[rkward-cvs] [rkward] packages/rkwarddev: improved the author and maintainer fileds in generated DESCRIPTION files
m.eik michalke
meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Jan 6 14:57:41 UTC 2015
Git commit 97710a1010f3fa28ed2b06b6a9f3ea3361327b67 by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 06/01/2015 at 14:57.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'master'.
improved the author and maintainer fileds in generated DESCRIPTION files
M +3 -1 packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
M +42 -0 packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
M +6 -5 packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
index a761708..0822bf7 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ChangeLog for package rkwarddev
-changes in version 0.06-6 (2015-01-02)
+changes in version 0.06-6 (2015-01-06)
- rk.XML.optionset() does now allow to re-use objects defined in the same
function call (i.e., refer to optioncolumns in the logic section)
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ changed:
- rk.JS.doc() now uses a more robust method to set global variables, namely
by defining an additional function setGlobalVars() and calling that
inside preprocess()
+ - updated the generation of author and maintainer fileds in DESCRIPTIONs
+ made by rk.plugin.skeleton(), borrowing get.authors() from roxyPackage
- the functions rk.set.language() rk.get.language() were no longer useful
and therefore removed
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
index 637e73f..e8499bd 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
@@ -547,6 +547,48 @@ get.by.role <- function(persons, role="aut"){
} ## end function get.by.role()
+## function get.authors()
+get.authors <- function(description, maintainer=TRUE, contributor=FALSE, copyright=FALSE){
+ if("Authors at R" %in% names(description)){
+ gotPersons <- TRUE
+ authorsFromDescription <- description[["Authors at R"]]
+ } else if("Author at R" %in% names(description)){
+ gotPersons <- TRUE
+ authorsFromDescription <- description[["Author at R"]]
+ } else {
+ gotPersons <- FALSE
+ }
+ if(isTRUE(gotPersons)){
+ got.aut <- paste(format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=authorsFromDescription))), include=c("given", "family")), collapse=", ")
+ got.cre <- ifelse(isTRUE(maintainer),
+ paste(format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=authorsFromDescription)), role="cre"), include=c("given", "family", "email")), collapse=", "),
+ "")
+ got.ctb <- ifelse(isTRUE(contributor),
+ paste(format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=authorsFromDescription)), role="ctb"), include=c("given", "family")), collapse=", "),
+ "")
+ got.cph <- ifelse(isTRUE(copyright),
+ paste(format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=authorsFromDescription)), role="cph"), include=c("given", "family")), collapse=", "),
+ "")
+ } else {
+ got.aut <- description[["Author"]]
+ got.cre <- ifelse(isTRUE(maintainer),
+ description[["Maintainer"]],
+ "")
+ # contributors should already be named in got.aut
+ got.ctb <- ""
+ got.cph <- ""
+ }
+ got.cre.clean <- gsub("<([^@]*)@([^>]*)>", "\\\\email{\\1@@\\2}", gsub("\n[[:space:]]*", "\n#' ", got.cre))
+ # append contributors
+ if(isTRUE(contributor) && got.ctb != ""){
+ got.aut <- paste0(got.aut, ", with contributions from ", got.ctb)
+ } else {}
+ gotAuthors <- list(aut=got.aut, cre=got.cre, cre.clean=got.cre.clean, ctb=got.ctb, cph=got.cph)
+ return(gotAuthors)
+} ## end function get.authors()
## function check.ID()
# - node: a XiMpLe.node to search for an ID
# - search.environment: if TRUE, the internal environment is searched for the ID
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R
index 5766e75..83eb764 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R
@@ -364,11 +364,12 @@ rk.plugin.skeleton <- function(about, path=tempdir(),
## create DESCRIPTION file
if("desc" %in% create){
if(isTRUE(checkCreateFiles(description.file, ow=overwrite, action="desc"))){
- authors <- XML2person(about.node, eval=TRUE)
- all.authors <- format(get.by.role(authors, role="aut"),
- include=c("given", "family", "email"), braces=list(email=c("<", ">")))
- all.maintainers <- format(get.by.role(authors, role="cre"),
- include=c("given", "family", "email"), braces=list(email=c("<", ">")))
+ # R replaces the @ with a dot, so we need to rename it as a workaround
+ authors.person <- data.frame(AuthorsR=paste0("c(", XML2person(about.node), ")"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+ colnames(authors.person)[1] <- "Authors at R"
+ authors <- get.authors(authors.person, maintainer=TRUE, contributor=TRUE)
+ all.authors <- authors[["aut"]]
+ all.maintainers <- authors[["cre"]]
## TODO: check and add the commented values here:
desc <- data.frame(
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