[rkward] packages/rkwarddev: adding new methods plugin2script()

m.eik michalke meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Sun Oct 4 19:30:10 UTC 2015

Git commit 030f8a259ac090206f281315058b4ce40728c727 by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 04/10/2015 at 19:27.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'master'.

adding new methods plugin2script()

  - these methods try to generate rkwarddev script code from existing XML code
    in a way that the script would in turn generate identical copies of the input XML

M  +4    -1    packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
A  +1000 -0    packages/rkwarddev/R/01_methods_01_plugin2script.R
A  +66   -0    packages/rkwarddev/man/XiMpLe-methods.Rd


diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
index 40791cf..0609b09 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 ChangeLog for package rkwarddev
-changes in version 0.07-4 (2015-10-01)
+changes in version 0.07-4 (2015-10-04)
   - this version is under development
   - attribute "max_precision" in <spinbox> was misspelled
+  - new methods plugin2script() to try to translate raw plugin XML
+    into working rkwarddev script calls
 changes in version 0.07-3 (2015-06-29)
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/01_methods_01_plugin2script.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/01_methods_01_plugin2script.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92af23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/01_methods_01_plugin2script.R
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
+# This file is part of the R package rkwarddev.
+# rkwarddev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# rkwarddev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with rkwarddev.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#' Generate script code from XML objects
+#' These methods try to translate plugin XML objects into \code{rkwarddev} function calls.
+#' They are intended to make it easier to translate previously manually maintained plugin code
+#' into \code{rkwarddev} scripts. The generated output should not be used as-is, but restructured
+#' properly into a useful script.
+#' You can either use a full XML document (read with \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}})
+#' or single (also nested) XiMpLe XML nodes.
+#' @note The methods will probably fail, especially with highly complex plugins. Try to break these
+#' into sensible chunks and try those speparately. Sometimes, slightly changing the input file
+#' might also do the trick to get some usable results.
+#' @export
+#' @docType methods
+#' @return Either a character vector (if \code{obj} is a single XML node)
+#'    or a list of character vectors named \code{"logic"}, \code{"dialog"} and \code{"wizard"}
+#'    (if \code{obj} is a full XML document).
+#' @rdname XiMpLe-methods
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # full XML document
+#' myPlugin <- parseXMLTree("~/RKWardPlugins/myPlugin.xml")
+#' rkwarddevScript <- plugin2script(myPlugin)
+#' cat(rkwarddevScript)
+#' }
+#' # single XML node
+#' (test.checkboxes <- rk.XML.row(
+#'   rk.XML.col(
+#'     list(
+#'       rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", value="foo1", chk=TRUE),
+#'       rk.XML.cbox(label="bar", value="bar2")
+#'     )
+#'   )
+#' ))
+#' rkwarddevScript <- plugin2script(test.checkboxes)
+#' #see the generated script code
+#' cat(rkwarddevScript)
+#' # we can evaluate the generated code to check whether original
+#' # XML and the newly generated one are identical
+#' eval(parse(text=rkwarddevScript))
+#' identical(rkdev.row.row_clmndc1212, test.checkboxes)
+setGeneric("plugin2script", function(obj){standardGeneric("plugin2script")})
+#' @export
+#' @docType methods
+#' @rdname XiMpLe-methods
+#' @aliases plugin2script,XiMpLe.doc-method
+#' @import XiMpLe
+  signature(obj="XiMpLe.doc"),
+  function(obj) {
+    # search for logic, dialog and wizard sections
+    secLogic <- XMLScan(obj, "logic")
+    secDialog <- XMLScan(obj, "dialog")
+    secWizard <- XMLScan(obj, "wizard")
+    result <- list(
+      logic=ifelse(is.null(secLogic), "", p2s(secLogic)),
+      dialog=ifelse(is.null(secDialog), "", p2s(secDialog)),
+      wizard=ifelse(is.null(secWizard), "", p2s(secWizard))
+    )
+    return(result)
+  }
+#' @export
+#' @docType methods
+#' @rdname XiMpLe-methods
+#' @aliases plugin2script,XiMpLe.node-method
+#' @import XiMpLe
+  signature(obj="XiMpLe.node"),
+  function(obj) {
+    return(p2s(obj))
+  }
+## internal functions and objects
+## function p2s.extractAttributes()
+# translates node attributes into function options
+# called by p2s()
+p2s.extractAttributes <- function(nodeName, nodeAttrs, rkwdevAttributes, rkwdevLogical, rkwdevSplit){
+  rkwdevOptions <- unlist(lapply(
+    names(nodeAttrs),
+    function(thisAttr){
+      # consequently fail if the attribute is unknown
+      if(!thisAttr %in% rkwdevAttributes){
+        stop(simpleError(paste0("'", thisAttr, "' is an unknown attribute in node '", nodeName, "'!")))
+      } else {}
+      thisOption <- nodeAttrs[[thisAttr]]
+      # check for logical/character transitions
+      if(identical(nodeName, "spinbox") & identical(thisAttr, "type")){
+        # special treatement of spinbox
+        thisOption <- ifelse(identical(tolower(thisOption), "real"), TRUE, FALSE)
+      } else if(thisAttr %in% rkwdevLogical){
+        if(tolower(thisOption) %in% c("true", "t")){
+          thisOption <- TRUE
+        } else if(tolower(thisOption) %in% c("false", "f")){
+          thisOption <- FALSE
+        } else {
+          warning("unknown logical value!")
+        }
+      } else if(thisAttr %in% rkwdevSplit){
+        thisOption <- paste0("c(\"", paste0(unlist(strsplit(thisOption, "[[:space:]]")), collapse="\", \""), "\")")
+      } else {
+        thisOption <- paste0("\"", thisOption, "\"")
+      }
+      names(thisOption) <- names(rkwdevAttributes)[[which(rkwdevAttributes %in% thisAttr)]]
+      return(thisOption)
+    }
+  ))
+  return(rkwdevOptions)
+} ## end function p2s.extractAttributes()
+## function p2s.checkOption
+# takes a XiMpLe node and returns an <option> node as
+# a character string, either showing a list() call.
+# option nodes with an ID are automatically returned as
+# rk.XML.option() calls istead of the usual list entries.
+# called by p2s()
+p2s.checkOption <- function(node, level=1, indent=TRUE){
+  nodeName <- XMLName(node)
+  nodeAttrs <- XMLAttrs(node)
+  if(identical(nodeName, "option")){
+    if("id" %in% names(nodeAttrs)){
+      # generate rk.XML.option()
+      thisEntry <- p2s(node=node, indent=indent, level=level)
+    } else {
+      # name the list entry after option label
+      thisEntry <- paste0("\"", nodeAttrs[["label"]], "\"=c(")
+      # set the value
+      thisEntry <- paste0(thisEntry, "val=\"", nodeAttrs[["value"]], "\"")
+      # check if option is checked
+      if("checked" %in% names(nodeAttrs)){
+        if(tolower(nodeAttrs[["checked"]]) %in% c("true", "t")){
+          thisEntry <- paste0(thisEntry, ", chk=TRUE")
+        } else if(tolower(nodeAttrs[["checked"]]) %in% c("false", "f")){
+          thisEntry <- paste0(thisEntry, ", chk=FALSE")
+        } else {
+          warning("unknown logical value!")
+        }
+      } else {}
+      thisEntry <- paste0(thisEntry, ")")
+    }
+  } else {
+    warning(paste0("'", nodeName, "' is not an option! returning NULL!"))
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  return(thisEntry)
+} ## end function p2s.checkOption()
+## end function p2s.checkTabs
+# analyses <tab> nodes and returns them for inclusion by p2s()
+p2s.checkTabs <- function(node, level=0, indent=TRUE){
+  nodeName <- XMLName(node)
+  nodeAttrs <- XMLAttrs(node)
+  if(identical(nodeName, "tab")){
+    # name the list entry after tab label
+    thisEntry <- paste0(
+      "\"", nodeAttrs[["label"]], "\"=list(\n", paste0(rep("  ", level+1), collapse=""),
+      paste0(
+        sapply(
+          XMLChildren(node),
+          function(thisChild){
+            p2s(node=thisChild, level=level+2, indent=indent)
+          }
+        ),
+        collapse=paste0(",\n", rep("  ", level+1), collapse=""))
+    )
+    thisEntry <- paste0(thisEntry, "\n", paste0(rep("  ", level), collapse=""), ")")
+  } else {
+    warning(paste0("'", nodeName, "' is not a tab! returning NULL!"))
+    thisEntry <- NULL
+  }
+  return(thisEntry)
+} ## end function p2s.checkTabs
+## function p2s.checkTabIDs()
+# rk.XML.tabbook() expects IDs of tabbook and all tabs in one vector, check for existing IDs
+p2s.checkTabIDs <- function(node){
+  nodeName <- XMLName(node)
+  nodeAttrs <- XMLAttrs(node)
+  if(identical(nodeName, "tab")){
+    return(id(node, js=FALSE))
+  } else {
+    warning(paste0("'", nodeName, "' is not a tab! returning NULL!"))
+    thisID <- NULL
+  }
+  return(thisEntry)
+} ## end function p2s.checkTabIDs()
+## function p2s()
+# this is the main work horse, going through nested XML nodes recursively
+# called by the actual methods
+p2s <- function(node, indent=TRUE, level=1, prefix="rkdev"){
+  nodeName <- XMLName(node)
+  nodeAttrs <- XMLAttrs(node)
+  # fail if we don't know this node type
+  if(!nodeName %in% names(FONA)){
+    stop(simpleError(paste0("'", nodeName, "' is an unknown node!")))
+  } else {}
+  rkwdevFunction <- FONA[[nodeName]][["funct"]]
+  if("opt" %in% names(FONA[[nodeName]])){
+    rkwdevAttributes <- FONA[[nodeName]][["opt"]]
+  } else {
+    rkwdevAttributes <- c()
+  }
+  if("logical" %in% names(FONA[[nodeName]])){
+    rkwdevLogical <- FONA[[nodeName]][["logical"]]
+  } else {
+    rkwdevLogical <- c()
+  }
+  if("split" %in% names(FONA[[nodeName]])){
+    rkwdevSplit <- FONA[[nodeName]][["split"]]
+  } else {
+    rkwdevSplit <- c()
+  }
+  if("children" %in% names(FONA[[nodeName]])){
+    rkwdevChildren <- FONA[[nodeName]][["children"]]
+    recursive <- TRUE
+  } else {
+    recursive <- FALSE
+  }
+  if("text" %in% names(FONA[[nodeName]])){
+    rkwdevText <- FONA[[nodeName]][["text"]]
+    checkText <- TRUE
+  } else {
+    checkText <- FALSE
+  }
+  rkwdevOptions <- p2s.extractAttributes(
+    nodeName=nodeName,
+    nodeAttrs=nodeAttrs,
+    rkwdevAttributes=rkwdevAttributes,
+    rkwdevLogical=rkwdevLogical,
+    rkwdevSplit=rkwdevSplit
+  )
+  # need to include text?
+  if(isTRUE(checkText)){
+    nodeChildren <- XMLValue(XMLChildren(node)[[1]])
+    if(inherits(nodeChildren, "character")){
+      rkwdevOptions[[rkwdevText]] <- paste0("\"", nodeChildren, "\"", collapse=" ")
+    } else {}
+  } else {}
+  # get the child nodes
+  if(isTRUE(recursive)){
+    nodeChildren <- XMLChildren(node)
+    if(length(nodeChildren) > 0){
+      # some nodes need special treatment, because they take option children as named lists
+      if(nodeName %in% c("dropdown", "radio", "select", "valueselector")){
+        rkwdevChildnodes <- sapply(nodeChildren,
+            function(thisChild){
+              return(p2s.checkOption(node=thisChild, level=level+2, indent=indent))
+            }
+          )
+        rkwdevOptions[[rkwdevChildren]] <- paste0("list(\n", paste0(rep("  ", level+1), collapse=""),
+            paste0(rkwdevChildnodes, paste0(rep("  ", level-1), collapse=""),
+              collapse=paste0(",\n", paste0(rep("  ", level+1), collapse=""))), 
+          "\n", paste0(rep("  ", level), collapse=""), ")")
+      } else if(nodeName %in% c("tabbook")){
+        rkwdevChildnodes <- sapply(nodeChildren,
+            function(thisChild){
+              return(p2s.checkTabs(node=thisChild, level=level+1, indent=indent))
+            }
+          )
+        rkwdevOptions[[rkwdevChildren]] <- paste0("list(\n", paste0(rep("  ", level+1), collapse=""),
+            paste0(rkwdevChildnodes, paste0(rep("  ", level-1), collapse=""),
+              collapse=paste0(",\n", paste0(rep("  ", level+1), collapse=""))), 
+          "\n", paste0(rep("  ", level), collapse=""), ")")
+        if("id.name" %in% names(rkwdevOptions)){
+          rkwdevTabIDs <- sapply(nodeChildren,
+              function(thisChild){
+                return(p2s.checkTabIDs(thisChild))
+              }
+            )
+          rkwdevOptions[["id.name"]] <- paste0("c(", rkwdevOptions[["id.name"]], ", \"", paste0(rkwdevTabIDs, collapse="\", \""), "\")")
+        } else {}
+      } else {
+        rkwdevChildnodes <- sapply(nodeChildren,
+            function(thisChild){
+              return(p2s(node=thisChild, indent=indent, level=level+1))
+            }
+          )
+        rkwdevOptions[[rkwdevChildren]] <- paste0(rkwdevChildnodes,
+          collapse=paste0(",\n", paste0(rep("  ", level), collapse="")))
+      }
+    } else {}
+  } else {}
+  # bring options in optimized order
+  rkwdevOptions <- rkwdevOptions[order(sapply(names(rkwdevOptions), function(thisOpt){which(names(rkwdevAttributes) %in% thisOpt)}))]
+  if(isTRUE(indent)){
+    ind.start <- ind.char <- paste0("\n", paste0(rep("  ", level), collapse=""))
+    ind.end <- paste0("\n", paste0(rep("  ", level-1), collapse=""))
+  } else {
+    ind.char <- " "
+    ind.start <- ind.end <- ""
+  }
+  result <- paste0(
+    prefix, ".", nodeName, ".", id(node, js=FALSE), " <- ", rkwdevFunction, "(",
+      ind.start, paste0(names(rkwdevOptions), "=", rkwdevOptions, collapse=paste0(",", ind.char)),
+      ind.end,
+    ")"
+  )
+  # remove "...=", if present
+  result <- gsub("\\.\\.\\.=", "", result)
+  return(result)
+} ## end function p2s()
+## list object FONA
+# this list describes which rkwarddev function belongs to which XML node,
+# and which option handles which attribute
+# the structure is:
+#  "<node name>"=list(
+#     funct="<function name>",
+#     opt=c(
+#      <option1 name>="<attribute1 name>",
+#      <option2 name>="<attribute2 name>",
+#       ...)
+#     ),
+#     text="<does this node nest text?>",
+#     children="<option name for nested child nodes that need to be checked recursively?>",
+#     split=c(
+#       "<attribute names that need to be split into a character vector>"
+#     ),
+#     logical=c(
+#       "<attribute name that needs translation from character to logical>"
+#     )
+# the name stands for function/option/node/attribute
+# tests needed:
+# - rk.rkh.related()
+# unsolved functions (or parts of them):
+# - rk.rkh.doc()
+# - rk.XML.about()
+# - children (dependencies) in rk.XML.component()
+# - get/set/not in rk.XML.connect()
+# - standards/min/max/mode etc. in rk.XML.convert()
+# - children in rk.XML.dependencies()
+# - children in rk.XML.dependency_check()
+# - modifier in rk.XML.optioncolumn()
+# - a lot of rk.XML.optionset()...
+# - children in rk.XML.plugin()
+# - children in rk.XML.pluginmap()
+# - set in rk.XML.set()
+# - cases & modifier in rk.XML.switch()
+# - rk.XML.values()
+# - rk.XML.vars()
+FONA <- list(
+  "caption"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.caption",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id",
+      title="title"
+    )
+  ),
+  "label"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.label",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id"
+    )
+  ),
+  "link"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.link",
+    opt=c(
+      href="href",
+      text="text"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "related"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.related",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      text="text"
+    ),
+    text="text",
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "section"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.section",
+    opt=c(
+      title="title",
+      text="text",
+      short="short_title",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "setting"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.setting",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id",
+      text="text",
+      title="title"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "settings"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.settings",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="..."
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "summary"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.summary",
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "technical"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.technical",
+    opt=c(
+      text="text"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "title"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.title",
+    opt=c(
+      text="text"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "usage"=list(
+    funct="rk.rkh.usage",
+    opt=c(
+      text="text"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "attribute"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.attribute",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id",
+      value="value",
+      label="label"
+    )
+  ),
+  "browser"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.browser",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      type="type",
+      initial="initial",
+      urls="allow_urls",
+      filter="filter",
+      required="required",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    split="filter",
+    logical=c("required", "allow_urls")
+  ),
+  "checkbox"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.cbox",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      value="value",
+      un.value="value_unchecked",
+      chk="checked",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("checked")
+  ),
+  "code"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.code",
+    opt=c(
+      file="file"
+    )
+  ),
+  "column"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.col",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "component"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.component",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      file="file",
+      id.name="id",
+      type="type"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+#      dependencies="dependencies"
+  ),
+  "components"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.components",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="..."
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "connect"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.connect",
+    opt=c(
+      governor="governor",
+      client="client",
+#       get="get",
+#       set="set",
+#       not="not",
+      reconcile="reconcile"
+    ),
+    logical=c("reconcile")
+  ),
+  "context"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.context",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      id="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "convert"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.convert",
+    opt=c(
+      sources="sources",
+      mode="mode",
+      required="required",
+      id.name="id",
+      standard="standard"
+    ),
+    logical=c("required")
+  ),
+  "copy"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.copy",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id",
+      as="as"
+    )
+  ),
+  "dependencies"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.dependencies",
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "dependency_check"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.dependency_check",
+    opt=c(
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "dialog"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.dialog",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      label="label",
+      recommended="recommended"
+    ),
+    children="...",
+    logical=c("recommended")
+  ),
+  "dropdown"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.dropdown",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      options="options",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+   children="options"
+  ),
+  "embed"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.embed",
+    opt=c(
+      component="component",
+      button="as_button",
+      label="label",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("as_button")
+  ),
+  "entry"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.",
+    opt=c(
+      component="component",
+      index="index"
+    )
+  ),
+  "external"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.external",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id",
+      default="default"
+    )
+  ),
+  "formula"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.formula",
+    opt=c(
+      fixed="fixed_factors",
+      dependent="dependent",
+      id.name="id"
+    )
+  ),
+  "frame"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.frame",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      label="label",
+      checkable="checkable",
+      chk="checked",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="...",
+    logical=c("checkable", "checked")
+  ),
+  "help"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.help",
+    opt=c(
+      file="file"
+    )
+  ),
+  "hierarchy"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.hierarchy",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="..."
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "i18n"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.i18n",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      id.name="id"
+    )
+  ),
+  "include"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.include",
+    opt=c(
+      file="file"
+    )
+  ),
+  "input"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.input",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      initial="initial",
+      size="size",
+      required="required",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("required")
+  ),
+  "insert"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.insert",
+    opt=c(
+      snippet="snippet"
+    )
+  ),
+  "logic"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.logic",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="..."
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "matrix"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.matrix",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      mode="mode",
+      rows="rows",
+      columns="columns",
+      min="min",
+      max="max",
+      min_rows="",
+      min_columns="",
+      allow_missings="allow_missings",
+      allow_user_resize_columns="allow_user_resize_columns",
+      allow_user_resize_rows="allow_user_resize_rows",
+      fixed_width="fixed_width",
+      fixed_height="fixed_height",
+      horiz_headers="horiz_headers",
+      vert_headers="vert_headers",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("allow_missings", "allow_user_resize_columns", "allow_user_resize_rows", "fixed_width", "fixed_height")
+  ),
+  "menu"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.menu",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      "..."="...",
+      index="index",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "option"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.option",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      val="value",
+      chk="checked",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("checked")
+  ),
+  "optioncolumn"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.optioncolumn",
+    opt=c(
+      connect="connect",
+#       modifier=NULL,
+      label="label",
+      external="external",
+      default="default",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("external")
+  ),
+  "optiondisplay"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.optiondisplay",
+    opt=c(
+      index="index",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("index")
+  ),
+  "optionset"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.optionset",
+    opt=c(
+#      content,
+#      optioncolumn,
+      min_rows="min_rows",
+      min_rows_if_any="min_rows_if_any",
+      max_rows="max_rows",
+      keycolumn="keycolumn",
+#      logic=NULL,
+#      optiondisplay=TRUE,
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "page"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.page",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "plugin"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.plugin",
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "pluginmap"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.pluginmap",
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "preview"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.preview",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label"
+    )
+  ),
+  "radio"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.radio",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      options="options",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="options"
+  ),
+  "require"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.require",
+    opt=c(
+      file="file",
+      map="map"
+    )
+  ),
+  "row"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.row",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "saveobject"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.saveobj",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      chk="checked",
+      checkable="checkable",
+      initial="initial",
+      required="required",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("checked", "checkable", "required")
+  ),
+  "select"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.select",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      options="options",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="options"
+  ),
+  "set"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.set",
+    opt=c(
+      id="id",
+#       set="set",
+      to="to"
+    )
+  ),
+  "snippet"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.snippet",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "snippets"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.snippets",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="..."
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "spinbox"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.spinbox",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      min="min",
+      max="max",
+      initial="initial",
+      real="type",              ## need special treatment
+      precision="precision",
+      max.precision="max_precision", 
+      id.name="id"
+    )
+  ),
+  "stretch"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.stretch"
+  ),
+  "switch"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.switch",
+    opt=c(
+      condition="condition",
+#      cases, 
+#      modifier=NULL,
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="..."
+  ),
+  "tabbook"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.tabbook",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      tabs="tabs",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    children="tabs"
+  ),
+  "text"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.text",
+    opt=c(
+      text="text",
+      type="type",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    text="text"
+  ),
+  "values"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.values",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+## values <- function(label, slot.text, options=list(label=c(val=NULL, chk=FALSE, i18n=NULL)),
+##     required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, duplicates=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
+##     horiz=TRUE, add.nodes=NULL, frame.label=NULL
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+#     children="...",
+    logical=c()
+  ),
+  "valueselector"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.valueselector",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      options="options",
+      id.name="id"
+  ),
+    children="options",
+    logical=c()
+  ),
+  "valueslot"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.valueslot",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      source="source",
+      property="source_property",
+      required="required",
+      multi="multi",
+      duplicates="allow_duplicates",
+      min="min_vars",
+      any="min_vars_if_any",
+      max="max_vars",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("required", "multi", "allow_duplicates")
+  ),
+  "vars"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.vars",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+# rk.XML.vars <- function(label, slot.text, required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, duplicates=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
+#     dim=0, min.len=0, max.len=NULL, classes=NULL, types=NULL, horiz=TRUE, add.nodes=NULL,
+#     frame.label=NULL, formula.dependent=NULL, dep.options=list(),
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+#     children="...",
+    logical=c()
+  ),
+  "varselector"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.varselector",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      id.name="id"
+    )
+  ),
+  "varslot"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.varslot",
+    opt=c(
+      label="label",
+      source="source",
+      property="source_property",
+      required="required",
+      multi="multi",
+      duplicates="allow_duplicates",
+      min="min_vars",
+      any="min_vars_if_any",
+      max="max_vars",
+      dim="num_dimensions",
+      min.len="min_length",
+      max.len="max_length",
+      classes="classes",
+      types="types",
+      id.name="id"
+    ),
+    logical=c("required", "multi", "allow_duplicates"),
+    split=c("classes", "types")
+  ),
+  "wizard"=list(
+    funct="rk.XML.wizard",
+    opt=c(
+      "..."="...",
+      label="label",
+      recommended="recommended"
+    ),
+    children="...",
+    logical=c("recommended")
+  )
+) ## end list object FONA
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/XiMpLe-methods.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/XiMpLe-methods.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19170b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/XiMpLe-methods.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/01_methods_01_plugin2script.R
+\title{Generate script code from XML objects}
+Either a character vector (if \code{obj} is a single XML node)
+   or a list of character vectors named \code{"logic"},
+      \code{"dialog"} and \code{"wizard"}
+   (if \code{obj} is a full XML document).
+These methods try to translate plugin XML objects into \code{rkwarddev} function calls.
+They are intended to make it easier to translate previously manually maintained plugin code
+into \code{rkwarddev} scripts. The generated output should not be used as-is,
+      but restructured
+properly into a useful script.
+You can either use a full XML document (read with \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}})
+or single (also nested) XiMpLe XML nodes.
+The methods will probably fail, especially with highly complex plugins. Try to break these
+into sensible chunks and try those speparately. Sometimes,
+      slightly changing the input file
+might also do the trick to get some usable results.
+# full XML document
+myPlugin <- parseXMLTree("~/RKWardPlugins/myPlugin.xml")
+rkwarddevScript <- plugin2script(myPlugin)
+# single XML node
+(test.checkboxes <- rk.XML.row(
+  rk.XML.col(
+    list(
+      rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", value="foo1", chk=TRUE),
+      rk.XML.cbox(label="bar", value="bar2")
+    )
+  )
+rkwarddevScript <- plugin2script(test.checkboxes)
+#see the generated script code
+# we can evaluate the generated code to check whether original
+# XML and the newly generated one are identical
+identical(rkdev.row.row_clmndc1212, test.checkboxes)

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