[rkward/frameworks] rkward: Some more KF5 porting

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Nov 24 10:06:18 UTC 2015

Git commit 72064843ebbf7d7476543505a7131e21aa826467 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 20/11/2015 at 16:15.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'frameworks'.

Some more KF5 porting

M  +13   -13   rkward/rkward_startup_wrapper.cpp
M  +2    -2    rkward/syntax/CMakeLists.txt


diff --git a/rkward/rkward_startup_wrapper.cpp b/rkward/rkward_startup_wrapper.cpp
index 91b02eb..06fbba7 100644
--- a/rkward/rkward_startup_wrapper.cpp
+++ b/rkward/rkward_startup_wrapper.cpp
@@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
 	// Locate KDE and RKWard installations
-	QString kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", QDir::currentPath ());
-	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", app.applicationDirPath ());
-	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", QDir (app.applicationDirPath ()).filePath ("KDE/bin"));
-	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) {
+	QString kf5_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kf5-config", QDir::currentPath ());
+	if (kf5_config_exe.isNull ()) kf5_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kf5-config", app.applicationDirPath ());
+	if (kf5_config_exe.isNull ()) kf5_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kf5-config", QDir (app.applicationDirPath ()).filePath ("KDE/bin"));
+	if (kf5_config_exe.isNull ()) {
 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
 	QStringList syspath = QString (qgetenv ("PATH")).split (';');
 	QStringList syspath = QString (qgetenv ("PATH")).split (':');
 		for (int i = 0; i < syspath.size (); ++i) {
-			kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", syspath[i]);
-			if (!kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) break;
+			kf5_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kf5-config", syspath[i]);
+			if (!kf5_config_exe.isNull ()) break;
-	if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) {
-		QMessageBox::critical (0, "Could not find KDE installation", "The KDE installation could not be found (kde4-config). When moving / copying RKWard, make sure to copy the whole application folder, or create a shorcut / link, instead.");
+	if (kf5_config_exe.isNull ()) {
+		QMessageBox::critical (0, "Could not find KDE installation", "The KDE installation could not be found (kf5-config). When moving / copying RKWard, make sure to copy the whole application folder, or create a shorcut / link, instead.");
 		exit (1);
-	QDir kde_dir (QFileInfo (kde4_config_exe).absolutePath ());
+	QDir kde_dir (QFileInfo (kf5_config_exe).absolutePath ());
 	kde_dir.makeAbsolute ();
 	QString kde_dir_safe_path = quoteCommand (kde_dir.path ());
 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
-	QString kdeinit4_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit4", kde_dir.path ());
+	QString kdeinit5_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit5", kde_dir.path ());
 	qputenv ("PATH", QString (kde_dir_safe_path + ';' + qgetenv ("PATH")).toLocal8Bit ());
 	if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Adding %s to the system path", qPrintable (kde_dir_safe_path));
@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
 	// Explicit initialization of KDE, in case Windows 7 asks for admin privileges
-	if (kdeinit4_exe.isNull ()) {
-		kdeinit4_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit4", QFileInfo (rkward_frontend_exe).absolutePath ());
+	if (kdeinit5_exe.isNull ()) {
+		kdeinit5_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit5", QFileInfo (rkward_frontend_exe).absolutePath ());
-	if (!kdeinit4_exe.isNull ()) QProcess::execute (kdeinit4_exe, QStringList ());
+	if (!kdeinit5_exe.isNull ()) QProcess::execute (kdeinit5_exe, QStringList ());
 	// Look for R:
diff --git a/rkward/syntax/CMakeLists.txt b/rkward/syntax/CMakeLists.txt
index 51805aa..6db8bab 100644
--- a/rkward/syntax/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/rkward/syntax/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-INSTALL(FILES rkward.xml DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/katepart/syntax/)
+INSTALL(FILES rkward.xml DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/katepart5/syntax/)

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