[rkward-cvs] [rkward] /: Add i18n()-calls to plot plugins' .js files.

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Jan 9 14:43:55 UTC 2015

Git commit 3ff25b6103822af2becadbb456428d852b666fd4 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 09/01/2015 at 13:10.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.

Add i18n()-calls to plot plugins' .js files.

M  +3    -3    rkward/plugins/plots/barplot.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.js
M  +11   -11   rkward/plugins/plots/box_plot.js
M  +2    -2    rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.js
M  +3    -3    rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.xml
M  +11   -9    rkward/plugins/plots/density_plot.js
M  +4    -4    rkward/plugins/plots/dotchart.js
M  +4    -1    rkward/plugins/plots/ecdf_plot.js
M  +2    -11   rkward/plugins/plots/histogram.js
M  +14   -25   rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.js
M  +3    -3    rkward/plugins/plots/pareto.js
M  +6    -6    rkward/plugins/plots/piechart.js
M  +1    -2    rkward/plugins/plots/plot.js
M  +9    -12   rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.js
M  +2    -2    rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.js
M  +2    -2    rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.xml
M  +3    -18   rkward/plugins/plots/sieve_plot.js
M  +5    -2    rkward/plugins/plots/stem.js
M  +3    -3    rkward/plugins/plots/stem.xml
M  +9    -6    rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.xml
M  +9    -0    rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
M  +9    -9    tests/plots/boxplot.rkcommands.R
M  +8    -6    tests/plots/boxplot_grouped.rkcommands.R
M  +7    -1    tests/plots/density_plot.rkcommands.R
M  +7    -14   tests/plots/density_plot.rkout
M  +3    -1    tests/plots/ecdf_plot.rkcommands.R
M  +8    -1    tests/plots/histogram.rkcommands.R
M  +13   -18   tests/plots/histogram.rkout
M  +4    -5    tests/plots/scatterplot.rkcommands.R
M  +4    -1    tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkcommands.R
M  +4    -4    tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkout
M  +4    -2    tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkcommands.R
M  +2    -2    tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkout
M  +5    -1    tests/plots/stripchart.rkcommands.R
M  +2    -2    tests/plots/stripchart.rkout


diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot.js
index 9174709..ed00f8c 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var names_mode = getValue ("names_mode");
 	var tabulate = getValue ("tabulate.checked");
-	var main_header = '"Variable"=rk.get.description (' + varname + ')';
+	var main_header = i18n ("Variable") + '=rk.get.description (' + varname + ')';
 	if (tabulate) main_header = getValue ('tabulate_options.parameters');
 	var limit = getValue ("limit.checked");
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 		echo (getValue ('tabulate_options.code.calculate'));
 	} else {
 		echo ('x <- ' + varname + "\n");
-		echo ('# barplot is a bit picky about attributes, so we need to convert to vector explicitely\n');
+		comment ('barplot is a bit picky about attributes, so we need to convert to vector explicitely');
 		echo ('if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.vector(x)\n');
 		echo ('if(!is.matrix(x) && is.data.frame(x)) x <- data.matrix(x)\n');
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Barplot", parameters=list (' + main_header + limit_header + barplot_header + '))\n');
+		echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Barplot") + ', parameters=list (' + main_header + limit_header + barplot_header + '))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.js
index cf4963d..3985d07 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function printout () {
 	echo (plot_pre);
 	if (options['labels']) {
-		echo ('# adjust the range so that the labels will fit\n');
+		comment ('adjust the range so that the labels will fit');
 		echo ('yrange <- range (' + options['xvar'] + ', na.rm=TRUE) * 1.2\n');
 		echo ('if (yrange[1] > 0) yrange[1] <- 0\n');
 		echo ('if (yrange[2] < 0) yrange[2] <- 0\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/box_plot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/box_plot.js
index f8906af..1a6bdae 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/box_plot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/box_plot.js
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 		var dodges = groups_a.slice (0, n_dodges);
 		var groups = groups_a.slice (n_dodges);
 		echo ('groups <- rk.list (' + dodges.concat (groups).join (", ") + ')\n');
-		echo ('data_list <- split (' + getValue ("outcome") + ', groups)		#split sample by grouping variables\n');
+		echo ('data_list <- split (' + getValue ("outcome") + ', groups)		'); comment ('split sample by grouping variables');
 		if (dodged) {
-			echo ('# adjust width and position of boxes to achieve dodging\n');
+			comment ('adjust width and position of boxes to achieve dodging');
 			echo ('dodge_size <- nlevels (interaction (' + dodges.join (", ") + '))\n');
 			echo ('box_width <- ' + getValue ("boxwex") + ' / dodge_size\n');
 			boxwex = ', boxwex=box_width';
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 			positions = ', at=box_positions, xlim=c(min(box_positions)-box_width, max(box_positions)+box_width)';
 	} else {
-		echo ('data_list <- rk.list (' + getValue ("x").split ("\n").join (", ") + ')		#convert single sample variables to list\n');
+		echo ('data_list <- rk.list (' + getValue ("x").split ("\n").join (", ") + ')		'); comment ('convert single sample variables to list');
 	if (names_mode == "rexp") {
 		echo ("names(data_list) <- " + getValue ("names_exp") + "\n");
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	if (full) {
 		if (grouped_mode) {
-			echo ('rk.header ("Boxplot", list ("Outcome variable", rk.get.description (' + getValue ("outcome") + '), "Grouping variable(s)", paste (names (groups), collapse=", ")))\n');
+			new Header (i18n ("Boxplot")).add (i18n ("Outcome variable"), noquote ('rk.get.description (' + getValue ("outcome") + ')')).add (i18n ("Grouping variable(s)"), noquote ("paste (names (groups), collapse=\", \")")).print ();
 		} else {
-			echo ('rk.header ("Boxplot", list ("Variable(s)", paste (names (data_list), collapse=", ")))\n');
+			new Header (i18n ("Boxplot")).add (i18n ("Variable(s)"), noquote ("paste (names (data_list), collapse=\", \")")).print ();
 		echo ('rk.graph.on()\n');
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	echo ('try ({\n');
 	printIndentedUnlessEmpty ("\t", getValue ("plotoptions.code.preprocess"), '', '\n');
-	echo ('	boxplot (data_list' + boxwex + positions + ', notch = ' + getValue ("notch") + ', outline = ' + getValue("outline") + ', horizontal = ' + getValue("orientation") + getValue ("plotoptions.code.printout") + ') #actual boxplot function\n');
+	echo ('	boxplot (data_list' + boxwex + positions + ', notch = ' + getValue ("notch") + ', outline = ' + getValue("outline") + ', horizontal = ' + getValue("orientation") + getValue ("plotoptions.code.printout") + ') '); comment ("actual boxplot function");
 	if (do_mean) {
 	    var mean_fun = "mean, na.rm=TRUE";
 		if (getValue ("type_of_mean") =="geometric_mean") {
-			echo('	geo_mean <- function (x) {prod(na.omit(x))^(1/length(na.omit(x)))}	#Calculate geometric mean\n');
+			echo('	geo_mean <- function (x) {prod(na.omit(x))^(1/length(na.omit(x)))}	'); comment ('Calculate geometric mean');
 			mean_fun = "geo_mean";
 		} else if (getValue ("type_of_mean") =="harmonic_mean") {
-			echo('	har_mean <- function (x) {(1 / mean(1 / na.omit(x)))}	#Calculate harmonic mean\n');
+			echo('	har_mean <- function (x) {(1 / mean(1 / na.omit(x)))}	'); comment ('Calculate harmonic mean');
 			mean_fun = "har_mean";
 		} else if (getValue ("type_of_mean") =="interquartile_mean") {
-		  echo('	interq_mean <- function (x) {sum(quantile(x, probs=c(0.25), na.rm=TRUE), quantile(x, probs=c(0.75), na.rm=TRUE)) / 2}	#Calculate the interquartile mean\n');
+		  echo('	interq_mean <- function (x) {sum(quantile(x, probs=c(0.25), na.rm=TRUE), quantile(x, probs=c(0.75), na.rm=TRUE)) / 2}	'); comment ('Calculate the interquartile mean');
 			mean_fun = "interq_mean";
 		} else {	// arithmetic mean
 			var trimp = getValue("trim");	// NOTE: avoid name clash with utility function trim()!
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 		if (horizontal) {
-		  echo ('	points(1:length(data_list) ~ sapply(data_list, ' + mean_fun + '), pch=' + pch_mean + ', cex = ' + getValue ("cex_sd_mean") + getValue ("sd_mean_color.code.printout") + ') #calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position\n');
+		  echo ('	points(1:length(data_list) ~ sapply(data_list, ' + mean_fun + '), pch=' + pch_mean + ', cex = ' + getValue ("cex_sd_mean") + getValue ("sd_mean_color.code.printout") + ') '); comment ('calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position');
 		} else {
-		  echo ('	points(sapply(data_list, ' + mean_fun + '), pch=' + pch_mean + ', cex = ' + getValue ("cex_sd_mean") + getValue ("sd_mean_color.code.printout") + ') #calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position\n');
+		  echo ('	points(sapply(data_list, ' + mean_fun + '), pch=' + pch_mean + ', cex = ' + getValue ("cex_sd_mean") + getValue ("sd_mean_color.code.printout") + ') '); comment ('calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.js
index ea70b95..47abc3a 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.js
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	echo ('\n');
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Correlation Matrix Plot", parameters=list ("Method", "' + getValue ("method") + '", "Exclusion", "' + getValue ("use") + '", "Precision", "' + getValue ("digits") + ' digits", "Scale text", "' + getValue ("scale") + '"))\n');
+		new Header (i18n ("Correlation Matrix Plot")).addFromUI ("method").addFromUI ("use").addFromUI ("digits").addFromUI ("scale").print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	if (full) {
 		echo ('rk.graph.off ()\n');
 		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('rk.print("Legend:\\t\'***\': p < 0.001 -- \'**\': p < 0.01 -- \'*\': p < 0.05 -- \'.\'\': p < 0.1")\n');
+		echo ('rk.print(' + i18n ("Legend:") + '\\t\'***\': p < 0.001 -- \'**\': p < 0.01 -- \'*\': p < 0.05 -- \'.\'\': p < 0.1")\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.xml b/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.xml
index 5bde111..99995a0 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/cor_graph.xml
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 	<code file="cor_graph.js" />
 	<help file="cor_graph.rkh" />
-	<dialog label="Correlation Matrix Plot" >		
+	<dialog label="Correlation Matrix Plot" >
 			<tab label="Variables" id="tab_variables">
 					<varselector id="vars"/>
-					<column>					
+					<column>
 					<varslot type="numeric" min_vars="1" multi="true" id="x" source="vars" required="true" label="variable(s):"/>
 					<preview id="preview"/>
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 					<option value="complete.obs" label="whole cases"/>
 					<option value="pairwise.complete.obs" label="pairwise" checked="true"/>
-				<spinbox id="digits" label="Precision" type="integer" min="0" max="5" initial="3"/> 
+				<spinbox id="digits" label="Precision (digits)" type="integer" min="0" max="5" initial="3"/>
 				<checkbox id="scale" label="Scale text" value="TRUE" value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="true"><!-- i18n: Should text be scaled? --></checkbox>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/density_plot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/density_plot.js
index 3b0334e..f619c49 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/density_plot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/density_plot.js
@@ -36,17 +36,19 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	density_call += ", adjust=" + adjust + ", kern=\"" + kern + "\", n=" + resolution + ", " + narm + ")";
 	var title = "";
-	if (dodensity_plot) title = "Density Plot";
-	else title = "Highest density regions";
+	if (dodensity_plot) title = i18n ("Density Plot");
+	else title = i18n ("Highest density regions");
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("' + title + '", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (' + x + ')');
-		if (bw != "") {
-			echo (', "Band Width", "');
-			echo (bw);
-			echo ('"');
-		}
-		echo (', "Adjust", ' + adjust + ', "Remove Missing Values", ' + narm + ', "Length", length (' + x + '), "Resolution", ' + resolution + ', "Smoothing Kernel", "' + kern + '"))\n');
+		header = new Header (title);
+		header.add (i18n ("Variable"), noquote ('rk.get.description (' + x + ')'));
+		header.add (i18n ("Length"), noquote ('length (' + x + ')'));
+		header.addFromUI ("adjust");
+		header.addFromUI ("narm");
+		header.addFromUI ("n");
+		header.addFromUI ("kern");
+		if (bw != "") header.addFromUI ("bw");
+		header.print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/dotchart.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/dotchart.js
index c33fc79..35dd9ae 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/dotchart.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/dotchart.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var names_mode = getValue ("names_mode");
 	var tabulate = getValue ("tabulate.checked");
-	var main_header = '"Variable"=rk.get.description (' + vars + ')';
+	var main_header = i18n ("Variable") + '=rk.get.description (' + vars + ')';
 	if (tabulate) main_header = getValue ('tabulate_options.parameters');
 	var limit = getValue ("limit.checked");
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	if (tabulate) {
 		echo (getValue ('tabulate_options.code.calculate'));
-		echo ('n <- names (x); x <- as.numeric (x); names (x) <- n		# dotchart() is somewhat picky about data type\n');
+		echo ('n <- names (x); x <- as.numeric (x); names (x) <- n		'); comment ('dotchart() is somewhat picky about data type');
 	} else {
 		echo ('x <- ' + getValue ("x") + '\n');
 		echo ('if (!is.numeric (x)) {\n');
-		echo ('	warning ("Data is not numeric, but proceeding as requested.\\nDid you forget to check the tabulate option?")\n');
+		echo ('	warning (' + i18n ("Data is not numeric, but proceeding as requested.\\nDid you forget to check the tabulate option?") + ')\n');
 		echo ('}\n');
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	echo ('\n');
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Dot chart", parameters=list (' + main_header + limit_header + '))\n');
+		echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Dot chart") + ', parameters=list (' + main_header + limit_header + '))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/ecdf_plot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/ecdf_plot.js
index 62e4e3b..5c01df0 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/ecdf_plot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/ecdf_plot.js
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var x = getValue ("x");
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (' + x + '), "Minimum", yrange[1], "Maximum", yrange[2]))\n');
+		new Header (i18n ("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function"))
+			.add (i18n ("Variable"), noquote ('rk.get.description (' + x + ')'))
+			.add (i18n ("Minimum"), noquote ("yrange[1]"))
+			.add (i18n ("Maximum"), noquote ("yrange[2]")).print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram.js
index eff6bcb..2334843 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram.js
@@ -16,19 +16,10 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var x = getValue ("x");
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Histogram", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (' + x + ') ');
+		echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Histogram") + ', list (' + i18n ("Variable") + '=rk.get.description (' + x + ')' + getValue ("histogram_opt.code.preprocess") + '))\n');
 		if ((densityscaled) && getValue ("density")) {
-			echo (', "Density bandwidth", "');
-			echo (bw);
-			echo ('", "Density adjust", ');
-			echo (adjust);
-			echo (', "Density resolution", ');
-			echo (n);
-			echo (', "Density Remove missing values", ');
-			echo (narm);
-			echo (' ');
+			new Header (i18n ("Density curve", 3)).addFromUI ("bw").addFromUI ("adjust").addFromUI ("n").addFromUI ("narm").print ();
-		echo (' ' + getValue ("histogram_opt.code.preprocess") + '))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.js
index 62bc1f6..afcf73d 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.js
@@ -6,47 +6,35 @@ var headeroptions;
 function makeCodes () {
 	histcalcoptions = ", breaks=";
 	histplotoptions = "";
-	headeroptions = "";
 	var varname = getValue ("varname");
 	var histbreaks = getValue ("histbreaksFunction");
-	headeroptions += ', "Break points", "';
+	var header = new Header ();
+	var bp = i18n ("Break points");
 	if (histbreaks == "cells") {
 		histcalcoptions += getValue ("histbreaks_ncells");
-		headeroptions += 'Approximately ' + getValue ("histbreaks_ncells") + ' cells"';
+		header.add (bp, i18n ("Approximately %1 cells", getValue ("histbreaks_ncells")));
 	} else if (histbreaks == "int") {
 		histcalcoptions += "seq (floor (min (" + varname + ", na.rm=TRUE))-0.5, ceiling (max (" + varname + ", na.rm=TRUE))+0.5)";
-		headeroptions += 'Integers"';
+		header.add (bp, i18n ("Integers"));
 	} else if (histbreaks == "vec") {
 		histcalcoptions += "(function(x) {y = extendrange(x,f=0.1); seq(from=y[1], to=y[2], length=" + getValue ("histbreaks_veclength") + ")})(" + varname + ")";
-		headeroptions += 'Equally spaced vector of length ' + getValue ("histbreaks_veclength") + '"';
+		header.add (bp, i18n ("Equally spaced vector of length %1", getValue ("histbreaks_veclength")));
 	} else {
 		histcalcoptions += "\"" + histbreaks + "\"";
-		headeroptions += histbreaks + '"';
+		header.add (bp, histbreaks);
-	var right = getValue ("rightclosed");
-	if (!right) {
-		headeroptions += ', "Right closed", "FALSE"';
-		histcalcoptions += ", right=FALSE";
-	} else {
-		headeroptions += ', "Right closed", "TRUE"';
-	}
-	var inclowest = getValue ("include_lowest");
-	if (!inclowest) {
-		headeroptions += ', "Include in lowest cell", "FALSE"';
-		histcalcoptions += ", include.lowest=FALSE";
-	} else {
-		headeroptions += ', "Include in lowest cell", "TRUE"';
-	}
+	if (!getBoolean ("rightclosed")) histcalcoptions += ", right=FALSE";
+	header.addFromUI ("rightclosed");
+	if (!getBoolean ("include_lowest")) histcalcoptions += ", include.lowest=FALSE";
+	header.addFromUI ("include_lowest");
-	var freq = getValue ("freq");
-	if (!freq) {
+	if (!getBoolean ("freq")) {
 		histplotoptions += ", freq=FALSE";
-		headeroptions += ', "Scale", "Density"';
+		header.add (i18n ("Scale"), i18n ("Density"));
 	} else {
-		headeroptions += ', "Scale", "Frequency"';
+		header.add (i18n ("Scale"), i18n ("Frequency"));
 	var addbars = getValue ("addtoplot");
@@ -74,6 +62,7 @@ function makeCodes () {
 	if (getValue ("usefillcol")) histfillcol = getValue ("histfillcol.code.printout");
 	histplotoptions += histbordercol + histfillcol;
+	headeroptions = ", " + header.extractParameters ();
 function preprocess () {
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/pareto.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/pareto.js
index 3510961..4ed891c 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/pareto.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/pareto.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function calculate () {
 		echo ('x <- ' + getValue ("x") + '\n');
 		echo ('title <- rk.get.description (' + getValue ("x") + ')\n');
 		echo ('if (!is.numeric (x)) {\n');
-		echo ('	warning ("Data is not numeric, but proceeding as requested.\\nDid you forget to check the tabulate option?")\n');
+		echo ('	warning (' + i18n ("Data is not numeric, but proceeding as requested.\\nDid you forget to check the tabulate option?") + ')\n');
 		echo ('}\n');
 	} else {
 		echo (getValue ('tabulate_options.code.calculate'));
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var descriptives = getValue ("descriptives")=="TRUE";
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Pareto chart", parameters=list (');
+		echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Pareto chart") + ', parameters=list (');
 		if (getValue ("tabulate.checked")) echo (getValue ('tabulate_options.parameters'));
-		else echo ('"Variable"=title');
+		else echo (i18n ("Variable") + '=title');
 		if (getValue ("limit.checked")) echo (', ' + getValue ('limit_options.parameters'));
 		echo ('))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/piechart.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/piechart.js
index 2b091d8..6b46155 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/piechart.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/piechart.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var vars = getValue ("x");
 	var tabulate = getValue ("tabulate.checked");
-	var main_header = '"Variable"=rk.get.description (' + vars + ')';
+	var main_header = i18n ("Variable") + '=rk.get.description (' + vars + ')';
 	if (tabulate) main_header = getValue ('tabulate_options.parameters');
 	var limit = getValue ("limit.checked");
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var density_inc = getValue ("density_inc");
 	var col = getValue ("colors");
 	var clockwise = getValue ("clockwise");
-	var clockwise_header = "";
+	var clockwise_header = ", " + i18n ("Orientation") + '=';
 	if (clockwise) {
-		clockwise_header = ', "Orientation"="Clockwise"';
+		clockwise_header += i18n ("Clockwise");
 	} else {
-		clockwise_header = ', "Orientation"="Counter clockwise"';
+		clockwise_header += i18n ("Counter clockwise");
 	var names_mode = getValue ("names_mode");
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	} else {
 		echo ('x <- ' + getValue ("x") + '\n');
 		echo ('if (!is.numeric (x)) {\n');
-		echo ('	warning ("Data is not numeric, but proceeding as requested.\\nDid you forget to check the tabulate option?")\n');
+		echo ('	warning (' + i18n ("Data is not numeric, but proceeding as requested.\\nDid you forget to check the tabulate option?") + ')\n');
 		echo ('}\n');
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	echo ('\n');
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Pie chart", parameters=list (' + main_header + limit_header + clockwise_header + '))\n');
+		echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Pie chart") + ', parameters=list (' + main_header + limit_header + clockwise_header + '))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/plot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/plot.js
index 1bc6f34..23a7f23 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/plot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/plot.js
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Generic Plot")\n');
+		new Header (i18n ("Generic Plot")).print ();
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.js
index 84b6dc1..6e5ccbe 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.js
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-var x;
-var y;
 function calculate () {
-	x = str_replace ("\n", ",", trim (getValue ("x"))) ;
-	y = str_replace ("\n", ",", trim (getValue ("y"))) ;
+	var x = getList ("x").join (",");
+	var y = getList ("y").join (",");
 	var type = "";
 	if (getValue ("manual_type.numeric")) {
@@ -16,16 +13,16 @@ function calculate () {
 	var cex = getValue ("cex");
 // input
-	echo ('Xvars <- list(' + x + ')\n');
-	echo ('Yvars <- list(' + y + ')\n');
+	echo ('Xvars <- rk.list(' + x + ')\n');
+	echo ('Yvars <- rk.list(' + y + ')\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 // verification (is this needed?) ?>
 	echo ('if (length(Xvars) != length(Yvars)) {\n');
-	echo ('	stop("Unequal number of X and Y variables given")\n');
+	echo ('	stop(' + i18n ("Unequal number of X and Y variables given") + ')\n');
 	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('# find range of X/Y values needed\n');
+	comment ('find range of X/Y values needed');
 	echo ('Xrange <- range (c (Xvars), na.rm=TRUE)\n');
 	echo ('Yrange <- range (c (Yvars), na.rm=TRUE)\n');
 	echo ('\n');
@@ -46,9 +43,9 @@ function preview () {
 function doPrintout (full) {
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Scatterplot", parameters = list (\n');
-		echo ('	"X variables"=paste (rk.get.description (' + x + '), collapse=", "),\n');
-		echo ('	"Y variables"=paste (rk.get.description (' + y + '), collapse=", ")))\n');
+		new Header (i18n ("Scatterplot"))
+			.add (i18n ("X variables"), noquote ('paste (names (Xvars), collapse=", ")'))
+			.add (i18n ("Y variables"), noquote ('paste (names (Yvars), collapse=", ")')).print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on()\n');
 		echo ('\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.js
index 1294a2f..653009a 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.js
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ function preview () {
 function doPrintout (full) {
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x")).replace (/\n/g, ",");
+	var vars = getList ("x").join (",");
 	echo ('data <- data.frame (' + vars + ')\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Scatterplot Matrix", parameters=list ("Diagonal Panels", "' + getValue("diag") + '", "Plot points", "' + getValue ("plot_points") + '", "Smooth", "' + getValue ("smooth") + '", "Ellipses", "' + getValue ("ellipse") + ' at 0.5 and 0.9 levels."))\n');
+		new Header (i18n ("Scatterplot Matrix")).addFromUI ("diag").addFromUI ("plot_points").addFromUI ("smooth").addFromUI ("ellipse").print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.xml b/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.xml
index edc9502..ae39ddc 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot_matrix.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 					<option value="none" label="No plot"/>
 				<checkbox id="plot_points" label="Plot points" value="TRUE" value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="true"/>
-				<checkbox id="smooth" label="Smooth" value="TRUE" value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="false"/>
-				<checkbox id="ellipse" label="Ellipse" value="TRUE" value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="false"/>
+				<checkbox id="smooth" label="Plot smooth" value="TRUE" value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="false"/>
+				<checkbox id="ellipse" label="Plot data concentration ellipses" value="TRUE" value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="false"/>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/sieve_plot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/sieve_plot.js
index b188f68..553d753 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/sieve_plot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/sieve_plot.js
@@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
 function preprocess () {
 	echo ('require(vcd)\n');
 function printout () {
 	doPrintout (true);
@@ -27,12 +15,10 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 	var vars = getValue ("x");
 	var shade = getValue ("shade");
 	var sievetype = getValue ("sievetype");
-	{
-		echo ('x <- ' + vars);
-	}
-	echo ('\n');
+	echo ('x <- ' + vars + '\n');
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Extended Sieve Plot", parameters=list ("Variable", rk.get.description (' + vars + '), "shade", ' + shade + '))\n');
+		new Header (i18n ("Extended Sieve Plot")).add (i18n ("Variable"), noquote ('rk.get.description (' + vars + ')')).addFromUI ("shade").print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
@@ -48,4 +34,3 @@ function doPrintout (full) {
 		echo ('rk.graph.off ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.js
index a138660..59b87ad 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.js
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ function printout () {
 	var width = getValue ("width");
 	var atom = getValue ("atom");
-	echo ('rk.header ("Stem-and-Leaf Plot",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Variable", paste (rk.get.description (' + x + ')), "Plot Length", "' + scale + '","Plot Width", "' + width + '", "Tolerance", "' + atom + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Stem-and-Leaf Plot"))
+		.add (i18n ("Variable"), noquote ('paste (rk.get.description (' + x + '))'))
+		.addFromUI ("scale")
+		.addFromUI ("width")
+		.addFromUI ("atom").print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.print.literal(capture.output(stem(' + x + ', scale = ' + scale + ', width = ' + width + ', atom = ' + atom + ')))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.xml b/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.xml
index ab32e77..066ece4 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/stem.xml
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 			<tab id="tab_options" label="Options">
-				<spinbox type="real" id="scale" label="scale" initial="1"/>
-				<spinbox type="real" id="width" label="width" initial="80"/>
-				<spinbox type="real" id="atom" label="atom" initial="0.00000001"/>
+				<spinbox type="real" id="scale" label="Plot length (scale)" initial="1"/>
+				<spinbox type="real" id="width" label="Plot width" initial="80"/>
+				<spinbox type="real" id="atom" label="Tolerance" initial="0.00000001"/>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.js b/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.js
index 7a5610a..e7027da 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.js
@@ -8,22 +8,25 @@ function preview () {
 function doPrintout (full) {
 	var opts = "";
-	var params = "";
 	var x = getValue ("x");
 	var g = getValue ("g");
 	var method = '"' + getValue ("method") + '"';
 	if (method == "\"jitter\"") {
 		opts += ", jitter = " + getValue ("jitter");
-		params += ", \"Jitter\" = " + getValue ("jitter");
 	} else if (method == "\"stack\"") {
 		opts += ", offset = " + getValue ("offset");
-		params += ", \"Offset\" = " + getValue ("offset");
-	var orientation = getValue ("orientation");
-	if (orientation == "Vertical") opts += ", vertical = TRUE";
+	if (getValue ("orientation") == "Vertical") opts += ", vertical = TRUE";
 	if (full) {
-		echo ('rk.header ("Stripchart", list ("Variable"=rk.get.description (' + x + '), "Group"=rk.get.description (' + g + '), "Method"=' + method + params + ', "Orientation"="' + orientation + '"))\n');
+		header = new Header (i18n ("Stripchart"))
+			.add (i18n ("Variable"), noquote ('rk.get.description (' + x + ')'))
+			.add (i18n ("Group"), noquote ('rk.get.description (' + g + ')'))
+			.addFromUI ("method");
+		if (method == "\"jitter\"") header.addFromUI ("jitter");
+		else if (method == "\"stack\"") header.addFromUI ("offset");
+		header.addFromUI ("orientation");
+		header.print ();
 		echo ('\n');
 		echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.xml b/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.xml
index 865a1b4..6e751a2 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.xml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 							<option value="stack" label="Stack"/>
 						<spinbox label="Jitter" id="jitter" initial="0.1" />
-						<spinbox label="offset" id="offset" initial="0.33333333333" />
+						<spinbox label="Offset" id="offset" initial="0.33333333333" />
diff --git a/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js b/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
index d3c30e6..bc2e4ca 100644
--- a/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
+++ b/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
@@ -124,6 +124,15 @@ Header = function (title, level) {
 	this.print = function (indentation) {
 		makeHeaderCode (this.title, this.parameters, this.level, indentation);
+	this.extractParameters = function (indentation) {
+		if (typeof (indentation) == 'undefined') indentation = "";
+		var ret = "";
+		for (var p = 0; p < this.parameters.length; p += 2) {
+			if (p) ret += ",\n" + indentation + "\t";
+			ret += quote (this.parameters[p]) + "=" + quote (this.parameters[p+1]);
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
 getValue = function (id) {
diff --git a/tests/plots/boxplot.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/boxplot.rkcommands.R
index b3eda95..54a4627 100644
--- a/tests/plots/boxplot.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/boxplot.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 ## Print result
-data_list <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]])		#convert single sample variables to list
-rk.header ("Boxplot", list ("Variable(s)", paste (names (data_list), collapse=", ")))
+data_list <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]])		# convert single sample variables to list
+rk.header ("Boxplot", parameters=list("Variable(s)"=paste (names (data_list), collapse=", ")))
 try ({
-	boxplot (data_list, notch = FALSE, outline = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE) #actual boxplot function
-	points(sapply(data_list, mean, na.rm=TRUE), pch=15, cex = 1.00, col="blue") #calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position
+	boxplot (data_list, notch = FALSE, outline = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE) # actual boxplot function
+	points(sapply(data_list, mean, na.rm=TRUE), pch=15, cex = 1.00, col="blue") # calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position
 rk.graph.off ()
 ## Print result
-data_list <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]])		#convert single sample variables to list
-rk.header ("Boxplot", list ("Variable(s)", paste (names (data_list), collapse=", ")))
+data_list <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]])		# convert single sample variables to list
+rk.header ("Boxplot", parameters=list("Variable(s)"=paste (names (data_list), collapse=", ")))
 try ({
-	boxplot (data_list, notch = FALSE, outline = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE) #actual boxplot function
-	geo_mean <- function (x) {prod(na.omit(x))^(1/length(na.omit(x)))}	#Calculate geometric mean
-	points(sapply(data_list, geo_mean), pch=15, cex = 1.00, col="blue") #calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position
+	boxplot (data_list, notch = FALSE, outline = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE) # actual boxplot function
+	geo_mean <- function (x) {prod(na.omit(x))^(1/length(na.omit(x)))}	# Calculate geometric mean
+	points(sapply(data_list, geo_mean), pch=15, cex = 1.00, col="blue") # calculates the mean for all data and adds a point at the corresponding position
 	sd_low <- (sapply(data_list, mean, na.rm = TRUE)) - (sapply(data_list,sd,na.rm = TRUE))
 	sd_high <- (sapply(data_list, mean, na.rm = TRUE)) + (sapply(data_list,sd,na.rm = TRUE))
 	points(sd_low, pch=3, cex = 1.00, col="blue")
diff --git a/tests/plots/boxplot_grouped.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/boxplot_grouped.rkcommands.R
index fb32a93..78ce053 100644
--- a/tests/plots/boxplot_grouped.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/boxplot_grouped.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 ## Print result
 groups <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["tension"]], warpbreaks[["wool"]])
-data_list <- split (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], groups)		#split sample by grouping variables
-rk.header ("Boxplot", list ("Outcome variable", rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]]), "Grouping variable(s)", paste (names (groups), collapse=", ")))
+data_list <- split (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], groups)		# split sample by grouping variables
+rk.header ("Boxplot", parameters=list("Outcome variable"=rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]]),
+	"Grouping variable(s)"=paste (names (groups), collapse=", ")))
 try ({
-	boxplot (data_list, notch = FALSE, outline = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE) #actual boxplot function
+	boxplot (data_list, notch = FALSE, outline = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE) # actual boxplot function
 rk.graph.off ()
 ## Print result
 groups <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["tension"]], warpbreaks[["wool"]])
-data_list <- split (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], groups)		#split sample by grouping variables
+data_list <- split (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], groups)		# split sample by grouping variables
 # adjust width and position of boxes to achieve dodging
 dodge_size <- nlevels (interaction (warpbreaks[["tension"]]))
 box_width <- 0.80 / dodge_size
 box_positions <- (rep (1:(length (data_list) / dodge_size), each=dodge_size) + (1:dodge_size)*(box_width))
-rk.header ("Boxplot", list ("Outcome variable", rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]]), "Grouping variable(s)", paste (names (groups), collapse=", ")))
+rk.header ("Boxplot", parameters=list("Outcome variable"=rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]]),
+	"Grouping variable(s)"=paste (names (groups), collapse=", ")))
 try ({
-	boxplot (data_list, boxwex=box_width, at=box_positions, xlim=c(min(box_positions)-box_width, max(box_positions)+box_width), notch = FALSE, outline = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE) #actual boxplot function
+	boxplot (data_list, boxwex=box_width, at=box_positions, xlim=c(min(box_positions)-box_width, max(box_positions)+box_width), notch = FALSE, outline = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE) # actual boxplot function
 rk.graph.off ()
diff --git a/tests/plots/density_plot.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/density_plot.rkcommands.R
index 41b0e96..4e2e24e 100644
--- a/tests/plots/density_plot.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/density_plot.rkcommands.R
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@ local({
 ## Prepare
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Highest density regions", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (women[["height"]]), "Band Width", "nrd0", "Adjust", 1.00, "Remove Missing Values", na.rm=TRUE, "Length", length (women[["height"]]), "Resolution", 512.00, "Smoothing Kernel", "gaussian"))
+rk.header ("Highest density regions", parameters=list("Variable"=rk.get.description (women[["height"]]),
+	"Length"=length (women[["height"]]),
+	"Adjust Bandwidth"="1.00",
+	"Remove Missing Values"="yes",
+	"Resolution"="512.00",
+	"Smoothing Kernel"="gaussian (default)",
+	"Bandwidth"="nrd0"))
 rk.graph.on ()
 try ({
diff --git a/tests/plots/density_plot.rkout b/tests/plots/density_plot.rkout
index 43802f5..97a620d 100644
--- a/tests/plots/density_plot.rkout
+++ b/tests/plots/density_plot.rkout
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
 <h1>Highest density regions</h1>
-<ul><li>: Variable</li>
-<li>: height</li>
-<li>: Band Width</li>
-<li>: nrd0</li>
-<li>: Adjust</li>
-<li>: 1</li>
-<li>: Remove Missing Values</li>
-<li>na.rm: TRUE</li>
-<li>: Length</li>
-<li>: 15</li>
-<li>: Resolution</li>
-<li>: 512</li>
-<li>: Smoothing Kernel</li>
-<li>: gaussian</li>
+<ul><li>Variable: height</li>
+<li>Length: 15</li>
+<li>Adjust Bandwidth: 1.00</li>
+<li>Remove Missing Values: yes</li>
+<li>Resolution: 512.00</li>
+<li>Smoothing Kernel: gaussian (default)</li>
+<li>Bandwidth: nrd0</li>
 DATE<br />
 <img src="graph.png" width="480" height="480"><br>
diff --git a/tests/plots/ecdf_plot.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/ecdf_plot.rkcommands.R
index a95343e..6e92a6e 100644
--- a/tests/plots/ecdf_plot.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/ecdf_plot.rkcommands.R
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ yrange <- range (swiss[["Catholic"]], na.rm=TRUE)
 data.mean <- mean (swiss[["Catholic"]], na.rm=TRUE)
 data.sd <- sd (swiss[["Catholic"]], na.rm=TRUE)
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (swiss[["Catholic"]]), "Minimum", yrange[1], "Maximum", yrange[2]))
+rk.header ("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function", parameters=list("Variable"=rk.get.description (swiss[["Catholic"]]),
+	"Minimum"=yrange[1],
+	"Maximum"=yrange[2]))
 rk.graph.on ()
 try ({
diff --git a/tests/plots/histogram.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/histogram.rkcommands.R
index ea012b1..27e11f7 100644
--- a/tests/plots/histogram.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/histogram.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Histogram", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (swiss[["Education"]]) , "Density bandwidth", "nrd", "Density adjust", 4.00, "Density resolution", 512.00, "Density Remove missing values", na.rm=TRUE  , "Break points", "Equally spaced vector of length 6", "Right closed", "TRUE", "Include in lowest cell", "TRUE", "Scale", "Density"))
+rk.header ("Histogram", list ("Variable"=rk.get.description (swiss[["Education"]]), "Break points"="Equally spaced vector of length 6",
+	"Right closed"="yes",
+	"Include in lowest cell"="yes",
+	"Scale"="Density"))
+rk.header ("Density curve", parameters=list("Bandwidth"="nrd",
+	"Adjust Bandwidth"="4.00",
+	"resolution"="512.00",
+	"Remove Missing Values"="yes"))
 rk.graph.on ()
 try ({
diff --git a/tests/plots/histogram.rkout b/tests/plots/histogram.rkout
index a3e1ec5..7f7603c 100644
--- a/tests/plots/histogram.rkout
+++ b/tests/plots/histogram.rkout
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
-<ul><li>: Variable</li>
-<li>: Education</li>
-<li>: Density bandwidth</li>
-<li>: nrd</li>
-<li>: Density adjust</li>
-<li>: 4</li>
-<li>: Density resolution</li>
-<li>: 512</li>
-<li>: Density Remove missing values</li>
-<li>na.rm: TRUE</li>
-<li>: Break points</li>
-<li>: Equally spaced vector of length 6</li>
-<li>: Right closed</li>
-<li>: TRUE</li>
-<li>: Include in lowest cell</li>
-<li>: TRUE</li>
-<li>: Scale</li>
-<li>: Density</li>
+<ul><li>Variable: Education</li>
+<li>Break points: Equally spaced vector of length 6</li>
+<li>Right closed: yes</li>
+<li>Include in lowest cell: yes</li>
+<li>Scale: Density</li>
+DATE<br />
+<h1>Density curve</h1>
+<ul><li>Bandwidth: nrd</li>
+<li>Adjust Bandwidth: 4.00</li>
+<li>resolution: 512.00</li>
+<li>Remove Missing Values: yes</li>
 DATE<br />
 <img src="graph.png" width="480" height="480"><br>
diff --git a/tests/plots/scatterplot.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/scatterplot.rkcommands.R
index a0a4d55..5eaa175 100644
--- a/tests/plots/scatterplot.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/scatterplot.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## Compute
-Xvars <- list(women[["weight"]],swiss[["Education"]])
-Yvars <- list(women[["height"]],swiss[["Catholic"]])
+Xvars <- rk.list(women[["weight"]],swiss[["Education"]])
+Yvars <- rk.list(women[["height"]],swiss[["Catholic"]])
 if (length(Xvars) != length(Yvars)) {
 	stop("Unequal number of X and Y variables given")
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ col <- rep (c ('black', 'red'), length.out=length (Xvars));
 cex <- rep (1, length.out=length (Xvars));
 pch <- rep (1, length.out=length (Xvars));
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Scatterplot", parameters = list (
-	"X variables"=paste (rk.get.description (women[["weight"]],swiss[["Education"]]), collapse=", "),
-	"Y variables"=paste (rk.get.description (women[["height"]],swiss[["Catholic"]]), collapse=", ")))
+rk.header ("Scatterplot", parameters=list("X variables"=paste (names (Xvars), collapse=", "),
+	"Y variables"=paste (names (Yvars), collapse=", ")))
diff --git a/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkcommands.R
index 207ae19..23a0f05 100644
--- a/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkcommands.R
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ require(car)
 ## Print result
 data <- data.frame (swiss)
-rk.header ("Scatterplot Matrix", parameters=list ("Diagonal Panels", "histogram", "Plot points", "TRUE", "Smooth", "FALSE", "Ellipses", "FALSE at 0.5 and 0.9 levels."))
+rk.header ("Scatterplot Matrix", parameters=list("Diagonal panels"="Histogram",
+	"Plot points"="yes",
+	"Plot smooth"="no",
+	"Plot data concentration ellipses"="no"))
 rk.graph.on ()
 try (scatterplotMatrix(data, diagonal="histogram", plot.points=TRUE, smooth=FALSE, ellipse=FALSE))
diff --git a/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkout b/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkout
index 0929c60..07aaaf3 100644
--- a/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkout
+++ b/tests/plots/scatterplot_matrix.rkout
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 <h1>Scatterplot Matrix</h1>
-<ul><li>Diagonal Panels: histogram</li>
-<li>Plot points: TRUE</li>
-<li>Smooth: FALSE</li>
-<li>Ellipses: FALSE at 0.5 and 0.9 levels.</li>
+<ul><li>Diagonal panels: Histogram</li>
+<li>Plot points: yes</li>
+<li>Plot smooth: no</li>
+<li>Plot data concentration ellipses: no</li>
 DATE<br />
 <img src="graph.png" width="480" height="480"><br>
diff --git a/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkcommands.R
index bb7901f..9b4d2b3 100644
--- a/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Stem-and-Leaf Plot",
-	parameters=list ("Variable", paste (rk.get.description (swiss[["Fertility"]])), "Plot Length", "1.50","Plot Width", "80.00", "Tolerance", "0.01"))
+rk.header ("Stem-and-Leaf Plot", parameters=list("Variable"=paste (rk.get.description (swiss[["Fertility"]])),
+	"Plot length (scale)"="1.50",
+	"Plot width"="80.00",
+	"Tolerance"="0.01"))
 rk.print.literal(capture.output(stem(swiss[["Fertility"]], scale = 1.50, width = 80.00, atom = 0.01)))
diff --git a/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkout b/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkout
index 322abdb..9376b7d 100644
--- a/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkout
+++ b/tests/plots/stem_leaf_plot.rkout
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <h1>Stem-and-Leaf Plot</h1>
 <ul><li>Variable: Fertility</li>
-<li>Plot Length: 1.50</li>
-<li>Plot Width: 80.00</li>
+<li>Plot length (scale): 1.50</li>
+<li>Plot width: 80.00</li>
 <li>Tolerance: 0.01</li>
 DATE<br />
diff --git a/tests/plots/stripchart.rkcommands.R b/tests/plots/stripchart.rkcommands.R
index d9c34be..4b2b483 100644
--- a/tests/plots/stripchart.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/plots/stripchart.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Stripchart", list ("Variable"=rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]]), "Group"=rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["tension"]]), "Method"="stack", "Offset" = 0.50, "Orientation"="Horizontal"))
+rk.header ("Stripchart", parameters=list("Variable"=rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]]),
+	"Group"=rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["tension"]]),
+	"Treatment of identical values"="Stack",
+	"Offset"="0.50",
+	"Orientation"="Horizontal"))
 rk.graph.on ()
 try ({
diff --git a/tests/plots/stripchart.rkout b/tests/plots/stripchart.rkout
index c2d4a8f..72fb199 100644
--- a/tests/plots/stripchart.rkout
+++ b/tests/plots/stripchart.rkout
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 <ul><li>Variable: breaks</li>
 <li>Group: tension</li>
-<li>Method: stack</li>
-<li>Offset: 0.5</li>
+<li>Treatment of identical values: Stack</li>
+<li>Offset: 0.50</li>
 <li>Orientation: Horizontal</li>
 DATE<br />

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