[education/rkward/snippets] rkward: YAML transfered to RKWardRMd.xml

Stefan Rödiger null at kde.org
Sun Jun 19 13:06:41 BST 2022

Git commit 209f7cab3dd6535620409544cc1946981e0deaf7 by Stefan Rödiger.
Committed on 19/06/2022 at 12:05.
Pushed by srodiger into branch 'snippets'.

YAML transfered to RKWardRMd.xml

M  +25   -0    rkward/RKWardRMd.xml
D  +0    -53   rkward/RKWardYAML.xml


diff --git a/rkward/RKWardRMd.xml b/rkward/RKWardRMd.xml
index 4e50221e..e58b3f9a 100644
--- a/rkward/RKWardRMd.xml
+++ b/rkward/RKWardRMd.xml
@@ -146,4 +146,29 @@ knitr::kable(data, caption = "Table caption text.")
+ <item>
+  <match>YAML header</match>
+    <fillin>
+title: "Document title"
+author: "Author Name"
+date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
+    html_document:
+      fig_caption: yes
+      highlight: kate
+      number_sections: yes
+      toc: yes
+```{r, echo=TRUE}
+# Defaults to suppress warnings and messages
+# Figure height and width are set to 7 inches
+  echo = FALSE, warnings = FALSE, message = FALSE,
+  fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7
+    </fillin>
+ </item>
diff --git a/rkward/RKWardYAML.xml b/rkward/RKWardYAML.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ac95ef..00000000
--- a/rkward/RKWardYAML.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<snippets name="YAML R Markdown (RKWard)" filetypes="R Markdown" authors="RKWard Team" namespace="SnippetsYAML" license="BSD">
-  <script>require("range.js")
-function fileName() { return document.fileName(); }
-function encoding() { return document.encoding(); }
-function year() { return new Date().getFullYear(); }
-function upper(x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }
-function lower(x) { return x.toLowerCase(); }
-function braces(text) { return "{" + text + "}"; }
-function lineCommand(command, replaces="", label_if_empty="Heading") {
-    let c = view.cursorPosition();
-    // NOTE: snippet scripts work by 1. inserting the raw snippet as a raw "template" 2. evaluating any commands inside the template 3. replacing the template with the evaluated template. As a result, when this function gets called, it contains the call to itself...
-    let line = document.line(c.line).replace(/\$\{lineCommand\s*\([^\}]*\}/g, "");
-    line = line.replace(new RegExp(replaces), "");
-    if (line == "") line = label_if_empty;
-    else document.removeLine(c.line);
-    return command + " " + line + "\n";
-function rangeCommand(command, def) {
-    if (view.selectedText().length > 0) {
-        return command.replace("%%1", view.selectedText());
-    } else {
-        return command.replace("%%1", def);
-    }
- <item>
-  <match>YAML header</match>
-    <fillin>
-title: "Document title"
-author: "Author Name"
-date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
-    html_document:
-      fig_caption: yes
-      highlight: kate
-      number_sections: yes
-      toc: yes
-    </fillin>
- </item>
- <item>
-  <match>YAML header</match>
-    <fillin>
-    </fillin>
- </item>

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