[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward-code:[4895] trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev

m-eik at users.sf.net m-eik at users.sf.net
Sun Oct 12 13:19:07 UTC 2014

Revision: 4895
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2014-10-12 13:19:06 +0000 (Sun, 12 Oct 2014)
Log Message:
rkwarddev: rk.XMLradio() now stores the ID of rk.XML.option() child nodes, and logic objects use parentID.optionID automatically if the option object is used. while at it, cleaning up the code a bit

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 Authors at R: c(person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
     email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre")))
 Version: 0.06-5
-Date: 2014-10-11
+Date: 2014-10-12

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
       } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.arr")){
-        node.id <- this.part at opt.name
+        node.id <- slot(this.part, "opt.name")
       } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.opt")){
-        node.id <- this.part at var.name
+        node.id <- slot(this.part, "var.name")
       } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.var")){
         # can hold multiple IDs, but we'll only return the first valid one

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -617,13 +617,21 @@
 ## function check.ID()
-check.ID <- function(node){
+# - node: a XiMpLe.node to search for an ID
+# - search.environment: if TRUE, the internal environment is searched for the ID
+#     as well; a use case for this is IDs of oprions, which need their parent IDs as well;
+#     see get.optionIDs() below
+check.ID <- function(node, search.environment=FALSE){
     return(sapply(node, check.ID))
   } else {}
     node.ID <- XMLAttrs(node)[["id"]]
+    if(isTRUE(search.environment)){
+      optionIDs <- get.optionIDs()[[node.ID]]
+      node.ID <- ifelse(is.null(optionIDs), node.ID, optionIDs[["XML"]])
+    } else {}
   } else if(is.character(node)){
     node.ID <- node
   } else {
@@ -804,13 +812,18 @@
 # - node: a XiMpLe.node object to check
 # - warn: warning or stop?
 # - see: name of the function to check docs for
-valid.parent <- function(parent, node, warn=FALSE, see=NULL){
+# - arg.name: optional argument name of a function where valid.parent() is called from,
+#     e.g. if an object is given via "cbox" but checked for "checkbox"
+valid.parent <- function(parent, node, warn=FALSE, see=NULL, arg.name=NULL){
     node.name <- XMLName(node)
     if(identical(node.name, parent)){
     } else {
-      return.message <- paste0("I don't know what this is, but '", parent, "' is not a <", parent, "> section!")
+      if(is.null(arg.name)){
+        arg.name <- parent
+      } else {}
+      return.message <- paste0("I don't know what this is, but '", arg.name, "' is not a <", parent, "> section!")
@@ -1164,24 +1177,48 @@
 } ## end function dependenciesCompatWrapper()
+## function get.rk.env()
+# generic function to query the internal environment and declare a desired object, if not present yet
+get.rk.env <- function(name, value=list()){
+  if(exists(name, envir=.rkdev.env, inherits=FALSE)){
+    this.env <- as.list(.rkdev.env)[[name]]
+  } else {
+    assign(name, value, envir=.rkdev.env)
+    this.env <- value
+  }
+  return(this.env)
+} ## end function get.rk.env()
+## function set.rk.env()
+# generic function to write to the internal environment
+set.rk.env <- function(name, value){
+  assign(name, value, envir=.rkdev.env)
+  return(invisible(NULL))
+} ## end function set.rk.env()
 ## function get.rkh.prompter()
 # returns either an empty list or the contents of rkh.prompter from the internal enviroment 
 get.rkh.prompter <- function(){
-  if(exists("rkh.prompter", envir=.rkdev.env, inherits=FALSE)){
-    rkh.prompter <- as.list(.rkdev.env)[["rkh.prompter"]]
-  } else {
-    assign("rkh.prompter", list(), envir=.rkdev.env)
-    rkh.prompter <- list()
-  }
+  rkh.prompter <- get.rk.env("rkh.prompter", value=list())
 } ## end function get.rkh.prompter()
+## function get.optionIDs()
+# returns either an empty list or the contents of rkh.prompter from the internal enviroment 
+get.optionIDs <- function(){
+  optionIDs <- get.rk.env("optionIDs", value=list())
+  return(optionIDs)
+} ## end function get.optionIDs()
 ## function rk.check.options()
-# options is a list, containig either named vectors in teh form of
-#   label=c(val=NULL, chk=FALSE)
-# or an "option" node of class XiMpLe.node
+# - options: a list, containig either named vectors in the form of
+#       label=c(val=NULL, chk=FALSE)
+#     or an "option" node of class XiMpLe.node
+# - parent: the parent node type, e.g. "radio"
 rk.check.options <- function(options, parent){
   num.opt <- length(options)
   all.options <- sapply(1:num.opt, function(this.num){
@@ -1215,3 +1252,34 @@
 ## end function rk.check.options()
+## function rk.register.options()
+# - options: a list, containig either named vectors in the form of
+#       label=c(val=NULL, chk=FALSE)
+#     or an "option" node of class XiMpLe.node; only the latter will be
+#     searched for IDs
+# - parent.node: full parent XiMpLe.node option IDs will be registered in
+#     an internal environment, which makes it easier to fetch a directly
+#     usable ID (because it has to be prefixed with the parent ID)
+rk.register.options <- function(options, parent.node){
+  num.opt <- length(options)
+  all.options <- sapply(1:num.opt, function(this.num){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(options[[this.num]])){
+      opt.id <- XMLAttrs(options[[this.num]])[["id"]]
+      if(!is.null(opt.id)){
+        # save ID with parents
+        optionIDs <- get.optionIDs()
+        thisID <- c(XML=id(options[[this.num]], js=FALSE), JS=id(options[[this.num]]))
+        parentID <- c(XML=id(parent.node, js=FALSE), JS=id(parent.node))
+        optionIDs[[opt.id]] <- list(
+          XML=paste(parentID[["XML"]], thisID[["XML"]], sep="."),
+          JS=paste(parentID[["JS"]], thisID[["JS"]], sep="."),
+          parent=parentID
+        )
+        set.rk.env("optionIDs", value=optionIDs)
+        } else {}
+      } else {}
+    })
+## end function rk.register.options()
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.ite-class.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.ite-class.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.ite-class.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@
 setValidity("rk.JS.ite", function(object){
-    if(length(object at thenifJS) > 1){
+    if(length(slot(object, "thenifJS")) > 1){
       stop(simpleError("Slot 'thenifJS' can only have one list element!"))
     } else {}
-    if(length(object at thenifJS) == 1){
-      if(!inherits(object at thenifJS[[1]], "rk.JS.ite")){
+    if(length(slot(object, "thenifJS")) == 1){
+      if(!inherits(slot(object, "thenifJS")[[1]], "rk.JS.ite")){
         stop(simpleError("Slot 'thenifJS' can only have one list element of class 'rk.JS.ite'!"))
       } else {}
     } else {}
-    if(length(object at elifJS) > 1){
+    if(length(slot(object, "elifJS")) > 1){
       stop(simpleError("Slot 'elifJS' can only have one list element!"))
     } else {}
-    if(length(object at elifJS) == 1){
-      if(!inherits(object at elifJS[[1]], "rk.JS.ite")){
+    if(length(slot(object, "elifJS")) == 1){
+      if(!inherits(slot(object, "elifJS")[[1]], "rk.JS.ite")){
         stop(simpleError("Slot 'elifJS' can only have one list element of class 'rk.JS.ite'!"))
       } else {}
     } else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.var-class.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.var-class.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.var-class.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 setValidity("rk.JS.var", function(object){
     # vars in this object must be of the same class
-    sapply(object at vars, function(this.var){
+    sapply(slot(object, "vars"), function(this.var){
       if(!inherits(this.var, "rk.JS.var")){
         stop(simpleError("Slot 'vars' can only have a list of elements of class 'rk.JS.var'!"))
       } else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
   } else {}
   # let's see if we need to extract IDs first
-  client.id <- check.ID(client)
+  client.id <- check.ID(client, search.environment=TRUE)
   governor.id <- check.ID(governor)
   # if governor is an XML node but not <convert>, append ".state"
-  if(inherits(governor, "XiMpLe.node")){
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(governor)){
     node.name <- slot(governor, "name")
     if(!identical(node.name, "convert")){
       # validate get modifier

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.convert.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.convert.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.convert.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
         this.modif <- src.names[src.no]
         valid.modif <- modif.validity(source=sources[[src.no]], modifier=this.modif, bool=FALSE)
         if(nchar(valid.modif) > 0){
-          new.value <- paste(check.ID(sources[[src.no]]), this.modif, sep=".")
+          new.value <- paste(check.ID(sources[[src.no]], search.environment=TRUE), this.modif, sep=".")
         } else {
-          new.value <- check.ID(sources[[src.no]])
+          new.value <- check.ID(sources[[src.no]], search.environment=TRUE)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.entry.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.entry.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.entry.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -41,11 +41,8 @@
   } else {}
   # check the node names and allow only valid ones
-  if(inherits(component, "XiMpLe.node")){
-    node.name <- slot(component ,"name")
-    if(!identical(node.name, "component")){
-      stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML node for 'entry': ", node.name)))
-    } else {}
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(component)){
+    valid.parent(parent="component", node=component, warn=FALSE, see="rk.XML.component")
   } else {}
   attr.list <- list(component=check.ID(component))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.formula.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.formula.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.formula.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 rk.XML.formula <- function(fixed, dependent, id.name="auto"){
   # check if these are actually varslots
   sapply(list(fixed, dependent), function(this.attr){
-      if(inherits(this.attr, "XiMpLe.node")){
+      if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.attr)){
         this.attr.name <- slot(this.attr ,"name")
         if(!identical(this.attr.name, "varslot")){
           stop(simpleError(paste0("'fixed' and 'dependent' must be <varslot> nodes! You provided: <", this.attr.name, ">")))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.insert.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.insert.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.insert.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -42,11 +42,8 @@
     stop(simpleError("'snippet' must be of length 1!"))
   } else {}
-  if(inherits(snippet, "XiMpLe.node")){
-    node.name <- slot(snippet, "name")
-    if(!identical(node.name, "snippet")){
-      stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML node, must be a snippet: ", node.name)))
-    } else {}
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(snippet)){
+    valid.parent(parent="snippet", node=snippet, warn=FALSE, see="rk.XML.snippet")
   } else {}
   # let's see if we need to extract IDs first

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.option.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.option.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.option.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -17,6 +17,18 @@
 #' Create XML node "option" for RKWard plugins
+#' @note You will rarely need this function, as options can be defined directly as a list
+#' in applicable functions like \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.radio]{rk.XML.radio}}. The main
+#' purpose for having this function is to set an ID for a particular option, e.g. to be able
+#' to hide it by logic rules.
+#' To address such an option in your logic section, the \code{id}
+#' you need is a combination of \code{<parent id>.<option id>}. That is,
+#' you must always prefix it with the parent's \code{id}. If you use the object
+#' an object generated by this function inside a parent node, both IDs will
+#' automatically be stored internally, so that the correct prefix will be added
+#' if needed whenever you apply logic rules to the option object.
 #' @param label Character string, a text label for this plugin element.
 #' @param val Character string, defines the value to submit if the option is checked.
@@ -29,8 +41,10 @@
 #' @examples
 #' test.radio <- rk.XML.radio("Chose one",
 #'   options=list(
-#'     rk.XML.option("First Option", val="val1"),
-#'     rk.XML.option("Second Option", val="val2", chk=TRUE))
+#'     "First Option"=c(val="val1", chk=TRUE),
+#'     test.radio.opt2 <- rk.XML.option("Second Option", val="val2", id.name="auto"),
+#'     "third Option"=c(val="val3"))
+#' )
 #' cat(pasteXML(test.radio))
 rk.XML.option <- function(label, val=NULL, chk=FALSE, id.name=NULL){

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.pluginmap.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.pluginmap.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.pluginmap.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* require nodes
     for(this.child in child.list(require)){
-        if(inherits(this.child, "XiMpLe.node")){
+        if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)){
           valid.parent("require", node=this.child, see="rk.XML.require")
           all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- this.child
         } else {
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
   ## components section
-    if(inherits(components, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(components)){
       # check if this is *really* a components section, otherwise quit and go dancing
       valid.parent("components", node=components, see="rk.XML.components")
       all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- components
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
   } else {}
   ## hierachy section
-  if(inherits(hierarchy, "XiMpLe.node")){
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(hierarchy)){
     # check if this is *really* a hierarchy section, otherwise quit and go dancing
     valid.parent("hierarchy", node=hierarchy, see="rk.XML.hierarchy")
     all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- hierarchy
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
   ## context sections
     # check if this is *really* a context node for x11
-    if(inherits(x11.context, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(x11.context)){
       node.name <- slot(x11.context, "name")
       ctxt.name <- slot(x11.context, "attributes")$id
     } else {
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
   # import
     # check if this is *really* a context node for import
-    if(inherits(import.context, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(import.context)){
       node.name <- slot(import.context, "name")
       ctxt.name <- slot(import.context, "attributes")$id
     } else {

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.radio.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.radio.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.radio.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 #' Create XML node "radio" for RKWard plugins
+#' @note It is also possible to address a particular option by giving it an ID, probably useful
+#' in logic sections. Have a look at \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.option]{rk.XML.option}} for details.
 #' @param label Character string, a text label for this plugin element.
 #' @param options A named list with options to choose from. The names of the list elements will become
@@ -31,7 +34,9 @@
 #'    accordingly, too!
 #' @return An object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}.
 #' @export
-#' @seealso \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#' @seealso
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.option]{rk.XML.option}},
+#'    \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @examples
 #' test.radio <- rk.XML.radio("Chose one",
 #'   options=list("First Option"=c(val="val1"),
@@ -39,9 +44,6 @@
 #' cat(pasteXML(test.radio))
 rk.XML.radio <- function(label, options=list(label=c(val=NULL, chk=FALSE)), id.name="auto", help=NULL, component=rk.get.comp()){
-  # convert list elements into a list of XiMpLe nodes (if they aren't already)
-  rd.options <- rk.check.options(options, parent="radio")
   if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
     id <- auto.ids(label, prefix=ID.prefix("radio"))
   } else {
@@ -49,11 +51,17 @@
   rd.attr.list <- list(id=id, label=label)
+  # convert list elements into a list of XiMpLe nodes (if they aren't already)
+  rd.options <- rk.check.options(options, parent="radio")
   radio <- XMLNode("radio",
       .children=child.list(rd.options, empty=FALSE)
+  # if present, store option IDs with parent ID 
+  rk.register.options(options, parent.node=radio)
   # check for .rkh content
   rk.set.rkh.prompter(component=component, id=id, help=help)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.snippets.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.snippets.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.snippets.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   # check the node names and allow only valid ones
   sapply(child.list(nodes), function(this.node){
-      stopifnot(inherits(this.node, "XiMpLe.node"))
+      stopifnot(is.XiMpLe.node(this.node))
       node.name <- slot(this.node, "name")
       if(!node.name %in% c("snippet", "!--")){
         stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML nodes for snippets section: ", node.name)))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.varslot.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.varslot.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.varslot.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 rk.XML.varslot <- function(label, source, required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
   dim=0, min.len=0, max.len=NULL, classes=NULL, types=NULL, id.name="auto", help=NULL, component=rk.get.comp()){
-  if(inherits(source, "XiMpLe.node")){
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(source)){
     source.name <- slot(source, "name")
     if(!identical(source.name, "varselector")){
       stop(simpleError(paste0("'source' must be a <varselector> node! You provided: <", source.name, ">")))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.component.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.component.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.component.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -90,16 +90,12 @@
   provides=c("logic", "dialog"), scan=c("var", "saveobj", "settings"), guess.getter=FALSE,
   hierarchy="test", include=NULL, create=c("xml", "js", "rkh"), hints=TRUE, gen.info=TRUE, indent.by="\t"){
-  if(inherits(about, "XiMpLe.node")){
-    about.node.name <- slot(about, "name")
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(about)){
     # check if this is *really* a about section, otherwise quit and go dancing
-    if(!identical(about.node.name, "about")){
-      stop(simpleError("I don't know what this is, but 'about' is not an about section!"))
-    } else {
-      # fetch the plugin name
-      name <- slot(about, "attributes")[["name"]]
-      about.node <- about
-    }
+    valid.parent(parent="about", node=about, warn=FALSE, see="rk.XML.about")
+    # fetch the plugin name
+    name <- XMLAttrs(about, "attributes")[["name"]]
+    about.node <- about
   } else if(is.character(about) & length(about) == 1) {
     name <- about
     about.node <- NULL

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
   components=list(), dependencies=NULL, edit=FALSE, load=FALSE, show=FALSE, gen.info=TRUE,
   hints=TRUE, indent.by="\t", lang=rk.get.language()){
-  if(inherits(about, "XiMpLe.node")){
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(about)){
     # check about and dependencies
     # result is a named list with "about" and "dependencies"
     about.dep.list <- dependenciesCompatWrapper(dependencies=dependencies, about=about, hints=hints)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.doc.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.doc.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.doc.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* a title section
-    if(inherits(title, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(title)){
       title.node.name <- slot(title, "name")
     } else {
       title.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* a summary section
-    if(inherits(summary, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(summary)){
       summary.node.name <- slot(summary, "name")
     } else {
       summary.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* a usage section
-    if(inherits(usage, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(usage)){
       usage.node.name <- slot(usage, "name")
     } else {
       usage.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
     for(this.section in sections){
       # check if this is *really* a section
-      if(inherits(this.section, "XiMpLe.node")){
+      if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.section)){
         this.section.node.name <- slot(this.section, "name")
       } else {
         this.section.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* a settings section
-    if(inherits(settings, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(settings)){
       settings.node.name <- slot(settings, "name")
     } else {
       settings.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* a related section
-    if(inherits(related, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(related)){
       related.node.name <- slot(related, "name")
     } else {
       related.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     # check if this is *really* a technical section
-    if(inherits(technical, "XiMpLe.node")){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(technical)){
       technical.node.name <- slot(technical, "name")
     } else {
       technical.node.name <- "yougottabekiddingme"

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.related.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.related.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.related.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -35,11 +35,8 @@
   # check the node names and allow only valid ones
   li.elements <- sapply(child.list(links), function(this.node){
-      if(!identical(slot(this.node, "name"), "link")){
-        stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML nodes for links section: ", this.node at name)))
-      } else {
-        li.element <- XMLNode("li", .children=child.list(this.node, empty=FALSE))
-      }
+      valid.parent(parent="link", node=this.node, warn=FALSE, see="rk.rkh.link")
+      li.element <- XMLNode("li", .children=child.list(this.node, empty=FALSE))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.comp.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.comp.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.comp.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@
 rk.set.comp <- function(component=NULL){
   rkh.prompter <- get.rkh.prompter()
   rkh.prompter[[".active.component"]] <- component
-  assign("rkh.prompter", rkh.prompter, envir=.rkdev.env)
+  set.rk.env("rkh.prompter", value=rkh.prompter)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.language.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.language.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.language.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
     } else {}
     message(paste("removed language setting"))
   } else {
-    assign("lang", lang, envir=.rkdev.env)
+    set.rk.env("lang", value=lang)
     message(paste("set language to:", dQuote(lang)))
       warning("please provide at least one locale!")
     } else {
-      assign("locales", locales, envir=.rkdev.env)
+      set.rk.env("locales", value=locales)
       message(paste("set locales to:", paste0(dQuote(locales), collapse=", ")))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.rkh.prompter.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.rkh.prompter.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.set.rkh.prompter.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@
    rkh.prompter[[component]][[id]][["help"]] <- help
-  assign("rkh.prompter", rkh.prompter, envir=.rkdev.env)
+  set.rk.env("rkh.prompter", rkh.prompter)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #' Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
 #' Type: \tab Package\cr
 #' Version: \tab 0.06-5\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2014-10-11\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2014-10-12\cr
 #' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)\cr
 #' Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
 #' Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/tf.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/tf.R	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/tf.R	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -56,14 +56,7 @@
 tf <- function(cbox, true=TRUE, not=FALSE, ifelse=FALSE, false=FALSE, opt=NULL, prefix=",\n", level=3, indent.by="\t"){
   # check if we're given a checkbox, alright...
-  if(inherits(cbox, "XiMpLe.node")){
-    node.name <- cbox at name
-    if(!identical(node.name, "checkbox")){
-      stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML node, expected 'checkbox' and got: ", node.name)))
-    } else {}
-  } else {
-    stop(simpleError("'cbox' must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
-  }
+  valid.parent(parent="checkbox", node=cbox, warn=FALSE, see="rk.XML.cbox", arg.name="cbox")
     opt.name <- id(cbox, js=FALSE)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/inst/doc/rkwarddev_vignette.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.option.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.option.Rd	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.option.Rd	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -23,11 +23,26 @@
 Create XML node "option" for RKWard plugins
+You will rarely need this function, as options can be defined directly as a list
+in applicable functions like \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.radio]{rk.XML.radio}}. The main
+purpose for having this function is to set an ID for a particular option, e.g. to be able
+to hide it by logic rules.
+To address such an option in your logic section, the \code{id}
+you need is a combination of \code{<parent id>.<option id>}. That is,
+you must always prefix it with the parent's \code{id}. If you use the object
+an object generated by this function inside a parent node, both IDs will
+automatically be stored internally, so that the correct prefix will be added
+if needed whenever you apply logic rules to the option object.
 test.radio <- rk.XML.radio("Chose one",
-    rk.XML.option("First Option", val="val1"),
-    rk.XML.option("Second Option", val="val2", chk=TRUE))
+    "First Option"=c(val="val1", chk=TRUE),
+    test.radio.opt2 <- rk.XML.option("Second Option", val="val2", id.name="auto"),
+    "third Option"=c(val="val3"))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.radio.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.radio.Rd	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.radio.Rd	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 Create XML node "radio" for RKWard plugins
+It is also possible to address a particular option by giving it an ID, probably useful
+in logic sections. Have a look at \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.option]{rk.XML.option}} for details.
 test.radio <- rk.XML.radio("Chose one",
   options=list("First Option"=c(val="val1"),
@@ -40,6 +44,7 @@
-\href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+   \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd	2014-10-11 20:40:23 UTC (rev 4894)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd	2014-10-12 13:19:06 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
 Type: \tab Package\cr
 Version: \tab 0.06-5\cr
-Date: \tab 2014-10-11\cr
+Date: \tab 2014-10-12\cr
 Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)\cr
 Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
 Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr

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