[rkward-cvs] [rkward] rkward/plugin: Slight restructuring of RKStandardComponent::parseLogic().
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sat Jan 31 12:03:48 UTC 2015
Git commit 5b57b59157192d7cd1a5f3bc413ab7c7ac20e5c4 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 31/01/2015 at 11:58.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.
Slight restructuring of RKStandardComponent::parseLogic().
Pass through the list of all elements once, instead of compiling separate lists per tag name.
M +82 -103 rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponent.cpp
diff --git a/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponent.cpp b/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponent.cpp
index 41120ad..0f384f5 100644
--- a/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponent.cpp
+++ b/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponent.cpp
@@ -702,117 +702,96 @@ void RKComponentBuilder::parseLogic (const QDomElement &element, XMLHelper &xml,
if (element.isNull ()) return;
- // find connect elements
- XMLChildList children = xml.getChildElements (element, "connect", DL_INFO);
- XMLChildList::const_iterator it;
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- addConnection (xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "client", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), QString::null, xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "governor", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), QString::null, xml.getBoolAttribute (*it, "reconcile", false, DL_INFO), element);
- }
- children = xml.getChildElements (element, "dependency_check", DL_INFO);
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- RKComponentPropertyBool *dep = new RKComponentPropertyBool (component (), false);
- dep->setInternal (true);
- dep->setBoolValue (RKComponentDependency::isRKWardVersionCompatible (*it) && RKComponentDependency::isRVersionCompatible (*it));
- component ()->addChild (xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), dep);
- }
- // find outside elements
- children = xml.getChildElements (element, "external", DL_INFO);
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
- RKComponentPropertyBase *prop = new RKComponentPropertyBase (component (), xml.getBoolAttribute (*it, "required", false, DL_INFO));
- component ()->addChild (id, prop);
- prop->setInternal (true);
- component ()->connect (prop, SIGNAL (valueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)), component (), SLOT (outsideValueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)));
- QString dummy = xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "default", QString::null, DL_INFO);
- if (!dummy.isNull ()) {
- initial_values.insert (id, dummy);
- }
- }
- // find initialize elements
- children = xml.getChildElements (element, "set", DL_INFO);
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- // NOTE: It is by design that if there are several initializations for a single id, the latest one takes precedence. Useful in some cases of inclusion.
- initial_values.insert (xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "to", "false", DL_WARNING));
- }
- // i18n'ed strings
- children = xml.getChildElements (element, "i18n", DL_INFO);
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
- RKComponentPropertyBase *prop = new RKComponentPropertyBase (component (), false);
- component ()->addChild (id, prop);
- prop->setInternal (true);
- initial_values.insert (id, xml.i18nStringAttribute (*it, "label", QString (), DL_WARNING));
- }
- // find convert elements
QMap<RKComponentPropertyBase*, QStringList> switch_convert_sources;
- children = xml.getChildElements (element, "convert", DL_INFO);
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- RKComponentPropertyConvert *convert = new RKComponentPropertyConvert (component ());
- convert->setInternal (true);
- QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
- int mode = xml.getMultiChoiceAttribute (*it, "mode", convert->convertModeOptionString (), 0, DL_WARNING);
- convert->setMode ((RKComponentPropertyConvert::ConvertMode) mode);
- if ((mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::Equals) || (mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::NotEquals)) {
- convert->setStandard (xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "standard", QString::null, DL_WARNING));
- } else if (mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::Range) {
- convert->setRange (xml.getDoubleAttribute (*it, "min", -FLT_MAX, DL_INFO), xml.getDoubleAttribute (*it, "max", FLT_MAX, DL_INFO));
- }
- switch_convert_sources.insert (convert, xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "sources", QString::null, DL_WARNING).split (';'));
- convert->setRequireTrue (xml.getBoolAttribute (*it, "require_true", false, DL_INFO));
- component ()->addChild (id, convert);
- }
- // find switch elements
- children = xml.getChildElements (element, "switch", DL_INFO);
- for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
- QDomElement t = xml.getChildElement (*it, "true", DL_INFO);
- QDomElement f = xml.getChildElement (*it, "false", DL_INFO);
- if (t.isNull () != f.isNull ()) {
- xml.displayError (&(*it), "One of <true> / <false> was provided for boolean <switch>, but not the other. Skipping switch.", DL_ERROR);
- continue;
- }
- XMLChildList case_elems = xml.getChildElements (*it, "case", DL_INFO);
- QDomElement default_elem = xml.getChildElement (*it, "default", DL_INFO);
- if (!default_elem.isNull ()) case_elems.append (default_elem);
- if (t.isNull ()) {
- if (case_elems.isEmpty ()) {
- xml.displayError (&(*it), "Neither <true> / <false> nor <case> / <default> were provided. Skipping switch.", DL_ERROR);
+ const XMLChildList children = xml.getChildElements (element, QString::null, DL_ERROR);
+ for (int i = 0; i < children.size (); ++i) {
+ const QDomElement &cel = children[i];
+ const QString tagName = cel.tagName ();
+ if (tagName == QLatin1String ("connect")) {
+ addConnection (xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "client", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), QString (), xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "governor", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), QString (), xml.getBoolAttribute (cel, "reconcile", false, DL_INFO), element);
+ } else if (tagName == QLatin1String ("dependency_check")) {
+ RKComponentPropertyBool *dep = new RKComponentPropertyBool (component (), false);
+ dep->setInternal (true);
+ dep->setBoolValue (RKComponentDependency::isRKWardVersionCompatible (cel) && RKComponentDependency::isRVersionCompatible (cel));
+ component ()->addChild (xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), dep);
+ } else if (tagName == QLatin1String ("external")) {
+ QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
+ RKComponentPropertyBase *prop = new RKComponentPropertyBase (component (), xml.getBoolAttribute (cel, "required", false, DL_INFO));
+ component ()->addChild (id, prop);
+ prop->setInternal (true);
+ component ()->connect (prop, SIGNAL (valueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)), component (), SLOT (outsideValueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)));
+ QString dummy = xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "default", QString (), DL_INFO);
+ if (!dummy.isNull ()) {
+ initial_values.insert (id, dummy);
+ }
+ } else if (tagName == QLatin1String ("set")) {
+ // NOTE: It is by design that if there are several initializations for a single id, the latest one takes precedence. Useful in some cases of inclusion.
+ initial_values.insert (xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING), xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "to", "false", DL_WARNING));
+ } else if (tagName == QLatin1String ("i18n")) {
+ QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
+ RKComponentPropertyBase *prop = new RKComponentPropertyBase (component (), false);
+ component ()->addChild (id, prop);
+ prop->setInternal (true);
+ initial_values.insert (id, xml.i18nStringAttribute (cel, "label", QString (), DL_WARNING));
+ } else if (tagName == QLatin1String ("convert")) {
+ RKComponentPropertyConvert *convert = new RKComponentPropertyConvert (component ());
+ convert->setInternal (true);
+ QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
+ int mode = xml.getMultiChoiceAttribute (cel, "mode", convert->convertModeOptionString (), 0, DL_WARNING);
+ convert->setMode ((RKComponentPropertyConvert::ConvertMode) mode);
+ if ((mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::Equals) || (mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::NotEquals)) {
+ convert->setStandard (xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "standard", QString (), DL_WARNING));
+ } else if (mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::Range) {
+ convert->setRange (xml.getDoubleAttribute (cel, "min", -FLT_MAX, DL_INFO), xml.getDoubleAttribute (cel, "max", FLT_MAX, DL_INFO));
+ }
+ switch_convert_sources.insert (convert, xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "sources", QString (), DL_WARNING).split (';'));
+ convert->setRequireTrue (xml.getBoolAttribute (cel, "require_true", false, DL_INFO));
+ component ()->addChild (id, convert);
+ } else if (tagName == QLatin1String ("switch")) {
+ QDomElement t = xml.getChildElement (cel, "true", DL_INFO);
+ QDomElement f = xml.getChildElement (cel, "false", DL_INFO);
+ if (t.isNull () != f.isNull ()) {
+ xml.displayError (&(cel), "One of <true> / <false> was provided for boolean <switch>, but not the other. Skipping switch.", DL_ERROR);
- } else {
- if (!case_elems.isEmpty ()) {
- xml.displayError (&(*it), "One <true> / <false> *or* <case> / <default> may be provided a <switch>. Proceeding with boolean switch.", DL_ERROR);
- case_elems.clear ();
+ XMLChildList case_elems = xml.getChildElements (cel, "case", DL_INFO);
+ QDomElement default_elem = xml.getChildElement (cel, "default", DL_INFO);
+ if (!default_elem.isNull ()) case_elems.append (default_elem);
+ if (t.isNull ()) {
+ if (case_elems.isEmpty ()) {
+ xml.displayError (&cel, "Neither <true> / <false> nor <case> / <default> were provided. Skipping switch.", DL_ERROR);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!case_elems.isEmpty ()) {
+ xml.displayError (&cel, "One <true> / <false> *or* <case> / <default> may be provided a <switch>. Proceeding with boolean switch.", DL_ERROR);
+ case_elems.clear ();
+ }
+ case_elems.append (f);
+ case_elems.append (t);
- case_elems.append (f);
- case_elems.append (t);
- }
- QStringList def_strings;
- QStringList standards;
- QStringList sources;
- sources.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "condition", QString (), DL_ERROR)); // store condition prop as first "source"
+ QStringList def_strings;
+ QStringList standards;
+ QStringList sources;
+ sources.append (xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "condition", QString (), DL_ERROR)); // store condition prop as first "source"
- for (XMLChildList::const_iterator cit = case_elems.constBegin (); cit != case_elems.constEnd (); ++cit) {
- def_strings.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*cit, "fixed_value", QString (), DL_INFO));
- sources.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*cit, "dynamic_value", QString (), DL_INFO));
- if ((*cit).tagName () == "case") standards.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*cit, "standard", QString (), DL_WARNING));
- }
+ for (XMLChildList::const_iterator cit = case_elems.constBegin (); cit != case_elems.constEnd (); ++cit) {
+ def_strings.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*cit, "fixed_value", QString (), DL_INFO));
+ sources.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*cit, "dynamic_value", QString (), DL_INFO));
+ if ((*cit).tagName () == "case") standards.append (xml.getStringAttribute (*cit, "standard", QString (), DL_WARNING));
+ }
- QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (*it, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
- RKComponentPropertySwitch *switchel = new RKComponentPropertySwitch (component (), def_strings, standards);
- switchel->setInternal (true);
- switch_convert_sources.insert (switchel, sources);
- component ()->addChild (id, switchel);
+ QString id = xml.getStringAttribute (cel, "id", "#noid#", DL_WARNING);
+ RKComponentPropertySwitch *switchel = new RKComponentPropertySwitch (component (), def_strings, standards);
+ switchel->setInternal (true);
+ switch_convert_sources.insert (switchel, sources);
+ component ()->addChild (id, switchel);
+ }
// resolve source properties for switch and convert elements, *after* all properties have been created
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