[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward-code:[4817] branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA
m-eik at users.sf.net
m-eik at users.sf.net
Sun Sep 14 21:08:27 UTC 2014
Revision: 4817
Author: m-eik
Date: 2014-09-14 21:08:27 +0000 (Sun, 14 Sep 2014)
Log Message:
plugins: the ANOVA plugin is the first external plugin to be available in german and english. still some issues with non-ASCII characters in the JavaScript part, though
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/DESCRIPTION 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/DESCRIPTION 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
Package: rk.ANOVA
Type: Package
-Title: RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests
- and plot interactions.
-Version: 0.01-17
-Date: 2013-04-14
+Title: RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions.
+Version: 0.01-18
+Date: 2014-09-14
Author: Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
Maintainer: Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
- rkward (>= 0.5.6)
- ez,
- sciplot
+Depends: rkward (>= 0.5.6)
+Suggests: ez, sciplot
Enhances: rkward
-Description: RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise
- t-Tests and plot interactions.
+Description: RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions.
License: GPL (>= 3)
LazyLoad: yes
URL: http://rkward.sf.net
-Authors at R: person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
- email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre"))
- 'rk.ANOVA-package.R'
+Authors at R: person(given="Meik", family="Michalke", email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre"))
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/ANOVA.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/ANOVA.js 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/ANOVA.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
-//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
-function preprocess(){
- // add requirements etc. here
- var chcSpprsspc = getValue("chc_Spprsspc");
- if(chcSpprsspc) {
- echo("suppressMessages(require(" + "ez" + "))\n");
- } else {
- echo("require(" + "ez" + ")\n");
- }
-function calculate(){
- // read in variables from dialog
- var vrslDtmstbdt = getValue("vrsl_Dtmstbdt");
- var radDesign = getValue("rad_Design");
- var vrslDpndntvr = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntvr");
- var vrslCssbjctd = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd");
- var vrslWthnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Wthnsbjc");
- var vrslBtwnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc");
- var vrslObsrvdvr = getValue("vrsl_Obsrvdvr");
- var drpSmsfsqrs = getValue("drp_Smsfsqrs");
- var drpHtrscdst = getValue("drp_Htrscdst");
- var chcShwsmsfs = getValue("chc_Shwsmsfs");
- var chcRtrnvbjc = getValue("chc_Rtrnvbjc");
- var chcSpprsspc = getValue("chc_Spprsspc");
- var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
- // the R code to be evaluated
- var vrslDpndntvrShortname = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntvr.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
- var vrslCssbjctdShortname = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
- var vrslWthnsbjcShortname = getValue("vrsl_Wthnsbjc.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
- var vrslBtwnsbjcShortname = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
- var vrslObsrvdvrShortname = getValue("vrsl_Obsrvdvr.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
- if(drpSmsfsqrs == 3) {
- echo("\t# set contrasts for accurate type 3 ANOVA\n\toptions(contrasts=c(\"contr.sum\",\"contr.poly\"))\n");
- } else {}
- if(vrslCssbjctd == "" & radDesign == "between") {
- echo("\t# ezANOVA demands a subject identifier variable\n\t" + vrslDtmstbdt + " <- cbind(" + vrslDtmstbdt + ", ez.subject.ID.dummy=factor(1:nrow(" + vrslDtmstbdt + ")))\n");
- } else {}
- echo("\tanova.results <- ezANOVA(");
- if(vrslDtmstbdt) {
- echo("\n\t\tdata=" + vrslDtmstbdt);
- } else {}
- if(vrslDpndntvr) {
- echo(",\n\t\tdv=.(" + vrslDpndntvrShortname + ")");
- } else {}
- if(vrslCssbjctd) {
- echo(",\n\t\twid=.(" + vrslCssbjctdShortname + ")");
- } else if(radDesign == "between") {
- echo(",\n\t\twid=.(ez.subject.ID.dummy)");
- }
- if(vrslWthnsbjc != "" & radDesign != "between") {
- echo(",\n\t\twithin=.(" + vrslWthnsbjcShortname + ")");
- } else {}
- if(vrslBtwnsbjc != "" & radDesign != "within") {
- echo(",\n\t\tbetween=.(" + vrslBtwnsbjcShortname + ")");
- } else {}
- if(vrslObsrvdvr) {
- echo(",\n\t\tobserved=.(" + vrslObsrvdvrShortname + ")");
- } else {}
- if(drpSmsfsqrs != 2) {
- echo(",\n\t\ttype=" + drpSmsfsqrs);
- } else {}
- if(drpHtrscdst != "false") {
- echo(",\n\t\twhite.adjust=\"" + drpHtrscdst + "\"");
- } else {}
- if(chcShwsmsfs) {
- echo(",\n\t\tdetailed=TRUE");
- } else {}
- if(chcRtrnvbjc) {
- echo(",\n\t\treturn_aov=TRUE");
- } else {}
- echo(")\n\n");
-function printout(){
- // printout the results
- echo("rk.header(\"ANOVA results\")\n");
- echo("rk.print(anova.results[[\"ANOVA\"]])\n");
- echo("\tif(\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n\t\trk.header(\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\", level=3)\n\t\trk.print(anova.results[[\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\"]])\n\t} else {}\n");
- echo("\tif(\"Sphericity Corrections\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n\t\trk.header(\"Sphericity Corrections\", level=3)\n\t\trk.print(anova.results[[\"Sphericity Corrections\"]])\n\t} else {}\n");
- echo("\tif(\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n\t\trk.header(\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\", level=3)\n\t\trk.print(anova.results[[\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\"]])\n\t} else {}\n");
- //// save result object
- // read in saveobject variables
- var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
- var svbSvrsltstActive = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.active");
- var svbSvrsltstParent = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.parent");
- // assign object to chosen environment
- if(svbSvrsltstActive) {
- echo(".GlobalEnv$" + svbSvrsltst + " <- anova.results\n");
- }
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/ANOVA.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/ANOVA.xml 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/ANOVA.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
- <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
- perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
- <code file="ANOVA.js" />
- <help file="ANOVA.rkh" />
- <logic>
- <connect governor="current_object" client="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" />
- <connect governor="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" client="vrs_Selectdt.root" />
- <convert id="lgc_vrslDtms" sources="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" mode="notequals" />
- <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnbt" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="between" />
- <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnwt" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="within" />
- <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnmx" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="mixed" />
- <convert id="lgc_bvars" sources="lgc_rdDsgnbt;lgc_rdDsgnmx" mode="or" />
- <convert id="lgc_vvars" sources="lgc_rdDsgnwt;lgc_rdDsgnmx" mode="or" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Dpndntvr.enabled" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Btwnsbjc.enabled" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Wthnsbjc.enabled" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Cssbjctd.enabled" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_Cssbjctd.required" />
- <connect governor="lgc_bvars" client="vrsl_Btwnsbjc.visible" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_Wthnsbjc.visible" />
- <connect governor="lgc_bvars" client="vrsl_Btwnsbjc.required" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_Wthnsbjc.required" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="row_vSSOTOTOTO.enabled" />
- <connect governor="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" client="vrs_Slctbsrv.root" />
- </logic>
- <dialog label="ANOVA">
- <tabbook id="tbbk_ANOVA" label="ANOVA">
- <tab label="Data" id="tab_Data">
- <row id="row_vSSDDSDDSD">
- <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
- <column id="clm_fDDSDDSDDB">
- <frame id="frm_vrsltdvDDS">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Dtmstbdt" label="Data (must be data.frame)" source="vrs_Selectdt" classes="data.frame" required="true" />
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_rddrdDDBWM">
- <radio id="rad_Design" label="Design">
- <option label="Between subjects" value="between" />
- <option label="Within subjects (repeated measures)" value="within" checked="true" />
- <option label="Mixed" value="mixed" />
- </radio>
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_vrslDDSCCS">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Dpndntvr" label="Dependent variable" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Cssbjctd" label="Case/subject identifier" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_vrslWWSBBS">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Wthnsbjc" label="Within subject variables" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Btwnsbjc" label="Between subject variables" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" />
- </frame>
- </column>
- </row>
- </tab>
- <tab label="Observed" id="tab_Observed">
- <row id="row_vSSOTOTOTO">
- <varselector id="vrs_Slctbsrv" label="Select observed variables" />
- <column id="clm_fOTOTOTOTO">
- <frame id="frm_txtdtxOTOT">
- <text id="txt_ObsrvdvT">
- Observed variables are independent variables you have <b>
- already defined
- </b>
- as either between or within variables, but that were measured and <b>
- not manipulated
- </b>
- . They affect the calculated effect size (generalized eta seqared).
- </text>
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_vrsltdvOOS">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Obsrvdvr" label="Observed variables (not manipulated)" source="vrs_Slctbsrv" multi="true" />
- </frame>
- </column>
- </row>
- </tab>
- <tab label="Options" id="tab_Options">
- <row id="row_cSST11T22T">
- <column id="clm_fSST11T22T">
- <frame id="frm_dSST11T22T">
- <dropdown id="drp_Smsfsqrs" label="Sums of squares type for unbalanced designs">
- <option label="Type 1" value="1" />
- <option label="Type 2" value="2" checked="true" />
- <option label="Type 3" value="3" />
- </dropdown>
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_dHHN3LE30W">
- <dropdown id="drp_Htrscdst" label="Heteroscedasticity correction">
- <option label="None" value="false" checked="true" />
- <option label="hc3 (Long & Ervin; default)" value="hc3" />
- <option label="hc0 (White)" value="hc0" />
- <option label="hc1 (Long & Ervin)" value="hc1" />
- <option label="hc2 (Long & Ervin)" value="hc2" />
- <option label="hc4 (Cribari-Neto)" value="hc4" />
- </dropdown>
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_clSSSSRRRR">
- <column id="clm_chckbxdcSS">
- <checkbox id="chc_Shwsmsfs" label="Show sums of squares, raw likelihood ratios etc." value="true" />
- </column>
- <column id="clm_chckbxdcRR">
- <checkbox id="chc_Rtrnvbjc" label="Return 'aov' object" value="true" checked="true" />
- </column>
- </frame>
- <stretch />
- <checkbox id="chc_Spprsspc" label="Suppress package loading messages" value="true" checked="true" />
- <saveobject label="Save results to workspace" checkable="true" initial="anova.results" id="svb_Svrsltst" />
- </column>
- </row>
- </tab>
- </tabbook>
- </dialog>
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Interactionplot.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Interactionplot.js 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Interactionplot.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
-//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
-function preprocess(){
- // add requirements etc. here
- echo("require(sciplot)\n");
-function calculate(){
-function printout(){
- // all the real work is moved to a custom defined function doPrintout() below
- // true in this case means: We want all the headers that should be printed in the output:
- doPrintout(true);
-function preview(){
- preprocess();
- calculate();
- doPrintout(false);
-function doPrintout(full){
- // read in variables from dialog
- var vrslFactrxxs = getValue("vrsl_Factrxxs");
- var vrslRspnsvct = getValue("vrsl_Rspnsvct");
- var vrslGrpngfct = getValue("vrsl_Grpngfct");
- var radPlottype = getValue("rad_Plottype");
- var chcStndrdrr = getValue("chc_Stndrdrr");
- var chcLegend = getValue("chc_Legend");
- var radElements = getValue("rad_Elements");
- var radBars = getValue("rad_Bars");
- var inpLegndlbl = getValue("inp_Legndlbl");
- // create the plot
- if(full) {
- echo("rk.header(\"Interaction plot\")\n");
- }
- // in case there are generic plot options defined:
- var embRkwrdpltptnGCodePreprocess = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.preprocess");
- var embRkwrdpltptnGCodePrintout = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.printout");
- var embRkwrdpltptnGCodeCalculate = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.calculate");
- if(full) {
- echo("rk.graph.on()\n");
- }
- echo("\ttry({\n");
- // insert any option-setting code that should be run before the actual plotting commands:
- printIndentedUnlessEmpty("\t\t", embRkwrdpltptnGCodePreprocess, "\n", "");
- // the actual plot:
- if(radPlottype == "line") {
- echo("\t\tlineplot.CI(");
- } else {
- echo("\t\tbargraph.CI(");
- }
- if(vrslFactrxxs) {
- echo("\n\t\t\tx.factor=" + vrslFactrxxs);
- }
- if(vrslRspnsvct) {
- echo(",\n\t\t\tresponse=" + vrslRspnsvct);
- }
- if(vrslGrpngfct) {
- echo(",\n\t\t\tgroup=" + vrslGrpngfct);
- }
- if(radPlottype == "line" & radElements != "b") {
- echo(",\n\t\t\ttype=\"" + radElements + "\"");
- }
- if(radPlottype == "bar" & radBars == "split") {
- echo(",\n\t\t\tsplit=TRUE");
- }
- if(radPlottype == "line" & !chcLegend & vrslGrpngfct != "") {
- echo(",\n\t\t\tlegend=FALSE");
- }
- if(radPlottype == "bar" & chcLegend == "true" & vrslGrpngfct != "") {
- echo(",\n\t\t\tlegend=TRUE");
- }
- if(chcLegend == "true" & vrslGrpngfct != "" & inpLegndlbl != "") {
- echo(",\n\t\t\ttrace.label=\"" + inpLegndlbl + "\"");
- }
- if(!chcStndrdrr) {
- echo(",\n\t\t\tci.fun=function(x)c(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))");
- }
- echo(embRkwrdpltptnGCodePrintout.replace(/, /g, ",\n\t\t\t"));
- echo(")");
- // insert any option-setting code that should be run after the actual plot:
- printIndentedUnlessEmpty("\t\t", embRkwrdpltptnGCodeCalculate, "\n", "");
- echo("\n\t})\n");
- if(full) {
- echo("rk.graph.off()\n");
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Interactionplot.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Interactionplot.xml 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Interactionplot.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
- <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
- perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
- <code file="Interactionplot.js" />
- <help file="Interactionplot.rkh" />
- <logic>
- <convert id="lgc_rdPlttyp" sources="rad_Plottype.string" mode="equals" standard="line" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdPlttyp" client="rad_Elements.visible" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdPlttyp.not" client="rad_Bars.visible" />
- <convert id="lgc_vrslGrpn" sources="vrsl_Grpngfct.available" mode="notequals" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslGrpn" client="rad_Bars.enabled" />
- <connect governor="lgc_vrslGrpn" client="chc_Legend.enabled" />
- <convert id="lgc_lgcvrsGL" sources="lgc_vrslGrpn;chc_Legend.state" mode="and" />
- <connect governor="lgc_lgcvrsGL" client="inp_Legndlbl.enabled" />
- <connect governor="vrsl_Factrxxs.available" client="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.xvar" />
- <connect governor="vrsl_Rspnsvct.available" client="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.yvar" />
- <set id="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.allow_type" to="false" />
- </logic>
- <dialog label="Interaction plot">
- <row id="row_vSSDDFFSRR">
- <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
- <column id="clm_fDDFFSRRSG">
- <frame label="Data" id="frm_Data">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Factrxxs" label="Factor (x axis)" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Rspnsvct" label="Response vector" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Grpngfct" label="Grouping factor (traces)" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
- </frame>
- <stretch />
- <frame id="frm_rPPLBSSLLP">
- <row id="row_cPPLBSSLLP">
- <column id="clm_rdPPLBSSLL">
- <radio id="rad_Plottype" label="Plot type">
- <option label="Lineplot" value="line" checked="true" />
- <option label="Bargraph" value="bar" />
- </radio>
- <checkbox id="chc_Stndrdrr" label="Standard error" value="true" checked="true" />
- <checkbox id="chc_Legend" label="Legend" value="true" checked="true" />
- <stretch />
- </column>
- <column id="clm_rEELLPBBGS">
- <radio id="rad_Elements" label="Elements">
- <option label="Lines + points" value="b" checked="true" />
- <option label="Lines only" value="l" />
- <option label="Points only" value="p" />
- </radio>
- <radio id="rad_Bars" label="Bars">
- <option label="Group bars" value="group" checked="true" />
- <option label="Split bars" value="split" />
- </radio>
- <stretch />
- </column>
- </row>
- <input label="Legend label" id="inp_Legndlbl" />
- <embed component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Generic plot options" id="emb_rkwrdpltptnG" />
- <preview />
- </frame>
- </column>
- </row>
- </dialog>
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/PairwisetTests.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/PairwisetTests.js 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/PairwisetTests.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
-//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
-function preprocess(){
- // add requirements etc. here
-function calculate(){
- // read in variables from dialog
- var radDatafrmt = getValue("rad_Datafrmt");
- var vrslRspnsvct = getValue("vrsl_Rspnsvct");
- var vrslGrpngvct = getValue("vrsl_Grpngvct");
- var vrslSprtrsp3 = getValue("vrsl_Sprtrsp3");
- var drpMthdfrdj = getValue("drp_Mthdfrdj");
- var chcPldSDfrl = getValue("chc_PldSDfrl");
- var chcPrdtTsts = getValue("chc_PrdtTsts");
- var radAltrntvh = getValue("rad_Altrntvh");
- // the R code to be evaluated
- if(radDatafrmt == "one") {
- echo("\tpair.t.results <- pairwise.t.test(\n\t\t");
- if(vrslRspnsvct) {
- echo("x=" + vrslRspnsvct);
- }
- if(vrslGrpngvct) {
- echo(",\n\t\tg=" + vrslGrpngvct);
- }
- } else {
- var vrslSprtrsp3 = getValue("vrsl_Sprtrsp3").split("\n").join(", ");
- echo("\t# simple helper function to get the names of the objects\n");
- echo("\tgrouping.vector <- function(...){\n\tunlist(lapply(match.call()[-1], function(x){rep(deparse(x), length(eval(x)))}))\n}\n");
- if(vrslSprtrsp3) {
- echo("\t# create data and grouping vectors\n\tdata <- c(" + vrslSprtrsp3 + ")\n\tgroup <- grouping.vector(" + vrslSprtrsp3 + ")\n\n");
- }
- echo("\t# the actual pairwise t-tests, using the prepared data\n\tpair.t.results <- pairwise.t.test(\n\t\t");
- if(vrslSprtrsp3) {
- echo("x=data,\n\t\tg=group");
- }
- }
- if(drpMthdfrdj) {
- echo(",\n\t\tp.adjust.method=\"" + drpMthdfrdj + "\"");
- } else {}
- if(chcPldSDfrl) {
- echo(",\n\t\tpool.sd=TRUE");
- } else {}
- if(chcPrdtTsts) {
- echo(",\n\t\tpaired=TRUE");
- } else {}
- if(radAltrntvh != "two.sided") {
- echo(",\n\t\talternative=\"" + radAltrntvh + "\"");
- } else {}
- echo(")\n\n");
-function printout(){
- // printout the results
- echo("rk.header(\"Pairwise t-Tests results\")\n");
- echo("rk.print(pair.t.results)\n");
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/PairwisetTests.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/PairwisetTests.xml 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/PairwisetTests.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
- <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
- perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
- <code file="PairwisetTests.js" />
- <help file="PairwisetTests.rkh" />
- <logic>
- <connect governor="chc_PldSDfrl.state.not" client="chc_PrdtTsts.enabled" />
- <connect governor="chc_PrdtTsts.state.not" client="chc_PldSDfrl.enabled" />
- <convert id="lgc_rdDtfrmt" sources="rad_Datafrmt.string" mode="equals" standard="one" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Rspnsvct.visible" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Rspnsvct.required" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Grpngvct.visible" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Grpngvct.required" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt.not" client="vrsl_Sprtrsp3.visible" />
- <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt.not" client="vrsl_Sprtrsp3.required" />
- </logic>
- <dialog label="Pairwise t-Tests">
- <row id="row_vSSDDSSDDR">
- <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
- <column id="clm_rDDSSDDRRS">
- <radio id="rad_Datafrmt" label="Data format">
- <option label="Single (grouped) vector" value="one" checked="true" />
- <option label="Separate variables" value="group" />
- </radio>
- <frame label="Data" id="frm_Data">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Rspnsvct" label="Response vector" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Grpngvct" label="Grouping vector or factor" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Sprtrsp3" label="Separate response vectors (>= 3)" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" min_vars="3" />
- </frame>
- <frame label="Alpha error correction" id="frm_Alphrrrc">
- <dropdown id="drp_Mthdfrdj" label="Method for adjusting p values">
- <option label="none" value="none" />
- <option label="Bonferroni" value="bonferroni" />
- <option label="Holm" value="holm" checked="true" />
- <option label="Benjamini & Hochberg (fdr)" value="BH" />
- <option label="Benjamini & Yekutieli" value="BY" />
- <option label="Hochberg" value="hochberg" />
- <option label="Hommel" value="hommel" />
- </dropdown>
- </frame>
- <frame id="frm_cPSDPSDPTP">
- <checkbox id="chc_PldSDfrl" label="Pooled SD for all groups" value="true" />
- <checkbox id="chc_PrdtTsts" label="Paired t-Tests" value="true" checked="true" />
- </frame>
- <radio id="rad_Altrntvh" label="Alternative hypothesis">
- <option label="Two-sided" value="two.sided" />
- <option label="First is greater" value="greater" />
- <option label="Second is greater" value="less" />
- </radio>
- </column>
- </row>
- </dialog>
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.js 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
-//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
-function preprocess(){
- // add requirements etc. here
-function calculate(){
- // read in variables from dialog
- var vrslSlctllvr = getValue("vrsl_Slctllvr");
- var vrslDpndntrs = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntrs");
- var inpNmfrdpnd = getValue("inp_Nmfrdpnd");
- var inpNmfrxprm = getValue("inp_Nmfrxprm");
- var chcAtmtccss = getValue("chc_Atmtccss");
- var inpNmfrcssb = getValue("inp_Nmfrcssb");
- var vrslCssbjctd = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd");
- var vrslBtwnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc");
- var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
- // the R code to be evaluated
- var vrslDpndntrsShortname = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntrs.shortname").split("\n").join("\", \"");
- var vrslDpndntrs = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntrs").split("\n").join(",\n\t\t\t");
- var vrslCssbjctdShortname = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd.shortname");
- var vrslBtwnsbjcShortname = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc.shortname");
- var lngVrslBtwnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc").split("\n").join(",\n\t\t\t");
- if(vrslSlctllvr) {
- echo("\tnum.cases <- nrow(" + vrslSlctllvr + ")\n");
- } else {
- echo("\tnum.cases <- unique(sapply(list(\n\t\t\t" + vrslDpndntrs);
- if(!chcAtmtccss && vrslCssbjctd) {
- echo(",\n\t\t\t" + vrslCssbjctd);
- }
- if(vrslBtwnsbjc) {
- echo(",\n\t\t\t" + lngVrslBtwnsbjc);
- }
- echo("),\n\t\tlength))\n\tif(length(num.cases) > 1) {" + "\n\t\tstop(simpleError(\"Can't determine number of cases, variables don't have equal length!\"))" + "\n\t}\n");
- }
- if(vrslDpndntrs) {
- echo("\tanova.conditions <- c(\"" + vrslDpndntrsShortname + "\")\n\tnum.conditions <- length(anova.conditions)\n\n");
- } else {}
- if(vrslBtwnsbjc) {
- var betweenVarsNames = vrslBtwnsbjcShortname.split("\n");
- var betweenVars = vrslBtwnsbjc.split("\n");
- } else {
- var betweenVars = "";
- }
- echo("\tanova.data <- data.frame(");
- if(vrslDpndntrs) {
- echo("\n\t\t" + inpNmfrdpnd + "=c(\n\t\t\t" + vrslDpndntrs + ")" + ",\n\t\t" + inpNmfrxprm + "=factor(rep(anova.conditions, each=num.cases))");
- } else {}
- if(chcAtmtccss && inpNmfrcssb) {
- echo(",\n\t\t" + inpNmfrcssb + "=factor(rep(1:num.cases, times=num.conditions))");
- } else {}
- if(!chcAtmtccss && vrslCssbjctd) {
- echo(",\n\t\t" + vrslCssbjctdShortname + "=factor(rep(" + vrslCssbjctd + ", times=num.conditions))");
- } else {}
- if(vrslBtwnsbjc) {
- for (var i=0, len=betweenVarsNames.length; i<len; ++i ){
- echo(",\n\t\t" + betweenVarsNames[i] + "=factor(rep(" + betweenVars[i] + ", times=num.conditions))");
- }
- } else {}
- echo(",\n\t\tstringsAsFactors=FALSE)\n\n");
-function printout(){
- // printout the results
- echo("rk.header(\"Prepare within subject data results\")\n");
- echo("\trk.print(summary(anova.data))\n");
- //// save result object
- // read in saveobject variables
- var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
- var svbSvrsltstActive = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.active");
- var svbSvrsltstParent = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.parent");
- // assign object to chosen environment
- if(svbSvrsltstActive) {
- echo(".GlobalEnv$" + svbSvrsltst + " <- anova.data\n");
- }
Deleted: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
- <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
- perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
- <code file="Preparewithinsubjectdata.js" />
- <help file="Preparewithinsubjectdata.rkh" />
- <logic>
- <connect governor="current_object" client="vrsl_Slctllvr.available" />
- <connect governor="vrsl_Slctllvr.available" client="vrs_Selectdt.root" />
- <connect governor="chc_Atmtccss.state" client="inp_Nmfrcssb.visible" />
- <connect governor="chc_Atmtccss.state.not" client="vrsl_Cssbjctd.visible" />
- </logic>
- <dialog label="Prepare within subject data">
- <row id="row_vSSSSSDDS2">
- <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
- <column id="clm_vSSSDDS2NN">
- <varslot id="vrsl_Slctllvr" label="Select all variables from one data.frame" source="vrs_Selectdt" classes="data.frame" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Dpndntrs" label="Dependent/response vectors" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" multi="true" min_vars="2" />
- <input label="Name for dependent variable" id="inp_Nmfrdpnd" initial="response" required="true" />
- <input label="Name for experimental condition" id="inp_Nmfrxprm" initial="condition" required="true" />
- <checkbox id="chc_Atmtccss" label="Automatic case/subject identifier" value="true" checked="true" />
- <input label="Name for case/subject identifier" id="inp_Nmfrcssb" initial="case" required="true" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Cssbjctd" label="Case/subject identifier" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
- <varslot id="vrsl_Btwnsbjc" label="Between subject variables" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" />
- <saveobject label="Save results to workspace" checkable="true" checked="true" initial="anova.data" id="svb_Svrsltst" />
- </column>
- </row>
- </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.ANOVA.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.ANOVA.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.ANOVA.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+ var chcUntrdMLP = getValue("chc_UntrdMLP");
+ if(chcUntrdMLP) {
+ echo("suppressMessages(require(" + "ez" + "))\n");
+ } else {
+ echo("require(" + "ez" + ")\n");
+ }
+function calculate(){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var vrslDtnmssnd = getValue("vrsl_Dtnmssnd");
+ var radDesign = getValue("rad_Design");
+ var vrslAbhnggVr = getValue("vrsl_AbhnggVr");
+ var vrslFllPrsnn = getValue("vrsl_FllPrsnn");
+ var vrslWthnSbjV = getValue("vrsl_WthnSbjV");
+ var vrslBtwnSbjV = getValue("vrsl_BtwnSbjV");
+ var vrslBbchttVr = getValue("vrsl_BbchttVr");
+ var drpQdrtsmmD = getValue("drp_QdrtsmmD");
+ var drpHtrskdst = getValue("drp_Htrskdst");
+ var chcZgQdrtLR = getValue("chc_ZgQdrtLR");
+ var chcGbvObjkt = getValue("chc_GbvObjkt");
+ var chcUntrdMLP = getValue("chc_UntrdMLP");
+ var svbSchrErgW = getValue("svb_SchrErgW");
+ // the R code to be evaluated
+ var vrslAbhnggVrShortname = getValue("vrsl_AbhnggVr.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslFllPrsnnShortname = getValue("vrsl_FllPrsnn.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslWthnSbjVShortname = getValue("vrsl_WthnSbjV.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslBtwnSbjVShortname = getValue("vrsl_BtwnSbjV.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslBbchttVrShortname = getValue("vrsl_BbchttVr.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ if(drpQdrtsmmD == 3) {
+ echo("\t# setze Kontraste für korrekte Typ-3-ANOVA\n\toptions(contrasts=c(\"contr.sum\",\"contr.poly\"))\n");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslFllPrsnn == "" & radDesign == "between") {
+ echo("\t# ezANOVA verlangt eine Variable zur Fall/Personunterscheidung\n\t" + vrslDtnmssnd + " <- cbind(" + vrslDtnmssnd + ", ez.subject.ID.dummy=factor(1:nrow(" + vrslDtnmssnd + ")))\n");
+ } else {}
+ echo("\tanova.results <- ezANOVA(");
+ if(vrslDtnmssnd) {
+ echo("\n\t\tdata=" + vrslDtnmssnd);
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslAbhnggVr) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tdv=.(" + vrslAbhnggVrShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslFllPrsnn) {
+ echo(",\n\t\twid=.(" + vrslFllPrsnnShortname + ")");
+ } else if(radDesign == "between") {
+ echo(",\n\t\twid=.(ez.subject.ID.dummy)");
+ }
+ if(vrslWthnSbjV != "" & radDesign != "between") {
+ echo(",\n\t\twithin=.(" + vrslWthnSbjVShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBtwnSbjV != "" & radDesign != "within") {
+ echo(",\n\t\tbetween=.(" + vrslBtwnSbjVShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBbchttVr) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tobserved=.(" + vrslBbchttVrShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(drpQdrtsmmD != 2) {
+ echo(",\n\t\ttype=" + drpQdrtsmmD);
+ } else {}
+ if(drpHtrskdst != "false") {
+ echo(",\n\t\twhite.adjust=\"" + drpHtrskdst + "\"");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcZgQdrtLR) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tdetailed=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcGbvObjkt) {
+ echo(",\n\t\treturn_aov=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ echo(")\n\n");
+function printout(){
+ // printout the results
+ echo("rk.header(\"ANOVA-Ergebnisse\")\n");
+ echo("rk.print(anova.results[[\"ANOVA\"]])\n");
+ echo("\tif(\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n rk.header(\"Sphärizitätstest nach Mauchly\", level=3)\n rk.print(anova.results[[\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\"]])\n } else {}\n");
+ echo("\tif(\"Sphericity Corrections\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n rk.header(\"Sphärizitätskorrektur\", level=3)\n rk.print(anova.results[[\"Sphericity Corrections\"]])\n } else {}\n");
+ echo("\tif(\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n rk.header(\"Homogenitätstest nach Levene\", level=3)\n rk.print(anova.results[[\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\"]])\n } else {}\n");
+ //// save result object
+ // read in saveobject variables
+ var svbSchrErgW = getValue("svb_SchrErgW");
+ var svbSchrErgWActive = getValue("svb_SchrErgW.active");
+ var svbSchrErgWParent = getValue("svb_SchrErgW.parent");
+ // assign object to chosen environment
+ if(svbSchrErgWActive) {
+ echo(".GlobalEnv$" + svbSchrErgW + " <- anova.results\n");
+ }
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.ANOVA.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.ANOVA.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.ANOVA.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="de" xml:lang="de">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="de.ANOVA.js" />
+ <help file="de.ANOVA.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <connect governor="current_object" client="vrsl_Dtnmssnd.available" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Dtnmssnd.available" client="vrs_WhleDatn.root" />
+ <convert id="lgc_vrslDtnm" sources="vrsl_Dtnmssnd.available" mode="notequals" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnbt" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="between" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnwt" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="within" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnmx" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="mixed" />
+ <convert id="lgc_bvars" sources="lgc_rdDsgnbt;lgc_rdDsgnmx" mode="or" />
+ <convert id="lgc_vvars" sources="lgc_rdDsgnwt;lgc_rdDsgnmx" mode="or" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtnm" client="vrsl_AbhnggVr.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtnm" client="vrsl_BtwnSbjV.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtnm" client="vrsl_WthnSbjV.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtnm" client="vrsl_FllPrsnn.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_FllPrsnn.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_bvars" client="vrsl_BtwnSbjV.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_WthnSbjV.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_bvars" client="vrsl_BtwnSbjV.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_WthnSbjV.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtnm" client="row_vWVWVBVVBW.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Dtnmssnd.available" client="vrs_WhlbbchV.root" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="ANOVA">
+ <tabbook id="tbbk_ANOVA" label="ANOVA">
+ <tab label="Daten" id="tab_Daten">
+ <row id="row_vWDWDDDWDD">
+ <varselector id="vrs_WhleDatn" label="Wähle Daten" />
+ <column id="clm_fDDWDDDWDD">
+ <frame id="frm_vrsltdDDWD">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Dtnmssnd" label="Daten (muss ein data.frame sein)" source="vrs_WhleDatn" classes="data.frame" required="true" />
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_rddrDDBWMG">
+ <radio id="rad_Design" label="Design">
+ <option label="Between subjects" value="between" />
+ <option label="Within subjects (Messwiederholung)" value="within" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Gemischt" value="mixed" />
+ </radio>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_vAVAVWDFPF">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_AbhnggVr" label="Abhängige Variable" source="vrs_WhleDatn" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_FllPrsnn" label="Fall/Personunterscheider" source="vrs_WhleDatn" />
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_vWSVWSVWDB">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_WthnSbjV" label="Within-Subject-Variablen" source="vrs_WhleDatn" multi="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_BtwnSbjV" label="Between-Subject-Variablen" source="vrs_WhleDatn" multi="true" />
+ </frame>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </tab>
+ <tab label="Beobachtet" id="tab_Beobchtt">
+ <row id="row_vWVWVBVVBW">
+ <varselector id="vrs_WhlbbchV" label="Wähle beobachtete Variablen" />
+ <column id="clm_fBVVBWVSEB">
+ <frame id="frm_tBVVBWVSEB">
+ <text id="txt_BVVBWVSE">
+ Beobachtete Variablen sind unabhängige Varaiblen die <b>
+ bereits definiert sind
+ </b>
+ , entweder als Between- oder Within-Variablen; sie wurden allerdings nur gemessen und <b>
+ nicht manipuliert
+ </b>
+ . Sie beeinflussen die berechnete Effektgröße (Generalisiertes Eta-Quadrat))
+ </text>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_vrslBVBVWV">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_BbchttVr" label="Beobachtete Variablen (nicht manipuliert)" source="vrs_WhlbbchV" multi="true" />
+ </frame>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </tab>
+ <tab label="Optionen" id="tab_Optionen">
+ <row id="row_cQDQDT11T2">
+ <column id="clm_fQDQDT11T2">
+ <frame id="frm_dQDQDT11T2">
+ <dropdown id="drp_QdrtsmmD" label="Quadratsummentyp für unbalancierte Designs">
+ <option label="Typ 1" value="1" />
+ <option label="Typ 2" value="2" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Typ 3" value="3" />
+ </dropdown>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_dHHK3LEV30">
+ <dropdown id="drp_Htrskdst" label="Heteroskedastizitätskorrektur">
+ <option label="Keine" value="false" checked="true" />
+ <option label="hc3 (Long & Ervin; Voreinstellung)" value="hc3" />
+ <option label="hc0 (White)" value="hc0" />
+ <option label="hc1 (Long & Ervin)" value="hc1" />
+ <option label="hc2 (Long & Ervin)" value="hc2" />
+ <option label="hc4 (Cribari-Neto)" value="hc4" />
+ </dropdown>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_cZQLRZQLRZ">
+ <column id="clm_chZQLRZQLR">
+ <checkbox id="chc_ZgQdrtLR" label="Zeige Quadratsummen, rohe Likelihood Ratios etc." value="true" />
+ </column>
+ <column id="clm_chckbxGOGO">
+ <checkbox id="chc_GbvObjkt" label="Gebe 'aov'-Objekt zurück" value="true" checked="true" />
+ </column>
+ </frame>
+ <stretch />
+ <checkbox id="chc_UntrdMLP" label="Unterdrücke Meldungen beim Laden von Paketen" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <saveobject label="Sichere Ergebnisse im Workspace" checkable="true" initial="anova.results" id="svb_SchrErgW" />
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </tab>
+ </tabbook>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+function calculate(){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var vrslWhlllVrb = getValue("vrsl_WhlllVrb");
+ var vrslAbhnggAn = getValue("vrsl_AbhnggAn");
+ var inpBzchnngV = getValue("inp_BzchnngV");
+ var inpBzchnngE = getValue("inp_BzchnngE");
+ var chcAtmtscFP = getValue("chc_AtmtscFP");
+ var inpBzchnnFP = getValue("inp_BzchnnFP");
+ var vrslFllPrsnn = getValue("vrsl_FllPrsnn");
+ var vrslBtwnSbjV = getValue("vrsl_BtwnSbjV");
+ var svbSchrErgW = getValue("svb_SchrErgW");
+ // the R code to be evaluated
+ var vrslAbhnggAnShortname = getValue("vrsl_AbhnggAn.shortname").split("\n").join("\", \"");
+ var vrslAbhnggAn = getValue("vrsl_AbhnggAn").split("\n").join(",\n\t\t\t");
+ var vrslFllPrsnnShortname = getValue("vrsl_FllPrsnn.shortname");
+ var vrslBtwnSbjVShortname = getValue("vrsl_BtwnSbjV.shortname");
+ var lngVrslBtwnSbjV = getValue("vrsl_BtwnSbjV").split("\n").join(",\n\t\t\t");
+ if(vrslWhlllVrb) {
+ echo("\tnum.cases <- nrow(" + vrslWhlllVrb + ")\n");
+ } else {
+ echo("\tnum.cases <- unique(sapply(list(\n\t\t\t" + vrslAbhnggAn);
+ if(!chcAtmtscFP && vrslFllPrsnn) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\t" + vrslFllPrsnn);
+ }
+ if(vrslBtwnSbjV) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\t" + lngVrslBtwnSbjV);
+ }
+ echo("),\n\t\tlength))\n\tif(length(num.cases) > 1) {" + "\n\t\tstop(simpleError(\"Kann die Anzahl der Fälle nicht ermitteln, Variablen haben nicht die gleiche Länge!\"))" + "\n\t}\n");
+ }
+ if(vrslAbhnggAn) {
+ echo("\tanova.conditions <- c(\"" + vrslAbhnggAnShortname + "\")\n\tnum.conditions <- length(anova.conditions)\n\n");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBtwnSbjV) {
+ var betweenVarsNames = vrslBtwnSbjVShortname.split("\n");
+ var betweenVars = vrslBtwnSbjV.split("\n");
+ } else {
+ var betweenVars = "";
+ }
+ echo("\tanova.data <- data.frame(");
+ if(vrslAbhnggAn) {
+ echo("\n\t\t" + inpBzchnngV + "=c(\n\t\t\t" + vrslAbhnggAn + ")" + ",\n\t\t" + inpBzchnngE + "=factor(rep(anova.conditions, each=num.cases))");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcAtmtscFP && inpBzchnnFP) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t" + inpBzchnnFP + "=factor(rep(1:num.cases, times=num.conditions))");
+ } else {}
+ if(!chcAtmtscFP && vrslFllPrsnn) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t" + vrslFllPrsnnShortname + "=factor(rep(" + vrslFllPrsnn + ", times=num.conditions))");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBtwnSbjV) {
+ for (var i=0, len=betweenVarsNames.length; i<len; ++i ){
+ echo(",\n\t\t" + betweenVarsNames[i] + "=factor(rep(" + betweenVars[i] + ", times=num.conditions))");
+ }
+ } else {}
+ echo(",\n\t\tstringsAsFactors=FALSE)\n\n");
+function printout(){
+ // printout the results
+ echo("rk.header(\"Bereite Within-Subject-Daten vor\")\n");
+ echo("\trk.print(summary(anova.data))\n");
+ //// save result object
+ // read in saveobject variables
+ var svbSchrErgW = getValue("svb_SchrErgW");
+ var svbSchrErgWActive = getValue("svb_SchrErgW.active");
+ var svbSchrErgWParent = getValue("svb_SchrErgW.parent");
+ // assign object to chosen environment
+ if(svbSchrErgWActive) {
+ echo(".GlobalEnv$" + svbSchrErgW + " <- anova.data\n");
+ }
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="de" xml:lang="de">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.js" />
+ <help file="de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <connect governor="current_object" client="vrsl_WhlllVrb.available" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_WhlllVrb.available" client="vrs_WhleDatn.root" />
+ <connect governor="chc_AtmtscFP.state" client="inp_BzchnnFP.visible" />
+ <connect governor="chc_AtmtscFP.state.not" client="vrsl_FllPrsnn.visible" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="Bereite Within-Subject-Daten vor">
+ <row id="row_vWDWDWVWVW">
+ <varselector id="vrs_WhleDatn" label="Wähle Daten" />
+ <column id="clm_vWVWVWDAAA">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_WhlllVrb" label="Wähle alle Variablen aus einem data.frame" source="vrs_WhleDatn" classes="data.frame" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_AbhnggAn" label="Abhängige/Antwortvektor" source="vrs_WhleDatn" required="true" multi="true" min_vars="2" />
+ <input label="Bezeichnung für die abhängige Variable" id="inp_BzchnngV" initial="response" required="true" />
+ <input label="Bezeichnung für die Experimentalbedingung" id="inp_BzchnngE" initial="condition" required="true" />
+ <checkbox id="chc_AtmtscFP" label="Automatischer Fall/Personunterscheider" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <input label="Bezeichnung für den Fall/Personunterscheider" id="inp_BzchnnFP" initial="case" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_FllPrsnn" label="Fall/Personunterscheider" source="vrs_WhleDatn" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_BtwnSbjV" label="Between-Subject-Variablen" source="vrs_WhleDatn" multi="true" />
+ <saveobject label="Sichere Ergebnisse im Workspace" checkable="true" checked="true" initial="anova.data" id="svb_SchrErgW" />
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+ echo("require(sciplot)\n");
+function calculate(){
+function printout(){
+ // all the real work is moved to a custom defined function doPrintout() below
+ // true in this case means: We want all the headers that should be printed in the output:
+ doPrintout(true);
+function preview(){
+ preprocess();
+ calculate();
+ doPrintout(false);
+function doPrintout(full){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var vrslFktrXAch = getValue("vrsl_FktrXAch");
+ var vrslAntwrtvk = getValue("vrsl_Antwrtvk");
+ var vrslGrppnfkS = getValue("vrsl_GrppnfkS");
+ var radPlotTyp = getValue("rad_PlotTyp");
+ var chcStndrdfh = getValue("chc_Stndrdfh");
+ var chcLegende = getValue("chc_Legende");
+ var radElemente = getValue("rad_Elemente");
+ var radBalken = getValue("rad_Balken");
+ var inpLgndnbsc = getValue("inp_Lgndnbsc");
+ // create the plot
+ if(full) {
+ echo("rk.header(\"Interaktionsplot\")\n");
+ }
+ // in case there are generic plot options defined:
+ var embRkwrdpltptnGCodePreprocess = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.preprocess");
+ var embRkwrdpltptnGCodePrintout = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.printout");
+ var embRkwrdpltptnGCodeCalculate = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.calculate");
+ if(full) {
+ echo("rk.graph.on()\n");
+ }
+ echo("\ttry({\n");
+ // insert any option-setting code that should be run before the actual plotting commands:
+ printIndentedUnlessEmpty("\t\t", embRkwrdpltptnGCodePreprocess, "\n", "");
+ // the actual plot:
+ if(radPlotTyp == "line") {
+ echo("\t\tlineplot.CI(");
+ } else {
+ echo("\t\tbargraph.CI(");
+ }
+ if(vrslFktrXAch) {
+ echo("\n\t\t\tx.factor=" + vrslFktrXAch);
+ }
+ if(vrslAntwrtvk) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tresponse=" + vrslAntwrtvk);
+ }
+ if(vrslGrppnfkS) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tgroup=" + vrslGrppnfkS);
+ }
+ if(radPlotTyp == "line" & radElemente != "b") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\ttype=\"" + radElemente + "\"");
+ }
+ if(radPlotTyp == "bar" & radBalken == "split") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tsplit=TRUE");
+ }
+ if(radPlotTyp == "line" & !chcLegende & vrslGrppnfkS != "") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tlegend=FALSE");
+ }
+ if(radPlotTyp == "bar" & chcLegende == "true" & vrslGrppnfkS != "") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tlegend=TRUE");
+ }
+ if(chcLegende == "true" & vrslGrppnfkS != "" & inpLgndnbsc != "") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\ttrace.label=\"" + inpLgndnbsc + "\"");
+ }
+ if(!chcStndrdfh) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tci.fun=function(x)c(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))");
+ }
+ echo(embRkwrdpltptnGCodePrintout.replace(/, /g, ",\n\t\t\t"));
+ echo(")");
+ // insert any option-setting code that should be run after the actual plot:
+ printIndentedUnlessEmpty("\t\t", embRkwrdpltptnGCodeCalculate, "\n", "");
+ echo("\n\t})\n");
+ if(full) {
+ echo("rk.graph.off()\n");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="de" xml:lang="de">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="de.Interaktionsplot.js" />
+ <help file="de.Interaktionsplot.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <convert id="lgc_rdPltTyp" sources="rad_PlotTyp.string" mode="equals" standard="line" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdPltTyp" client="rad_Elemente.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdPltTyp.not" client="rad_Balken.visible" />
+ <convert id="lgc_vrslGrpS" sources="vrsl_GrppnfkS.available" mode="notequals" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslGrpS" client="rad_Balken.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslGrpS" client="chc_Legende.enabled" />
+ <convert id="lgc_lgcvrGSL" sources="lgc_vrslGrpS;chc_Legende.state" mode="and" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_lgcvrGSL" client="inp_Lgndnbsc.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_FktrXAch.available" client="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.xvar" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Antwrtvk.available" client="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.yvar" />
+ <set id="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.allow_type" to="false" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="Interaktionsplot">
+ <row id="row_vWDWDDDFXA">
+ <varselector id="vrs_WhleDatn" label="Wähle Daten" />
+ <column id="clm_fDDFXAFXAW">
+ <frame label="Daten" id="frm_Daten">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_FktrXAch" label="Faktor (X-Achse)" source="vrs_WhleDatn" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Antwrtvk" label="Antwortvektor" source="vrs_WhleDatn" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_GrppnfkS" label="Gruppenfaktor (Stränge)" source="vrs_WhleDatn" />
+ </frame>
+ <stretch />
+ <frame id="frm_rPTPTLBSSL">
+ <row id="row_cPTPTLBSSL">
+ <column id="clm_rPTPTLBSSL">
+ <radio id="rad_PlotTyp" label="Plot-Typ">
+ <option label="Linienplot" value="line" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Balkengrafik" value="bar" />
+ </radio>
+ <checkbox id="chc_Stndrdfh" label="Standardfehler" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <checkbox id="chc_Legende" label="Legende" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <stretch />
+ </column>
+ <column id="clm_rEELPLPBBG">
+ <radio id="rad_Elemente" label="Elemente">
+ <option label="Linien + Punkte" value="b" checked="true" />
+ <option label="nur Linien" value="l" />
+ <option label="nur Punkte" value="p" />
+ </radio>
+ <radio id="rad_Balken" label="Balken">
+ <option label="Gruppierte Balken" value="group" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Geteilte Balken" value="split" />
+ </radio>
+ <stretch />
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ <input label="Legendenbeschriftung" id="inp_Lgndnbsc" />
+ <embed component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Generic plot options" id="emb_rkwrdpltptnG" />
+ <preview />
+ </frame>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+function calculate(){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var radDatnfrmt = getValue("rad_Datnfrmt");
+ var vrslAntwrtvk = getValue("vrsl_Antwrtvk");
+ var vrslGrppnvkt = getValue("vrsl_Grppnvkt");
+ var vrslSprtAnt3 = getValue("vrsl_SprtAnt3");
+ var drpMthdzrWA = getValue("drp_MthdzrWA");
+ var chcGpltStnG = getValue("chc_GpltStnG");
+ var chcPrwstTst = getValue("chc_PrwstTst");
+ var radAltrntvh = getValue("rad_Altrntvh");
+ // the R code to be evaluated
+ if(radDatnfrmt == "one") {
+ echo("\tpair.t.results <- pairwise.t.test(\n\t\t");
+ if(vrslAntwrtvk) {
+ echo("x=" + vrslAntwrtvk);
+ }
+ if(vrslGrppnvkt) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tg=" + vrslGrppnvkt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var vrslSprtAnt3 = getValue("vrsl_SprtAnt3").split("\n").join(", ");
+ echo("\t# einfache Hilfsfunktion um die Namen der Objekte zu ermitteln\n");
+ echo("\tgrouping.vector <- function(...){\n\tunlist(lapply(match.call()[-1], function(x){rep(deparse(x), length(eval(x)))}))\n}\n");
+ if(vrslSprtAnt3) {
+ echo("\t# Erzeuge Daten- und Gruppenvektoren\n\tdata <- c(" + vrslSprtAnt3 + ")\n\tgroup <- grouping.vector(" + vrslSprtAnt3 + ")\n\n");
+ }
+ echo("\t# die eigentlichen paarweisen t-Tests, über die vorbereiteten Daten\n\tpair.t.results <- pairwise.t.test(\n\t\t");
+ if(vrslSprtAnt3) {
+ echo("x=data,\n\t\tg=group");
+ }
+ }
+ if(drpMthdzrWA) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tp.adjust.method=\"" + drpMthdzrWA + "\"");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcGpltStnG) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tpool.sd=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcPrwstTst) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tpaired=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ if(radAltrntvh != "two.sided") {
+ echo(",\n\t\talternative=\"" + radAltrntvh + "\"");
+ } else {}
+ echo(")\n\n");
+function printout(){
+ // printout the results
+ echo("rk.header(\"Paarweise t-Tests\")\n");
+ echo("rk.print(pair.t.results)\n");
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="de" xml:lang="de">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="de.PaarweisetTests.js" />
+ <help file="de.PaarweisetTests.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <connect governor="chc_GpltStnG.state.not" client="chc_PrwstTst.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="chc_PrwstTst.state.not" client="chc_GpltStnG.enabled" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDtnfrm" sources="rad_Datnfrmt.string" mode="equals" standard="one" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtnfrm" client="vrsl_Antwrtvk.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtnfrm" client="vrsl_Antwrtvk.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtnfrm" client="vrsl_Grppnvkt.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtnfrm" client="vrsl_Grppnvkt.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtnfrm.not" client="vrsl_SprtAnt3.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtnfrm.not" client="vrsl_SprtAnt3.required" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="Paarweise t-Tests">
+ <row id="row_vWDWDDDEVS">
+ <varselector id="vrs_WhleDatn" label="Wähle Daten" />
+ <column id="clm_rDDEVSVDDA">
+ <radio id="rad_Datnfrmt" label="Datenformat">
+ <option label="Einzelner (gruppierter) Vektor" value="one" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Separate Variablen" value="group" />
+ </radio>
+ <frame label="Daten" id="frm_Daten">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Antwrtvk" label="Antwortvektor" source="vrs_WhleDatn" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Grppnvkt" label="Gruppenvektor oder -faktor" source="vrs_WhleDatn" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_SprtAnt3" label="Separate Antwortvektoren (>= 3)" source="vrs_WhleDatn" multi="true" min_vars="3" />
+ </frame>
+ <frame label="Alphafehlerkorrektur" id="frm_Alphfhlr">
+ <dropdown id="drp_MthdzrWA" label="Methode zur p-Wert-Adjustierung">
+ <option label="keine" value="none" />
+ <option label="Bonferroni" value="bonferroni" />
+ <option label="Holm" value="holm" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Benjamini & Hochberg (fdr)" value="BH" />
+ <option label="Benjamini & Yekutieli" value="BY" />
+ <option label="Hochberg" value="hochberg" />
+ <option label="Hommel" value="hommel" />
+ </dropdown>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_cGSGGSGPTP">
+ <checkbox id="chc_GpltStnG" label="Gepoolte Standardabweichung für alle Gruppen" value="true" />
+ <checkbox id="chc_PrwstTst" label="Paarweise t-Tests" value="true" checked="true" />
+ </frame>
+ <radio id="rad_Altrntvh" label="Alternativhypothese">
+ <option label="Zweiseitig" value="two.sided" />
+ <option label="Erster ist größer" value="greater" />
+ <option label="Zweiter ist größer" value="less" />
+ </radio>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.ANOVA.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.ANOVA.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.ANOVA.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+ var chcSpprsspc = getValue("chc_Spprsspc");
+ if(chcSpprsspc) {
+ echo("suppressMessages(require(" + "ez" + "))\n");
+ } else {
+ echo("require(" + "ez" + ")\n");
+ }
+function calculate(){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var vrslDtmstbdt = getValue("vrsl_Dtmstbdt");
+ var radDesign = getValue("rad_Design");
+ var vrslDpndntvr = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntvr");
+ var vrslCssbjctd = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd");
+ var vrslWthnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Wthnsbjc");
+ var vrslBtwnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc");
+ var vrslObsrvdvr = getValue("vrsl_Obsrvdvr");
+ var drpSmsfsqrs = getValue("drp_Smsfsqrs");
+ var drpHtrscdst = getValue("drp_Htrscdst");
+ var chcShwsmsfs = getValue("chc_Shwsmsfs");
+ var chcRtrnvbjc = getValue("chc_Rtrnvbjc");
+ var chcSpprsspc = getValue("chc_Spprsspc");
+ var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
+ // the R code to be evaluated
+ var vrslDpndntvrShortname = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntvr.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslCssbjctdShortname = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslWthnsbjcShortname = getValue("vrsl_Wthnsbjc.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslBtwnsbjcShortname = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ var vrslObsrvdvrShortname = getValue("vrsl_Obsrvdvr.shortname").split("\n").join(", ");
+ if(drpSmsfsqrs == 3) {
+ echo("\t# set contrasts for accurate type 3 ANOVA\n\toptions(contrasts=c(\"contr.sum\",\"contr.poly\"))\n");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslCssbjctd == "" & radDesign == "between") {
+ echo("\t# ezANOVA demands a subject identifier variable\n\t" + vrslDtmstbdt + " <- cbind(" + vrslDtmstbdt + ", ez.subject.ID.dummy=factor(1:nrow(" + vrslDtmstbdt + ")))\n");
+ } else {}
+ echo("\tanova.results <- ezANOVA(");
+ if(vrslDtmstbdt) {
+ echo("\n\t\tdata=" + vrslDtmstbdt);
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslDpndntvr) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tdv=.(" + vrslDpndntvrShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslCssbjctd) {
+ echo(",\n\t\twid=.(" + vrslCssbjctdShortname + ")");
+ } else if(radDesign == "between") {
+ echo(",\n\t\twid=.(ez.subject.ID.dummy)");
+ }
+ if(vrslWthnsbjc != "" & radDesign != "between") {
+ echo(",\n\t\twithin=.(" + vrslWthnsbjcShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBtwnsbjc != "" & radDesign != "within") {
+ echo(",\n\t\tbetween=.(" + vrslBtwnsbjcShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslObsrvdvr) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tobserved=.(" + vrslObsrvdvrShortname + ")");
+ } else {}
+ if(drpSmsfsqrs != 2) {
+ echo(",\n\t\ttype=" + drpSmsfsqrs);
+ } else {}
+ if(drpHtrscdst != "false") {
+ echo(",\n\t\twhite.adjust=\"" + drpHtrscdst + "\"");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcShwsmsfs) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tdetailed=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcRtrnvbjc) {
+ echo(",\n\t\treturn_aov=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ echo(")\n\n");
+function printout(){
+ // printout the results
+ echo("rk.header(\"ANOVA results\")\n");
+ echo("rk.print(anova.results[[\"ANOVA\"]])\n");
+ echo("\tif(\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n rk.header(\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\", level=3)\n rk.print(anova.results[[\"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity\"]])\n } else {}\n");
+ echo("\tif(\"Sphericity Corrections\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n rk.header(\"Sphericity Corrections\", level=3)\n rk.print(anova.results[[\"Sphericity Corrections\"]])\n } else {}\n");
+ echo("\tif(\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\" %in% names(anova.results)){\n rk.header(\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\", level=3)\n rk.print(anova.results[[\"Levene's Test for Homgeneity\"]])\n } else {}\n");
+ //// save result object
+ // read in saveobject variables
+ var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
+ var svbSvrsltstActive = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.active");
+ var svbSvrsltstParent = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.parent");
+ // assign object to chosen environment
+ if(svbSvrsltstActive) {
+ echo(".GlobalEnv$" + svbSvrsltst + " <- anova.results\n");
+ }
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.ANOVA.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.ANOVA.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.ANOVA.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="en" xml:lang="en">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="en.ANOVA.js" />
+ <help file="en.ANOVA.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <connect governor="current_object" client="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" client="vrs_Selectdt.root" />
+ <convert id="lgc_vrslDtms" sources="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" mode="notequals" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnbt" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="between" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnwt" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="within" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDsgnmx" sources="rad_Design.string" mode="equals" standard="mixed" />
+ <convert id="lgc_bvars" sources="lgc_rdDsgnbt;lgc_rdDsgnmx" mode="or" />
+ <convert id="lgc_vvars" sources="lgc_rdDsgnwt;lgc_rdDsgnmx" mode="or" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Dpndntvr.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Btwnsbjc.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Wthnsbjc.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="vrsl_Cssbjctd.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_Cssbjctd.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_bvars" client="vrsl_Btwnsbjc.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_Wthnsbjc.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_bvars" client="vrsl_Btwnsbjc.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vvars" client="vrsl_Wthnsbjc.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslDtms" client="row_vSSOTOTOTO.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Dtmstbdt.available" client="vrs_Slctbsrv.root" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="ANOVA">
+ <tabbook id="tbbk_ANOVA" label="ANOVA">
+ <tab label="Data" id="tab_Data">
+ <row id="row_vSSDDSDDSD">
+ <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
+ <column id="clm_fDDSDDSDDB">
+ <frame id="frm_vrsltdvDDS">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Dtmstbdt" label="Data (must be data.frame)" source="vrs_Selectdt" classes="data.frame" required="true" />
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_rddrdDDBWM">
+ <radio id="rad_Design" label="Design">
+ <option label="Between subjects" value="between" />
+ <option label="Within subjects (repeated measures)" value="within" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Mixed" value="mixed" />
+ </radio>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_vrslDDSCCS">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Dpndntvr" label="Dependent variable" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Cssbjctd" label="Case/subject identifier" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_vrslWWSBBS">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Wthnsbjc" label="Within subject variables" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Btwnsbjc" label="Between subject variables" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" />
+ </frame>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </tab>
+ <tab label="Observed" id="tab_Observed">
+ <row id="row_vSSOTOTOTO">
+ <varselector id="vrs_Slctbsrv" label="Select observed variables" />
+ <column id="clm_fOTOTOTOTO">
+ <frame id="frm_txtdtxOTOT">
+ <text id="txt_ObsrvdvT">
+ Observed variables are independent variables you have <b>
+ already defined
+ </b>
+ as either between or within variables, but that were measured and <b>
+ not manipulated
+ </b>
+ . They affect the calculated effect size (generalized eta seqared).
+ </text>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_vrsltdvOOS">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Obsrvdvr" label="Observed variables (not manipulated)" source="vrs_Slctbsrv" multi="true" />
+ </frame>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </tab>
+ <tab label="Options" id="tab_Options">
+ <row id="row_cSST11T22T">
+ <column id="clm_fSST11T22T">
+ <frame id="frm_dSST11T22T">
+ <dropdown id="drp_Smsfsqrs" label="Sums of squares type for unbalanced designs">
+ <option label="Type 1" value="1" />
+ <option label="Type 2" value="2" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Type 3" value="3" />
+ </dropdown>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_dHHN3LE30W">
+ <dropdown id="drp_Htrscdst" label="Heteroscedasticity correction">
+ <option label="None" value="false" checked="true" />
+ <option label="hc3 (Long & Ervin; default)" value="hc3" />
+ <option label="hc0 (White)" value="hc0" />
+ <option label="hc1 (Long & Ervin)" value="hc1" />
+ <option label="hc2 (Long & Ervin)" value="hc2" />
+ <option label="hc4 (Cribari-Neto)" value="hc4" />
+ </dropdown>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_clSSSSRRRR">
+ <column id="clm_chckbxdcSS">
+ <checkbox id="chc_Shwsmsfs" label="Show sums of squares, raw likelihood ratios etc." value="true" />
+ </column>
+ <column id="clm_chckbxdcRR">
+ <checkbox id="chc_Rtrnvbjc" label="Return 'aov' object" value="true" checked="true" />
+ </column>
+ </frame>
+ <stretch />
+ <checkbox id="chc_Spprsspc" label="Suppress package loading messages" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <saveobject label="Save results to workspace" checkable="true" initial="anova.results" id="svb_Svrsltst" />
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </tab>
+ </tabbook>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Interactionplot.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Interactionplot.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Interactionplot.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+ echo("require(sciplot)\n");
+function calculate(){
+function printout(){
+ // all the real work is moved to a custom defined function doPrintout() below
+ // true in this case means: We want all the headers that should be printed in the output:
+ doPrintout(true);
+function preview(){
+ preprocess();
+ calculate();
+ doPrintout(false);
+function doPrintout(full){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var vrslFactrxxs = getValue("vrsl_Factrxxs");
+ var vrslRspnsvct = getValue("vrsl_Rspnsvct");
+ var vrslGrpngfct = getValue("vrsl_Grpngfct");
+ var radPlottype = getValue("rad_Plottype");
+ var chcStndrdrr = getValue("chc_Stndrdrr");
+ var chcLegend = getValue("chc_Legend");
+ var radElements = getValue("rad_Elements");
+ var radBars = getValue("rad_Bars");
+ var inpLegndlbl = getValue("inp_Legndlbl");
+ // create the plot
+ if(full) {
+ echo("rk.header(\"Interaction plot\")\n");
+ }
+ // in case there are generic plot options defined:
+ var embRkwrdpltptnGCodePreprocess = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.preprocess");
+ var embRkwrdpltptnGCodePrintout = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.printout");
+ var embRkwrdpltptnGCodeCalculate = getValue("emb_rkwrdpltptnG.code.calculate");
+ if(full) {
+ echo("rk.graph.on()\n");
+ }
+ echo("\ttry({\n");
+ // insert any option-setting code that should be run before the actual plotting commands:
+ printIndentedUnlessEmpty("\t\t", embRkwrdpltptnGCodePreprocess, "\n", "");
+ // the actual plot:
+ if(radPlottype == "line") {
+ echo("\t\tlineplot.CI(");
+ } else {
+ echo("\t\tbargraph.CI(");
+ }
+ if(vrslFactrxxs) {
+ echo("\n\t\t\tx.factor=" + vrslFactrxxs);
+ }
+ if(vrslRspnsvct) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tresponse=" + vrslRspnsvct);
+ }
+ if(vrslGrpngfct) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tgroup=" + vrslGrpngfct);
+ }
+ if(radPlottype == "line" & radElements != "b") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\ttype=\"" + radElements + "\"");
+ }
+ if(radPlottype == "bar" & radBars == "split") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tsplit=TRUE");
+ }
+ if(radPlottype == "line" & !chcLegend & vrslGrpngfct != "") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tlegend=FALSE");
+ }
+ if(radPlottype == "bar" & chcLegend == "true" & vrslGrpngfct != "") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tlegend=TRUE");
+ }
+ if(chcLegend == "true" & vrslGrpngfct != "" & inpLegndlbl != "") {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\ttrace.label=\"" + inpLegndlbl + "\"");
+ }
+ if(!chcStndrdrr) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\tci.fun=function(x)c(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))");
+ }
+ echo(embRkwrdpltptnGCodePrintout.replace(/, /g, ",\n\t\t\t"));
+ echo(")");
+ // insert any option-setting code that should be run after the actual plot:
+ printIndentedUnlessEmpty("\t\t", embRkwrdpltptnGCodeCalculate, "\n", "");
+ echo("\n\t})\n");
+ if(full) {
+ echo("rk.graph.off()\n");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Interactionplot.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Interactionplot.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Interactionplot.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="en" xml:lang="en">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="en.Interactionplot.js" />
+ <help file="en.Interactionplot.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <convert id="lgc_rdPlttyp" sources="rad_Plottype.string" mode="equals" standard="line" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdPlttyp" client="rad_Elements.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdPlttyp.not" client="rad_Bars.visible" />
+ <convert id="lgc_vrslGrpn" sources="vrsl_Grpngfct.available" mode="notequals" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslGrpn" client="rad_Bars.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_vrslGrpn" client="chc_Legend.enabled" />
+ <convert id="lgc_lgcvrsGL" sources="lgc_vrslGrpn;chc_Legend.state" mode="and" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_lgcvrsGL" client="inp_Legndlbl.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Factrxxs.available" client="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.xvar" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Rspnsvct.available" client="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.yvar" />
+ <set id="emb_rkwrdpltptnG.allow_type" to="false" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="Interaction plot">
+ <row id="row_vSSDDFFSRR">
+ <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
+ <column id="clm_fDDFFSRRSG">
+ <frame label="Data" id="frm_Data">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Factrxxs" label="Factor (x axis)" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Rspnsvct" label="Response vector" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Grpngfct" label="Grouping factor (traces)" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
+ </frame>
+ <stretch />
+ <frame id="frm_rPPLBSSLLP">
+ <row id="row_cPPLBSSLLP">
+ <column id="clm_rdPPLBSSLL">
+ <radio id="rad_Plottype" label="Plot type">
+ <option label="Lineplot" value="line" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Bargraph" value="bar" />
+ </radio>
+ <checkbox id="chc_Stndrdrr" label="Standard error" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <checkbox id="chc_Legend" label="Legend" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <stretch />
+ </column>
+ <column id="clm_rEELLPBBGS">
+ <radio id="rad_Elements" label="Elements">
+ <option label="Lines + points" value="b" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Lines only" value="l" />
+ <option label="Points only" value="p" />
+ </radio>
+ <radio id="rad_Bars" label="Bars">
+ <option label="Grouped bars" value="group" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Split bars" value="split" />
+ </radio>
+ <stretch />
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ <input label="Legend label" id="inp_Legndlbl" />
+ <embed component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Generic plot options" id="emb_rkwrdpltptnG" />
+ <preview />
+ </frame>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.PairwisetTests.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.PairwisetTests.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.PairwisetTests.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+function calculate(){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var radDatafrmt = getValue("rad_Datafrmt");
+ var vrslRspnsvct = getValue("vrsl_Rspnsvct");
+ var vrslGrpngvct = getValue("vrsl_Grpngvct");
+ var vrslSprtrsp3 = getValue("vrsl_Sprtrsp3");
+ var drpMthdfrdj = getValue("drp_Mthdfrdj");
+ var chcPldSDfrl = getValue("chc_PldSDfrl");
+ var chcPrdtTsts = getValue("chc_PrdtTsts");
+ var radAltrntvh = getValue("rad_Altrntvh");
+ // the R code to be evaluated
+ if(radDatafrmt == "one") {
+ echo("\tpair.t.results <- pairwise.t.test(\n\t\t");
+ if(vrslRspnsvct) {
+ echo("x=" + vrslRspnsvct);
+ }
+ if(vrslGrpngvct) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tg=" + vrslGrpngvct);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var vrslSprtrsp3 = getValue("vrsl_Sprtrsp3").split("\n").join(", ");
+ echo("\t# simple helper function to get the names of the objects\n");
+ echo("\tgrouping.vector <- function(...){\n\tunlist(lapply(match.call()[-1], function(x){rep(deparse(x), length(eval(x)))}))\n}\n");
+ if(vrslSprtrsp3) {
+ echo("\t# create data and grouping vectors\n\tdata <- c(" + vrslSprtrsp3 + ")\n\tgroup <- grouping.vector(" + vrslSprtrsp3 + ")\n\n");
+ }
+ echo("\t# the actual pairwise t-tests, using the prepared data\n\tpair.t.results <- pairwise.t.test(\n\t\t");
+ if(vrslSprtrsp3) {
+ echo("x=data,\n\t\tg=group");
+ }
+ }
+ if(drpMthdfrdj) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tp.adjust.method=\"" + drpMthdfrdj + "\"");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcPldSDfrl) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tpool.sd=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcPrdtTsts) {
+ echo(",\n\t\tpaired=TRUE");
+ } else {}
+ if(radAltrntvh != "two.sided") {
+ echo(",\n\t\talternative=\"" + radAltrntvh + "\"");
+ } else {}
+ echo(")\n\n");
+function printout(){
+ // printout the results
+ echo("rk.header(\"Pairwise t-Tests\")\n");
+ echo("rk.print(pair.t.results)\n");
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.PairwisetTests.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.PairwisetTests.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.PairwisetTests.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="en" xml:lang="en">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="en.PairwisetTests.js" />
+ <help file="en.PairwisetTests.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <connect governor="chc_PldSDfrl.state.not" client="chc_PrdtTsts.enabled" />
+ <connect governor="chc_PrdtTsts.state.not" client="chc_PldSDfrl.enabled" />
+ <convert id="lgc_rdDtfrmt" sources="rad_Datafrmt.string" mode="equals" standard="one" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Rspnsvct.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Rspnsvct.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Grpngvct.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt" client="vrsl_Grpngvct.required" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt.not" client="vrsl_Sprtrsp3.visible" />
+ <connect governor="lgc_rdDtfrmt.not" client="vrsl_Sprtrsp3.required" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="Pairwise t-Tests">
+ <row id="row_vSSDDSSDDR">
+ <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
+ <column id="clm_rDDSSDDRRS">
+ <radio id="rad_Datafrmt" label="Data format">
+ <option label="Single (grouped) vector" value="one" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Separate variables" value="group" />
+ </radio>
+ <frame label="Data" id="frm_Data">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Rspnsvct" label="Response vector" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Grpngvct" label="Grouping vector or factor" source="vrs_Selectdt" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Sprtrsp3" label="Separate response vectors (>= 3)" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" min_vars="3" />
+ </frame>
+ <frame label="Alpha error correction" id="frm_Alphrrrc">
+ <dropdown id="drp_Mthdfrdj" label="Method for adjusting p values">
+ <option label="none" value="none" />
+ <option label="Bonferroni" value="bonferroni" />
+ <option label="Holm" value="holm" checked="true" />
+ <option label="Benjamini & Hochberg (fdr)" value="BH" />
+ <option label="Benjamini & Yekutieli" value="BY" />
+ <option label="Hochberg" value="hochberg" />
+ <option label="Hommel" value="hommel" />
+ </dropdown>
+ </frame>
+ <frame id="frm_cPSDPSDPTP">
+ <checkbox id="chc_PldSDfrl" label="Pooled SD for all groups" value="true" />
+ <checkbox id="chc_PrdtTsts" label="Paired t-Tests" value="true" checked="true" />
+ </frame>
+ <radio id="rad_Altrntvh" label="Alternative hypothesis">
+ <option label="Two-sided" value="two.sided" />
+ <option label="First is greater" value="greater" />
+ <option label="Second is greater" value="less" />
+ </radio>
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.js
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.js 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+//perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+function preprocess(){
+ // add requirements etc. here
+function calculate(){
+ // read in variables from dialog
+ var vrslSlctllvr = getValue("vrsl_Slctllvr");
+ var vrslDpndntrs = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntrs");
+ var inpNmfrdpnd = getValue("inp_Nmfrdpnd");
+ var inpNmfrxprm = getValue("inp_Nmfrxprm");
+ var chcAtmtccss = getValue("chc_Atmtccss");
+ var inpNmfrcssb = getValue("inp_Nmfrcssb");
+ var vrslCssbjctd = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd");
+ var vrslBtwnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc");
+ var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
+ // the R code to be evaluated
+ var vrslDpndntrsShortname = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntrs.shortname").split("\n").join("\", \"");
+ var vrslDpndntrs = getValue("vrsl_Dpndntrs").split("\n").join(",\n\t\t\t");
+ var vrslCssbjctdShortname = getValue("vrsl_Cssbjctd.shortname");
+ var vrslBtwnsbjcShortname = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc.shortname");
+ var lngVrslBtwnsbjc = getValue("vrsl_Btwnsbjc").split("\n").join(",\n\t\t\t");
+ if(vrslSlctllvr) {
+ echo("\tnum.cases <- nrow(" + vrslSlctllvr + ")\n");
+ } else {
+ echo("\tnum.cases <- unique(sapply(list(\n\t\t\t" + vrslDpndntrs);
+ if(!chcAtmtccss && vrslCssbjctd) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\t" + vrslCssbjctd);
+ }
+ if(vrslBtwnsbjc) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t\t" + lngVrslBtwnsbjc);
+ }
+ echo("),\n\t\tlength))\n\tif(length(num.cases) > 1) {" + "\n\t\tstop(simpleError(\"Can't determine number of cases, variables don't have equal length!\"))" + "\n\t}\n");
+ }
+ if(vrslDpndntrs) {
+ echo("\tanova.conditions <- c(\"" + vrslDpndntrsShortname + "\")\n\tnum.conditions <- length(anova.conditions)\n\n");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBtwnsbjc) {
+ var betweenVarsNames = vrslBtwnsbjcShortname.split("\n");
+ var betweenVars = vrslBtwnsbjc.split("\n");
+ } else {
+ var betweenVars = "";
+ }
+ echo("\tanova.data <- data.frame(");
+ if(vrslDpndntrs) {
+ echo("\n\t\t" + inpNmfrdpnd + "=c(\n\t\t\t" + vrslDpndntrs + ")" + ",\n\t\t" + inpNmfrxprm + "=factor(rep(anova.conditions, each=num.cases))");
+ } else {}
+ if(chcAtmtccss && inpNmfrcssb) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t" + inpNmfrcssb + "=factor(rep(1:num.cases, times=num.conditions))");
+ } else {}
+ if(!chcAtmtccss && vrslCssbjctd) {
+ echo(",\n\t\t" + vrslCssbjctdShortname + "=factor(rep(" + vrslCssbjctd + ", times=num.conditions))");
+ } else {}
+ if(vrslBtwnsbjc) {
+ for (var i=0, len=betweenVarsNames.length; i<len; ++i ){
+ echo(",\n\t\t" + betweenVarsNames[i] + "=factor(rep(" + betweenVars[i] + ", times=num.conditions))");
+ }
+ } else {}
+ echo(",\n\t\tstringsAsFactors=FALSE)\n\n");
+function printout(){
+ // printout the results
+ echo("rk.header(\"Prepare within subject data\")\n");
+ echo("\trk.print(summary(anova.data))\n");
+ //// save result object
+ // read in saveobject variables
+ var svbSvrsltst = getValue("svb_Svrsltst");
+ var svbSvrsltstActive = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.active");
+ var svbSvrsltstParent = getValue("svb_Svrsltst.parent");
+ // assign object to chosen environment
+ if(svbSvrsltstActive) {
+ echo(".GlobalEnv$" + svbSvrsltst + " <- anova.data\n");
+ }
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin >
+<document lang="en" xml:lang="en">
+ <!-- this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead! -->
+ <code file="en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.js" />
+ <help file="en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.rkh" />
+ <logic>
+ <connect governor="current_object" client="vrsl_Slctllvr.available" />
+ <connect governor="vrsl_Slctllvr.available" client="vrs_Selectdt.root" />
+ <connect governor="chc_Atmtccss.state" client="inp_Nmfrcssb.visible" />
+ <connect governor="chc_Atmtccss.state.not" client="vrsl_Cssbjctd.visible" />
+ </logic>
+ <dialog label="Prepare within subject data">
+ <row id="row_vSSSSSDDS2">
+ <varselector id="vrs_Selectdt" label="Select data" />
+ <column id="clm_vSSSDDS2NN">
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Slctllvr" label="Select all variables from one data.frame" source="vrs_Selectdt" classes="data.frame" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Dpndntrs" label="Dependent/response vectors" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" multi="true" min_vars="2" />
+ <input label="Name for dependent variable" id="inp_Nmfrdpnd" initial="response" required="true" />
+ <input label="Name for experimental condition" id="inp_Nmfrxprm" initial="condition" required="true" />
+ <checkbox id="chc_Atmtccss" label="Automatic case/subject identifier" value="true" checked="true" />
+ <input label="Name for case/subject identifier" id="inp_Nmfrcssb" initial="case" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Cssbjctd" label="Case/subject identifier" source="vrs_Selectdt" required="true" />
+ <varslot id="vrsl_Btwnsbjc" label="Between subject variables" source="vrs_Selectdt" multi="true" />
+ <saveobject label="Save results to workspace" checkable="true" checked="true" initial="anova.data" id="svb_Svrsltst" />
+ </column>
+ </row>
+ </dialog>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/po/de.rk.ANOVA.pluginmap
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/po/de.rk.ANOVA.pluginmap (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/po/de.rk.ANOVA.pluginmap 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkpluginmap >
+ namespace="ANOVA"
+ id="ANOVA_de_rkward"
+ priority="medium"
+ xml:lang="de"
+ lang="de"
+ <!--
+ this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+ -->
+ <dependencies rkward_min_version="0.5.6">
+ <package name="ez" />
+ <package name="sciplot" />
+ </dependencies>
+ <about
+ name="rk.ANOVA"
+ shortinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions."
+ longinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions."
+ version="0.01-18"
+ releasedate="2014-09-14"
+ url="http://rkward.sf.net"
+ license="GPL (>= 3)"
+ >
+ <author
+ given="Meik"
+ family="Michalke"
+ email="meik.michalke at hhu.de"
+ role="aut, cre"
+ />
+ </about>
+ <components>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAPaarweisetTests"
+ label="Paarweise t-Tests"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/de.PaarweisetTests.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAInteraktionsplot"
+ label="Interaktionsplot"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/de.Interaktionsplot.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVABereitWthnSbjctDtnvr"
+ label="Bereite Within-Subject-Daten vor"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/de.BereiteWithinSubjectDatenvor.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAANOVA"
+ label="ANOVA"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/de.ANOVA.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ </components>
+ <hierarchy>
+ <menu
+ id="analysis"
+ label.analysis="Analysis"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="means"
+ label="means"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="ttests"
+ label="t-tests"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAPaarweisetTests" />
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ id="plots"
+ label.plots="Plots"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAInteraktionsplot" />
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ id="data"
+ label.data="Data"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="ANOVA"
+ label="ANOVA"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVABereitWthnSbjctDtnvr" />
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ id="analysis"
+ label.analysis="Analysis"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="ANOVA"
+ label="ANOVA"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAANOVA" />
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ </hierarchy>
Added: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/po/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/po/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap (rev 0)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/po/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkpluginmap >
+ namespace="ANOVA"
+ id="ANOVA_en_rkward"
+ priority="medium"
+ xml:lang="en"
+ lang="en"
+ <!--
+ this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
+ perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
+ -->
+ <dependencies rkward_min_version="0.5.6">
+ <package name="ez" />
+ <package name="sciplot" />
+ </dependencies>
+ <about
+ name="rk.ANOVA"
+ shortinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions."
+ longinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions."
+ version="0.01-18"
+ releasedate="2014-09-14"
+ url="http://rkward.sf.net"
+ license="GPL (>= 3)"
+ >
+ <author
+ given="Meik"
+ family="Michalke"
+ email="meik.michalke at hhu.de"
+ role="aut, cre"
+ />
+ </about>
+ <components>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAPairwisetTests"
+ label="Pairwise t-Tests"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/en.PairwisetTests.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAInteractionplot"
+ label="Interaction plot"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/en.Interactionplot.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAPreparewithinsbjctdt"
+ label="Prepare within subject data"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/en.Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ <component
+ id="cmp_ANOVAANOVA"
+ label="ANOVA"
+ type="standard"
+ file="../plugins/en.ANOVA.xml"
+ >
+ </component>
+ </components>
+ <hierarchy>
+ <menu
+ id="analysis"
+ label.analysis="Analysis"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="means"
+ label="means"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="ttests"
+ label="t-tests"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAPairwisetTests" />
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ id="plots"
+ label.plots="Plots"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAInteractionplot" />
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ id="data"
+ label.data="Data"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="ANOVA"
+ label="ANOVA"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAPreparewithinsbjctdt" />
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ id="analysis"
+ label.analysis="Analysis"
+ >
+ <menu
+ id="ANOVA"
+ label="ANOVA"
+ >
+ <entry component="cmp_ANOVAANOVA" />
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ </hierarchy>
Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -1,107 +1,17 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkpluginmap >
- id="ANOVA_rkward"
+ id="ANOVA_main_rkward"
+ xml:lang="en"
+ lang="en"
this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.
perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!
- <dependencies rkward_min_version="0.5.6">
- <package name="ez" />
- <package name="sciplot" />
- </dependencies>
- <about
- name="rk.ANOVA"
- shortinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions."
- longinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions."
- version="0.01-17"
- releasedate="2013-04-14"
- url="http://rkward.sf.net"
- license="GPL (>= 3)"
- >
- <author
- given="Meik"
- family="Michalke"
- email="meik.michalke at hhu.de"
- role="aut, cre"
- />
- </about>
- <components>
- <component
- id="cmp_ANOVAPairwisetTests"
- label="Pairwise t-Tests"
- type="standard"
- file="plugins/PairwisetTests.xml"
- >
- </component>
- <component
- id="cmp_ANOVAInteractionplot"
- label="Interaction plot"
- type="standard"
- file="plugins/Interactionplot.xml"
- >
- </component>
- <component
- id="cmp_ANOVAPreparewithinsbjctdt"
- label="Prepare within subject data"
- type="standard"
- file="plugins/Preparewithinsubjectdata.xml"
- >
- </component>
- <component
- id="cmp_ANOVAANOVA"
- label="ANOVA"
- type="standard"
- file="plugins/ANOVA.xml"
- >
- </component>
- </components>
- <hierarchy>
- <menu
- id="analysis"
- label.analysis="Analysis"
- >
- <menu
- id="means"
- label="means"
- >
- <menu
- id="ttests"
- label="t-tests"
- >
- <entry component="cmp_ANOVAPairwisetTests" />
- </menu>
- </menu>
- </menu>
- <menu
- id="plots"
- label.plots="Plots"
- >
- <entry component="cmp_ANOVAInteractionplot" />
- </menu>
- <menu
- id="data"
- label.data="Data"
- >
- <menu
- id="ANOVA"
- label="ANOVA"
- >
- <entry component="cmp_ANOVAPreparewithinsbjctdt" />
- </menu>
- </menu>
- <menu
- id="analysis"
- label.analysis="Analysis"
- >
- <menu
- id="ANOVA"
- label="ANOVA"
- >
- <entry component="cmp_ANOVAANOVA" />
- </menu>
- </menu>
- </hierarchy>
+ <require
+ localized="true"
+ file="po/rk.ANOVA.pluginmap"
+ />
Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/rkwarddev_ANOVA_plugin_script.R
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/rkwarddev_ANOVA_plugin_script.R 2014-09-14 10:03:09 UTC (rev 4816)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.ANOVA/inst/rkward/rkwarddev_ANOVA_plugin_script.R 2014-09-14 21:08:27 UTC (rev 4817)
@@ -17,55 +17,115 @@
about.info <- rk.XML.about(
- name="rk.ANOVA",
- author=c(
- person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
- email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut","cre"))),
- about=list(desc="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions.",
- version="0.01-18", url="http://rkward.sf.net")
- )
+ name="rk.ANOVA",
+ author=c(
+ person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
+ email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut","cre"))),
+ about=list(desc="RKWard GUI to conduct ANOVAs (using the ez package), pairwise t-Tests and plot interactions.",
+ version="0.01-18", url="http://rkward.sf.net")
+ )
dependencies.info <- rk.XML.dependencies(
- dependencies=list(rkward.min=ifelse(isTRUE(guess.getter), "0.6.0", "0.5.6")),
- package=list(c(name="ez"), c(name="sciplot"))
+ dependencies=list(rkward.min=ifelse(isTRUE(guess.getter), "0.6.0", "0.5.6")),
+ package=list(c(name="ez"), c(name="sciplot"))
-anova.drp.design <- rk.XML.radio("Design", options=i18n(
- en=list(
- "Between subjects"=c(val="between"),
- "Within subjects (repeated measures)"=c(val="within", chk=TRUE),
- "Mixed"=c(val="mixed")
- ),
- de=list(
- "Between subjects"=c(val="between"),
- "Within subjects (Messwiederholung)"=c(val="within", chk=TRUE),
- "Gemischt"=c(val="mixed")
- ))
+anova.drp.design <- rk.XML.radio(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Design",
+ de="Design"
+ ),
+ options=i18n(
+ en=list(
+ "Between subjects"=c(val="between"),
+ "Within subjects (repeated measures)"=c(val="within", chk=TRUE),
+ "Mixed"=c(val="mixed")
+ ),
+ de=list(
+ "Between subjects"=c(val="between"),
+ "Within subjects (Messwiederholung)"=c(val="within", chk=TRUE),
+ "Gemischt"=c(val="mixed")
+ )
+ )
-var.select <- rk.XML.varselector(label=i18n(en="Select data", de="Wähle Daten"))
-var.data <- rk.XML.varslot(label=i18n(en="Data (must be data.frame)", de="Daten (müssen ein data.frame sein)"), source=var.select, required=TRUE, classes="data.frame")
-var.dv <- rk.XML.varslot(label=i18n(en="Dependent variable", de="Abhängige Variable"), source=var.select, required=TRUE)
-var.wid <- rk.XML.varslot(label=i18n(en="Case/subject identifier", de="Fall/Personunterscheider"), source=var.select)
-var.within <- rk.XML.varslot(label=i18n(en="Within subject variables", de="Within Subject Variablen"), source=var.select, multi=TRUE)
-var.between <- rk.XML.varslot(label=i18n(en="Between subject variables", de="Between Subject Variablen"), source=var.select, multi=TRUE)
+var.select <- rk.XML.varselector(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Select data",
+ de="Wähle Daten"
+ )
+var.data <- rk.XML.varslot(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Data (must be data.frame)",
+ de="Daten (muss ein data.frame sein)"
+ ),
+ source=var.select, required=TRUE, classes="data.frame"
+var.dv <- rk.XML.varslot(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Dependent variable",
+ de="Abhängige Variable"
+ ),
+ source=var.select, required=TRUE
+var.wid <- rk.XML.varslot(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Case/subject identifier",
+ de="Fall/Personunterscheider"
+ ),
+ source=var.select
+var.within <- rk.XML.varslot(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Within subject variables",
+ de="Within-Subject-Variablen"
+ ),
+ source=var.select, multi=TRUE
+var.between <- rk.XML.varslot(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Between subject variables",
+ de="Between-Subject-Variablen"
+ ),
+ source=var.select, multi=TRUE
# observed data
-var.select2 <- rk.XML.varselector(label=i18n(en="Select observed variables", de="Wähle beobachtete Variablen"))
-var.observed <- rk.XML.varslot(label=i18n(en="Observed variables (not manipulated)", de="Beobachtete Variablen (nicht manipuliert)"), source=var.select2, multi=TRUE)
+var.select2 <- rk.XML.varselector(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Select observed variables",
+ de="Wähle beobachtete Variablen"
+ )
+var.observed <- rk.XML.varslot(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Observed variables (not manipulated)",
+ de="Beobachtete Variablen (nicht manipuliert)"
+ ),
+ source=var.select2, multi=TRUE
drp.vtype <- rk.XML.dropdown(
- label=i18n(en="Sums of squares type for unbalanced designs", de="Quadratsummentyp für unbalancierte Designs"),
- options=i18n(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Sums of squares type for unbalanced designs",
+ de="Quadratsummentyp für unbalancierte Designs"
+ ),
+ options=i18n(
en=list("Type 1"=c(val=1), "Type 2"=c(val=2, chk=TRUE), "Type 3"=c(val=3)),
- de=list("Typ 1"=c(val=1), "Typ 2"=c(val=2, chk=TRUE), "Typ 3"=c(val=3))))
+ de=list("Typ 1"=c(val=1), "Typ 2"=c(val=2, chk=TRUE), "Typ 3"=c(val=3))
+ )
# logic: only relevant for pure between designs
drp.white <- rk.XML.dropdown(
- label=i18n(en="Heteroscedasticity correction", de="Heteroskedastizitätskorrektur"),
- options=i18n(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Heteroscedasticity correction",
+ de="Heteroskedastizitätskorrektur"
+ ),
+ options=i18n(
"None"=c(val="false", chk=TRUE),
"hc3 (Long & Ervin; default)"=c(val="hc3"),
@@ -73,409 +133,761 @@
"hc1 (Long & Ervin)"=c(val="hc1"),
"hc2 (Long & Ervin)"=c(val="hc2"),
"hc4 (Cribari-Neto)"=c(val="hc4")),
- de=list(
+ de=list(
"Keine"=c(val="false", chk=TRUE),
"hc3 (Long & Ervin; Voreinstellung)"=c(val="hc3"),
"hc0 (White)"=c(val="hc0"),
"hc1 (Long & Ervin)"=c(val="hc1"),
"hc2 (Long & Ervin)"=c(val="hc2"),
- "hc4 (Cribari-Neto)"=c(val="hc4"))))
+ "hc4 (Cribari-Neto)"=c(val="hc4"))
+ )
-check.extrainfo <- rk.XML.cbox(label=i18n(en="Show sums of squares, raw likelihood ratios etc.", de="Zeige Quadratsummen, rohe Likelihood Ratios etc."), value="true")
-check.aov <- rk.XML.cbox(label=i18n(en="Return 'aov' object", de="Gebe 'aov' Object zurück"), value="true", chk=TRUE)
+check.extrainfo <- rk.XML.cbox(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Show sums of squares, raw likelihood ratios etc.",
+ de="Zeige Quadratsummen, rohe Likelihood Ratios etc."
+ ),
+ value="true"
+check.aov <- rk.XML.cbox(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Return 'aov' object",
+ de="Gebe 'aov'-Objekt zurück"
+ ),
+ value="true",
+ chk=TRUE
-var.chk.suppress <- rk.XML.cbox(label=i18n(en="Suppress package loading messages", de="Unterdrücke Meldungen beim Laden von Paketen"), value="true", chk=TRUE)
-save.results <- rk.XML.saveobj(i18n(en="Save results to workspace", de="Sichere Ergebnisse im Workspace"), initial="anova.results")
+var.chk.suppress <- rk.XML.cbox(
+ label=i18n(
+ en="Suppress package loading messages",
+ de="Unterdrücke Meldungen beim Laden von Paketen"
+ ),
+ value="true",
+ chk=TRUE
+save.results <- rk.XML.saveobj(
+ i18n(
+ en="Save results to workspace",
+ de="Sichere Ergebnisse im Workspace"
+ ),
+ initial="anova.results"
tab1.data <- rk.XML.row(
- var.select,
- rk.XML.col(
- rk.XML.frame(var.data),
- rk.XML.frame(anova.drp.design),
- rk.XML.frame(var.dv, var.wid),
- rk.XML.frame(var.within, var.between)
- )
- )
+ var.select,
+ rk.XML.col(
+ rk.XML.frame(var.data),
+ rk.XML.frame(anova.drp.design),
+ rk.XML.frame(var.dv, var.wid),
+ rk.XML.frame(var.within, var.between)
+ )
tab2.observed <- rk.XML.row(
- var.select2,
- rk.XML.col(
- rk.XML.frame(rk.XML.text(i18n(
@@ Diff output truncated at 100000 characters. @@
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