[rkward] rkward/dataeditor: Make the strings in menu translatable

Yuri Chornoivan null at kde.org
Sun Apr 15 06:45:31 UTC 2018

Git commit cf10a4b94cdec784911e718b661870ee9e0e0959 by Yuri Chornoivan.
Committed on 15/04/2018 at 06:45.
Pushed by yurchor into branch 'master'.

Make the strings in menu translatable

M  +2    -2    rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp


diff --git a/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp b/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
index 50f7cbbc..a43d44e1 100644
--- a/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
+++ b/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ void TwinTable::initActions () {
 	// global actions
 	action_show_rownames = actionCollection ()->addAction ("show_rownames", this, SLOT (showRownames(bool)));
-	action_show_rownames->setText ("Show / Edit row names");
+	action_show_rownames->setText (i18n("Show / Edit row names"));
 	action_show_rownames->setCheckable (true);
 	action_enable_editing = actionCollection ()->addAction ("enable_editing", this, SLOT (enableEditing(bool)));
-	action_enable_editing->setText ("Enable editing");
+	action_enable_editing->setText (i18n("Enable editing"));
 	action_enable_editing->setCheckable (true);
 	// these actually do the same thing, but are designed to work well in the toolbar
 	QActionGroup *lockactions = new QActionGroup (this);

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