[education/rkward] rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts: initial commit

Thomas Friedrichsmeier null at kde.org
Fri May 6 16:59:42 BST 2022

Git commit 982164e7f39c158249b451a528222d7851945edb by Thomas Friedrichsmeier, on behalf of m.eik michalke.
Committed on 06/05/2022 at 15:59.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.

initial commit

A  +235  -0    rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_rk.gitInstall_plugin_script.R


diff --git a/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_rk.gitInstall_plugin_script.R b/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_rk.gitInstall_plugin_script.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8957af52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_rk.gitInstall_plugin_script.R
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# define where the plugin should write its files
+output.dir <- tempdir()
+# overwrite an existing plugin in output.dir?
+overwrite <- TRUE
+# if you set guess.getters to TRUE, the resulting code will need RKWard >= 0.6.0
+guess.getter <- TRUE
+# define the indentation character for the generated code
+rk.set.indent(by="  ")
+# should empty "else" clauses be kept in the JavaScript code?
+# make your plugin translatable by setting this to TRUE
+update.translations <- TRUE
+aboutPlugin <- rk.XML.about(
+  name="rk.gitInstall",
+  author=c(
+    person(given="Meik", family="Michalke", email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre"))
+  ),
+  about=list(
+    desc="RKWard GUI to install R packges directly from git or subversion repositories",
+    version="0.01-0",
+    url="https://rkward.kde.org",
+    license="GPL (>= 3)"
+  )
+plugin.dependencies <- rk.XML.dependencies(
+  dependencies=list(rkward.min=">= 0.6.0"),
+  package=list(
+    c(name="devtools")
+  )
+# name of the main component, relevant for help page content
+rk.set.comp("Install from git")
+## your plugin dialog and JavaScript should be put here
+packageSource <- rk.XML.dropdown("Package source",
+  options=list(
+    "GitHub"=c(val="github", chk=TRUE),
+    "Bitbucket"=c(val="bitbucket"),
+    "git (generic)"=c(val="git"),
+    "subversion (generic)"=c(val="svn")
+  ),
+  id.name="packageSource",
+  help="Set the location where the package resides that you want to install."
+gitUserRepo <- rk.XML.row(
+  gitUser <- rk.XML.input("Git user name",
+    required=TRUE,
+    id.name="gitUser",
+    help="Specify the user name (GitHub and Bitbucket only)."
+  ),
+  gitRepo <- rk.XML.input("Repository",
+    required=TRUE,
+    id.name="gitRepo",
+    help="Give the repository name (GitHub and Bitbucket only)."
+  )
+fullURL <- rk.XML.input("URL to repository",
+  initial="https://example.com/...",
+  required=TRUE,
+  id.name="fullURL",
+  help="Give the full URL to the repository (generic git and svn only)."
+repoFrame <- rk.XML.frame(
+  gitUserRepo,
+  fullURL,
+  label="Package reporitory",
+  id.name="repoFrame"
+gitReference <- rk.XML.input("Commit/tag/branch",
+  help="If you want a certain commit, tag or branch for installation, define that here."
+gitSubdir <- rk.XML.input("Subdirectory",
+  help="If you want to install from a subdirectory of the repository, define that here."
+authUser <- rk.XML.input("User",
+  required=TRUE,
+  help="To install from a private repository, set the user name (Bitbucket only)."
+authPassword <- rk.XML.input("Password",
+  required=TRUE,
+  help="To install from a private repository, set the password (Bitbucket only)."
+authToken <- rk.XML.input("Personal access token (PAT)",
+  required=TRUE,
+  help="To install from a private repository, set your personal access token (PAT, GitHub only)."
+authFrame <- rk.XML.frame(
+  authToken,
+  rk.XML.row(
+    authUser,
+    authPassword
+  ),
+  label="Private repository",
+  checkable=TRUE,
+  chk=FALSE
+pluginDialog <- rk.XML.dialog(
+  rk.XML.col(
+    packageSource,
+    repoFrame,
+    gitReference,
+    gitSubdir,
+    authFrame
+  ),
+  label="Install from git/svn"
+logicSection <- rk.XML.logic(
+  lgcIsGit <- rk.XML.convert(sources=list(string=packageSource), mode=c(equals="git"), id.name="lgcIsGit"),
+  lgcIsSVN <- rk.XML.convert(sources=list(string=packageSource), mode=c(equals="svn"), id.name="lgcIsSVN"),
+  lgcRequireURL <- rk.XML.convert(sources=list(lgcIsGit, lgcIsSVN), mode=c(or=""), id.name="lgcRequireURL"),
+  rk.XML.connect(governor=lgcRequireURL, client=gitUserRepo, set="visible", not=TRUE),
+  rk.XML.connect(governor=lgcRequireURL, client=fullURL, set="visible"),
+  lgcIsGithub <- rk.XML.convert(sources=list(string=packageSource), mode=c(equals="github"), id.name="lgcIsGithub"),
+  lgcIsBitbucket <- rk.XML.convert(sources=list(string=packageSource), mode=c(equals="bitbucket"), id.name="lgcIsBitbucket"),
+  rk.XML.connect(governor=lgcIsGithub, client=authToken, set="enabled"),
+  rk.XML.connect(governor=lgcIsBitbucket, client=authUser, set="enabled"),
+  rk.XML.connect(governor=lgcIsBitbucket, client=authPassword, set="enabled"),
+  rk.XML.connect(governor=lgcRequireURL, client=authFrame, set="enabled", not=TRUE)
+## JavaScript
+# see if frames are checked
+authFrameChecked <- rk.JS.vars(authFrame, modifiers="checked")
+JScalculate <- rk.paste.JS(
+  authFrameChecked,
+  echo("\tinstall_", packageSource, "(\n"),
+  js(
+    if(packageSource == "github" || packageSource == "bitbucket"){
+      echo("\t\trepo=\"", gitUser, "/", gitRepo, "\"")
+      if(gitReference){
+        echo(",\n\t\tref=\"", gitReference, "\"")
+      } else {}
+      if(authFrameChecked){
+        if(packageSource == "github" && authToken){
+          echo(",\n\t\tauth_token=\"", authToken, "\"")
+        } else if(packageSource == "bitbucket"){
+          if(authUser){
+            echo(",\n\t\tauth_user=\"", authUser, "\"")
+          } else {}
+          if(authPassword){
+            echo(",\n\t\tpassword=\"", authPassword, "\"")
+          } else {}
+        } else {}
+      } else {}
+    } else if(packageSource == "git" || packageSource == "svn"){
+      echo("\t\turl=\"", fullURL, "\"")
+      if(gitReference){
+        echo(",\n\t\tbranch=\"", gitReference, "\"")
+      } else {}
+    } else {},
+    if(gitSubdir){
+      echo(",\n\t\tsubdir=\"", gitSubdir, "\"")
+    } else {}
+  ),
+  echo("\n\t)"),
+  echo("\n")
+## the main call
+## if you run the following function call, files will be written to output.dir!
+# this is where things get serious, that is, here all of the above is put together into one plugin
+plugin.dir <- rk.plugin.skeleton(
+  about=aboutPlugin,
+  dependencies=plugin.dependencies,
+  path=output.dir,
+  guess.getter=guess.getter,
+  scan=c("var", "saveobj", "settings"),
+  xml=list(
+    dialog=pluginDialog,
+    #wizard=,
+    logic=logicSection#,
+    #snippets=
+  ),
+  js=list(
+    #results.header=FALSE,
+    #load.silencer=,
+    require="devtools",
+    #variables=,
+    #globals=,
+    #preprocess=,
+    calculate=JScalculate#,
+    #printout=,
+    #doPrintout=
+  ),
+  rkh=list(
+    #summary=,
+    #usage=,
+    #sections=,
+    #settings=,
+    #related=,
+    #technical=
+  ),
+  create=c("pmap", "xml", "js", "desc", "rkh"),
+  overwrite=overwrite,
+  #components=list(),, 
+  #provides=c("logic", "dialog"), 
+  pluginmap=list(name="Install from git", hierarchy="settings"), 
+  tests=FALSE, 
+  edit=FALSE, 
+  load=TRUE, 
+  show=TRUE,
+  gen.info="$SRC/inst/rkward/rkwarddev_rk.gitInstall_plugin_script.R",
+  hints=FALSE
+  # you can make your plugin translatable, see top of script
+  if(isTRUE(update.translations)){
+    rk.updatePluginMessages(file.path(output.dir,"rk.gitInstall","inst","rkward","rk.gitInstall.pluginmap"))
+  } else {}
\ No newline at end of file

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