[education/rkward] rkward: multiple plots via layout(matrix()) added

Stefan Rödiger null at kde.org
Tue Jul 12 12:27:34 BST 2022

Git commit 8e5e061a09b905cf162c9a16540c944fb8b81c06 by Stefan Rödiger.
Committed on 12/07/2022 at 11:26.
Pushed by srodiger into branch 'master'.

multiple plots via layout(matrix()) added

M  +16   -1    rkward/RKWardR.xml


diff --git a/rkward/RKWardR.xml b/rkward/RKWardR.xml
index efb01316..78731144 100644
--- a/rkward/RKWardR.xml
+++ b/rkward/RKWardR.xml
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ if (condi­tion) {
   <match>Two plots (in row)</match>
   <fillin># Two plots in a row
 # style of axis labels changed
-par(mfrow=c(1,2), las = 1)
+par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1)
 # First plot (stripchart)
 stripchart(rnorm(10), method = "jitter", main = "Stripchart")
@@ -140,6 +140,21 @@ mtext("A", cex = 1.2, side = 3, adj = 0, font = 2)
 # Second plot (Histogram)
 hist(rnorm(10), main = "Histogram")
 mtext("B", cex = 1.2, side = 3, adj = 0, font = 2)
+ </item>
+ <item>
+  <match>Plots (multiple in matrix layout)</match>
+  <fillin># Layout of three plots (1, 2, 3) in two rows and 3 columns
+layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
+# Dummy histogram
+mtext("A", cex = 1.2, side = 3, adj = 0, font = 2)
+# Dummy stripchart
+stripchart(rlnorm(100), method = "jitter", xlab = "data")
+mtext("B", cex = 1.2, side = 3, adj = 0, font = 2)
+# Dummy barplot
+barplot(table(rpois(100, 10)), xlab = "data", ylab = "Frequency")
+mtext("C", cex = 1.2, side = 3, adj = 0, font = 2)

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