[rkward] windows_nsis: Windows packaging files are in Craft for KF5

Thomas Friedrichsmeier null at kde.org
Wed Oct 10 15:40:56 BST 2018

Git commit 8a48c7a36e733032121463b69fe6a59c3aaf3ddd by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 10/10/2018 at 14:39.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.

Windows packaging files are in Craft for KF5

D  +0    -11   windows_nsis/README.txt
D  +0    -390  windows_nsis/installer.nsi
D  +0    -54   windows_nsis/make_release.bat


diff --git a/windows_nsis/README.txt b/windows_nsis/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a8d822..00000000
--- a/windows_nsis/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains files to create a windows installer based on the
-Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS): http://nsis.sourceforge.net
-Use make_release.bat to create a windows release from the current SVN-state.
-The first few lines of that file may need customization.
-Just like the debian/ directory for debian packaging, this directory is not
-meant to become part of source releases.
-During creation of the installer, a number of files are automatically generated
-inside this directory. Please don't add those to SVN.
diff --git a/windows_nsis/installer.nsi b/windows_nsis/installer.nsi
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9253e6..00000000
--- a/windows_nsis/installer.nsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-!define R_DOWNLOAD_URL "http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/"
-!define KDE_DOWNLOAD_URL "http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDE_on_Windows/Installation"
-!include nsDialogs.nsh
-!include LogicLib.nsh
-!include TextFunc.nsh
-!include WordFunc.nsh
-!insertmacro "VersionCompare"
-!include rkward_version.nsh
-Name "RKWard"
-outFile "install_rkward_${RKWARD_VERSION}.exe"
-# main variables
-# page variables
-Var Dialog
-Var FileSelectLineEdit
-Var Button
-Var FileSelectCurrent
-Var FileBrowseInstructionText
-Var FileBrowseValidateFunc
-Var FileBrowseStatusLabel
-Var MyTemp
-Var MyTempB
-Var RHomeOk
-Var KDEPrefixOk
-Var DownloadLinkText
-Var DownloadLinkDest
-Var RDll_location
-Var Libktexteditor_dll_location
-# pages
-Page custom WelcomeCreate
-PageEx license
-	LicenseData "COPYING"
-Page custom RHomeCreate RHomeLeave
-Page custom KDEHomeCreate KDEHomeLeave
-Page instfiles
-# StrRep function. Taken from http://nsis.sf.net/StrRep
-!define StrRep "!insertmacro StrRep"
-!macro StrRep output string old new
-    Push `${string}`
-    Push `${old}`
-    Push `${new}`
-    !ifdef __UNINSTALL__
-        Call un.StrRep
-    !else
-        Call StrRep
-    !endif
-    Pop ${output}
-!macro Func_StrRep un
-    Function ${un}StrRep
-        Exch $R2 ;new
-        Exch 1
-        Exch $R1 ;old
-        Exch 2
-        Exch $R0 ;string
-        Push $R3
-        Push $R4
-        Push $R5
-        Push $R6
-        Push $R7
-        Push $R8
-        Push $R9
-        StrCpy $R3 0
-        StrLen $R4 $R1
-        StrLen $R6 $R0
-        StrLen $R9 $R2
-        loop:
-            StrCpy $R5 $R0 $R4 $R3
-            StrCmp $R5 $R1 found
-            StrCmp $R3 $R6 done
-            IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1 ;move offset by 1 to check the next character
-            Goto loop
-        found:
-            StrCpy $R5 $R0 $R3
-            IntOp $R8 $R3 + $R4
-            StrCpy $R7 $R0 "" $R8
-            StrCpy $R0 $R5$R2$R7
-            StrLen $R6 $R0
-            IntOp $R3 $R3 + $R9 ;move offset by length of the replacement string
-            Goto loop
-        done:
-        Pop $R9
-        Pop $R8
-        Pop $R7
-        Pop $R6
-        Pop $R5
-        Pop $R4
-        Pop $R3
-        Push $R0
-        Push $R1
-        Pop $R0
-        Pop $R1
-        Pop $R0
-        Pop $R2
-        Exch $R1
-    FunctionEnd
-!insertmacro Func_StrRep ""
-!insertmacro Func_StrRep "un."
-!macro MakeExternalLink Py Plabel Plink
-	Push $0 ; save $0
-	${NSD_CreateLink} 0 ${Py} 100% 16u "${Plabel}"
-	Pop $0
-	nsDialogs::SetUserData $0 ${Plink}
-	GetFunctionAddress $MyTemp OpenExternalLink
-	nsDialogs::onClick $0 $MyTemp
-	Pop $0 ; restore old value
-Function FileBrowseButtonClick
-	Pop $0
-	nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog /NOUNLOAD $FileBrowseInstructionText $FileSelectCurrent
-	Pop $MyTemp
-	${If} $MyTemp != error
-		${NSD_SetText} $FileSelectLineEdit $MyTemp
-	${EndIf}
-Function FileSelectLineEditChange
-	Pop $0
-	${NSD_GetText} $FileSelectLineEdit $FileSelectCurrent
-	Call $FileBrowseValidateFunc
-Function OpenExternalLink
-	Pop $0
-	nsDialogs::getUserData $0
-	Pop $0
-	ExecShell "open" $0
-Function WelcomeCreate
-	nsDialogs::Create 1018
-	Pop $Dialog
-	${If} $Dialog == error
-		Abort
-	${EndIf}
-	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 20u "Welcome to the RKWard on Windows installer."
-	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 21u 100% 32u "RKWard on Windows is still young, and installation is a bit cumbersome, but we'll talk you through the needed steps.$\r$\nNote that you need to install R and KDE _before_ you can install RKWard.$\r$\nPlease DO read these instructions, first:"
-	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 62u "READ ME: Installing RKWard on Windows" "http://rkward.kde.org/windows"
-	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 86u 100% 16u "These links to R and KDE, may also be helpful:"
-	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 102u "Download R installer" ${R_DOWNLOAD_URL}
-	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 118u "KDE installation instructions" ${KDE_DOWNLOAD_URL}
-	nsDialogs::Show
-# Check wether $FileSelectCurrent qualifies as R home directory
-Function ValidateRHome
-	Var /Global RHomeOk_count
-	StrCpy $RHomeOk_count 0
-	StrCpy $RHomeOk "no"
-	IfFileExists $FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.exe Rexe_found
-		StrCpy $0 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.exe does not exist"
-	Goto NextCheck
-	Rexe_Found:
-		StrCpy $0 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.exe exists"
-		IntOp $RHomeOk_count $RHomeOk_count + 1
-	NextCheck:
-	StrCpy $RDll_location $FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.dll
-	IfFileExists $RDll_location Rdll_found
-		StrCpy $RDll_location $FileSelectCurrent\bin\i386\R.dll
-	IfFileExists $RDll_location Rdll_found
-		StrCpy $1 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin[\i386]\R.dll does not exist"
-	Goto done
-	Rdll_Found:
-		GetDllVersion "$RDll_location" $R0 $R1
-		IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
-		IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF
-		StrCpy $1 "Version $R2.$R3"
-		# 0x000300000 == Version 3.0(.)0 (if think)
-		${If} $R0 >= 0x00030000
-			StrCpy $2 "should be ok"
-			IntOp $RHomeOk_count $RHomeOk_count + 1
-		${Else}
-			StrCpy $2 "is too old!"
-		${EndIf}
-		StrCpy $1 "$RDll_location exists ($1 $2)"
-	done:
-	${If} $RHomeOk_count >= 2
-		StrCpy $2 "OK!"
-		StrCpy $RHomeOk "yes"
-	${Else}
-		StrCpy $2 "FAIL!"
-	${EndIf}
-	${NSD_SetText} $FileBrowseStatusLabel "$0$\r$\n$1$\r$\n$\r$\n$2"
-	StrCpy $INST_RHOME $FileSelectCurrent
-Function RHomeCreate
-	${If} $INST_RHOME == ""
-	${EndIf}
-	StrCpy $FileSelectCurrent $INST_RHOME
-	StrCpy $FileBrowseInstructionText "Select the directory of your _existing_ R installation. R has to be installed, already, this installer will not do this for you (but see the link at the bottom of this page."
-	GetFunctionAddress $FileBrowseValidateFunc ValidateRHome
-	StrCpy $DownloadLinkText "Download R installer"
-	StrCpy $DownloadLinkDest ${R_DOWNLOAD_URL}
-	Call CreateDirSelectionPage
-Function RHomeLeave
-	${If} $RHomeOk != "yes"
-		Messagebox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP \
-			"$FileSelectCurrent does not qualify as the directory of the R installation to use.$\r$\nEither R is not installed, there at all, or the installed version is too old.$\r$\n \
-			If you think you know what you are doing, click $\"Yes$\" to continue with the installation, anyway. Otherwise click $\"No$\".$\r$\n$\r$\n \
-			Continue with the current settings?" \
-			/SD IDNO IDYES next IDNO stop
-		stop:
-			Abort ;
-		next:
-	${EndIf}
-!macro RunSimpleQuery Query Default
-	StrCpy $MyTemp "${Default}"
-	ClearErrors
-	GetTempFileName $R0
-	ExecWait 'cmd.exe /C ${Query} > $R0'
-	IfErrors skip
-	FileOpen $MyTempB $R0 r
-	FileSeek $MyTempB 0 SET
-	FileRead $MyTempB $MyTemp
-	${TrimNewLines} $MyTemp $MyTemp
-	FileClose $MyTempB
-	ClearErrors
-	skip:
-	Push $MyTemp
-Function KDEHomeCreate
-	${If} $INST_KDEPREFIX == ""
-		!insertmacro RunSimpleQuery "kde4-config.exe --prefix" "C:\KDE"
-	${EndIf}
-	StrCpy $FileSelectCurrent $INST_KDEPREFIX
-	StrCpy $FileBrowseInstructionText "Select the base directory of your _existing_ KDE installation. KDE has to be installed, already, this installer will not do this for you (but see the link at the bottom of this page."
-	GetFunctionAddress $FileBrowseValidateFunc ValidateKDEPrefix
-	StrCpy $DownloadLinkText "KDE installation instructions"
-	StrCpy $DownloadLinkDest ${KDE_DOWNLOAD_URL}
-	Call CreateDirSelectionPage
-Function KDEHomeLeave
-	${If} $KDEPrefixOk != "yes"
-		Messagebox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP \
-			"$FileSelectCurrent does not seem to contain a (valid) KDE installation.$\r$\n \
-			If you think you know what you are doing, click $\"Yes$\" to continue with the installation, anyway. Otherwise click $\"No$\".$\r$\n$\r$\n \
-			Continue with the current settings?" \
-			/SD IDNO IDYES next IDNO stop
-		stop:
-			Abort ;
-		next:
-	${EndIf}
-Function ValidateKDEPrefix
-	Var /Global KDEPrefixOk_count
-	StrCpy $KDEPrefixOk_count 0
-	StrCpy $KDEPrefixOk "no"
-	StrCpy $1 ""
-	StrCpy $2 ""
-	StrCpy $Libktexteditor_dll_location $FileSelectCurrent\bin\libktexteditor.dll
-	IfFileExists $FileSelectCurrent\bin bindir_found
-		StrCpy $0 "Directory $FileSelectCurrent\bin does not exist"
-	Goto NextCheck
-	bindir_found:
-		StrCpy $0 "Directory $FileSelectCurrent\bin exists"
-		IntOp $KDEPrefixOk_count $KDEPrefixOk_count + 1
-	NextCheck:
-	IfFileExists $Libktexteditor_dll_location libktexteditor_dll_found
-		StrCpy $1 "$Libktexteditor_dll_location does not exist"
-	Goto done
-	libktexteditor_dll_found:
-		StrCpy $1 "$Libktexteditor_dll_location exists"
-		!insertmacro RunSimpleQuery "$\"$FileSelectCurrent\bin\kde4-config.exe$\" --kde-version" "UNKNOWN"
-		!insertmacro VersionCompareCall $INST_KDE_VERSION "4.10.2" $MyTemp
-		${If} $MyTemp < 2
-			StrCpy $2 "Version $INST_KDE_VERSION should be ok"
-			IntOp $KDEPrefixOk_count $KDEPrefixOk_count + 1
-		${Else}
-			StrCpy $2 "Version $INST_KDE_VERSION is too old (4.10.2 or later is required)"
-			Goto done
-		${EndIf}
-	done:
-	${If} $KDEPrefixOk_count >= 2
-		StrCpy $3 "This looks ok."
-		StrCpy $KDEPrefixOk "yes"
-	${Else}
-		StrCpy $3 "This looks wrong."
-	${EndIf}
-	${NSD_SetText} $FileBrowseStatusLabel "$0$\r$\n$1$\r$\n$2$\r$\n$\r$\n$3"
-	StrCpy $INST_KDEPREFIX $FileSelectCurrent
-Function CreateDirSelectionPage
-	nsDialogs::Create 1018
-	Pop $Dialog
-	${If} $Dialog == error
-		Abort
-	${EndIf}
-	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 24u $FileBrowseInstructionText
-	${NSD_CreateText} 0 35u 70% 16u $FileSelectCurrent
-	Pop $FileSelectLineEdit
-	GetFunctionAddress $MyTemp FileSelectLineEditChange
-	nsDialogs::onChange $FileSelectLineEdit $MyTemp
-	${NSD_CreateBrowseButton} 75% 35u 25% 16u "Browse"
-	Pop $Button
-	GetFunctionAddress $MyTemp FileBrowseButtonClick
-	nsDialogs::onClick $Button $MyTemp
-	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 60u 100% 50u ""
-	Pop $FileBrowseStatusLabel
-	Call $FileBrowseValidateFunc
-	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink -16u $DownloadLinkText $DownloadLinkDest
-	nsDialogs::Show
-## installation
-# set desktop as install directory
-installDir $DESKTOP
-# default section
-	File /r install\_KDEPREFIX_\*.*
-	FileOpen $4 "$INST_KDEPREFIX\bin\rkward.ini" w
-	${StrRep} $5 "R executable=$INST_RHOME\bin\R.exe$\r$\n" "\" "\\"
-	FileWrite $4 $5
-	FileClose $4
-	setOutPath $INST_RHOME
-	File /r install\_RHOME_\*.*
-	setOutPath $INST_KDEPREFIX\bin
-	File "rkward.ico"
-#	setOutPath %USERPROFILE%
-	CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\RKWard.lnk" "$INST_KDEPREFIX\bin\rkward.exe" "" "$INST_KDEPREFIX\bin\rkward.ico"
-#	writeUninstaller $INST_KDEPREFIX\uninstaller.exe
-#section "Uninstall"
-#	# Always delete uninstaller first
-#	delete $INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe
diff --git a/windows_nsis/make_release.bat b/windows_nsis/make_release.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index eb54abab..00000000
--- a/windows_nsis/make_release.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-SET MINGW_PATH=K:\K\mingw\bin
-SET MAKENSIS=c:\program files/nsis/makensis.exe
-REM --------------------------------------------
-REM everything below should not need customizing
-REM --------------------------------------------
-rmdir /Q /S %RELEASE_DIR%\install
-mkdir install
-mkdir build
-cd build
-del CMakeCache.txt
-mingw32-make install DESTDIR=%INSTALL_DIR%
-move %RHOME% _RHOME_
-copy /Y %MINGW_PATH%\libgcc_s*.dll %RELEASE_DIR%\install\_KDEPREFIX_\bin\
-REM Prepare Version info for use in NSIS
-echo !define RKWARD_VERSION \ > %RELEASE_DIR%/rkward_version.nsh
-more %SOURCE_DIR%\rkward\resource.ver >> %RELEASE_DIR%/rkward_version.nsh
-REM icon needs to be set by the installer
-svg2ico "%SOURCE_DIR%\rkward\icons\app-icon\hisc-app-rkward.svgz" "%RELEASE_DIR%\rkward.ico"
-"%MAKENSIS%" installer.nsi
-echo "There has been an error. Aborting."

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