[rkward-cvs] [rkward/releases/0.6.3] rkward/plugins: Some improvements to translatability of <technical>-sections:
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Feb 6 12:34:29 UTC 2015
Git commit 0c7e1b97ccdd428849790f5b4565993bd8c8a0bc by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 06/02/2015 at 12:33.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'releases/0.6.3'.
Some improvements to translatability of <technical>-sections:
- Split into somewhat smaller units (more work to be done)
- Mark up all fixed terms, and add a comment on these
- Some spelling fixes, and use <label> where appropriate.
M +4 -2 rkward/plugins/data/limit_vector_length.rkh
M +6 -4 rkward/plugins/data/one_var_tabulation.rkh
M +3 -2 rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.rkh
M +8 -5 rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.rkh
M +13 -10 rkward/plugins/plots/plot_options.rkh
M +6 -5 rkward/plugins/plots/plot_stepfun_options.rkh
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/data/limit_vector_length.rkh b/rkward/plugins/data/limit_vector_length.rkh
index 1cd6dce..e30ff3d 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/data/limit_vector_length.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/data/limit_vector_length.rkh
@@ -17,15 +17,17 @@
<setting id="others_label">Label to use for the "others" category. Note: If your data is not labeled, emptying this field will sometimes be preferable.</setting>
- <technical>
+ <technical><!-- i18n: Terms inside quotes, <i></i> or <b></b> should not be translated, here -->
General users may skip this section of help, this is primarily for developers.
The following external properties are provided for use in the embedding plugin.
<li><i>invar</i>: Symbol name of the input variable to be limited. Defaults to 'x'.</li>
<li><i>outvar</i>: Symbol name to use for the output variable (the limited vector). May be identical to <i>invar</i>. Defaults to 'x'.</li>
- <li><i>parameters</i>: This property will be set to a string describing the limitation options, suitable for pasting into the "parameters" argument of rk.header().</li>
+ <li><i>parameters</i>: This property will be set to a string describing the limitation options, suitable for pasting into the <i>parameters</i> argument of <b>rk.header()</b>.</li>
The generated code is available from <i>code.calculate</i>.
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/data/one_var_tabulation.rkh b/rkward/plugins/data/one_var_tabulation.rkh
index 9e2f4a8..398706e 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/data/one_var_tabulation.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/data/one_var_tabulation.rkh
@@ -24,17 +24,19 @@
- <technical>
+ <technical><!-- i18n: Terms inside quotes, <i></i> or <b></b> should not be translated, here -->
General users may skip this section of help, this is primarily for developers.
- The following external properties are provided for use in the embedding plugin.
+ The following external properties are provided for use in the embedding plugin:
- <li><i>varsource</i>: The tabulation plugin does not show its own varselector by default. Connect your own to this one (client="embedded_id.varsource.selected", governor="myvarselector_id.selected").</li>
+ <li><i>varsource</i>: The tabulation plugin does not show its own varselector by default. Connect your own to this one (<i>client="embedded_id.varsource.selected" governor="myvarselector_id.selected"</i>).</li>
<li><i>outvar</i>: By default, the plugin produces a table in a variable called "x". You can set it to use a different name, here.</li>
<li><i>titlevar</i>: If you want the plugin to save a description of the grouping variables in an R variable, set this to an object name to use. Else set this to "" to disable. Defaults to "title"</li>
<li><i>fun_label</i>: This property will be set to a description of the statistic.</li>
- <li><i>parameters</i>: This property will be set to a string describing the tabulation options, suitable for pasting into the "parameters" argument of rk.header().</li>
+ <li><i>parameters</i>: This property will be set to a string describing the tabulation options, suitable for pasting into the <i>parameters</i> argument of <b>rk.header()</b>.</li>
The generated code is available from <i>code.calculate</i>.
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.rkh b/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.rkh
index 1609884..b99f17f 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/barplot_embed.rkh
@@ -28,11 +28,12 @@ Choose if you want stacked bars, legend, and rainbow colors. Also you can choose
<li><link href="rkward://rhelp/table"/></li>
- <technical>
+ <technical><!-- i18n: "true", "false", and terms inside <i></i> or <b></b> should not be translated, here -->
This plugin is meant to be embedded in other plugins. It does not by itself provide a means to select input data. When embedding this plugin, you will be interested in the following properties:
<li><i>xvar</i>: The name of the data variable. You can connect this to a varslot, or set it to a fixed string such as "x". This is required.</li>
- <li><i>code.preprocess</i>: Provides a summary of parameters to be used in a call to rk.header(), if you have a use for it.</li>
+ <li><i>code.preprocess</i>: Provides a summary of parameters to be used in a call to <b>rk.header()</b>, if you have a use for it.</li>
<li><i>code.printout</i>: The actual commands needed to construct the barplot.</li>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.rkh b/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.rkh
index 6af40a8..20e516d 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.rkh
@@ -35,19 +35,22 @@
<li><link href="rkward://rhelp/extendrange"/></li>
- <technical>
+ <technical><!-- i18n: "true", "false, and terms inside <i></i> or <b></b> should not be translated, here -->
General users may skip this section of help, this is primarily for developers.
The following external tags are provided for use in the embedding plugin.
<li><i>varname</i>: For linking to the variable name for which histogram is being plotted. This is used in the 'Integer numbers' option for breaks.</li>
- <li><i>allow_freq</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Frequency' checkbox.</li>
- <li><i>allow_barlabels</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Bar labels' checkbox.</li>
- <li><i>allow_addtoplot</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Add bars to current plot' checkbox.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_freq</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="freq"/>' check box.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_barlabels</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="barlabels"/>' check box.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_addtoplot</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="addtoplot"/>' check box.</li>
In order to allow flexible use, the generated options are separated into three different sections:
- <li><i>code.preprocess</i>: Options suitable for use in a call to rk.header(). These are safe to ignore, if you do not need them.</li>
+ <li><i>code.preprocess</i>: Options suitable for use in a call to <b>rk.header()</b>. These are safe to ignore, if you do not need them.</li>
<li><i>code.calculate</i>: This contains only the <i>breaks</i>-option.</li>
<li><i>code.printout</i>: This contains all the other options determining the look of the plot.</li>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_options.rkh b/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_options.rkh
index fe16fa4..01b501f 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_options.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_options.rkh
@@ -50,29 +50,32 @@
- <technical>
+ <technical><!-- i18n: "true", "false", and terms inside <i></i> or <b></b> should not be translated, here -->
General users may skip this section of help, this is primarily for developers.
The following external tags are provided for use in the embedding plugin.
<li><i>xvar</i>: The variable to be used for the x-coordinates.</li>
<li><i>yvar</i>: The variable to be used for the y-coordinates.</li>
- <li><i>default_pointtype</i>: A string that provides the default point type when the user chooses 'Default' for 'Type of points/lines'. The possibilities are p,l,b,o,h,s and S; the options for the <i>type</i> argument.</li>
- <li><i>default_pointcolor</i>: A string that provides the default point color when the user chooses 'Default' for 'Color'. For various possibilities see the code color_chooser.xml; the options for the <i>col</i> argument.</li>
- <li><i>default_main</i>: A string specifying the <i>main</i> argument to <b>plot.default</b>. By default this is "" which means that the main title generated by the plotting function is used. Note: The default is always used unquoted. If you want to specify a literal string add quotes, explicitly, as ""e;".</li>
+ <li><i>default_pointtype</i>: A string that provides the default point type when the user chooses 'Default' for '<label id="pointtype"/>'. The possibilities are p,l,b,o,h,s and S; the options for the <i>type</i> argument.</li>
+ <li><i>default_pointcolor</i>: A string that provides the default point color when the user chooses 'Default' for '<label id="pointcolor"/>'. For various possibilities see the code color_chooser.xml; the options for the <i>col</i> argument.</li>
+ <li><i>default_main</i>: A string specifying the <i>main</i> argument to <b>plot.default</b>. By default this is "" which means that the main title generated by the plotting function is used. Note: The default is always used unquoted. If you want to specify a literal string add quotes, explicitly, as "&<i>quote;</i>".</li>
<li><i>default_sub</i>: Similar to <i>main</i> above but for the subtitle argument <i>sub</i>.</li>
<li><i>default_xlab</i>: Similar to <i>main</i> above but for the X-label argument <i>xlab</i>.</li>
<li><i>default_ylab</i>: Similar to <i>main</i> above but for the Y-label argument <i>ylab</i>.</li>
- <li><i>allow_log</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of 'X axis logarithmic' and 'Y axis logarithmic' checkboxes.</li>
- <li><i>allow_xlim</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of 'Min X value' and 'Max X value' input boxes.</li>
- <li><i>allow_ylim</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of 'Min Y value' and 'Max Y value' input boxes.</li>
- <li><i>allow_type</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Points / Lines' tab.</li>
- <li><i>allow_aspect</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Aspect ratio' tab.</li>
- <li><i>allow_grid</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Grid' tab. If "true", the actual code for grid options can be extracted from code.calculate (see below) which in turn extracts it from grid_options.code.printout. Specifically, if the plot options plugin is embedded using an id="plot_options" then the following call:<br>
+ <li><i>allow_log</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of '<label id="xlog"/>' and '<label id="ylog"/>' check boxes.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_xlim</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of '<label id="xminvalue"/>' and '<label id="xmaxvalue"/>' input boxes.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_ylim</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of '<label id="yminvalue"/>' and '<label id="ymaxvalue"/>' input boxes.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_type</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="pointtypepage"/>' tab.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_aspect</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="aspectratio"/>' tab.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_grid</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="tab_grid"/>' tab. If "true", the actual code for grid options can be extracted from code.calculate (see below) which in turn extracts it from grid_options.code.printout. Specifically, if the plot options plugin is embedded using an <i>id="plot_options"</i> then the following call:<br>
printIndented ("\t", getRK_val ("plot_options.code.calculate"));</br><br>
after the plotting function should do the job.</br></li>
In order to allow flexible use, the generated options are separated into different sections:
<li><i>code.preprocess</i>: Nothing yet, but will hopefully include some <b>par</b> options.</li>
<li><i>code.calculate</i>: Currently this contains only the <b>grid</b>-options.</li>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_stepfun_options.rkh b/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_stepfun_options.rkh
index 62d65de..ab4ad3c 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_stepfun_options.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/plots/plot_stepfun_options.rkh
@@ -23,15 +23,16 @@
<li><link href="rkward://rhelp/ecdf"/></li>
- <technical>
+ <technical><!-- i18n: "true", "false", and terms inside <i></i> or <b></b> should not be translated, here -->
General users may skip this section of help, this is primarily for developers.
The following external tags are provided for use in the embedding plugin.
- <li><i>allow_addtoplot</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the 'Add to current plot' checkbox.</li>
- <li><i>default_dopoints</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") toggles the state of the 'Draw points' checkbox.</li>
- <li><i>default_verticals</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") toggles the state of the 'Draw vertical lines' checkbox.</li>
- <li><i>allow_col01line</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the two frames ('For y = 0 line' and 'For y = 1 line') for <i>col.01line</i> option to ecdf.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_addtoplot</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the '<label id="addtoplot"/>' check box.</li>
+ <li><i>default_dopoints</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") toggles the state of the '<label id="do_points"/>' check box.</li>
+ <li><i>default_verticals</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") toggles the state of the '<label id="verticals"/>' check box.</li>
+ <li><i>allow_col01line</i>: Setting this to "true" ("false") enables (disables) the display of the two frames ('<label id="frame_col_y0"/>' and '<label id="frame_col_y0"/>') for <i>col.01line</i> option to <b>ecdf</b>.</li>
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