[rkward/releases/0.6.4] packages/XiMpLe: child node name validation basically works
m.eik michalke
meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Dec 7 21:32:19 UTC 2015
Git commit 7e671055f54866a12c8464008d32223531f7241d by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 07/12/2015 at 21:29.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'releases/0.6.4'.
child node name validation basically works
- still needs a lot of testing and debugging
- new class XiMpLe.validity for validation definitions
- attributes are ignored
- re-wrote docs (XiMpLe.node and XiMpLe.doc weren't updated in a while)
- some code cleaning
M +5 -0 packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog
M +4 -1 packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION
M +5 -0 packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE
M +44 -44 packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R
M +32 -32 packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R
A +66 -0 packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_03_XiMpLe.validity.R
M +47 -7 packages/XiMpLe/R/01_method_04_validXML.R
A +59 -0 packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLValidity.R
M +4 -7 packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R
M +2 -2 packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R
M +8 -2 packages/XiMpLe/R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
M +5 -11 packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
M +4 -12 packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
M +4 -13 packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
M +3 -5 packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
M +27 -7 packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.doc-class.Rd
M +37 -18 packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.node-class.Rd
A +55 -0 packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.validity-class.Rd
M +5 -11 packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
M +3 -6 packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
M +3 -6 packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
M +7 -14 packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
A +51 -0 packages/XiMpLe/man/validXML.Rd
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog b/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog
index f8d869d..7aacc6b 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ unreleased:
- this release is under development
- new method validXML() for some basic validity checks (WIP)
+ - new class XiMpLe.validity to define valid child nodes and attributes
+ - new function is.XiMpLe.validity()
+ - moved docimentation of is.XiMpLe.node() and is.XiMpLe.doc() to the
+ respective classes
changes in version 0.03-23 (2015-11-24)
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION b/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION
index 0221419..7d1090b 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION
@@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ LazyLoad: yes
URL: http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=XiMpLe
Authors at R: c(person(given="Meik", family="Michalke", email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre")))
Version: 0.03-24
-Date: 2015-11-24
+Date: 2015-12-07
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
+ '00_class_03_XiMpLe.validity.R'
+ '01_method_04_validXML.R'
+ 'XMLValidity.R'
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE b/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE
index 7fc7573..e1a44a1 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE
@@ -19,17 +19,22 @@ export(XMLNode)
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R
index e628f9b..a51c535 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R
@@ -16,31 +16,31 @@
# along with XiMpLe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Class XiMpLe.node
-# This class is used to create DOM trees of XML documents, like objects that are returned
-# by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
-# There are certain special values predefined for the \code{name} slot to easily create special XML elements:
-# \describe{
-# \item{\code{name=""}}{If the name is an empty character string, a pseudo node is created,
-# \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}} will paste its \code{value} as plain text.}
-# \item{\code{name="!--"}}{Creates a comment tag, i.e., this will comment out all its \code{children}.}
-# \item{\code{name="![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it.}
-# \item{\code{name="*![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it, where the CDATA markers are
-# commented out by \code{/* */}, as is used for JavaScript in XHTML.}
-# }
-# @slot name Name of the node (i.e., the XML tag identifier). For special names see details.
-# @slot attributes A list of named character values, representing the attributes of this node.
-# @slot children A list of further objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing child nodes of this node.
-# @slot value Plain text to be used as the enclosed value of this node. Set to \code{value=""} if you
-# want a childless node to be forced into an non-empty pair of start and end tags by \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}}.
-# @name XiMpLe.node,-class
-# @aliases XiMpLe.node-class XiMpLe.node,-class
+#' Class XiMpLe.node
+#' This class is used to create DOM trees of XML documents, like objects that are returned
+#' by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
+#' There are certain special values predefined for the \code{name} slot to easily create special XML elements:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{\code{name=""}}{If the name is an empty character string, a pseudo node is created,
+#' \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}} will paste its \code{value} as plain text.}
+#' \item{\code{name="!--"}}{Creates a comment tag, i.e., this will comment out all its \code{children}.}
+#' \item{\code{name="![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it.}
+#' \item{\code{name="*![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it, where the CDATA markers are
+#' commented out by \code{/* */}, as is used for JavaScript in XHTML.}
+#' }
+#' @slot name Name of the node (i.e., the XML tag identifier). For special names see details.
+#' @slot attributes A list of named character values, representing the attributes of this node.
+#' @slot children A list of further objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing child nodes of this node.
+#' @slot value Plain text to be used as the enclosed value of this node. Set to \code{value=""} if you
+#' want a childless node to be forced into an non-empty pair of start and end tags by \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}}.
+#' @name XiMpLe.node,-class
+#' @aliases XiMpLe.node-class XiMpLe.node,-class
#' @import methods
-# @keywords classes
-# @rdname XiMpLe.node-class
+#' @keywords classes
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.node-class
#' @export
@@ -59,30 +59,30 @@ setClass("XiMpLe.node",
setValidity("XiMpLe.node", function(object){
- obj.name <- object at name
- obj.attributes <- object at attributes
- obj.children <- object at children
- obj.value <- object at value
+ obj.name <- slot(object, "name")
+ obj.attributes <- slot(object, "attributes")
+ obj.children <- slot(object, "children")
+ obj.value <- slot(object, "value")
- if(isTRUE(!nchar(obj.name) > 0) & isTRUE(!nchar(obj.value) > 0)){
- print(str(object))
- stop(simpleError("Invalid object: A node must at least have a name or a value!"))
- } else {}
+ if(isTRUE(!nchar(obj.name) > 0) & isTRUE(!nchar(obj.value) > 0)){
+ print(str(object))
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: A node must at least have a name or a value!"))
+ } else {}
- obj.attributes.names <- names(obj.attributes)
- # if there are attributes, check that they all have names
- if(length(obj.attributes) > 0){
- if(length(obj.attributes) != length(obj.attributes.names)){
- stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All attributes must have names!"))
- } else {}
+ obj.attributes.names <- names(obj.attributes)
+ # if there are attributes, check that they all have names
+ if(length(obj.attributes) > 0){
+ if(length(obj.attributes) != length(obj.attributes.names)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All attributes must have names!"))
} else {}
+ } else {}
- # check content of children
- if(length(obj.children) > 0){
- child.nodes <- sapply(obj.children, function(this.child){is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)})
- if(!all(child.nodes)){
- stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All list elements of children must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
- } else {}
+ # check content of children
+ if(length(obj.children) > 0){
+ child.nodes <- sapply(obj.children, function(this.child){is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)})
+ if(!all(child.nodes)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All list elements of children must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
} else {}
+ } else {}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R
index cd76b6d..6552bdd 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@
# along with XiMpLe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Class XiMpLe.doc
-# This class is used for objects that are returned by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
-# @slot file Character string, Name of the file.
-# @slot xml A named list, XML declaration of the file.
-# @slot dtd A named list, Doctype definition of the file.
-# @slot children A list of objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing the DOM structure of the XML document.
-# @name XiMpLe.doc,-class
-# @aliases XiMpLe.doc-class XiMpLe.doc,-class
+#' Class XiMpLe.doc
+#' This class is used for objects that are returned by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
+#' @slot file Character string, Name of the file.
+#' @slot xml A named list, XML declaration of the file.
+#' @slot dtd A named list, Doctype definition of the file.
+#' @slot children A list of objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing the DOM structure of the XML document.
+#' @name XiMpLe.doc,-class
+#' @aliases XiMpLe.doc-class XiMpLe.doc,-class
#' @include 00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R
#' @import methods
-# @keywords classes
-# @rdname XiMpLe.doc-class
+#' @keywords classes
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.doc-class
#' @export
@@ -48,30 +48,30 @@ setClass("XiMpLe.doc",
setValidity("XiMpLe.doc", function(object){
- obj.xml <- object at xml
- obj.dtd <- object at dtd
- obj.children <- object at children
+ obj.xml <- slot(object, "xml")
+ obj.dtd <- slot(object, "dtd")
+ obj.children <- slot(object, "children")
- obj.xml.names <- names(obj.xml)
- obj.dtd.names <- names(obj.dtd)
- # if there are declarations, check that they all have names
- if(length(obj.xml) > 0){
- if(length(obj.xml) != length(obj.xml.names)){
- stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All xml declarations must have names!"))
- } else {}
+ obj.xml.names <- names(obj.xml)
+ obj.dtd.names <- names(obj.dtd)
+ # if there are declarations, check that they all have names
+ if(length(obj.xml) > 0){
+ if(length(obj.xml) != length(obj.xml.names)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All xml declarations must have names!"))
} else {}
- if(length(obj.dtd) > 0){
- if(length(obj.dtd) != length(obj.dtd.names)){
- stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All doctype declarations must have names!"))
- } else {}
+ } else {}
+ if(length(obj.dtd) > 0){
+ if(length(obj.dtd) != length(obj.dtd.names)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All doctype declarations must have names!"))
} else {}
+ } else {}
- # check content of children
- if(length(obj.children) > 0){
- child.nodes <- sapply(obj.children, function(this.child){is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)})
- if(!all(child.nodes)){
- stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All list elements of children must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
- } else {}
+ # check content of children
+ if(length(obj.children) > 0){
+ child.nodes <- sapply(obj.children, function(this.child){is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)})
+ if(!all(child.nodes)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: All list elements of children must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
} else {}
+ } else {}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_03_XiMpLe.validity.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_03_XiMpLe.validity.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc5bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/00_class_03_XiMpLe.validity.R
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
+# This file is part of the R package XiMpLe.
+# XiMpLe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# XiMpLe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with XiMpLe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#' Class XiMpLe.validity
+#' Used for objects that describe valid child nodes and attributes of XiMpLe.nodes.
+#' @slot children Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+#' name and each character string a valid child node name.
+#' @slot attrs Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+#' name and each character string a valid attribute name.
+#' @slot allChildren Character vector, names of globally valid child nodes for all nodes, if any.
+#' @slot allAttrs Character vector, names of globally valid attributes for all nodes, if any.
+#' @name XiMpLe.validity,-class
+#' @aliases XiMpLe.validity-class XiMpLe.validity,-class
+#' @import methods
+#' @keywords classes
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.validity-class
+#' @export
+ representation=representation(
+ children="list",
+ attrs="list",
+ allChildren="character",
+ allAttrs="character"
+ ),
+ prototype(
+ children=list(),
+ attrs=list(),
+ allChildren=character(),
+ allAttrs=character()
+ )
+setValidity("XiMpLe.validity", function(object){
+ obj.children <- slot(object, "children")
+ obj.attrs <- slot(object, "attrs")
+ for (thisChild in obj.children){
+ if(!is.character(thisChild)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: all \"children\" must be character vectors!"))
+ } else {}
+ }
+ for (thisAttr in obj.attrs){
+ if(!is.character(thisAttr)){
+ stop(simpleError("Invalid object: all \"attrs\" must be character vectors!"))
+ } else {}
+ }
+ return(TRUE)
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/01_method_04_validXML.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/01_method_04_validXML.R
index 3dbd90e..db98be8 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/R/01_method_04_validXML.R
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/01_method_04_validXML.R
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
#' @param section Either a character string (name of the section) or a XiMpLe node, whose name will be used
#' as name of the XML section this check refers to. This is only relevant for warnings and error messages,
#' in case you want to use something different than the actual parent node name.
-#' @node.names
#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if tests pass, and depending on the setting of \code{warn} either \code{FALSE} or
#' an error if a test fails.
#' @aliases
@@ -52,24 +51,65 @@
#' @rdname validXML
#' @include 00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R
#' @include 00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R
-setGeneric("validXML", function(obj, validity, parent=NULL, warn=FALSE, section=parent){standardGeneric("validXML")})
+setGeneric("validXML", function(obj, validity, parent=NULL, children=TRUE, attributes=TRUE, warn=FALSE, section=parent){standardGeneric("validXML")})
#' @rdname validXML
#' @export
-setMethod("validXML", signature(obj="XiMpLe.XML"), function(obj, validity, parent=NULL, warn=FALSE, section=parent){
+setMethod("validXML", signature(obj="XiMpLe.XML"), function(obj, validity, parent=NULL, children=TRUE, attributes=TRUE, warn=FALSE, section=parent){
+ childValidity <- NULL
+ if(!is.XiMpLe.validity(validity)){
+ stop(simpleError(paste0(
+ "Invalid value for \"validity\": Got class ",
+ class(valid),
+ ", should be XiMpLe.validity!"))
+ )
+ }
# see if we're checking the parent node or child node for a given parent
parentName <- XMLName(obj)
+ # are there any children to check in the first place?
+ nodeChildren <- XMLChildren(obj)
+ if(length(nodeChildren) == 0){
+ children <- FALSE
+ } else {
+ childValidity <- all(sapply(
+ nodeChildren,
+ function(thisChild){
+ validXML(thisChild, validity=validity, parent=parentName, children=children, attributes=attributes, warn=warn, section=parentName)
+ }
+ ))
+ children <- FALSE
+ }
} else if(is.XiMpLe.node(parent)){
parentName <- XMLName(parent)
} else if(is.character(parent) & length(parent) == 1){
parentName <- parent
} else {
- stop(simpleError("'parent' must be a XiMpLe node or single character string!"))
+ stop(simpleError(paste0(
+ "Invalid value for \"parent\": Got class \"",
+ class(parent),
+ "\", should be XiMpLe.node or single character string!"))
+ )
+ if(is.null(section)){
+ section <- parentName
+ } else if(is.XiMpLe.node(section)){
+ section <- XMLName(section)
+ } else if(!is.character(section) | length(section) != 1){
+ stop(simpleError(paste0(
+ "Invalid value for \"section\": Got class \"",
+ class(section),
+ "\", should be XiMpLe.node or single character string!"))
+ )
+ } else {}
- ## more checks
- ## call internal when ready valid.child()
+ ## more checks
+ if(isTRUE(children)){
+ childValidity <- valid.child(parent=parentName, children=obj, validity=validity, warn=warn, section=section)
+ } else {}
+ return(childValidity)
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLValidity.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLValidity.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2583bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLValidity.R
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
+# This file is part of the R package XiMpLe.
+# XiMpLe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# XiMpLe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with XiMpLe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#' Constructor function for XiMpLe.validity objects
+#' Create validity definitions for XiMpLe nodes, to be used by
+#' \code{\link[XiMpLe:validXML]{validXML}}.
+#' @param children Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+#' name and each character string a valid child node name.
+#' @param attrs Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+#' name and each character string a valid attribute name.
+#' @param allChildren Character vector, names of globally valid child nodes for all nodes, if any.
+#' @param allAttrs Character vector, names of globally valid attributes for all nodes, if any.
+#' @return An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.validity-class]{XiMpLe.validity}}
+#' @seealso
+#' \code{\link[XiMpLe:validXML]{validXML}}
+#' @export
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.validity-class
+XMLValidity <- function(children=NULL, attrs=NULL, allChildren=NULL, allAttrs=NULL){
+ if(is.null(children)){
+ children <- list()
+ } else {}
+ if(is.null(attrs)){
+ attrs <- list()
+ } else {}
+ if(is.null(allChildren)){
+ allChildren <- character()
+ } else {}
+ if(is.null(allAttrs)){
+ allAttrs <- character()
+ } else {}
+ newValidity <- new("XiMpLe.validity",
+ children=children,
+ attrs=attrs,
+ allChildren=allChildren,
+ allAttrs=allAttrs
+ )
+ return(newValidity)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R
index 773ad60..6fd79e0 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R
@@ -561,18 +561,15 @@ XML.nodes <- function(single.tags, end.here=NA, start=1){
## function valid.child()
# - parent: character string, name of the parent node
# - children: (list of) XiMpLe.node objects, child nodes to check
+# - validity: definitions of valid child nodes, class XiMpLe.validity
# - warn: warning or stop?
# - section: an optional name for the section for the warning/error
# (if it shouldn't be the parent name)
# - node names: can alternatively be given instead of 'children', as character vector
-valid.child <- function(parent, children, warn=FALSE, section=parent, node.names=NULL){
+valid.child <- function(parent, children, validity, warn=FALSE, section=parent, node.names=NULL){
# check the node names and allow only valid ones
node.names <- unlist(sapply(child.list(children), function(this.child){
- # if this is a plot options object, by default extract the XML slot
- # and discard the rest
- this.child <- stripXML(this.child)
this.child.name <- XMLName(this.child)
if(identical(this.child.name, "")){
@@ -589,11 +586,11 @@ valid.child <- function(parent, children, warn=FALSE, section=parent, node.names
} else {}
- invalid.sets <- !node.names %in% all.valid.children[[parent]]
+ invalid.sets <- !node.names %in% c(slot(validity, "allChildren"), slot(validity, "children")[[parent]])
return.message <- paste0("Invalid XML nodes for ", section, " section: ", paste(node.names[invalid.sets], collapse=", "))
- warning(return.message)
+ warning(return.message, call.=FALSE)
} else {
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R
index ff283b0..9fc6dae 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab XiMpLe\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
-#' Version: \tab 0.03-23\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2015-11-24\cr
+#' Version: \tab 0.03-24\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2015-12-07\cr
#' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods\cr
#' Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
#' License: \tab GPL (>= 3)\cr
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/R/zzz_is_get_utils.R b/packages/XiMpLe/R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
index c7e8f1d..f8c6211 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
@@ -19,19 +19,25 @@
## the name "zzz_*" is just to ensure roxygen doesn't parse it before XMLNode.R and XMLTree.R
#' @param x An arbitrary \code{R} object.
-#' @rdname XMLNode
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.node-class
#' @export
is.XiMpLe.node <- function(x){
inherits(x, "XiMpLe.node")
#' @param x An arbitrary \code{R} object.
-#' @rdname XMLTree
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.doc-class
#' @export
is.XiMpLe.doc <- function(x){
inherits(x, "XiMpLe.doc")
+#' @param x An arbitrary \code{R} object.
+#' @rdname XiMpLe.validity-class
+#' @export
+is.XiMpLe.validity <- function(x){
+ inherits(x, "XiMpLe.validity")
#' Getter/setter methods for S4 objects of XiMpLe XML classes
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
index 6801be3..4fe0fcb 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ XMLScanDeep(obj, find = NULL, search = "attributes")
\item{name}{Character, name of nodes to scan for.}
-\item{as.list}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL),
- otherwise if exactly one result is found,
+\item{as.list}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL), otherwise if exactly one result is found,
it will be returned as as single \code{XiMpLe.node}.}
\item{find}{Character, name of element to scan for.}
@@ -175,21 +174,16 @@ These are convenience methods to get or set slots from XML objects without using
Another special method can scan a node/document tree object for appearances of nodes with a particular name:
- \item{\code{XMLScan(obj, name,
- as.list=FALSE)}: }{get/set the XML nodes by name (recursively searches slot \code{name} of both classes
- \code{XiMpLe.node} and \code{XiMpLe.doc}). If \code{as.list=TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL),
- otherwise if exactly one result is found,
+ \item{\code{XMLScan(obj, name, as.list=FALSE)}: }{get/set the XML nodes by name (recursively searches slot \code{name} of both classes
+ \code{XiMpLe.node} and \code{XiMpLe.doc}). If \code{as.list=TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL), otherwise if exactly one result is found,
it will be returned as as single \code{XiMpLe.node}.}
- there is a method to scan for certain values in XiMpLe objects and just list them. For instance,
- it can be used to
+Finally, there is a method to scan for certain values in XiMpLe objects and just list them. For instance, it can be used to
list all instances of a certain attribute type in a document tree:
- \item{\code{XMLScanDeep(obj, find,
- search="attributes")}: }{returns all found instances of \code{find} in all slots defined by \code{search}.}
+ \item{\code{XMLScanDeep(obj, find, search="attributes")}: }{returns all found instances of \code{find} in all slots defined by \code{search}.}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
index dfa3ce8..c206e5f 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
@@ -1,21 +1,17 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/XMLNode.R, R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/XMLNode.R
\title{Constructor function for XiMpLe.node objects}
XMLNode(name, ..., attrs = NULL, namespace = "",
namespaceDefinitions = NULL, .children = list(...))
\item{name}{Character string, the tag name.}
\item{...}{Optional children for the tag. Must be either objects of class XiMpLe.node or character strings,
-which are treated as simple text values. If this is empty,
- the tag will be treated as an empty tag. To
+which are treated as simple text values. If this is empty, the tag will be treated as an empty tag. To
force a closing tag, supply an empty string, i.e. \code{""}.}
\item{attrs}{An optional named list of attributes.}
@@ -24,10 +20,7 @@ force a closing tag, supply an empty string, i.e. \code{""}.}
\item{namespaceDefinitions}{Currently ignored.}
-\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children,
- if you have them already as a list.}
-\item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
+\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children, if you have them already as a list.}
An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}}.
@@ -36,8 +29,7 @@ An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}}.
Can be used to create XML nodes.
-To generate a CDATA node, set \code{name="![CDATA["}, to create a comment,
- set \code{name="!--"}.
+To generate a CDATA node, set \code{name="![CDATA["}, to create a comment, set \code{name="!--"}.
sample.XML.node <- XMLNode("a",
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
index a9954bc..13b73e4 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
@@ -1,32 +1,23 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/XMLTree.R, R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/XMLTree.R
\title{Constructor function for XiMpLe.doc objects}
XMLTree(..., xml = NULL, dtd = NULL, .children = list(...))
\item{...}{Optional children for the XML tree. Must be either objects of class
\code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}} or character strings,
which are treated as simple text values.}
-\item{xml}{A named list, XML declaration of the XML tree. Currently just pasted,
- no checking is done.}
+\item{xml}{A named list, XML declaration of the XML tree. Currently just pasted, no checking is done.}
-\item{dtd}{A named list,
- doctype definition of the XML tree. Valid elements are \code{doctype} (root element),
- \code{decl}
+\item{dtd}{A named list, doctype definition of the XML tree. Valid elements are \code{doctype} (root element), \code{decl}
("PUBLIC" or "SYSTEM"), \code{id} (the identifier) and \code{refer} (URI to .dtd).
Currently just pasted, no checking is done.}
-\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children,
- if you have them already as a list.}
-\item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
+\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children, if you have them already as a list.}
An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.doc-class]{XiMpLe.doc}}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
index 02ba7e1..640e03c 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ A Simple XML Tree Parser and Generator.
Package: \tab XiMpLe\cr
Type: \tab Package\cr
Version: \tab 0.03-24\cr
-Date: \tab 2015-11-24\cr
+Date: \tab 2015-12-07\cr
Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods\cr
Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
License: \tab GPL (>= 3)\cr
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ URL: \tab http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=XiMpLe\cr
Provides a simple XML tree parser/generator. It includes functions to read XML files into R objects,
get information out of and into nodes, and write R objects back to XML code.
-It's not as powerful as the 'XML' package and doesn't aim to be,
- but for simple XML handling
-it could be useful. It was originally developed for the R GUI and IDE RKWard (https://rkward.kde.org),
- to make plugin
+It's not as powerful as the 'XML' package and doesn't aim to be, but for simple XML handling
+it could be useful. It was originally developed for the R GUI and IDE RKWard (https://rkward.kde.org), to make plugin
development easier.
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.doc-class.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.doc-class.Rd
index 5cd63c8..480993e 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.doc-class.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.doc-class.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
-\title{S4 class XiMpLe.doc}
-\description{Class XiMpLe.doc}
-\details{This class is used for objects that are returned by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.}
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/00_class_02_XiMpLe.doc.R, R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
+\title{Class XiMpLe.doc}
+\item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
+This class is used for objects that are returned by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
+\item{\code{file}}{Character string, Name of the file.}
+\item{\code{xml}}{A named list, XML declaration of the file.}
+\item{\code{dtd}}{A named list, Doctype definition of the file.}
+\item{\code{children}}{A list of objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing the DOM structure of the XML document.}
-\section{Slots}{\describe{\item{\code{file}:}{(\code{\link{character}}) Name of the file.}\item{\code{xml}:}{(\code{\link{list}}) XML declaration of the file.}\item{\code{dtd}:}{(\code{\link{list}}) Doctype definition of the file.}\item{\code{children}:}{(\code{\link{list}}) A list of objects of class XiMpLe.node,
- representing the DOM structure of the XML document.}}}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.node-class.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.node-class.Rd
index 3ebb473..cd084d0 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.node-class.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.node-class.Rd
@@ -1,24 +1,43 @@
-\title{S4 class XiMpLe.node}
-\description{Class XiMpLe.node}
-\details{This class is used to create DOM trees of XML documents,
- like objects that are returned
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/00_class_01_XiMpLe.node.R, R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
+\title{Class XiMpLe.node}
+\item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
+This class is used to create DOM trees of XML documents, like objects that are returned
by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
There are certain special values predefined for the \code{name} slot to easily create special XML elements:
-\item{\code{name=""}}{If the name is an empty character string, a pseudo node is created,
-\code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}} will paste its \code{value} as plain text.}
-\item{\code{name="!--"}}{Creates a comment tag, i.e.,
- this will comment out all its \code{children}.}
-\item{\code{name="![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it.}
+ \item{\code{name=""}}{If the name is an empty character string, a pseudo node is created,
+ \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}} will paste its \code{value} as plain text.}
+ \item{\code{name="!--"}}{Creates a comment tag, i.e., this will comment out all its \code{children}.}
+ \item{\code{name="![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it.}
+ \item{\code{name="*![CDATA["}}{Creates a CDATA section and places all its \code{children} in it, where the CDATA markers are
+ commented out by \code{/* */}, as is used for JavaScript in XHTML.}
+\item{\code{name}}{Name of the node (i.e., the XML tag identifier). For special names see details.}
+\item{\code{attributes}}{A list of named character values, representing the attributes of this node.}
+\item{\code{children}}{A list of further objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing child nodes of this node.}
+\item{\code{value}}{Plain text to be used as the enclosed value of this node. Set to \code{value=""} if you
+want a childless node to be forced into an non-empty pair of start and end tags by \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}}.}
-\section{Slots}{\describe{\item{\code{name}:}{(\code{\link{character}}) Name of the node (i.e.,
- the XML tag identifier). For special names see details.}\item{\code{attributes}:}{(\code{\link{list}}) A list of named character values,
- representing the attributes of this node.}\item{\code{children}:}{(\code{\link{list}}) A list of further objects of class XiMpLe.node,
- representing child nodes of this node.}\item{\code{value}:}{(\code{\link{character}}) Plain text to be used as the enclosed value of this node. Set to \code{value=""} if you
-want a childless node to be forced into an non-empty pair of start and end tags by \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXMLNode]{pasteXMLNode}}.}}}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.validity-class.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.validity-class.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ca8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe.validity-class.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/00_class_03_XiMpLe.validity.R, R/XMLValidity.R, R/zzz_is_get_utils.R
+\title{Class XiMpLe.validity}
+XMLValidity(children = NULL, attrs = NULL, allChildren = NULL,
+ allAttrs = NULL)
+\item{children}{Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+name and each character string a valid child node name.}
+\item{attrs}{Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+name and each character string a valid attribute name.}
+\item{allChildren}{Character vector, names of globally valid child nodes for all nodes, if any.}
+\item{allAttrs}{Character vector, names of globally valid attributes for all nodes, if any.}
+\item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
+An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.validity-class]{XiMpLe.validity}}
+Used for objects that describe valid child nodes and attributes of XiMpLe.nodes.
+Create validity definitions for XiMpLe nodes, to be used by
+\item{\code{children}}{Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+name and each character string a valid child node name.}
+\item{\code{attrs}}{Named list of character vectors, where the element name defines the parent node
+name and each character string a valid attribute name.}
+\item{\code{allChildren}}{Character vector, names of globally valid child nodes for all nodes, if any.}
+\item{\code{allAttrs}}{Character vector, names of globally valid attributes for all nodes, if any.}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
index b3137c3..dfc0c8e 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
@@ -33,14 +33,10 @@ node(obj, node = list(), what = NULL, cond.attr = NULL,
\item{node}{A list of node names (or their numeric values), where each element is
the child of its previous element. duplicate matches will be returned as a list.}
-\item{what}{A character string,
- must be a valid slot name of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}},
- like
-\code{"attributes"} or \code{"value"}. If not \code{NULL},
- only that part of a node will be returned.
+\item{what}{A character string, must be a valid slot name of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}}, like
+\code{"attributes"} or \code{"value"}. If not \code{NULL}, only that part of a node will be returned.
There's also two special properties for this option: \code{what="@path"} will not return the
-node or it's contents,
- but a character string with the "path" to it in the object; \code{what="obj at path"}
+node or it's contents, but a character string with the "path" to it in the object; \code{what="obj at path"}
is the same but won't have \code{obj} substituted with the object's name.}
\item{cond.attr}{A named character string, to further filter the returned results.
@@ -49,15 +45,13 @@ If not \code{NULL}, only nodes with fully matching attributes will be considered
\item{cond.value}{A character string, similar to \code{cond.attr}, but is matched
against the value between a pair of tags.}
-\item{element}{A character string naming one list element of the node slot. If \code{NULL},
- all
+\item{element}{A character string naming one list element of the node slot. If \code{NULL}, all
elements will be returned.}
\item{value}{The value to set.}
-This method can be used to get parts of a parsed XML tree object,
- or to fill it with new values.
+This method can be used to get parts of a parsed XML tree object, or to fill it with new values.
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
index 11fb967..b064de3 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
@@ -13,19 +13,16 @@ parseXMLTree(file, drop = NULL, object = FALSE)
\code{"declarations"} and \code{"doctype"}, defining element classes to be dropped
from the resulting object.}
-\item{object}{Logical, if \code{TRUE},
- \code{file} will not be treated as a path name but as a
+\item{object}{Logical, if \code{TRUE}, \code{file} will not be treated as a path name but as a
character vector to be parsed as XML directly.}
An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.doc-class]{XiMpLe.doc}} with four slots:
- \item{\code{file}:}{Full path to the parsed file,
- or \code{"object"} if \code{object=TRUE}.}
+ \item{\code{file}:}{Full path to the parsed file, or \code{"object"} if \code{object=TRUE}.}
\item{\code{xml}:}{XML declaration, if found.}
\item{\code{dtd}:}{Doctype definition, if found.}
- \item{\code{children}:}{A list of objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node},
- with the elements
+ \item{\code{children}:}{A list of objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node}, with the elements
\code{"name"} (the node name), \code{"attributes"} (list of attributes, if found),
\code{"children"} (list of \code{XiMpLe.node} object, if found) and \code{"value"}
(text value between a pair of start/end tags, if found).}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
index bb0b331..8bc0f3c 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
@@ -21,13 +21,11 @@ pasteXML(obj, ...)
\item{obj}{An object of class \code{XiMpLe.node} or \code{XiMpLe.doc}.}
-\item{...}{Additional options for the generic method, see options for a specific method,
- respectively.}
+\item{...}{Additional options for the generic method, see options for a specific method, respectively.}
\item{level}{Indentation level.}
- controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
+\item{shine}{Integer, controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
\item{0}{No formatting.}
\item{1}{Nodes will be indented.}
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@ pasteXML(obj, ...)
\item{indent.by}{A charachter string defining how indentation should be done. Defaults to tab.}
- if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<" and ">" will be replaced with the entities
+\item{tidy}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<" and ">" will be replaced with the entities
"<" and "gt;" in attributes and text values.}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
index bbce218..dbe16fe 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
@@ -13,23 +13,19 @@ pasteXMLTag(tag, attr = NULL, child = NULL, empty = TRUE, level = 1,
\item{attr}{A list of attributes for the tag.}
-\item{child}{If \code{empty=FALSE},
- a character string to be pasted as a child node between start and end tag.}
+\item{child}{If \code{empty=FALSE}, a character string to be pasted as a child node between start and end tag.}
\item{empty}{Logical, <true /> or <false></false>}
\item{level}{Indentation level.}
-\item{allow.empty}{Logical, if \code{FALSE},
- tags without attributes will not be returned.}
+\item{allow.empty}{Logical, if \code{FALSE}, tags without attributes will not be returned.}
\item{rename}{An optional named list if the attributes in XML need to be renamed from their list names in \code{attr}.
-This list must in turn have a list element named after \code{tag},
- containing named character elements, where the
+This list must in turn have a list element named after \code{tag}, containing named character elements, where the
names represent the element names in \code{attr} and their values the names the XML attribute should get.}
- controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
+\item{shine}{Integer, controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
\item{0}{No formatting.}
\item{1}{Nodes will be indented.}
@@ -38,10 +34,8 @@ names represent the element names in \code{attr} and their values the names the
\item{indent.by}{A charachter string defining how indentation should be done. Defaults to tab.}
-\item{tidy}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<",
- ">" and "&" will be replaced with the entities
-"<", ">" and "&" in attribute values. For comment or CDATA tags,
- if the text includes newline characters
+\item{tidy}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<", ">" and "&" will be replaced with the entities
+"<", ">" and "&" in attribute values. For comment or CDATA tags, if the text includes newline characters
they will also be indented.}
@@ -55,8 +49,7 @@ with this one function.
However, you will probably not want to use this function at all, as it is much more
comfortable to create XML nodes or even nested trees with \code{\link[XiMpLe:XMLNode]{XMLNode}} and
- \code{\link[XiMpLe:XMLTree]{XMLTree}},
- and then feed the result to \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXML]{pasteXML}}.
+ \code{\link[XiMpLe:XMLTree]{XMLTree}}, and then feed the result to \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXML]{pasteXML}}.
sample.XML.tag <- pasteXMLTag("a",
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/validXML.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/validXML.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eedaaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/validXML.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/01_method_04_validXML.R
+\title{Validate S4 objects of XiMpLe XML classes}
+validXML(obj, validity, parent = NULL, children = TRUE, attributes = TRUE,
+ warn = FALSE, section = parent)
+\S4method{validXML}{XiMpLe.XML}(obj, validity, parent = NULL,
+ children = TRUE, attributes = TRUE, warn = FALSE, section = parent)
+\item{obj}{An object of class \code{XiMpLe.doc} or \code{XiMpLe.node}. If \code{parent=NULL}, this object
+will be checked for validity, including its child nodes. If \code{parent} is either a character string
+or another XiMpLe node, it will be checked whether \code{obj} is a valid child node of \code{parent}.}
+\item{validity}{A list with validity information.}
+\item{parent}{Either a character string (name of the parent node) or a XiMpLe node, whose name will be used
+as name of the parent node.}
+\item{warn}{Logical, whether invalid objects should cause a warning or stop with an error.}
+\item{section}{Either a character string (name of the section) or a XiMpLe node, whose name will be used
+as name of the XML section this check refers to. This is only relevant for warnings and error messages,
+in case you want to use something different than the actual parent node name.}
+Returns \code{TRUE} if tests pass, and depending on the setting of \code{warn} either \code{FALSE} or
+ an error if a test fails.
+Check whether objects of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.doc-class]{XiMpLe.doc}}
+or \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}} have valid child nodes.
+XiMpLe can't handle DOM specifications yet, but this method can be used to construct
+validation schemes.
+ \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}}
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