[rkward-cvs] [rkward] /: Add i18n() calls to power analysis plugin.

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Feb 2 10:20:19 UTC 2015

Git commit 6175544c28854e8ff07b4c8cda4584ee4e092b84 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 02/02/2015 at 10:19.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.

Add i18n() calls to power analysis plugin.

M  +3    -1    ChangeLog
M  +35   -25   rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.rkh
M  +6    -0    rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.xml
M  +35   -29   rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_power_plugin_script.R
M  +21   -21   tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
M  +10   -10   tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout


diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c71f126..3464850 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
+TODO 0.6.3:
+  - dirselectors on Windows
+  - talk to kde-18n-doc
 - New element <i18n> for use in plugins' logic section: Provides a translatable string property
 - New element <label> for use in plugin help pages: Copies the label-attribute of the given element into the text
 - New string property modifier "quoted" to make it easier to quote dynamic strings inside plugins
 - Reworked distribution calculator plugins
 - Added power analysis plugin (already existed as separate plugin)
-  - TODO: add automated tests
 - Assume plugin .js files to be in utf-8 encoding; this allows using non-ascii characters in the generated code
 - <matrix> element gains options min_rows and min_columns, and the details of fixed_width="true" have been improved
 - Fixed: <valueslot>s were quirky with respect to showing as invalid
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.js
index 86a2f81..f8c8d7a 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.js
@@ -10,23 +10,24 @@ function preprocess(){
 function calculate(){
 	// read in variables from dialog
-	var drpPwrStat = getValue("drp_pwr_stat");
-	var spnNmbrfgrp = getValue("spn_Nmbrfgrp");
-	var drpPwrType = getValue("drp_pwr_type");
-	var drpPwrProptype = getValue("drp_pwr_proptype");
-	var drpPwrHypothesis = getValue("drp_pwr_hypothesis");
-	var radEffctEta = getValue("rad_effct_eta");
-	var radPwrParam = getValue("rad_pwr_param");
-	var spnPower = getValue("spn_Power");
-	var pwrSpinDf = getValue("pwr_spin_df");
-	var pwrSpinDfu = getValue("pwr_spin_dfu");
-	var pwrSpinDfv = getValue("pwr_spin_dfv");
-	var pwrSpinSample0 = getValue("pwr_spin_sample0");
-	var pwrSpinSample1 = getValue("pwr_spin_sample1");
-	var pwrSpinSample2 = getValue("pwr_spin_sample2");
-	var spnEffectsz = getValue("spn_Effectsz");
-	var spnSgnfcncl = getValue("spn_Sgnfcncl");
-	var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
+	var drpPwrStat = getString("drp_pwr_stat");
+	var spnNmbrfgrp = getString("spn_Nmbrfgrp");
+	var drpPwrType = getString("drp_pwr_type");
+	var drpPwrProptype = getString("drp_pwr_proptype");
+	var drpPwrHypothesis = getString("drp_pwr_hypothesis");
+	var radEffctEta = getString("rad_effct_eta");
+	var radPwrParam = getString("rad_pwr_param");
+	var spnPower = getString("spn_Power");
+	var pwrSpinDf = getString("pwr_spin_df");
+	var pwrSpinDfu = getString("pwr_spin_dfu");
+	var pwrSpinDfv = getString("pwr_spin_dfv");
+	var pwrSpinSample0 = getString("pwr_spin_sample0");
+	var pwrSpinSample1 = getString("pwr_spin_sample1");
+	var pwrSpinSample2 = getString("pwr_spin_sample2");
+	var spnEffectsz = getString("spn_Effectsz");
+	var spnSgnfcncl = getString("spn_Sgnfcncl");
+	var svbSvrsltst = getString("svb_Svrsltst");
 	// the R code to be evaluated
 	echo("\tpwr.result <- try(\n\t\t");
@@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ function calculate(){
 		if(radEffctEta == "f") {
 			echo(",\n\t\t\tf=" + spnEffectsz);
 		} else {
-			echo(",\n\t\t\tf=sqrt(" + spnEffectsz + "/(1-" + spnEffectsz + ")) # calculate f from eta squared");
+			echo(",\n\t\t\tf=sqrt(" + spnEffectsz + "/(1-" + spnEffectsz + "))");
+	comment("calculate f from eta squared", "\t");
@@ -170,24 +172,32 @@ function printout(){
 	var drpPwrStat = getValue("drp_pwr_stat");
 	var radPwrParam = getValue("rad_pwr_param");
-	echo("\t# Catch errors due to unsuitable data\n" + "\tif(class(pwr.result) == \"try-error\"){\n" + "\t\trk.print(\"Power analysis not possible with the data you provided\")\n" + "\t\treturn()\n\t}\n\n" + "\t# Prepare printout\n" + "\tnote <- pwr.result[[\"note\"]]\n" + "\tparameters <- list(\"Target measure\"=\"" + radPwrParam + "\")\n" + "\tif(!is.null(pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]])){\n\t\tparameters[[\"alternative\"]] <- pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]]\n\t}\n\n" + "\trk.header(pwr.result[[\"method\"]], parameters=parameters)\n" + "\tpwr.result[c(\"method\", \"note\", \"alternative\")] <- NULL\n" + "\tpwr.result <- as.data.frame(unlist(pwr.result))\n" + "\tcolnames(pwr.result) <- \"Parameters\"\n\n" + "\trk.results(pwr.result)\n" + "\tif(!is.null(note)){\n\t\trk.print(paste(\"<strong>Note:</strong> \", note))\n\t}\n\n");
+	comment("Catch errors due to unsuitable data", "\t");
+	echo("\tif(class(pwr.result) == \"try-error\"){\n" + "\t\trk.print(" + i18n("Power analysis not possible with the data you provided") + ")\n" + "\t\treturn()\n\t}\n\n");
+	comment("Prepare printout", "\t");
+	echo("\tnote <- pwr.result[[\"note\"]]\n");
+	header = new Header ().addFromUI ("rad_pwr_param");
+	echo("\tparameters <- list(");
+	echo (header.extractParameters ());
+	echo(")\n" + "\tif(!is.null(pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]])){\n\t\tparameters[[" + i18n("alternative") + "]] <- pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]]\n\t}\n\n" + "\trk.header(pwr.result[[\"method\"]], parameters=parameters)\n" + "\tpwr.result[c(\"method\", \"note\", \"alternative\")] <- NULL\n" + "\tpwr.result <- as.data.frame(unlist(pwr.result))\n" + "\tcolnames(pwr.result) <- " + i18n("Parameters") + "\n\n" + "\trk.results(pwr.result)\n" + "\tif(!is.null(note)){\n\t\trk.print(paste(" + i18n("<strong>Note:</strong>") + ", note))\n\t}\n\n");
 	if(drpPwrStat == "pwr.t.test" | drpPwrStat == "pwr.norm.test") {
-		echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))\n");
+		echo("\trk.print(" + i18nc("Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'", "Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", "d") + ")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(" + i18nc("effect size", "small") + "=0.2, " + i18nc("effect size", "medium") + "=0.5, " + i18nc("effect size", "large") + "=0.8))\n");
 	if(drpPwrStat == "pwr.r.test") {
-		echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>r</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.3, large=0.5))\n");
+		echo("\trk.print(" + i18nc("Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'", "Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", "r") + ")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(" + i18nc("effect size", "small") + "=0.1, " + i18nc("effect size", "medium") + "=0.3, " + i18nc("effect size", "large") + "=0.5))\n");
 	if(drpPwrStat == "pwr.f2.test") {
-		echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>f<sup>2</sup></strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.02, medium=0.15, large=0.35))\n");
+		echo("\trk.print(" + i18nc("Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'", "Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", "f<sup>2</sup>") + ")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(" + i18nc("effect size", "small") + "=0.02, " + i18nc("effect size", "medium") + "=0.15, " + i18nc("effect size", "large") + "=0.35))\n");
 	if(drpPwrStat == "pwr.anova.test") {
-		echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>f</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.25, large=0.4))\n");
+		echo("\trk.print(" + i18nc("Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'", "Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", "f") + ")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(" + i18nc("effect size", "small") + "=0.1, " + i18nc("effect size", "medium") + "=0.25, " + i18nc("effect size", "large") + "=0.4))\n");
 	if(drpPwrStat == "pwr.chisq.test") {
-		echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>w</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.3, large=0.5))\n");
+		echo("\trk.print(" + i18nc("Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'", "Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", "w") + ")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(" + i18nc("effect size", "small") + "=0.1, " + i18nc("effect size", "medium") + "=0.3, " + i18nc("effect size", "large") + "=0.5))\n");
 	if(drpPwrStat == "pwr.p.test") {
-		echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>h</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))\n");
+		echo("\trk.print(" + i18nc("Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'", "Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", "h") + ")\n" + "\trk.results(data.frame(" + i18nc("effect size", "small") + "=0.2, " + i18nc("effect size", "medium") + "=0.5, " + i18nc("effect size", "large") + "=0.8))\n");
 	//// save result object
 	// read in saveobject variables
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.rkh b/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.rkh
index fd40680..2dd4da4 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.rkh
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.rkh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 		Power analysis
-		Perform power analysis for a variety of statistical methods.
+		Perform power analysis for a variety of statistcal methods.
 		Given three of the parameters 'power of test', 
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.xml b/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.xml
index cd25f87..4f5a95b 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/power/Poweranalysis.xml
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
 			perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
 	<code file="Poweranalysis.js" />
 	<help file="Poweranalysis.rkh" />
+	<!-- <dependencies>
+			</dependencies> -->
+	<about name="Power analysis" shortinfo="RKWard GUI to perform power analysis and sample size estimation." longinfo="RKWard GUI to perform power analysis and sample size estimation." version="0.02-1" releasedate="2015-02-02" url="http://rkward.kde.org" license="GPL (>= 3)">
+		<author given="Meik" family="Michalke" email="meik.michalke at hhu.de" role="aut, cre" />
+		<author given="Thomas" family="Friedrichsmeier" email="thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de" role="ctb" />
+	</about>
 		<convert id="pwr_lgc_power" sources="rad_pwr_param.string" mode="equals" standard="Power" />
 		<convert id="pwr_lgc_sample" sources="rad_pwr_param.string" mode="equals" standard="Sample size" />
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_power_plugin_script.R b/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_power_plugin_script.R
index 0699c13..1b3c1f0 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_power_plugin_script.R
+++ b/rkward/plugins/rkwarddev_scripts/rkwarddev_power_plugin_script.R
@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@
 # *EXCEPT* for the last call, see below.
 # set the output directory to overwrite the actual plugin
 output.dir <- tempdir()
 overwrite <- TRUE
-# if you set guess.getters to TRUE, the resulting code will need RKWard >= 0.6.0
-guess.getter <- FALSE
 about.info <- rk.XML.about(
@@ -20,10 +18,10 @@ about.info <- rk.XML.about(
       email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut","cre")),
     person(given="Thomas", family="Friedrichsmeier", email="thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de", role=c("ctb"))),
   about=list(desc="RKWard GUI to perform power analysis and sample size estimation.",
-    version="0.01-3", url="http://rkward.kde.org")
+    version="0.02-1", url="http://rkward.kde.org")
 dependencies.info <- rk.XML.dependencies(
-  dependencies=list(rkward.min=ifelse(isTRUE(guess.getter), "0.6.0", "0.5.6"),
+  dependencies=list(rkward.min="0.6.3",
@@ -356,7 +354,7 @@ pwr.js.calc <- rk.paste.JS(
       ite(id(pwr.parameter.rad, " != \"Effect size\""),
         ite(id(pwr.effect.etasq.rad, " == \"f\""),
           echo(",\n\t\t\tf=", pwr.input.effect),
-          echo(",\n\t\t\tf=sqrt(", pwr.input.effect,"/(1-", pwr.input.effect,")) # calculate f from eta squared")
+          rk.paste.JS (echo(",\n\t\t\tf=sqrt(", pwr.input.effect,"/(1-", pwr.input.effect,"))"), R.comment ("calculate f from eta squared"))
@@ -461,47 +459,54 @@ pwr.js.calc <- rk.paste.JS(
+helper.make.effect.size.legend <- function (indicator, small, medium, large) {
+   indicator <- dQuote (indicator)
+   rk.paste.JS (echo(
+      "\trk.print(", i18n ("Interpretation of effect size <strong>%1</strong> (according to Cohen):", indicator, context="Argument is name of statistic, e.g. 'r'"), ")\n",
+      "\trk.results(data.frame(", i18n ("small", context="effect size"), paste0 ("=", small, ", "),
+                                  i18n ("medium", context="effect size"), paste0 ("=", medium, ", "),
+                                  i18n ("large", context="effect size"), paste0 ("=", large, "))\n"))
+   )
 pwr.js.print <- rk.paste.JS(
   rk.JS.vars(list(pwr.stat.drop, pwr.parameter.rad)),
+  R.comment ("Catch errors due to unsuitable data"),
-    "\t# Catch errors due to unsuitable data\n",
     "\tif(class(pwr.result) == \"try-error\"){\n",
-    "\t\trk.print(\"Power analysis not possible with the data you provided\")\n",
-    "\t\treturn()\n\t}\n\n",
-    "\t# Prepare printout\n",
-    "\tnote <- pwr.result[[\"note\"]]\n",
-    "\tparameters <- list(\"Target measure\"=\"", pwr.parameter.rad, "\")\n",
-    "\tif(!is.null(pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]])){\n\t\tparameters[[\"alternative\"]] <- pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]]\n\t}\n\n",
+    "\t\trk.print(", i18n ("Power analysis not possible with the data you provided"), ")\n",
+    "\t\treturn()\n\t}\n\n"),
+  R.comment ("Prepare printout"),
+  echo ("\tnote <- pwr.result[[\"note\"]]\n"),
+  id ("header = new Header ().addFromUI (\"", pwr.parameter.rad, "\");\n", js=FALSE),
+  echo ("\tparameters <- list("),
+  "echo (header.extractParameters ());",
+  echo (")\n",
+    "\tif(!is.null(pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]])){\n\t\tparameters[[", i18n ("alternative"), "]] <- pwr.result[[\"alternative\"]]\n\t}\n\n",
     "\trk.header(pwr.result[[\"method\"]], parameters=parameters)\n",
     "\tpwr.result[c(\"method\", \"note\", \"alternative\")] <- NULL\n",
     "\tpwr.result <- as.data.frame(unlist(pwr.result))\n",
-    "\tcolnames(pwr.result) <- \"Parameters\"\n\n",
+    "\tcolnames(pwr.result) <- ", i18n ("Parameters"), "\n\n",
-    "\tif(!is.null(note)){\n\t\trk.print(paste(\"<strong>Note:</strong> \", note))\n\t}\n\n"
+    "\tif(!is.null(note)){\n\t\trk.print(paste(", i18n ("<strong>Note:</strong>"), ", note))\n\t}\n\n"
   ite(id(pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.t.test\" | ", pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.norm.test\""),
-    echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n",
-      "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))\n")
+    helper.make.effect.size.legend ("d", "0.2", "0.5", "0.8")
   ite(id(pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.r.test\""),
-    echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>r</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n",
-      "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.3, large=0.5))\n")
+    helper.make.effect.size.legend ("r", "0.1", "0.3", "0.5")
   ite(id(pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.f2.test\""),
-    echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>f<sup>2</sup></strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n",
-      "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.02, medium=0.15, large=0.35))\n")
+    helper.make.effect.size.legend ("f<sup>2</sup>", "0.02", "0.15", "0.35")
   ite(id(pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.anova.test\""),
-    echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>f</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n",
-      "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.25, large=0.4))\n")
+    helper.make.effect.size.legend ("f", "0.1", "0.25", "0.4")
   ite(id(pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.chisq.test\""),
-    echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>w</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n",
-      "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.3, large=0.5))\n")
+    helper.make.effect.size.legend ("w", "0.1", "0.3", "0.5")
   ite(id(pwr.stat.drop, " == \"pwr.p.test\""),
-    echo("\trk.print(\"Interpretation of effect size <strong>h</strong> (according to Cohen):\")\n",
-      "\trk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))\n")
+    helper.make.effect.size.legend ("h", "0.2", "0.5", "0.8")
@@ -530,7 +535,7 @@ pwr.rkh.related <- rk.rkh.related(rk.rkh.link ("pwr", text="Description of the R
 pwr.plugin.dir <<- rk.plugin.skeleton(
-  guess.getter=guess.getter,
+  guess.getter=TRUE,
@@ -553,5 +558,6 @@ pwr.plugin.dir <<- rk.plugin.skeleton(
 # edit=TRUE,
 # show=TRUE,
-  hints=FALSE)
+  hints=FALSE,
+  internal=TRUE)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
index 38c6113..4d5e4d5 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Power")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Power of test")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.2, "medium"=0.5, "large"=0.8))
 ## Prepare
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Power")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Power of test")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.2, "medium"=0.5, "large"=0.8))
 ## Prepare
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Sample size")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Sample size")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>r</strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.3, large=0.5))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.1, "medium"=0.3, "large"=0.5))
 ## Prepare
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Significance level")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Significance level")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>w</strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.1, medium=0.3, large=0.5))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.1, "medium"=0.3, "large"=0.5))
 ## Prepare
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Significance level")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Significance level")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>h</strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.2, "medium"=0.5, "large"=0.8))
 ## Prepare
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Significance level")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Significance level")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.2, "medium"=0.5, "large"=0.8))
 ## Prepare
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ require(pwr)
 	# Prepare printout
 	note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
-	parameters <- list("Target measure"="Parameter count")
+	parameters <- list("Parameter to determine"="Parameter count")
 		parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
@@ -269,9 +269,9 @@ require(pwr)
-		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+		rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong>", note))
 	rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>f<sup>2</sup></strong> (according to Cohen):")
-	rk.results(data.frame(small=0.02, medium=0.15, large=0.35))
+	rk.results(data.frame("small"=0.02, "medium"=0.15, "large"=0.35))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout
index 6e9c2d8..5a772ba 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <h1>Two-sample t test power calculation</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Power</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Power of test</li>
 <li>alternative: two.sided</li>
 DATE<br />
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <tr><td>power    </td><td> 0.20785</td></tr>
-<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong>  n is number in *each* group</p>
+<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong> n is number in *each* group</p>
 <p class='character'>Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):</p>
 <table border="1">
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>t test power calculation</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Power</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Power of test</li>
 <li>alternative: two.sided</li>
 DATE<br />
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>approximate correlation power calculation (arctangh transformation)</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Sample size</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Sample size</li>
 <li>alternative: two.sided</li>
 DATE<br />
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Chi squared power calculation</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Significance level</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Significance level</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <tr><td>power    </td><td> 0.81000</td></tr>
-<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong>  N is the number of observations</p>
+<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong> N is the number of observations</p>
 <p class='character'>Interpretation of effect size <strong>w</strong> (according to Cohen):</p>
 <table border="1">
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Difference of proportion power calculation for binomial distribution (arcsine transformation)</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Significance level</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Significance level</li>
 <li>alternative: greater</li>
 DATE<br />
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <tr><td>power    </td><td> 0.81000</td></tr>
-<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong>  same sample sizes</p>
+<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong> same sample sizes</p>
 <p class='character'>Interpretation of effect size <strong>h</strong> (according to Cohen):</p>
 <table border="1">
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Mean power calculation for normal distribution with known variance</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Significance level</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Significance level</li>
 <li>alternative: two.sided</li>
 DATE<br />
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Multiple regression power calculation</h1>
-<ul><li>Target measure: Parameter count</li>
+<ul><li>Parameter to determine: Parameter count</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">

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