[rkward-cvs] [rkward] /: Adjust most Analysis plugins for i18n

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sat Nov 22 20:56:43 UTC 2014

Git commit e6084046735394b29f02934148bc31f58efc6c13 by Thomas Friedrichsmeier.
Committed on 22/11/2014 at 20:54.
Pushed by tfry into branch 'master'.

Adjust most Analysis plugins for i18n
Some refactoring in the process:
- printing headers
- merge common code parts in outliers and moments tests

M  +2    -0    .gitignore
M  +6    -7    rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/PP_test.js
M  +3    -3    rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/mood_test.js
M  +15   -15   rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_exact_test.js
M  +15   -16   rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_test.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/crosstab_multi.js
M  +4    -26   rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.xml
M  +4    -26   rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.xml
M  +4    -26   rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.xml
M  +4    -19   rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moment.js
A  +27   -0    rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moments_common.js
M  +8    -22   rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/skewness_kurtosis_test.js
M  +7    -41   rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/chisq_out_test.js
M  +6    -38   rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.xml
M  +6    -37   rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/grubbs_test.js
M  +3    -35   rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outlier.js
A  +40   -0    rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outliers_common.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/regression/linear_regression.js
M  +7    -7    rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/Box_test.js
M  +12   -8    rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/hp_filter.js
M  +8    -11   rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/kpss_test.js
M  +11   -9    rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.js
M  +2    -2    rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.xml
M  +4    -4    rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/bartlett_test.js
M  +4    -4    rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/fligner_test.js
M  +1    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/levene_test.js
M  +2    -1    rkward/plugins/analysis/wilcoxon/wilcoxon_tests.js
M  +2    -1    rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
M  +10   -9    tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkcommands.R
M  +2    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkout
M  +5    -5    tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkcommands.R
M  +1    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkout
M  +18   -18   tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkcommands.R
M  +7    -5    tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkout
M  +18   -20   tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkcommands.R
M  +7    -5    tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkout
M  +5    -5    tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkcommands.R
M  +4    -4    tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkout
M  +3    -3    tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkcommands.R
M  +1    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkout
M  +6    -6    tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkcommands.R
M  +1    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkout
M  +7    -7    tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkcommands.R
M  +2    -2    tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkout
M  +21   -23   tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkcommands.R
M  +2    -2    tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkout
M  +6    -6    tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkcommands.R
M  +6    -6    tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkout
M  +1    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/crosstab_multi.rkcommands.R
M  +23   -21   tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkcommands.R
M  +6    -6    tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkout
M  +3    -3    tests/analysis_plugins/fligner_test.rkcommands.R
M  +21   -19   tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkcommands.R
M  +6    -6    tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkout
M  +4    -3    tests/analysis_plugins/hp_filter.rkcommands.R
M  +1    -4    tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.messages.txt
M  +7    -7    tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkcommands.R
M  +3    -3    tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkout
M  +2    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/levene_test.rkcommands.R
M  +10   -3    tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkcommands.R
M  +3    -3    tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkout
M  +3    -3    tests/analysis_plugins/mood_test.rkcommands.R
M  +13   -15   tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkcommands.R
M  +2    -2    tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkout
M  +6    -7    tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkcommands.R
M  +1    -1    tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkout
M  +10   -8    tests/analysis_plugins/skewness_kurtosis.rkcommands.R
M  +24   -32   tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkcommands.R
M  +14   -14   tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkout


diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 91d1968..1c782ea 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ build/
 # Generated from cmake
+# Log files from testing
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/PP_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/PP_test.js
index f65b171..a706cfb 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/PP_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/PP_test.js
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ function calculate () {
 	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
 	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
+	echo ('results <- data.frame (' + i18n ("Variable Name") + '=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
 	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
 	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
 	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
+		echo ('	results[i, ' + i18n ("Length") + '] <- length (var)\n');
 		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
@@ -15,16 +15,15 @@ function calculate () {
 	echo ('	try ({\n');
 	echo ('		test <- PP.test (var, lshort = ' + getValue ("lshort") + ')\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Dickey-Fuller\'] <- test$statistic\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Truncation lag parameter\'] <- test$parameter\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- test$p.value\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Dickey-Fuller") + '] <- test$statistic\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Truncation lag parameter") + '] <- test$parameter\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("p-value") + '] <- test$p.value\n');
 	echo ('	})\n');
 	echo ('}\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Truncation lag parameter short (\'TRUE\') or long (\'FALSE\')", "' + getValue ("lshort") + '"))\n');
+	new Header ("Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots").addFromUI ("lshort").print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/mood_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/mood_test.js
index c73ec45..9ca2f09 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/mood_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/TESTS/mood_test.js
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ function printout () {
 	echo ('names <- rk.get.description (' + getValue ("x") + ', ' + getValue ("y") + ')\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.header (result$method,\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative (result)))\n');
+	echo ('	parameters=list (' + i18n ("Alternative Hypothesis") + '=rk.describe.alternative (result)))\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (list (\n');
-	echo ('	\'Variables\'=names,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Variables") + '=names,\n');
 	echo ('	\'Z\'=result$statistic,\n');
-	echo ('	\'p-value\'=result$p.value))\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("p-value") + '=result$p.value))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_exact_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_exact_test.js
index d97c58c..e0fe8b5 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_exact_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_exact_test.js
@@ -24,26 +24,26 @@ function calculate () {
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header (result$method,\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names[1], "against", names[2]),\n');
-	echo ('	\'H1\', rk.describe.alternative (result),\n');
-	echo ('	"Compute exact p-value", "' + getValue ("exact") + '"');
-	if (getValue ("confint")== "TRUE") {
-		echo (',\n');
-		echo ('	"Confidence Level", "' + getValue ("conflevel") + '" ');
+	var header = new Header (noquote ('result$method'));
+	header.addFromUI ("x", noquote ('names[1]'));
+	header.addFromUI ("y", noquote ('names[2]'));
+	header.add (i18n ("H1"), noquote ('rk.describe.alternative(result)'));
+	header.addFromUI ("exact");
+	if (getBoolean ("confint.state")) {
+		header.addFromUI ("conflevel");
-	echo ('))\n');
+	header.print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (list (\n');
-	echo ('	\'Variable Names\'=names,\n');
-	echo ('	\'statistic\'=result$statistic,\n');
-	echo ('	\'null.value\'=result$null.value,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Variable Names") + '=names,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("statistic") + '=result$statistic,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("null.value") + '=result$null.value,\n');
 	echo ('	p=result$p.value');
-	if (getValue ("confint")== "TRUE") {
+	if (getBoolean ("confint.state")) {
 		echo (',\n');
-		echo ('	\'confidence interval percent\'=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),\n');
-		echo ('	\'confidence interval of difference\'=result$conf.int,\n');
-		echo ('	\'estimate of the ratio of scales\'=result$estimate');
+		echo ('	' + i18n ("confidence interval percent") + '=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),\n');
+		echo ('	' + i18n ("confidence interval of difference") + '=result$conf.int,\n');
+		echo ('	' + i18n ("estimate of the ratio of scales") + '=result$estimate');
 	echo ('))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_test.js
index d90755e..95ff2e1 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/ansari_bradley/ansari_bradley_test.js
@@ -22,27 +22,26 @@ function calculate () {
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header (result$method,\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list (\n');
-	echo ('		"Comparing", paste (names[1], "against", names[2]),\n');
-	echo ('		"Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative(result),\n');
-	echo ('		"Compute exact p-value", "' + getValue ("exact") + '"');
-	if (getValue ("confint")== "TRUE") {
-		echo (',\n');
-		echo ('		 "Confidence Level", "' + getValue ("conflevel") + '" ');
+	var header = new Header (noquote ('result$method'));
+	header.addFromUI ("x", noquote ('names[1]'));
+	header.addFromUI ("y", noquote ('names[2]'));
+	header.add (i18n ("Alternative Hypothesis"), noquote ('rk.describe.alternative(result)'));
+	header.addFromUI ("exact");
+	if (getBoolean ("confint.state")) {
+		header.addFromUI ("conflevel");
-	echo ('))\n');
+	header.print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (list (\n');
-	echo ('	\'Variable Names\'=names,\n');
-	echo ('	\'statistic\'=result$statistic,\n');
-	echo ('	\'null.value\'=result$null.value,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Variable Names") + '=names,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("statistic") + '=result$statistic,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("null.value") + '=result$null.value,\n');
 	echo ('	p=result$p.value');
-	if (getValue ("confint")== "TRUE") {
+	if (getBoolean ("confint.state")) {
 		echo (',\n');
-		echo ('	\'confidence interval percent\'=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),\n');
-		echo ('	\'confidence interval of difference\'=result$conf.int,\n');
-		echo ('	\'estimate of the ratio of scales\'=result$estimate');
+		echo ('	' + i18n ("confidence interval percent") + '=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),\n');
+		echo ('	' + i18n ("confidence interval of difference") + '=result$conf.int,\n');
+		echo ('	' + i18n ("estimate of the ratio of scales") + '=result$estimate');
 	echo ('))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/crosstab_multi.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/crosstab_multi.js
index b7fdf07..84bea8a 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/crosstab_multi.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/crosstab_multi.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function calculate () {
 function printout () {
-	new Header (i18n ("Crosstabs (n to n)")).add (i18n ("Variables"), noquote (datadescription)).print ();
+	new Header (i18n ("Crosstabs (n to n)")).add (i18n ("Variables"), noquote ('datadescription')).print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.print (result)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.js
index bd468ba..9353129 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.js
@@ -1,40 +1,18 @@
-// globals
-var alternative;
+include ("moments_common.js");
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(moments)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	alternative = getValue ("alternative");
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
+function insertTestCall () {
 	echo ('		# This is the core of the calculation\n');
-	echo ('		t <- agostino.test (var, alternative = "' + alternative + '")\n');
+	echo ('		t <- agostino.test (var, alternative = "' + getValue ("alternative") + '")\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'skewness estimator (skew)\'] <- t$statistic["skew"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'transformation (z)\'] <- t$statistic["z"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- t$p.value\n');
 	if (getValue ("show_alternative")) {
 		echo ('		results[i, \'Alternative Hypothesis\'] <- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-	}
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("D\'Agostino test of skewness",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", "' + alternative + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("D'Agostino test of skewness")).addFromUI ("alternative").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.xml b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.xml
index 16b215c..d56f075 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/agostino_test.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 					<varselector id="vars"/>
 						<varslot type="numeric" id="x" multi="true" source="vars" required="true" label="variable(s):"/>
-						<radio id="alternative" label="using test hypothesis">
+						<radio id="alternative" label="Test hypothesis (H1)">
 							<option value="two.sided" label="Two-sided"/>
 							<option value="greater" label="greater"/>
 							<option value="less" label="less"/>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.js
index 55c5172..fbaadc7 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.js
@@ -1,39 +1,17 @@
-// globals
-var alternative;
+include ("moments_common.js");
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(moments)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	alternative = getValue ("alternative");
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
-	echo ('		t <- anscombe.test (var, alternative = "' + alternative + '")\n');
+function insertTestCall () {
+	echo ('		t <- anscombe.test (var, alternative = "' + getValue ("alternative") + '")\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'Kurtosis estimator (tau)\'] <- t$statistic["kurt"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'Transformation (z)\'] <- t$statistic["z"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- t$p.value\n');
 	if (getValue ("show_alternative")) {
 		echo ('		results[i, \'Alternative Hypothesis\'] <- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-	}
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Anscombe-Glynn test of kurtosis",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", "' + alternative + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Anscombe-Glynn test of kurtosis")).addFromUI ("alternative").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.xml b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.xml
index 46c79e9..b438ed1 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/anscombe_test.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 					<varselector id="vars"/>
 						<varslot type="numeric" id="x" multi="true" source="vars" required="true" label="variable(s):"/>
-						<radio id="alternative" label="using test hypothesis">
+						<radio id="alternative" label="Test hypothesis (H1)">
 							<option value="two.sided" label="Two-sided"/>
 							<option value="greater" label="greater"/>
 							<option value="less" label="less"/>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.js
index dfb4616..1cd28fa 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.js
@@ -1,38 +1,16 @@
-// globals
-var alternative;
+include ("moments_common.js");
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(moments)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	alternative = getValue ("alternative");
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
-	echo ('		t <- bonett.test (var, alternative = "' + alternative + '")\n');
+function insertTestCall () {
+	echo ('		t <- bonett.test (var, alternative = "' + getValue ("alternative") + '")\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'Kurtosis estimator (tau)\'] <- t$statistic["tau"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'Transformation (z)\'] <- t$statistic["z"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- t$p.value\n');
 	if (getValue ("show_alternative")) {
 		echo ('		results[i, \'Alternative Hypothesis\'] <- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- length (which(is.na(var)))\n');
-	}
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Bonett-Seier test of Geary\'s kurtosis",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", "' + alternative + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Bonett-Seier test of Geary's kurtosis")).addFromUI ("alternative").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.xml b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.xml
index e3b25f8..a8a5880 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/bonett_test.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 					<varselector id="vars"/>
 						<varslot type="numeric" id="x" multi="true" source="vars" required="true" label="variable(s):"/>
-						<radio id="alternative" label="using test hypothesis">
+						<radio id="alternative" label="Test hypothesis (H1)">
 							<option value="two.sided" label="Two-sided"/>
 							<option value="greater" label="greater"/>
 							<option value="less" label="less"/>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moment.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moment.js
index e68fa8c..944971a 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moment.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moment.js
@@ -1,26 +1,11 @@
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(moments)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+include ("moments_common.js");
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-	echo ('	try (results[i, \'Moment\'] <- moment (var, order = ' + getValue ("order") + ', central = ' + getValue ("central") + ', absolute = ' + getValue ("absolute") + ', na.rm = ' + getValue ("narm") + '))\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-	}
-	echo ('}\n');
+function insertTestCall () {
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18nc ("Statistical moment", "Moment") + '] <- moment (var, order = ' + getValue ("order") + ', central = ' + getValue ("central") + ', absolute = ' + getValue ("absolute") + ', na.rm = ' + getValue ("narm") + ')\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Statistical Moment",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Order", "' + getValue ("order") + '", "Compute central moments", "' + getValue ("central") + '", "Compute absolute moments", "' + getValue ("absolute") + '", "Remove missing values", "' + getValue ("narm") + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Statistical Moment")).addFromUI ("order").addFromUI ("central").addFromUI ("absolute").addFromUI ("narm").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moments_common.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moments_common.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba0267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/moments_common.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+function preprocess () {
+	echo ('require(moments)\n');
+function calculate () {
+	alternative = getValue ("alternative");
+	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
+	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
+	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
+	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
+	var error_column = i18n ("Error");
+	echo ('	results[i, ' + error_column + '] <- tryCatch ({\n');
+	comment ("This is the core of the calculation", '		');
+	insertTestCall ();
+	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
+	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	'); comment ("catch any errors");
+	if (getValue ("length")) {
+		echo ('	results[i, ' + i18n ("Length") + '] <- length (var)\n');
+		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
+	}
+	echo ('}\n');
+	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$' + error_column + '))) results$' + error_column + ' <- NULL\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/skewness_kurtosis_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/skewness_kurtosis_test.js
index 5c92b51..c8d7010 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/skewness_kurtosis_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/moments/skewness_kurtosis_test.js
@@ -1,37 +1,23 @@
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(moments)\n');
+include ("moments_common.js");
+function preprocess () {} // empty for this one
-function calculate () {
+function insertTestCall () {
 	var narm = ", na.rm=FALSE";
 	if (getValue ("narm")) narm = ", na.rm=TRUE";
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-	echo ('	try ({\n');
 	if (getValue ("skewness")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Skewness\'] <- skewness (var' + narm + ')\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Skewness") +'] <- skewness (var' + narm + ')\n');
 	if (getValue ("kurtosis")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Kurtosis\'] <- kurtosis (var' + narm + ')\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Excess Kurtosis\'] <- results[i, \'Kurtosis\'] - 3\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Kurtosis") + '] <- kurtosis (var' + narm + ')\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Excess Kurtosis") + '] <- results[i, \'Kurtosis\'] - 3\n');
 	if (getValue ("geary")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Geary Kurtosis\'] <- geary (var' + narm + ')\n');
-	}
-	echo ('	})\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Geary Kurtosis") + '] <- geary (var' + narm + ')\n');
-	echo ('}\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Skewness and Kurtosis")\n');
+	echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Skewness and Kurtosis") + ')\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/chisq_out_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/chisq_out_test.js
index 5fa30e7..9be2296 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/chisq_out_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/chisq_out_test.js
@@ -1,48 +1,14 @@
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(outliers)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+include ("outliers_common.js");
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations\n');
-	} else {
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])\n');
-	}
-	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
-	echo ('		# This is the core of the calculation\n');
+function makeTestCall () {
 	echo ('		t <- chisq.out.test (var, opposite = ' + getValue ("opposite") + ')\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'X-squared\'] <- t$statistic\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- t$p.value\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Alternative Hypothesis\']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Variance\'] <- var (var)\n');
-	if (getValue ("descriptives")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Mean\'] <- mean (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Standard Deviation\'] <- sd (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Median\'] <- median (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Minimum\'] <- min (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Maximum\'] <- max (var)\n');
-	}
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("X-squared") + '] <- t$statistic\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("p-value") + '] <- t$p.value\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Alternative Hypothesis") + ']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Variance") + '] <- var (var)\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Chi-squared test for outlier",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Opposite", "' + getValue ("opposite") + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Chi-squared test for outlier")).addFromUI ("opposite").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.js
index 0aa153c..95d1a3c 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.js
@@ -1,46 +1,14 @@
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(outliers)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+include ("outliers_common.js");
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations\n');
-	} else {
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])\n');
-	}
-	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
-	echo ('		# This is the core of the calculation\n');
+function makeTestCall () {
 	echo ('		t <- dixon.test (var, type = ' + getValue ("type") + ', opposite = ' + getValue ("opposite") + ', two.sided = ' + getValue ("two_sided") + ')\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Dixon Q-statistic\'] <- t$statistic["Q"]\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- t$p.value\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Alternative Hypothesis\']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
-	if (getValue ("descriptives")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Mean\'] <- mean (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Standard Deviation\'] <-  sd (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Median\'] <- median (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Minimum\'] <- min (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Maximum\'] <- max (var)\n');
-	}
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Dixon Q-statistic") + '] <- t$statistic["Q"]\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("p-value") + '] <- t$p.value\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Alternative Hypothesis") + ']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Dixon test for outlier",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Type", "' + getValue ("type") + '", "Opposite", "' + getValue ("opposite") + '", "two-sided", "' + getValue ("two_sided") + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Dixon test for outlier")).addFromUI ("type").addFromUI ("opposite").addFromUI ("two_sided").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.xml b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.xml
index ac29664..09724d4 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/dixon_test.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 							<option value="22" label="22"/>
 						<checkbox id="opposite" label="Opposite" value_unchecked="FALSE" value="TRUE" checked="false" />
-						<checkbox id="two_sided" label="two-sided (default)" value_unchecked="FALSE" value="TRUE" checked="true" />
+						<checkbox id="two_sided" label="two-sided" value_unchecked="FALSE" value="TRUE" checked="true" />
 					<frame label="additional settings">
 						<checkbox id="descriptives" label="Show additional descriptives" value_unchecked="0" value="1" checked="false" />
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/grubbs_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/grubbs_test.js
index 1153760..a360da6 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/grubbs_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/grubbs_test.js
@@ -1,47 +1,16 @@
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(outliers)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+include ("outliers_common.js");
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations\n');
-	} else {
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])\n');
-	}
-	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
-	echo ('		# This is the core of the calculation\n');
+function makeTestCall () {
 	echo ('		t <- grubbs.test (var, type = ' + getValue ("type") + ', opposite = ' + getValue ("opposite") + ', two.sided = ' + getValue ("two_sided") + ')\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'G\'] <- t$statistic["G"]\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'U\'] <- t$statistic["U"]\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- t$p.value\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Alternative Hypothesis\']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
-	if (getValue ("descriptives")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Mean\'] <- mean (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Standard Deviation\'] <- sd (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Median\'] <- median (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Minimum\'] <- min (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Maximum\'] <- max (var)\n');
-	}
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("p-value") + '] <- t$p.value\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Alternative Hypothesis") + ']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Type", "' + getValue ("type") + '", "Opposite", "' + getValue ("opposite") + '", "two-sided", "' + getValue ("two_sided") + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample"))
+	    .addFromUI ("type").addFromUI ("opposite").addFromUI ("two_sided").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outlier.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outlier.js
index 018e680..543cba6 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outlier.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outlier.js
@@ -1,44 +1,12 @@
-function preprocess () {
-	echo ('require(outliers)\n');
-function calculate () {
-	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+include ("outliers_common.js");
-	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
-	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
-	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
-		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
-		echo ('\n');
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations\n');
-	} else {
-		echo ('	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])\n');
-	}
-	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('	results[i, \'Error\'] <- tryCatch ({\n');
-	echo ('		# This is the core of the calculation\n');
+function makeTestCall () {
 	echo ('		t <- outlier (var, opposite = ' + getValue ("opposite") + ')\n');
 	echo ('		results[i, \'Outlier\'] <- t\n');
-	if (getValue ("descriptives")) {
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Mean\'] <- mean (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Standard Deviation\'] <- sd (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Median\'] <- median (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Minimum\'] <- min (var)\n');
-		echo ('		results[i, \'Maximum\'] <- max (var)\n');
-	}
-	echo ('		NA				# no error\n');
-	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors\n');
-	echo ('}\n');
-	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$\'Error\'))) results$\'Error\' <- NULL\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Find potential outlier",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Opposite", "' + getValue ("opposite") + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Find potential outlier")).addFromUI ("opposite").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outliers_common.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outliers_common.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078e43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/outliers/outliers_common.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+function preprocess () {
+	echo ('require(outliers)\n');
+function calculate () {
+	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
+	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
+	echo ('results <- data.frame (' + i18n ("Variable Name") + '=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
+	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
+	if (getValue ("length")) {
+		echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
+		echo ('\n');
+		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
+		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
+		echo ('\n');
+		echo ('	var <- na.omit (var) 	'); comment ("omit NAs for all further calculations");
+	} else {
+		echo ('	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])\n');
+	}
+	echo ('\n');
+	var error_column = i18n ("Error");
+	echo ('	results[i, ' + error_column + '] <- tryCatch ({\n');
+	comment ("This is the core of the calculation", "		");
+	makeTestCall ();
+	if (getValue ("descriptives")) {
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Mean") + '] <- mean (var)\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Standard Deviation") + '] <- sd (var)\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Median") + '] <- median (var)\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Minimum") + '] <- min (var)\n');
+		echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Maximum") + '] <- max (var)\n');
+	}
+	echo ('		NA				'); comment ("no error");
+	echo ('	}, error=function (e) e$message)	'); comment ("catch any errors");
+	echo ('}\n');
+	echo ('if (all (is.na (results$' + error_column + '))) results$' + error_column + ' <- NULL\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/regression/linear_regression.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/regression/linear_regression.js
index 84d9588..8d87792 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/regression/linear_regression.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/regression/linear_regression.js
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ function calculate () {
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("Linear Regression")\n');
+	echo ('rk.header (' + i18n ("Linear Regression") + ')\n');
 	echo ('rk.print(results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/Box_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/Box_test.js
index a2db28e..8488165 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/Box_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/Box_test.js
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ function calculate () {
 	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
 	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
+	echo ('results <- data.frame (' + i18n ("Variable Name") + '=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
 	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
 	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
 	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
+		echo ('	results[i, ' + i18n ("Length") + '] <- length (var)\n');
 		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ function calculate () {
 	echo ('	try ({\n');
 	echo ('		test <- Box.test (var, lag = ' + getValue ("lag") + ', type = "' + getValue ("type") + '")\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'X-squared\'] <- test$statistic\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'degrees of freedom\'] <- test$parameter\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- test$p.value\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("X-squared") + '] <- test$statistic\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("degrees of freedom") + '] <- test$parameter\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("p-value") + '] <- test$p.value\n');
 	echo ('	})\n');
 	echo ('}\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("' + getValue ("type") + ' Test",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("lag", "' + getValue ("lag") + '", "type", "' + getValue ("type") + '"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests"))
+	    .addFromUI ("lag").addFromUI ("type").print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/hp_filter.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/hp_filter.js
index 07eeb3c..85e43eb 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/hp_filter.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/hp_filter.js
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-function printout () {
-	var lambda = "";
+var lambda = "";
+var uplab = "";
+var upcol = "";
+var uplty = "";
+function calculate () {
 	if (getValue("custom") == 0) {
 		lambda = getValue ("lambda");
 	} else {
 		lambda = getValue ("clambda");
-	echo ('rk.header ("Hodrick-Prescott Filter", parameters=list("Lambda", ' +  lambda + '))\n');
 	echo ('x <- ' + getValue("x") + '\n');
 	echo ('lambda <- ' +  lambda + "\n");
 	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('if (any (is.na (x))) stop ("Missing values cannot be handled")\n');
+	echo ('if (any (is.na (x))) stop (' + i18n ("Missing values cannot be handled in Hodrick-Prescott Filter") + ')\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('i <- diag(length(x))\n');
-	echo ('trend <- solve(i + lambda * crossprod(diff(i, lag=1, d=2)), x) # The HP Filter itself. Thanks to Grant V. Farnsworth\n');
+	echo ('trend <- solve(i + lambda * crossprod(diff(i, lag=1, d=2)), x) '); comment ("The HP Filter itself. Thanks to Grant V. Farnsworth");
 	echo ('cycle <- x - trend\n');
 	echo ('if (is.ts(x)) {\n');
 	echo ('	trend <- ts(trend,start(x),frequency=frequency(x))\n');
@@ -26,7 +29,6 @@ function printout () {
 		echo ('.GlobalEnv$' + getValue("cycle_name") + ' <- cycle\n');
-	var upcol = "";
 	if (getValue("series_col.color") != "" & getValue("trend_col.color") != "") {
 		upcol = ", col=c(\"" + getValue("series_col.color") + "\", \"" + getValue("trend_col.color") + "\")";
 	} else if (getValue("series_col.color") != "") {
@@ -37,7 +39,6 @@ function printout () {
 		upcol = "";
-	var uplty = "";
 	if (getValue("series_lty") != "" & getValue("trend_lty") != "") {
 		uplty = ", lty=c(" + quote (getValue("series_lty")) + ", " + quote (getValue("trend_lty")) + ")";
 	} else if (getValue("series_lty") != "") {
@@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ function printout () {
 		uplty = "";
-	var uplab = "";
 	if (getValue("uplab.text") == "") {
 		uplab = quote (getValue("x") + ", Trend");
 	} else if (getValue("uplabisquote") == 1) {
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ function printout () {
 	} else {
 		uplab = getValue("uplab");
+function printout () {
+	new Header (i18n ("Hodrick-Prescott Filter")).add (i18n ("Lambda"), lambda).print ();
 	echo ('rk.graph.on ()\n');
 	echo ('try({\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/kpss_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/kpss_test.js
index 980691e..76a5119 100755
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/kpss_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/time_series/kpss_test.js
@@ -6,32 +6,29 @@ function calculate () {
 	var vars = trim (getValue ("x"));
 	echo ('vars <- rk.list (' + vars.split ("\n").join (", ") + ')\n');
-	echo ('results <- data.frame (\'Variable Name\'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
+	echo ('results <- data.frame (' + i18n ("Variable Name") + '=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)\n');
 	echo ('for (i in 1:length (vars)) {\n');
 	echo ('	var <- vars[[i]]\n');
 	if (getValue ("length")) {
-		echo ('	results[i, \'Length\'] <- length (var)\n');
+		echo ('	results[i, ' + i18n ("Length") + '] <- length (var)\n');
 		echo ('	results[i, \'NAs\'] <- sum (is.na(var))\n');
 		echo ('\n');
 	if (getValue ("narm")) {
-		echo ('	var <- var[!is.na (var)] 	# remove NAs\n');
+		echo ('	var <- var[!is.na (var)] 	'); comment ('remove NAs');
 	echo ('	try ({\n');
 	echo ('		test <- kpss.test (var, null = "' + getValue ("null") + '", lshort = ' + getValue ("lshort") + ')\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'KPSS ' + getValue ("null") + '\'] <- test$statistic\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'Truncation lag parameter\'] <- test$parameter\n');
-	echo ('		results[i, \'p-value\'] <- test$p.value\n');
+	var stat_lab = (getString ("null") == "Level") ? i18n ("KPSS Level") : i18n ("KPSS Trend");
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + stat_lab + '] <- test$statistic\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("Truncation lag parameter") + '] <- test$parameter\n');
+	echo ('		results[i, ' + i18n ("p-value") + '] <- test$p.value\n');
 	echo ('	})\n');
 	echo ('}\n');
 function printout () {
-	echo ('rk.header ("KPSS Test for Level Stationarity",\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("null hypothesis"="' + getValue ("null") + '", "version of truncation lag parameter"="');
-	if (getValue ("lshort") == "TRUE") echo ("short");
-	else echo ("long");
-	echo ('"))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("KPSS Test for Level Stationarity")).addFromUI ("null").addFromUI ("lshort").print ();
 	echo ('rk.results (results)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.js
index 0b5cac2..80bae36 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.js
@@ -9,17 +9,19 @@ function calculate () {
 function printout () {
 	echo ('names <- rk.get.description (' + getValue ("x") + ', ' + getValue ("y") + ')\n');
 	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('rk.header (result$method,\n');
-	echo ('	parameters=list ("Confidence Level", "' + getValue ("conflevel") + '", "Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative(result)))\n');
+	new Header (noquote ('result$method'))
+	    .addFromUI ("conflevel")
+	    .addFromUI ("ratio")
+	    .add (i18n ("Alternative Hypothesis"), noquote ('rk.describe.alternative(result)')).print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (list (\n');
-	echo ('	\'Variables\'=names,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Variables") + '=names,\n');
 	echo ('	\'F\'=result$statistic["F"],\n');
-	echo ('	\'Numerator DF\'=result$parameter["num df"],\n');
-	echo ('	\'Denominator DF\'=result$parameter["denom df"],\n');
-	echo ('	\'p-value\'=result$p.value,\n');
-	echo ('	\'Lower CI\'=result$conf.int[1],\n');
-	echo ('	\'Upper CI\'=result$conf.int[2],\n');
-	echo ('	\'ratio of variances\'=result$estimate))\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Numerator DF") + '=result$parameter["num df"],\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Denominator DF") + '=result$parameter["denom df"],\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("p-value") + '=result$p.value,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Lower CI") + '=result$conf.int[1],\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Upper CI") + '=result$conf.int[2],\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("ratio of variances") + '=result$estimate))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.xml b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.xml
index 15b3be5..c853ed6 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.xml
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/F_test.xml
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 			<tab label="Options" id="tab_options">
-				<spinbox id="ratio" type="real" label="hypothesized ratio" initial="1"/>
-				<spinbox  id="conflevel" type="real" label="confidence level" min="0" max="1" initial="0.95"/>
+				<spinbox id="ratio" type="real" label="Hypothesized ratio" initial="1"/>
+				<spinbox  id="conflevel" type="real" label="Confidence level" min="0" max="1" initial="0.95"/>
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/bartlett_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/bartlett_test.js
index 0f00aa6..45e5a89 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/bartlett_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/bartlett_test.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 var vars;
 function calculate () {
-	vars = trim (getValue ("x")).replace (/\n/g, ", ");
+	vars = getList ("x").join (", ");
 	echo ('result <- bartlett.test (list (' + vars + '))\n');
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ function printout () {
 	echo ('rk.header (result$method)\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (list (\n');
-	echo ('	\'Variables\'=names,\n');
-	echo ('	\'Bartlett s K-squared\'=result$statistic,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Variables") + '=names,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Bartlett's K-squared") + '=result$statistic,\n');
 	echo ('	\'df\'=result$parameter,\n');
-	echo ('	\'p-value\'=result$p.value))\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("p-value") + '=result$p.value))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/fligner_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/fligner_test.js
index 9e75665..0218748 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/fligner_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/fligner_test.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 var vars;
 function calculate () {
-	vars = trim (getValue ("x")).replace (/\n/g, ", ");
+	vars = getList ("x").join (", ");
 	echo ('result <- fligner.test (list (' + vars + '))\n');
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ function printout () {
 	echo ('rk.header (result$method)\n');
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.results (list (\n');
-	echo ('	\'Variables\'=names,\n');
-	echo ('	\'Fligner-Killeen:med X^2 test statistic\'=result$statistic,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Variables") + '=names,\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("Fligner-Killeen:med X^2 test statistic") + '=result$statistic,\n');
 	echo ('	\'df\'=result$parameter,\n');
-	echo ('	\'p-value\'=result$p.value))\n');
+	echo ('	' + i18n ("p-value") + '=result$p.value))\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/levene_test.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/levene_test.js
index 436ea7e..df832db 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/levene_test.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/variances/levene_test.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function calculate () {
 function printout () {
 	echo ('names <- rk.get.description (' + getValue ("y") + ', ' + getValue ("group") + ')\n');
 	echo ('\n');
-	echo ('rk.header ("Levene\'s Test", list ("response variable", names[1], "groups", names[2]))\n');
+	new Header (i18n ("Levene's Test")).addFromUI ("y", noquote ('names[1]')).addFromUI ("group", noquote ('names[2]')).print ();
 	echo ('\n');
 	echo ('rk.print (result)\n');
diff --git a/rkward/plugins/analysis/wilcoxon/wilcoxon_tests.js b/rkward/plugins/analysis/wilcoxon/wilcoxon_tests.js
index 630dec9..e10c483 100644
--- a/rkward/plugins/analysis/wilcoxon/wilcoxon_tests.js
+++ b/rkward/plugins/analysis/wilcoxon/wilcoxon_tests.js
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ function printout(){
 	var confintChecked = getValue("confint.checked");
 	var correct = getValue("correct");
 	var mu = getValue("mu");
-	var header = new Header (noquote ('wcox.result$method')).add (i18n ("Comparing"), noquote ('names[1]'));
+	var header = new Header (noquote ('wcox.result$method'));
+	header.add (i18n ("Comparing"), noquote ('names[1]'));
 	if (y) header.add (i18nc ("compare against", "against"), noquote ('names[2]'));
 	header.add ("H1", noquote ('rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result)'));
 	header.add (i18n ("Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value"), correct ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
diff --git a/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js b/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
index 0dbef44..d3c30e6 100644
--- a/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
+++ b/rkward/scriptbackends/common.js
@@ -116,8 +116,9 @@ Header = function (title, level) {
 		this.parameters.push (caption, value);
 		return this;
-	this.addFromUI = function (elementid) {
+	this.addFromUI = function (elementid, value_override) {
 		this.parameters = this.parameters.concat (_RK_backend.getUiLabelPair (elementid));
+		if (typeof (value_override) != 'undefined') this.parameters[this.parameters.length - 1] = value_override;
 		return this;
 	this.print = function (indentation) {
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkcommands.R
index f031479..5c6d727 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ result <- var.test (test50z, test50y, alternative = "two.sided", ratio = 1.00)
 ## Print result
 names <- rk.get.description (test50z, test50y)
-rk.header (result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Confidence Level", "0.95", "Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative(result)))
+rk.header (result$method, parameters=list("Confidence level"="0.95",
+	"Hypothesized ratio"="1.00",
+	"Alternative Hypothesis"=rk.describe.alternative(result)))
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variables'=names,
+	"Variables"=names,
-	'Numerator DF'=result$parameter["num df"],
-	'Denominator DF'=result$parameter["denom df"],
-	'p-value'=result$p.value,
-	'Lower CI'=result$conf.int[1],
-	'Upper CI'=result$conf.int[2],
-	'ratio of variances'=result$estimate))
+	"Numerator DF"=result$parameter["num df"],
+	"Denominator DF"=result$parameter["denom df"],
+	"p-value"=result$p.value,
+	"Lower CI"=result$conf.int[1],
+	"Upper CI"=result$conf.int[2],
+	"ratio of variances"=result$estimate))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkout
index a84ea52..8401b49 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/F_test.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 <h1>F test to compare two variances</h1>
-<ul><li>Confidence Level: 0.95</li>
+<ul><li>Confidence level: 0.95</li>
+<li>Hypothesized ratio: 1.00</li>
 <li>Alternative Hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1</li>
 DATE<br />
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkcommands.R
index 86f66ae..75943c3 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ vars <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test50z, test10x)
 results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
+		# This is the core of the calculation
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- agostino.test (var, alternative = "two.sided")
 		results[i, 'skewness estimator (skew)'] <- t$statistic["skew"]
@@ -15,12 +16,11 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis'] <- rk.describe.alternative (t)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
 	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("D'Agostino test of skewness",
-	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", "two.sided"))
+rk.header ("D'Agostino test of skewness", parameters=list("Test hypothesis (H1)"="Two-sided"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkout
index 9c1c138..0df72d6 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/agostino_test.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <h1>D'Agostino test of skewness</h1>
-<ul><li>Alternative Hypothesis: two.sided</li>
+<ul><li>Test hypothesis (H1): Two-sided</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkcommands.R
index 822eec8..11a4848 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ names <- rk.get.description (test50x, test10y)
 result <- ansari.exact (test50x, test10y, alternative = "two.sided", exact=TRUE, conf.int = TRUE)
 ## Print result
-rk.header (result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names[1], "against", names[2]),
-	'H1', rk.describe.alternative (result),
-	"Compute exact p-value", "yes",
-	"Confidence Level", "0.95" ))
+rk.header (result$method, parameters=list("compare"=names[1],
+	"against"=names[2],
+	"H1"=rk.describe.alternative(result),
+	"compute exact p-value"="Always",
+	"confidence level"="0.95"))
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variable Names'=names,
-	'statistic'=result$statistic,
-	'null.value'=result$null.value,
+	"Variable Names"=names,
+	"statistic"=result$statistic,
+	"null.value"=result$null.value,
-	'confidence interval percent'=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),
-	'confidence interval of difference'=result$conf.int,
-	'estimate of the ratio of scales'=result$estimate))
+	"confidence interval percent"=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),
+	"confidence interval of difference"=result$conf.int,
+	"estimate of the ratio of scales"=result$estimate))
 ## Prepare
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ names <- rk.get.description (test50x, test50y)
 result <- ansari.exact (test50x, test50y, alternative = "less", conf.int = FALSE)
 ## Print result
-rk.header (result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names[1], "against", names[2]),
-	'H1', rk.describe.alternative (result),
-	"Compute exact p-value", "automatic"))
+rk.header (result$method, parameters=list("compare"=names[1],
+	"against"=names[2],
+	"H1"=rk.describe.alternative(result),
+	"compute exact p-value"="Automatic"))
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variable Names'=names,
-	'statistic'=result$statistic,
-	'null.value'=result$null.value,
+	"Variable Names"=names,
+	"statistic"=result$statistic,
+	"null.value"=result$null.value,
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkout
index c2bb32f..9d88107 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_exact_test.rkout
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 <h1>Ansari-Bradley test</h1>
-<ul><li>Comparing: test50x against test10y</li>
+<ul><li>compare: test50x</li>
+<li>against: test10y</li>
 <li>H1: true ratio of scales is not equal to 1</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: yes</li>
-<li>Confidence Level: 0.95</li>
+<li>compute exact p-value: Always</li>
+<li>confidence level: 0.95</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -14,9 +15,10 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Ansari-Bradley test</h1>
-<ul><li>Comparing: test50x against test50y</li>
+<ul><li>compare: test50x</li>
+<li>against: test50y</li>
 <li>H1: true ratio of scales is less than 1</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: automatic</li>
+<li>compute exact p-value: Automatic</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkcommands.R
index eb91b84..226d198 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -5,21 +5,20 @@ names <- rk.get.description (test50x, test10y)
 result <- ansari.test (test50x, test10y, alternative = "two.sided", exact=TRUE, conf.int = TRUE)
 ## Print result
-rk.header (result$method,
-	parameters=list (
-		"Comparing", paste (names[1], "against", names[2]),
-		"Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative(result),
-		"Compute exact p-value", "yes",
-		 "Confidence Level", "0.95" ))
+rk.header (result$method, parameters=list("compare"=names[1],
+	"against"=names[2],
+	"Alternative Hypothesis"=rk.describe.alternative(result),
+	"compute exact p-value"="Always",
+	"confidence level"="0.95"))
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variable Names'=names,
-	'statistic'=result$statistic,
-	'null.value'=result$null.value,
+	"Variable Names"=names,
+	"statistic"=result$statistic,
+	"null.value"=result$null.value,
-	'confidence interval percent'=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),
-	'confidence interval of difference'=result$conf.int,
-	'estimate of the ratio of scales'=result$estimate))
+	"confidence interval percent"=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),
+	"confidence interval of difference"=result$conf.int,
+	"estimate of the ratio of scales"=result$estimate))
 ## Prepare
@@ -28,15 +27,14 @@ names <- rk.get.description (test50x, test50y)
 result <- ansari.test (test50x, test50y, alternative = "less", conf.int = FALSE)
 ## Print result
-rk.header (result$method,
-	parameters=list (
-		"Comparing", paste (names[1], "against", names[2]),
-		"Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative(result),
-		"Compute exact p-value", "automatic"))
+rk.header (result$method, parameters=list("compare"=names[1],
+	"against"=names[2],
+	"Alternative Hypothesis"=rk.describe.alternative(result),
+	"compute exact p-value"="Automatic"))
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variable Names'=names,
-	'statistic'=result$statistic,
-	'null.value'=result$null.value,
+	"Variable Names"=names,
+	"statistic"=result$statistic,
+	"null.value"=result$null.value,
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkout
index a5e83b3..b008925 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/ansari_bradley_test.rkout
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 <h1>Ansari-Bradley test</h1>
-<ul><li>Comparing: test50x against test10y</li>
+<ul><li>compare: test50x</li>
+<li>against: test10y</li>
 <li>Alternative Hypothesis: true ratio of scales is not equal to 1</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: yes</li>
-<li>Confidence Level: 0.95</li>
+<li>compute exact p-value: Always</li>
+<li>confidence level: 0.95</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -14,9 +15,10 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Ansari-Bradley test</h1>
-<ul><li>Comparing: test50x against test50y</li>
+<ul><li>compare: test50x</li>
+<li>against: test50y</li>
 <li>Alternative Hypothesis: true ratio of scales is less than 1</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: automatic</li>
+<li>compute exact p-value: Automatic</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkcommands.R
index c0cec75..5ce9c33 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ vars <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test50z, test10y)
 results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
+		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- anscombe.test (var, alternative = "two.sided")
 		results[i, 'Kurtosis estimator (tau)'] <- t$statistic["kurt"]
 		results[i, 'Transformation (z)'] <- t$statistic["z"]
@@ -14,12 +15,11 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis'] <- rk.describe.alternative (t)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
 	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Anscombe-Glynn test of kurtosis",
-	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", "two.sided"))
+rk.header ("Anscombe-Glynn test of kurtosis", parameters=list("Test hypothesis (H1)"="Two-sided"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkout
index a87564d..eb1a359 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/anscombe_test.rkout
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <h1>Anscombe-Glynn test of kurtosis</h1>
-<ul><li>Alternative Hypothesis: two.sided</li>
+<ul><li>Test hypothesis (H1): Two-sided</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
 <tr><td>Variable Name</td><td>Kurtosis estimator (tau)</td><td>Transformation (z)</td><td>p-value</td><td>Alternative Hypothesis</td><td>Length</td><td>NAs</td></tr>
-<tr><td>breaks</td><td>4.499</td><td>2.0997</td><td>0.035759</td><td>kurtosis is not equal to 3</td><td>54</td><td>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>test50z</td><td>1.799</td><td>-3.2904</td><td>0.0010006</td><td>kurtosis is not equal to 3</td><td>50</td><td>0</td></tr>
-<tr><td>test10y</td><td>1.7758</td><td>-0.98164</td><td>0.32628</td><td>kurtosis is not equal to 3</td><td>11</td><td>1</td></tr>
+<tr><td>breaks</td><td>4.499</td><td>2.0915</td><td>0.036484</td><td>kurtosis is not equal to 3</td><td>54</td><td>0</td></tr>
+<tr><td>test50z</td><td>1.799</td><td>-3.4368</td><td>0.00058869</td><td>kurtosis is not equal to 3</td><td>50</td><td>0</td></tr>
+<tr><td>test10y</td><td>1.7758</td><td>-0.98906</td><td>0.32263</td><td>kurtosis is not equal to 3</td><td>11</td><td>1</td></tr>
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkcommands.R
index 87c013e..ef25c80 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ names <- rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test50z, test50y, test50x,
 rk.header (result$method)
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variables'=names,
-	'Bartlett s K-squared'=result$statistic,
+	"Variables"=names,
+	"Bartlett's K-squared"=result$statistic,
-	'p-value'=result$p.value))
+	"p-value"=result$p.value))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkout
index 1224379..ccff6e6 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/bartlett_test.rkout
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <h1>Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances</h1>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
-<tr><td>Variables</td><td>Bartlett s K-squared</td><td>df</td><td>p-value</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Variables</td><td>Bartlett's K-squared</td><td>df</td><td>p-value</td></tr>
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkcommands.R
index 6ea3c72..9718c08 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ vars <- rk.list (test50z, test50y, test50x, test10z, test10y, test10x)
 results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
+		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- bonett.test (var, alternative = "two.sided")
 		results[i, 'Kurtosis estimator (tau)'] <- t$statistic["tau"]
 		results[i, 'Transformation (z)'] <- t$statistic["z"]
@@ -14,12 +15,11 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis'] <- rk.describe.alternative (t)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
-	results[i, 'NAs'] <- length (which(is.na(var)))
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
+	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Bonett-Seier test of Geary's kurtosis",
-	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", "two.sided"))
+rk.header ("Bonett-Seier test of Geary's kurtosis", parameters=list("Test hypothesis (H1)"="Two-sided"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkout
index dc75922..b506e9f 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/bonett_test.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <h1>Bonett-Seier test of Geary's kurtosis</h1>
-<ul><li>Alternative Hypothesis: two.sided</li>
+<ul><li>Test hypothesis (H1): Two-sided</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkcommands.R
index a71ae6e..8c4cee6 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (test50x, test10y)
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
 	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
 	try ({
 		test <- Box.test (var, lag = 1, type = "Box-Pierce")
-		results[i, 'X-squared'] <- test$statistic
-		results[i, 'degrees of freedom'] <- test$parameter
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- test$p.value
+		results[i, "X-squared"] <- test$statistic
+		results[i, "degrees of freedom"] <- test$parameter
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- test$p.value
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Box-Pierce Test",
-	parameters=list ("lag", "1", "type", "Box-Pierce"))
+rk.header ("Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests", parameters=list("lag"="1",
+	"test to be performed"="Box-Pierce"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkout
index 2a359de..36856c6 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/box_test.rkout
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-<h1>Box-Pierce Test</h1>
+<h1>Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests</h1>
 <ul><li>lag: 1</li>
-<li>type: Box-Pierce</li>
+<li>test to be performed: Box-Pierce</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkcommands.R
index 7b3ec1b..7f85710 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (rock[["shape"]], rock[["perm"]], rock[["peri"]], rock[["area"]])
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
@@ -12,25 +12,24 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- chisq.out.test (var, opposite = FALSE)
-		results[i, 'X-squared'] <- t$statistic
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- t$p.value
-		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
-		results[i, 'Variance'] <- var (var)
-		results[i, 'Mean'] <- mean (var)
-		results[i, 'Standard Deviation'] <- sd (var)
-		results[i, 'Median'] <- median (var)
-		results[i, 'Minimum'] <- min (var)
-		results[i, 'Maximum'] <- max (var)
+		results[i, "X-squared"] <- t$statistic
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- t$p.value
+		results[i, "Alternative Hypothesis"]<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
+		results[i, "Variance"] <- var (var)
+		results[i, "Mean"] <- mean (var)
+		results[i, "Standard Deviation"] <- sd (var)
+		results[i, "Median"] <- median (var)
+		results[i, "Minimum"] <- min (var)
+		results[i, "Maximum"] <- max (var)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Chi-squared test for outlier",
-	parameters=list ("Opposite", "FALSE"))
+rk.header ("Chi-squared test for outlier", parameters=list("Opposite"="no"))
 rk.results (results)
@@ -38,23 +37,22 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (rock[["shape"]], rock[["perm"]], rock[["peri"]], rock[["area"]])
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- chisq.out.test (var, opposite = TRUE)
-		results[i, 'X-squared'] <- t$statistic
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- t$p.value
-		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
-		results[i, 'Variance'] <- var (var)
+		results[i, "X-squared"] <- t$statistic
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- t$p.value
+		results[i, "Alternative Hypothesis"]<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
+		results[i, "Variance"] <- var (var)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Chi-squared test for outlier",
-	parameters=list ("Opposite", "TRUE"))
+rk.header ("Chi-squared test for outlier", parameters=list("Opposite"="yes"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkout
index 9607ed0..1fb9db7 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/chisq_out_test.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <h1>Chi-squared test for outlier</h1>
-<ul><li>Opposite: FALSE</li>
+<ul><li>Opposite: no</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Chi-squared test for outlier</h1>
-<ul><li>Opposite: TRUE</li>
+<ul><li>Opposite: yes</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkcommands.R
index aac0e0f..b5a2b32 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkcommands.R
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ for (i in 1:length (data)) {
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list("Method"="pearson",
-	"Exclusion"="pairwise.complete.obs"))
+rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list("Method"="Pearson's product-moment correlation",
+	"Exclude missing values"="pairwise"))
 rk.results (data.frame (result, check.names=FALSE), titles=c ("Coefficient", names (data)))
 rk.header ("p-values and sample size", level=4)
 rk.results (data.frame (result.p, check.names=FALSE), titles=c ("n \\ p", names (data)))
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ for (i in 1:length (data)) {
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list("Method"="polychoric",
-	"Exclusion"="pairwise"))
+rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list("Method"="Polychoric correlation",
+	"Exclude missing values"="pairwise"))
 rk.results (data.frame (result, check.names=FALSE), titles=c ("Coefficient", names (data)))
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ data <- as.data.frame (data.list, check.names=FALSE)
 # calculate correlation matrix
 result <- cor (data, use="pairwise.complete.obs", method="pearson")
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list("Method"="pearson",
-	"Exclusion"="pairwise.complete.obs"))
+rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list("Method"="Pearson's product-moment correlation",
+	"Exclude missing values"="pairwise"))
 rk.results (data.frame (result, check.names=FALSE), titles=c ("Coefficient", names (data)))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkout
index 10bf614..0ecd166 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/correlation_matrix.rkout
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <h1>Correlation Matrix</h1>
-<ul><li>Method: pearson</li>
-<li>Exclusion: pairwise.complete.obs</li>
+<ul><li>Method: Pearson's product-moment correlation</li>
+<li>Exclude missing values: pairwise</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Correlation Matrix</h1>
-<ul><li>Method: polychoric</li>
-<li>Exclusion: pairwise</li>
+<ul><li>Method: Polychoric correlation</li>
+<li>Exclude missing values: pairwise</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Correlation Matrix</h1>
-<ul><li>Method: pearson</li>
-<li>Exclusion: pairwise.complete.obs</li>
+<ul><li>Method: Pearson's product-moment correlation</li>
+<li>Exclude missing values: pairwise</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/crosstab_multi.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/crosstab_multi.rkcommands.R
index b4812dc..3093d39 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/crosstab_multi.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/crosstab_multi.rkcommands.R
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ datadescription <- paste (rk.get.description (test_table[["A"]],test_table[["B"]
 ## Compute
 result <- ftable (data);
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Crosstabs (n to n)", parameters=list ("Variables"=datadescription))
+rk.header ("Crosstabs (n to n)", parameters=list("Variables"=datadescription))
 rk.print (result)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkcommands.R
index c1491dd..5f987b7 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]])
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
@@ -12,24 +12,25 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- dixon.test (var, type = 0, opposite = FALSE, two.sided = TRUE)
-		results[i, 'Dixon Q-statistic'] <- t$statistic["Q"]
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- t$p.value
-		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
-		results[i, 'Mean'] <- mean (var)
-		results[i, 'Standard Deviation'] <-  sd (var)
-		results[i, 'Median'] <- median (var)
-		results[i, 'Minimum'] <- min (var)
-		results[i, 'Maximum'] <- max (var)
+		results[i, "Dixon Q-statistic"] <- t$statistic["Q"]
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- t$p.value
+		results[i, "Alternative Hypothesis"]<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
+		results[i, "Mean"] <- mean (var)
+		results[i, "Standard Deviation"] <- sd (var)
+		results[i, "Median"] <- median (var)
+		results[i, "Minimum"] <- min (var)
+		results[i, "Maximum"] <- max (var)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Dixon test for outlier",
-	parameters=list ("Type", "0", "Opposite", "FALSE", "two-sided", "TRUE"))
+rk.header ("Dixon test for outlier", parameters=list("Variant of test"="0 (Automatic)",
+	"Opposite"="no",
+	"two-sided"="yes"))
 rk.results (results)
@@ -37,22 +38,23 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]])
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- dixon.test (var, type = 0, opposite = TRUE, two.sided = FALSE)
-		results[i, 'Dixon Q-statistic'] <- t$statistic["Q"]
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- t$p.value
-		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
+		results[i, "Dixon Q-statistic"] <- t$statistic["Q"]
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- t$p.value
+		results[i, "Alternative Hypothesis"]<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Dixon test for outlier",
-	parameters=list ("Type", "0", "Opposite", "TRUE", "two-sided", "FALSE"))
+rk.header ("Dixon test for outlier", parameters=list("Variant of test"="0 (Automatic)",
+	"Opposite"="yes",
+	"two-sided"="no"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkout
index 40e01b8..84b613d 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/dixon_test.rkout
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <h1>Dixon test for outlier</h1>
-<ul><li>Type: 0</li>
-<li>Opposite: FALSE</li>
-<li>two-sided: TRUE</li>
+<ul><li>Variant of test: 0 (Automatic)</li>
+<li>Opposite: no</li>
+<li>two-sided: yes</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Dixon test for outlier</h1>
-<ul><li>Type: 0</li>
-<li>Opposite: TRUE</li>
-<li>two-sided: FALSE</li>
+<ul><li>Variant of test: 0 (Automatic)</li>
+<li>Opposite: yes</li>
+<li>two-sided: no</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/fligner_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/fligner_test.rkcommands.R
index 710ff1f..06beb0d 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/fligner_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/fligner_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ names <- rk.get.description (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]], test50z, test
 rk.header (result$method)
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variables'=names,
-	'Fligner-Killeen:med X^2 test statistic'=result$statistic,
+	"Variables"=names,
+	"Fligner-Killeen:med X^2 test statistic"=result$statistic,
-	'p-value'=result$p.value))
+	"p-value"=result$p.value))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkcommands.R
index 2f37123..dc09cbd 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test10z)
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
@@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- grubbs.test (var, type = 10, opposite = FALSE, two.sided = TRUE)
 		results[i, 'G'] <- t$statistic["G"]
 		results[i, 'U'] <- t$statistic["U"]
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- t$p.value
-		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- t$p.value
+		results[i, "Alternative Hypothesis"]<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample",
-	parameters=list ("Type", "10", "Opposite", "FALSE", "two-sided", "TRUE"))
+rk.header ("Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample", parameters=list("Variant of test"="10 (test for one outlier)",
+	"Opposite"="no",
+	"two-sided"="yes"))
 rk.results (results)
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test10z)
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
@@ -42,24 +43,25 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- grubbs.test (var, type = 11, opposite = TRUE, two.sided = FALSE)
 		results[i, 'G'] <- t$statistic["G"]
 		results[i, 'U'] <- t$statistic["U"]
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- t$p.value
-		results[i, 'Alternative Hypothesis']<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
-		results[i, 'Mean'] <- mean (var)
-		results[i, 'Standard Deviation'] <- sd (var)
-		results[i, 'Median'] <- median (var)
-		results[i, 'Minimum'] <- min (var)
-		results[i, 'Maximum'] <- max (var)
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- t$p.value
+		results[i, "Alternative Hypothesis"]<- rk.describe.alternative (t)
+		results[i, "Mean"] <- mean (var)
+		results[i, "Standard Deviation"] <- sd (var)
+		results[i, "Median"] <- median (var)
+		results[i, "Minimum"] <- min (var)
+		results[i, "Maximum"] <- max (var)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample",
-	parameters=list ("Type", "11", "Opposite", "TRUE", "two-sided", "FALSE"))
+rk.header ("Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample", parameters=list("Variant of test"="11 (test for two outliers on opposite tails)",
+	"Opposite"="yes",
+	"two-sided"="no"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkout
index 287adbe..65c998a 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/grubbs_test.rkout
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <h1>Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample</h1>
-<ul><li>Type: 10</li>
-<li>Opposite: FALSE</li>
-<li>two-sided: TRUE</li>
+<ul><li>Variant of test: 10 (test for one outlier)</li>
+<li>Opposite: no</li>
+<li>two-sided: yes</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Grubbs tests for one or two outliers in data sample</h1>
-<ul><li>Type: 11</li>
-<li>Opposite: TRUE</li>
-<li>two-sided: FALSE</li>
+<ul><li>Variant of test: 11 (test for two outliers on opposite tails)</li>
+<li>Opposite: yes</li>
+<li>two-sided: no</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/hp_filter.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/hp_filter.rkcommands.R
index 0f33e20..d642e77 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/hp_filter.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/hp_filter.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-## Print result
-rk.header ("Hodrick-Prescott Filter", parameters=list("Lambda", 1600))
+## Compute
 x <- co2
 lambda <- 1600
-if (any (is.na (x))) stop ("Missing values cannot be handled")
+if (any (is.na (x))) stop ("Missing values cannot be handled in Hodrick-Prescott Filter")
 i <- diag(length(x))
 trend <- solve(i + lambda * crossprod(diff(i, lag=1, d=2)), x) # The HP Filter itself. Thanks to Grant V. Farnsworth
@@ -15,6 +14,8 @@ if (is.ts(x)) {
 .GlobalEnv$hptrend <- trend
 .GlobalEnv$hpcycle <- cycle
+## Print result
+rk.header ("Hodrick-Prescott Filter", parameters=list("Lambda"="1600"))
 rk.graph.on ()
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.messages.txt b/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.messages.txt
index 95c56b8..80f3cfd 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.messages.txt
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.messages.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
-Warning messages:
-1: In kpss.test(var, null = "Trend", lshort = FALSE) :
-  p-value greater than printed p-value
-2: In kpss.test(var, null = "Trend", lshort = FALSE) :
+Warning in kpss.test(var, null = "Trend", lshort = FALSE) :
   p-value greater than printed p-value
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkcommands.R
index 3b6f974..cc8cb8a 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ local({
 require (tseries)
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (test50x, test50y, test50z)
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
 	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
 	try ({
 		test <- kpss.test (var, null = "Trend", lshort = FALSE)
-		results[i, 'KPSS Trend'] <- test$statistic
-		results[i, 'Truncation lag parameter'] <- test$parameter
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- test$p.value
+		results[i, "KPSS Trend"] <- test$statistic
+		results[i, "Truncation lag parameter"] <- test$parameter
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- test$p.value
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("KPSS Test for Level Stationarity",
-	parameters=list ("null hypothesis"="Trend", "version of truncation lag parameter"="long"))
+rk.header ("KPSS Test for Level Stationarity", parameters=list("null hypothesis"="Trend",
+	"version of truncation lag parameter"="long"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkout
index 7feebc2..f2f6740 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/kpss_test.rkout
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
 <tr><td>Variable Name</td><td>Length</td><td>NAs</td><td>KPSS Trend</td><td>Truncation lag parameter</td><td>p-value</td></tr>
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/levene_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/levene_test.rkcommands.R
index fc1f635..ada9822 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/levene_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/levene_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ result <- leveneTest (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], warpbreaks[["tension"]])
 ## Print result
 names <- rk.get.description (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], warpbreaks[["tension"]])
-rk.header ("Levene's Test", list ("response variable", names[1], "groups", names[2]))
+rk.header ("Levene's Test", parameters=list("response variable"=names[1],
+	"groups"=names[2]))
 rk.print (result)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkcommands.R
index 2898b25..c87e8a4 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkcommands.R
@@ -6,10 +6,17 @@ vars <- rk.list (test50z, test50y, test50x, test10z, test10y, test10x)
 results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	try (results[i, 'Moment'] <- moment (var, order = 1, central = FALSE, absolute = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE))
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
+		# This is the core of the calculation
+		results[i, "Moment"] <- moment (var, order = 1, central = FALSE, absolute = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
+		NA				# no error
+	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Statistical Moment",
-	parameters=list ("Order", "1", "Compute central moments", "FALSE", "Compute absolute moments", "FALSE", "Remove missing values", "TRUE"))
+rk.header ("Statistical Moment", parameters=list("Order"="1",
+	"compute central moments"="no",
+	"compute absolute moments"="no",
+	"remove missing values"="yes"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkout
index a33d545..4f88833 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/moments_moment.rkout
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 <h1>Statistical Moment</h1>
 <ul><li>Order: 1</li>
-<li>Compute central moments: FALSE</li>
-<li>Compute absolute moments: FALSE</li>
-<li>Remove missing values: TRUE</li>
+<li>compute central moments: no</li>
+<li>compute absolute moments: no</li>
+<li>remove missing values: yes</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/mood_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/mood_test.rkcommands.R
index 32fce8c..0c90170 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/mood_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/mood_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ result <- mood.test (test50z, test50x, alternative = "two.sided")
 names <- rk.get.description (test50z, test50x)
 rk.header (result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis", rk.describe.alternative (result)))
+	parameters=list ("Alternative Hypothesis"=rk.describe.alternative (result)))
 rk.results (list (
-	'Variables'=names,
+	"Variables"=names,
-	'p-value'=result$p.value))
+	"p-value"=result$p.value))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkcommands.R
index 0c4afbf..cdab76d 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkcommands.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test50z)
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@ for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (var) 	# omit NAs for all further calculations
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- outlier (var, opposite = FALSE)
 		results[i, 'Outlier'] <- t
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Find potential outlier",
-	parameters=list ("Opposite", "FALSE"))
+rk.header ("Find potential outlier", parameters=list("Opposite"="no"))
 rk.results (results)
@@ -30,25 +29,24 @@ local({
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (warpbreaks[["breaks"]], test50z)
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- na.omit (vars[[i]])
-	results[i, 'Error'] <- tryCatch ({
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
 		# This is the core of the calculation
 		t <- outlier (var, opposite = TRUE)
 		results[i, 'Outlier'] <- t
-		results[i, 'Mean'] <- mean (var)
-		results[i, 'Standard Deviation'] <- sd (var)
-		results[i, 'Median'] <- median (var)
-		results[i, 'Minimum'] <- min (var)
-		results[i, 'Maximum'] <- max (var)
+		results[i, "Mean"] <- mean (var)
+		results[i, "Standard Deviation"] <- sd (var)
+		results[i, "Median"] <- median (var)
+		results[i, "Minimum"] <- min (var)
+		results[i, "Maximum"] <- max (var)
 		NA				# no error
 	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
-if (all (is.na (results$'Error'))) results$'Error' <- NULL
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Find potential outlier",
-	parameters=list ("Opposite", "TRUE"))
+rk.header ("Find potential outlier", parameters=list("Opposite"="yes"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkout
index 6d69bc7..b2857db 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/outlier.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <h1>Find potential outlier</h1>
-<ul><li>Opposite: FALSE</li>
+<ul><li>Opposite: no</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Find potential outlier</h1>
-<ul><li>Opposite: TRUE</li>
+<ul><li>Opposite: yes</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkcommands.R
index 19c6412..a6bec02 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkcommands.R
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 ## Compute
 vars <- rk.list (rock[["shape"]], rock[["perm"]], rock[["peri"]], rock[["area"]])
-results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
+results <- data.frame ("Variable Name"=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
 	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
 	try ({
 		test <- PP.test (var, lshort = FALSE)
-		results[i, 'Dickey-Fuller'] <- test$statistic
-		results[i, 'Truncation lag parameter'] <- test$parameter
-		results[i, 'p-value'] <- test$p.value
+		results[i, "Dickey-Fuller"] <- test$statistic
+		results[i, "Truncation lag parameter"] <- test$parameter
+		results[i, "p-value"] <- test$p.value
 ## Print result
-rk.header ("Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots",
-	parameters=list ("Truncation lag parameter short ('TRUE') or long ('FALSE')", "FALSE"))
+rk.header ("Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots", parameters=list("version of truncation lag parameter"="long"))
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkout
index 9fc49e5..63cab64 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/pp_test.rkout
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <h1>Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots</h1>
-<ul><li>Truncation lag parameter short ('TRUE') or long ('FALSE'): FALSE</li>
+<ul><li>version of truncation lag parameter: long</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/skewness_kurtosis.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/skewness_kurtosis.rkcommands.R
index 91d8112..c492746 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/skewness_kurtosis.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/skewness_kurtosis.rkcommands.R
@@ -6,16 +6,18 @@ vars <- rk.list (women[["weight"]], women[["height"]], warpbreaks[["breaks"]])
 results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=I(names (vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 for (i in 1:length (vars)) {
 	var <- vars[[i]]
-	try ({
-		results[i, 'Skewness'] <- skewness (var, na.rm=TRUE)
-		results[i, 'Kurtosis'] <- kurtosis (var, na.rm=TRUE)
-		results[i, 'Excess Kurtosis'] <- results[i, 'Kurtosis'] - 3
-		results[i, 'Geary Kurtosis'] <- geary (var, na.rm=TRUE)
-	})
-	results[i, 'Length'] <- length (var)
+	results[i, "Error"] <- tryCatch ({
+		# This is the core of the calculation
+		results[i, "Skewness"] <- skewness (var, na.rm=TRUE)
+		results[i, "Kurtosis"] <- kurtosis (var, na.rm=TRUE)
+		results[i, "Excess Kurtosis"] <- results[i, 'Kurtosis'] - 3
+		results[i, "Geary Kurtosis"] <- geary (var, na.rm=TRUE)
+		NA				# no error
+	}, error=function (e) e$message)	# catch any errors
+	results[i, "Length"] <- length (var)
 	results[i, 'NAs'] <- sum (is.na(var))
+if (all (is.na (results$"Error"))) results$"Error" <- NULL
 ## Print result
 rk.header ("Skewness and Kurtosis")
 rk.results (results)
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkcommands.R
index 6e3d4a8..18f64e0 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkcommands.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkcommands.R
@@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ local({
 ## Print result
-rk.header (wcox.result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names, collapse=" against "),
-	"H1", rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
-	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value", "FALSE",
-	"Compute exact p-value", "TRUE",
-	"Paired test", "FALSE",
-	"mu", "0.00"))
+rk.header (wcox.result$method, parameters=list("Comparing"=names[1],
+	"H1"=rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
+	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value"="FALSE",
+	"Compute exact p-value"="Always",
+	"Location (shift) to test against (mu)"="0.00"))
 rk.results (list (
 	"Variable Names"=names,
@@ -40,14 +37,13 @@ local({
 ## Print result
-rk.header (wcox.result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names, collapse=" against "),
-	"H1", rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
-	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value", "TRUE",
-	"Compute exact p-value", "automatic",
-	"Paired test", "TRUE",
-	"mu", "0.00"))
+rk.header (wcox.result$method, parameters=list("Comparing"=names[1],
+	"against"=names[2],
+	"H1"=rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
+	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value"="TRUE",
+	"Compute exact p-value"="Automatic",
+	"Paired test"="yes",
+	"Location (shift) to test against (mu)"="0.00"))
 rk.results (list (
 	"Variable Names"=names,
@@ -67,14 +63,11 @@ local({
 ## Print result
-rk.header (wcox.result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names, collapse=" against "),
-	"H1", rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
-	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value", "FALSE",
-	"Compute exact p-value", "TRUE",
-	"Paired test", "FALSE",
-	"mu", "0.00"))
+rk.header (wcox.result$method, parameters=list("Comparing"=names[1],
+	"H1"=rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
+	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value"="FALSE",
+	"Compute exact p-value"="Always",
+	"Location (shift) to test against (mu)"="0.00"))
 rk.results (list (
 	"Variable Names"=names,
@@ -99,14 +92,13 @@ local({
 ## Print result
-rk.header (wcox.result$method,
-	parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (names, collapse=" against "),
-	"H1", rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
-	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value", "TRUE",
-	"Compute exact p-value", "automatic",
-	"Paired test", "TRUE",
-	"mu", "0.00"))
+rk.header (wcox.result$method, parameters=list("Comparing"=names[1],
+	"against"=names[2],
+	"H1"=rk.describe.alternative (wcox.result),
+	"Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value"="TRUE",
+	"Compute exact p-value"="Automatic",
+	"Paired test"="yes",
+	"Location (shift) to test against (mu)"="0.00"))
 rk.results (list (
 	"Variable Names"=names,
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkout
index a36ada5..f13054b 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkout
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/wilcoxon_tests.rkout
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 <ul><li>Comparing: test50x</li>
 <li>H1: true location is not equal to 0</li>
 <li>Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value: FALSE</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: TRUE</li>
-<li>Paired test: FALSE</li>
-<li>mu: 0.00</li>
+<li>Compute exact p-value: Always</li>
+<li>Location (shift) to test against (mu): 0.00</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -15,12 +14,13 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction</h1>
-<ul><li>Comparing: test50x against test50y</li>
+<ul><li>Comparing: test50x</li>
+<li>against: test50y</li>
 <li>H1: true location shift is less than 0</li>
 <li>Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value: TRUE</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: automatic</li>
-<li>Paired test: TRUE</li>
-<li>mu: 0.00</li>
+<li>Compute exact p-value: Automatic</li>
+<li>Paired test: yes</li>
+<li>Location (shift) to test against (mu): 0.00</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ DATE<br />
 <ul><li>Comparing: test50x</li>
 <li>H1: true mu is not equal to 0</li>
 <li>Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value: FALSE</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: TRUE</li>
-<li>Paired test: FALSE</li>
-<li>mu: 0.00</li>
+<li>Compute exact p-value: Always</li>
+<li>Location (shift) to test against (mu): 0.00</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">
@@ -45,12 +44,13 @@ DATE<br />
 <h1>Asymptotic Wilcoxon signed rank test</h1>
-<ul><li>Comparing: test50x against test50y</li>
+<ul><li>Comparing: test50x</li>
+<li>against: test50y</li>
 <li>H1: true mu is less than 0</li>
 <li>Continuity correction in normal approximation for p-value: TRUE</li>
-<li>Compute exact p-value: automatic</li>
-<li>Paired test: TRUE</li>
-<li>mu: 0.00</li>
+<li>Compute exact p-value: Automatic</li>
+<li>Paired test: yes</li>
+<li>Location (shift) to test against (mu): 0.00</li>
 DATE<br />
 <table border="1">

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