins for RKWard".

View it on GitLab: https://invent.kde.org/tfry/rkward-po-export/-/commit/96a288b254b21d7d08529a3cad8b6d441e9e0709

View it on GitLab: https://invent.kde.org/tfry/rkward-po-export/-/commit/96a288b254b21d7d08529a3cad8b6d441e9e0709
You're receiving this email because of your account on invent.kde.org.

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