[education/rkward] rkward/plugins/internal: Add missing files

Thomas Friedrichsmeier null at kde.org
Mon May 9 20:18:17 BST 2022

Git commit b91c7ca7c02c60a8ba020fcbfd1a388ebcfc5dd7 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 09/05/2022 at 19:18.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.

Add missing files

A  +68   -0    rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.js
A  +52   -0    rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.rkh
A  +52   -0    rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.xml


diff --git a/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.js b/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf3c2577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+// perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(is_preview){
+  // add requirements etc. here
+  echo("require(devtools)\n");
+function calculate(is_preview){
+  // read in variables from dialog
+  var packageSource = getString("packageSource");
+  var gitUser = getString("gitUser");
+  var gitRepo = getString("gitRepo");
+  var fullURL = getString("fullURL");
+  var inpCmmttgbr = getString("inp_Cmmttgbr");
+  var inpSbdrctry = getString("inp_Sbdrctry");
+  var inpPrsnlPAT = getString("inp_PrsnlPAT");
+  var inpUser = getString("inp_User");
+  var inpPassword = getString("inp_Password");
+  var frmPrvtrpstChecked = getBoolean("frm_Prvtrpst.checked");
+  // the R code to be evaluated
+  var frmPrvtrpstChecked = getValue("frm_Prvtrpst.checked");
+  echo("  install_" + packageSource + "(\n");
+  if(packageSource == "github" || packageSource == "gitlab" || packageSource == "bitbucket") {
+    echo("    repo=\"" + gitUser + "/" + gitRepo);  
+    if(inpSbdrctry) {
+      echo("/" + inpSbdrctry);  
+    } else {}  
+    if(inpCmmttgbr) {
+      echo("@" + inpCmmttgbr);  
+    } else {}  
+    echo("\"");  
+    if(frmPrvtrpstChecked) {
+      if(packageSource == "github" || packageSource == "gitlab") {
+        if(inpPrsnlPAT) {
+          echo(",\n    auth_token=\"" + inpPrsnlPAT + "\"");  
+        } else {}  
+      } else if(packageSource == "bitbucket") {
+        if(inpUser) {
+            echo(",\n    auth_user=\"" + inpUser + "\"");  
+          } else {}  
+          if(inpPassword) {
+            echo(",\n    password=\"" + inpPassword + "\"");  
+          } else {}  
+      } else {}  
+    } else {}  
+  } else if(packageSource == "git" || packageSource == "svn") {
+    echo("    url=\"" + fullURL + "\"");  
+      if(inpCmmttgbr) {
+        echo(",\n    branch=\"" + inpCmmttgbr + "\"");  
+      } else {}  
+      if(inpSbdrctry) {
+        echo(",\n    subdir=\"" + inpSbdrctry + "\"");  
+      } else {}  
+  } else {}
+  echo("\n  )");
+  echo("\n");
+function printout(is_preview){
+  // printout the results
+  new Header(i18n("Install from git results")).print();
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.rkh b/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.rkh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6feb536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.rkh
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkhelp >
+  <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+    perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+  <summary>
+  </summary>
+  <usage>
+  </usage>
+  <!-- <section id="sct_EDITORDE" title="EDIT OR DELETE ME">
+      </section> -->
+  <settings>
+    <setting id="packageSource">
+      Set the location where the package resides that you want to install.
+    </setting>
+    <caption id="repoFrame" />
+    <setting id="gitUser">
+      Specify the user name (GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket only).
+    </setting>
+    <setting id="gitRepo">
+      Give the repository name (GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket only).
+    </setting>
+    <setting id="fullURL">
+      Give the full URL to the repository (generic git and svn only).
+    </setting>
+    <setting id="inp_Cmmttgbr">
+      If you want a certain commit, tag or branch for installation, define that here.
+    </setting>
+    <setting id="inp_Sbdrctry">
+      If you want to install from a subdirectory of the repository, define that here.
+    </setting>
+    <caption id="frm_Prvtrpst" />
+    <setting id="inp_PrsnlPAT">
+      To install from a private repository, set your personal access token (PAT, GitHub and GitLab only).
+    </setting>
+    <setting id="inp_User">
+      To install from a private repository, set the user name (Bitbucket only).
+    </setting>
+    <setting id="inp_Password">
+      To install from a private repository, set the password (Bitbucket only).
+    </setting>
+  </settings>
+  <!-- <related>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <link href="rkward://rhelp/..." />
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </related> -->
+  <technical>
+  </technical>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.xml b/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b139143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rkward/plugins/internal/Installfromgit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+  <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+    perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+  <code file="Installfromgit.js" />
+  <help file="Installfromgit.rkh" />
+  <!-- <dependencies>
+      </dependencies> -->
+  <logic>
+    <convert id="lgcIsGit" sources="packageSource.string" mode="equals" standard="git" />
+    <convert id="lgcIsSVN" sources="packageSource.string" mode="equals" standard="svn" />
+    <convert id="lgcRequireURL" sources="lgcIsGit;lgcIsSVN" mode="or" />
+    <connect governor="lgcRequireURL.not" client="row_inptlbGURR.visible" />
+    <connect governor="lgcRequireURL" client="fullURL.visible" />
+    <convert id="lgcIsGithub" sources="packageSource.string" mode="equals" standard="github" />
+    <convert id="lgcIsGitlab" sources="packageSource.string" mode="equals" standard="gitlab" />
+    <convert id="lgcIsGithubOrGitlab" sources="lgcIsGithub;lgcIsGitlab" mode="or" />
+    <convert id="lgcIsBitbucket" sources="packageSource.string" mode="equals" standard="bitbucket" />
+    <convert id="lgcEnableAuthToken" sources="frm_Prvtrpst.checked;lgcIsGithubOrGitlab" mode="and" />
+    <connect governor="lgcEnableAuthToken" client="inp_PrsnlPAT.enabled" />
+    <connect governor="lgcIsBitbucket" client="inp_User.enabled" />
+    <connect governor="lgcIsBitbucket" client="inp_Password.enabled" />
+    <connect governor="lgcRequireURL.not" client="frm_Prvtrpst.enabled" />
+  </logic>
+  <dialog label="Install from git/svn">
+    <column id="clm_dSPGHGLBPF">
+      <dropdown id="packageSource" label="Package source">
+        <option label="git (generic)" value="git" checked="true" />
+        <option label="GitHub" value="github" />
+        <option label="GitLab" value="gitlab" />
+        <option label="Bitbucket" value="bitbucket" />
+        <option label="subversion (generic)" value="svn" />
+      </dropdown>
+      <frame label="Package reporitory" id="repoFrame">
+        <row id="row_inptlbGURR">
+          <input label="Git user name" id="gitUser" required="true" />
+          <input label="Repository" id="gitRepo" required="true" />
+        </row>
+        <input label="URL to repository" id="fullURL" initial="https://example.com/..." required="true" />
+      </frame>
+      <input label="Commit/tag/branch" id="inp_Cmmttgbr" />
+      <input label="Subdirectory" id="inp_Sbdrctry" />
+      <frame label="Private repository" checkable="true" checked="false" id="frm_Prvtrpst">
+        <input label="Personal access token (PAT)" id="inp_PrsnlPAT" required="true" />
+        <row id="row_inptlbUUPP">
+          <input label="User" id="inp_User" required="true" />
+          <input label="Password" id="inp_Password" required="true" />
+        </row>
+      </frame>
+    </column>
+  </dialog>

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