[rkward/work/generalized_preview] rkward: Allow preview to be active by default, better handling of errors in data-previews, first "real" Import CSV preview.
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Jan 7 11:10:00 UTC 2016
Git commit 86a852880ab6047d605886c8e98e10257009ef8b by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 07/01/2016 at 11:08.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'work/generalized_preview'.
Allow preview to be active by default, better handling of errors in data-previews, first "real" Import CSV preview.
M +3 -2 rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
M +2 -2 rkward/plugin/rkpreviewbox.cpp
M +19 -7 rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.js
M +1 -0 rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.xml
diff --git a/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp b/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
index 7a80975..ecfab36 100644
--- a/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
+++ b/rkward/dataeditor/twintable.cpp
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ void TwinTable::setWindowStyleHint (const QString& hint) {
if (hint == "preview") { // preview skin: Squeeze header as much as possible
metaview->horizontalHeader ()->hide ();
metaview->setMinimumHeight (metaview->rowHeight (0));
- splitter->setStretchFactor (0, 0);
- splitter->setStretchFactor (1, 1);
+ // Now, I just don't understand QSplitter sizing, here... Despite stretch factors being set, metaview continues to be the first to grow.
+ // Forcing minimum heigt of dataview help allocating initial size to the dataview, though.
+ dataview->setMinimumHeight (dataview->rowHeight (0) * 5);
RKMDIWindow::setWindowStyleHint (hint);
diff --git a/rkward/plugin/rkpreviewbox.cpp b/rkward/plugin/rkpreviewbox.cpp
index b3a9393..d8aca6e 100644
--- a/rkward/plugin/rkpreviewbox.cpp
+++ b/rkward/plugin/rkpreviewbox.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
RKPreviewBox::RKPreviewBox (const QDomElement &element, RKComponent *parent_component, QWidget *parent_widget) : RKComponent (parent_component, parent_widget) {
- preview_active = false;
prior_preview_done = true;
new_preview_pending = false;
@@ -47,6 +46,7 @@ RKPreviewBox::RKPreviewBox (const QDomElement &element, RKComponent *parent_comp
preview_mode = (PreviewMode) xml->getMultiChoiceAttribute (element, "mode", "plot;data;custom", 0, DL_INFO);
placement = (PreviewPlacement) xml->getMultiChoiceAttribute (element, "placement", "default;attached;detached;docked", (preview_mode == PlotPreview) ? 0 : 3, DL_INFO);
+ preview_active = xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "active", false, DL_INFO);
idprop = RObject::rQuote (QString ().sprintf ("%p", this));
// create and add property
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void RKPreviewBox::tryPreviewNow () {
// creating window generates warnings, sometimes. Don't make those part of the warnings shown for the preview -> separate command for the actual plot.
RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("local({\n" + code_property->preview () + "})\n", RCommand::Plugin | RCommand::Sync, QString (), this, DO_PREVIEW);
} else if (preview_mode == DataPreview) {
- RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("local({\n" + code_property->preview () + "\nrk.assign.preview.data(" + idprop + ", preview_data)\n" + placement_command + "rk.edit(rkward::.rk.variables$.rk.preview.data[[" + idprop + "]])" + placement_end + "\n})\n", RCommand::Plugin | RCommand::Sync, QString (), this, DO_PREVIEW);
+ RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("local({try({\n" + code_property->preview () + "\n})\nif(!exists(\"preview_data\",inherits=FALSE)) preview_data <- data.frame ('ERROR')\nrk.assign.preview.data(" + idprop + ", preview_data)\n})\n" + placement_command + "rk.edit(rkward::.rk.variables$.rk.preview.data[[" + idprop + "]])" + placement_end, RCommand::Plugin | RCommand::Sync, QString (), this, DO_PREVIEW);
} else {
RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("local({\n" + placement_command + code_property->preview () + placement_end + "})\n", RCommand::Plugin | RCommand::Sync, QString (), this, DO_PREVIEW);
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.js b/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.js
index ecd4e2f..c3aee1e 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.js
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+function preview () {
+ doCalculate (true);
function calculate () {
+ doCalculate (false);
+function doCalculate (is_preview) {
var tableOptions = "";
var quick = getValue ("quick");
if (quick == "custom") quick = "table"; // Difference only relevant in UI
@@ -28,17 +36,21 @@ function calculate () {
// doing col class (what a pity...)
if (getValue("colclass") == "custoClass") echo( "colClasses = " + getValue ("custoClasses") + ",");
//doing what is left
- echo (' na.strings = "' + getValue("na") + '", nrows = ' + getValue("nrows") + ', skip = ' + getValue("skip") + ', check.names = ' + getValue("checkname") + ', strip.white = ' + getValue("stripwhite") + ', blank.lines.skip = ' + getValue("blanklinesskip") + getValue("allow_escapes") + getValue("flush") + getValue("strings_as_factors") + ')\n');
+ var nrows = 'nrows = ' + (is_preview ? '50' : getString ("nrows")); // limit preview to first 50 rows for efficiency
+ echo (' na.strings = "' + getValue("na") + '", ' + nrows + ', skip = ' + getValue("skip") + ', check.names = ' + getValue("checkname") + ', strip.white = ' + getValue("stripwhite") + ', blank.lines.skip = ' + getValue("blanklinesskip") + getValue("allow_escapes") + getValue("flush") + getValue("strings_as_factors") + ')\n');
echo ('\n');
- comment ('copy from the local environment to globalenv()');
- echo ('.GlobalEnv$' + getValue("name") + ' <- imported\n');
- if (getValue ("doedit")) {
- echo ('\n');
- echo ('rk.edit (.GlobalEnv$' + getValue ("name") + ')\n');
+ if (is_preview) {
+ echo ('preview_data <- imported\n');
+ } else {
+ comment ('copy from the local environment to globalenv()');
+ echo ('.GlobalEnv$' + getValue("name") + ' <- imported\n');
+ if (getBoolean ("doedit")) {
+ echo ('\n');
+ echo ('rk.edit (.GlobalEnv$' + getValue ("name") + ')\n');
+ }
function printout () {
new Header (i18n ("Import text / csv data")).addFromUI ("file").addFromUI ("name").print ();
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.xml b/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.xml
index 51f67f1..2478d3b 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/00saveload/import/import_csv.xml
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
<saveobject id="name" initial="my.csv.data" label="Object to save to"/>
<checkbox id="doedit" value="1" value_unchecked="0" label="Open imported data for editing" checked="true" />
+ <preview id="preview" active="true" mode="data"/>
<tab id="tab_rows" label="Rows and Columns" >
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