[rkward/work/split_views] rkward: Share document representation between split script windows, so they will remain in sync.

Thomas Friedrichsmeier null at kde.org
Thu Jun 22 15:42:49 UTC 2017

Git commit da249b930e32069ec4998184c9efd8a6070fea62 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 22/06/2017 at 15:41.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'work/split_views'.

Share document representation between split script windows, so they will remain in sync.

This does not work for unsaved script windows, yet.

M  +1    -1    rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponentgui.cpp
M  +1    -1    rkward/windows/rkcallstackviewer.cpp
M  +66   -48   rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.cpp
M  +8    -8    rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.h
M  +1    -9    rkward/windows/rkworkplace.cpp


diff --git a/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponentgui.cpp b/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponentgui.cpp
index f6ad9ccc..ad3440b5 100644
--- a/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponentgui.cpp
+++ b/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponentgui.cpp
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ RKStandardComponentGUI::RKStandardComponentGUI (RKStandardComponent *component,
 	if (!enslaved) {
 		// code display
 		RKXMLGUIPreviewArea *area = addDockedPreview (&code_display_visibility, i18n ("Code Preview"), QString (), true);
-		code_display = new RKCommandEditorWindow (0, true, false);
+		code_display = new RKCommandEditorWindow (0, QUrl (), QString (), true, false);
 		code_display->setReadOnly (true);
 		code_display_visibility.setBoolValue (!enslaved && RKSettingsModulePlugins::showCodeByDefault ());
 		code_display->setParent (area);  // hm, mysterious breakage when adding via constructor. Whatever...
diff --git a/rkward/windows/rkcallstackviewer.cpp b/rkward/windows/rkcallstackviewer.cpp
index bfe7209b..1a09c169 100644
--- a/rkward/windows/rkcallstackviewer.cpp
+++ b/rkward/windows/rkcallstackviewer.cpp
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ RKCallstackViewerWidget::RKCallstackViewerWidget (QWidget *parent) : QWidget (pa
 	frame_info->setWordWrap (true);
 	v_layout->addWidget (frame_info);
-	frame_source = new RKCommandEditorWindow (this, true);
+	frame_source = new RKCommandEditorWindow (this, QUrl (), QString (), true);
 	v_layout->addWidget (frame_source);
 	updateState ();
diff --git a/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.cpp b/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.cpp
index 82230635..43b450b9 100644
--- a/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.cpp
+++ b/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
                           rkcommandeditorwindow  -  description
     begin                : Mon Aug 30 2004
-    copyright            : (C) 2004-2015 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
+    copyright            : (C) 2004-2017 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
     email                : thomas.friedrichsmeier at kdemail.net
@@ -78,13 +78,63 @@ RKCommandEditorWindowPart::~RKCommandEditorWindowPart () {
 #define GET_HELP_URL 1
-RKCommandEditorWindow::RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, bool use_r_highlighting, bool use_codehinting) : RKMDIWindow (parent, RKMDIWindow::CommandEditorWindow) {
+RKCommandEditorWindow::RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, const QUrl url, const QString& encoding, bool use_r_highlighting, bool use_codehinting, bool read_only, bool delete_on_close) : RKMDIWindow (parent, RKMDIWindow::CommandEditorWindow) {
 	KTextEditor::Editor* editor = KTextEditor::Editor::instance ();
 	RK_ASSERT (editor);
-	m_doc = editor->createDocument (this);
+	m_doc = 0;
+	if (!url.isEmpty ()) {  // TODO: what about delete_on_close
+		QList<KTextEditor::Document*> docs = editor->documents ();
+		for (int i = 0; i < docs.count (); ++i) {
+			if (docs[i]->url ().matches (url, QUrl::NormalizePathSegments | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash | QUrl::PreferLocalFile)) {
+				m_doc = docs[i];
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!encoding.isEmpty () && (m_doc->encoding () != encoding)) {
+			m_doc->setEncoding (encoding);
+			m_doc->documentReload ();
+		}
+	}
+	if (!m_doc) {
+		m_doc = editor->createDocument (RKWardMainWindow::getMain ()); // The document may have to outlive this window
+		// encoding must be set *before* loading the file
+		if (!encoding.isEmpty ()) m_doc->setEncoding (encoding);
+		if (!url.isEmpty ()) {
+			if (m_doc->openUrl (url)) {
+				// KF5 TODO: Check which parts of this are still needed in KF5, and which no longer work
+				if (!delete_on_close) {	// don't litter config with temporary files
+					QString p_url = RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->portableUrl (m_doc->url ());
+					KConfigGroup conf (RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->workspaceConfig (), QString ("SkriptDocumentSettings %1").arg (p_url));
+					// HACK: Hmm. KTextEditor::Document's readSessionConfig() simply restores too much. Yes, I want to load bookmarks and stuff.
+					// I do not want to mess with encoding, or risk loading a different url, after the doc is already loaded!
+					if (!encoding.isEmpty () && (conf.readEntry ("Encoding", encoding) != encoding)) conf.writeEntry ("Encoding", encoding);
+					if (conf.readEntry ("URL", url) != url) conf.writeEntry ("URL", url);
+					// HACK: What the...?! Somehow, at least on longer R scripts, stored Mode="Normal" in combination with R Highlighting
+					// causes code folding to fail (KDE 4.8.4, http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/122/).
+					// Forcing Mode == Highlighting appears to help.
+					if (use_r_highlighting) conf.writeEntry ("Mode", conf.readEntry ("Highlighting", "Normal"));
+					m_doc->readSessionConfig (conf);
+				}
+			} else {
+				KMessageBox::messageBox (this, KMessageBox::Error, i18n ("Unable to open \"%1\"", url.toDisplayString ()), i18n ("Could not open command file"));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	setReadOnly (read_only);
+	if (delete_on_close) {
+		if (read_only) {
+			RKCommandEditorWindow::delete_on_close = url;
+		} else {
+			RK_ASSERT (false);
+		}
+	}
 	RK_ASSERT (m_doc);
 	// yes, we want to be notified, if the file has changed on disk.
 	// why, oh why is this not the default?
@@ -93,6 +143,10 @@ RKCommandEditorWindow::RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, bool use_r_highli
 	if (em_iface) em_iface->setModifiedOnDiskWarning (true);
 	else RK_ASSERT (false);
 	m_view = m_doc->createView (this);
+	if (!url.isEmpty ()) {
+		KConfigGroup viewconf (RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->workspaceConfig (), QString ("SkriptViewSettings %1").arg (RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->portableUrl (url)));
+		m_view->readSessionConfig (viewconf);
+	}
 	setFocusProxy (m_view);
 	setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
@@ -112,6 +166,7 @@ RKCommandEditorWindow::RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, bool use_r_highli
 	connect (m_doc, &KTextEditor::Document::documentUrlChanged, this, &RKCommandEditorWindow::updateCaption);
 	connect (m_doc, &KTextEditor::Document::modifiedChanged, this, &RKCommandEditorWindow::updateCaption);                // of course most of the time this causes a redundant call to updateCaption. Not if a modification is undone, however.
+#warning remove this in favor of KTextEditor::Document::restore()
 	connect (m_doc, &KTextEditor::Document::modifiedChanged, this, &RKCommandEditorWindow::autoSaveHandlerModifiedChanged);
 	connect (m_doc, &KTextEditor::Document::textChanged, this, &RKCommandEditorWindow::autoSaveHandlerTextChanged);
 	connect (m_view, &KTextEditor::View::selectionChanged, this, &RKCommandEditorWindow::selectionChanged);
@@ -137,6 +192,8 @@ RKCommandEditorWindow::RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, bool use_r_highli
 			hinter = new RKFunctionArgHinter (this, m_view);
+	} else {
+		RKCommandHighlighter::setHighlighting (m_doc, RKCommandHighlighter::Automatic);
 	smart_iface = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::MovingInterface*> (m_doc);
@@ -166,8 +223,12 @@ RKCommandEditorWindow::~RKCommandEditorWindow () {
 	delete hinter;
-	delete m_doc;
-	if (!delete_on_close.isEmpty ()) KIO::del (delete_on_close)->start ();
+	delete m_view;
+	QList<KTextEditor::View*> views = m_doc->views ();
+	if (views.isEmpty ()) {
+		delete m_doc;
+		if (!delete_on_close.isEmpty ()) KIO::del (delete_on_close)->start ();
+	}
 void RKCommandEditorWindow::fixupPartGUI () {
@@ -356,49 +417,6 @@ void RKCommandEditorWindow::setReadOnly (bool ro) {
 	m_doc->setReadWrite (!ro);
-bool RKCommandEditorWindow::openURL (const QUrl url, const QString& encoding, bool use_r_highlighting, bool read_only, bool delete_on_close){
-	// encoding must be set *before* loading the file
-	if (!encoding.isEmpty ()) m_doc->setEncoding (encoding);
-	if (m_doc->openUrl (url)) {
-		// KF5 TODO: Check which parts of this are still needed in KF5, and which no longer work
-		if (!delete_on_close) {	// don't litter config with temporary files
-			QString p_url = RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->portableUrl (m_doc->url ());
-			KConfigGroup conf (RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->workspaceConfig (), QString ("SkriptDocumentSettings %1").arg (p_url));
-			// HACK: Hmm. KTextEditor::Document's readSessionConfig() simply restores too much. Yes, I want to load bookmarks and stuff.
-			// I do not want to mess with encoding, or risk loading a different url, after the doc is already loaded!
-			if (!encoding.isEmpty () && (conf.readEntry ("Encoding", encoding) != encoding)) conf.writeEntry ("Encoding", encoding);
-			if (conf.readEntry ("URL", url) != url) conf.writeEntry ("URL", url);
-			// HACK: What the...?! Somehow, at least on longer R scripts, stored Mode="Normal" in combination with R Highlighting
-			// causes code folding to fail (KDE 4.8.4, http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/122/).
-			// Forcing Mode == Highlighting appears to help.
-			if (use_r_highlighting) conf.writeEntry ("Mode", conf.readEntry ("Highlighting", "Normal"));
-			m_doc->readSessionConfig (conf);
-			KConfigGroup viewconf (RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->workspaceConfig (), QString ("SkriptViewSettings %1").arg (p_url));
-			m_view->readSessionConfig (viewconf);
-		}
-		if (use_r_highlighting) RKCommandHighlighter::setHighlighting (m_doc, RKCommandHighlighter::RScript);
-		else RKCommandHighlighter::setHighlighting (m_doc, RKCommandHighlighter::Automatic);
-		setReadOnly (read_only);
-		updateCaption ();
-		if (delete_on_close) {
-			if (!read_only) {
-				RK_ASSERT (false);
-				return true;
-			}
-			RKCommandEditorWindow::delete_on_close = url;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
 void RKCommandEditorWindow::autoSaveHandlerModifiedChanged () {
diff --git a/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.h b/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.h
index 2a152cfc..6f464c2c 100644
--- a/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.h
+++ b/rkward/windows/rkcommandeditorwindow.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
                           rkcommandeditorwindow  -  description
     begin                : Mon Aug 30 2004
-    copyright            : (C) 2004-2016 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
+    copyright            : (C) 2004-2017 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
     email                : thomas.friedrichsmeier at kdemail.net
@@ -140,16 +140,13 @@ class RKCommandEditorWindow : public RKMDIWindow, public RKScriptContextProvider
 /** constructor
+ at param encoding encoding to use. If QString (), the default encoding is used.
+ at param read_only Open the file in read-only mode
+ at param delete_on_close File should be deleted when closing the window. Only respected with read_only=true.
 @param use_r_highlighting Initialize the view to use R syntax highlighting. Use, if you're going to edit an R syntax file */
-	explicit RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent = 0, bool use_r_highlighting=true, bool use_codehinting=true);
+	explicit RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, const QUrl url, const QString& encoding=QString (), bool use_r_highlighting=true, bool use_codehinting=true, bool read_only=false, bool delete_on_close=false);
 /** destructor */
 	~RKCommandEditorWindow ();
-/** open given URL. 
- at param use_r_highlighting Initialize the view to use R syntax highlighting. Use, if you're going to edit an R syntax file
- at param encoding encoding to use. If QString (), the default encoding is used.
- at param read_only Open the file in read-only mode
- at param delete_on_close File should be deleted when closing the window. Only respected with read_only=true. */
-	bool openURL (const QUrl url, const QString& encoding=QString (), bool use_r_highlighting=true, bool read_only=false, bool delete_on_close=false);
 /** returns, whether the document was modified since the last save */
 	bool isModified () override;
 /** insert the given text into the document at the current cursor position. Additionally, focuses the view */
@@ -266,6 +263,9 @@ private:
 	QTimer* autosave_timer;
 	QUrl delete_on_close;
+/** open given URL. See RKCommandEditorWindow () */
+	bool openURL (const QUrl url, const QString& encoding=QString (), bool use_r_highlighting=true, bool read_only=false, bool delete_on_close=false);
 /** Simple class to provide HTML highlighting for arbitrary R code. */
diff --git a/rkward/windows/rkworkplace.cpp b/rkward/windows/rkworkplace.cpp
index 59092da4..733a8902 100644
--- a/rkward/windows/rkworkplace.cpp
+++ b/rkward/windows/rkworkplace.cpp
@@ -450,15 +450,7 @@ RKMDIWindow* RKWorkplace::openScriptEditor (const QUrl &url, const QString& enco
-	RKCommandEditorWindow *editor = new RKCommandEditorWindow (view (), use_r_highlighting);
-	if (!url.isEmpty ()) {
-		if (!editor->openURL (url, encoding, use_r_highlighting, read_only, delete_on_close)) {
-			delete editor;
-			KMessageBox::messageBox (view (), KMessageBox::Error, i18n ("Unable to open \"%1\"", url.toDisplayString ()), i18n ("Could not open command file"));
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
+	RKCommandEditorWindow *editor = new RKCommandEditorWindow (view (), url, encoding, use_r_highlighting, read_only, delete_on_close);
 	if (!force_caption.isEmpty ()) editor->setCaption (force_caption);
 	addWindow (editor);

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