[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward-code:[4776] trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R

m-eik at users.sf.net m-eik at users.sf.net
Thu Mar 6 14:40:11 UTC 2014

Revision: 4776
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2014-03-06 14:40:08 +0000 (Thu, 06 Mar 2014)
Log Message:
rkwarddev: code cosmetics, replaced tabs by spaces

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/echo.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/echo.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/echo.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -5,34 +5,34 @@
 #' From those, it will generate a ready-to-run JavaScript \code{echo();} call from it.
 #' @param ... One or several character strings and/or \code{XiMpLe.node} objects with plugin nodes,
-#'		and/or objects of classes \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt}, simply separated by comma.
+#'    and/or objects of classes \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt}, simply separated by comma.
 #' @param newline Character string, can be set to e.g. \code{"\n"} to force a newline after the call.
 #' @return A character string.
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:ite]{ite}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{qp}},
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:ite]{ite}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{qp}},
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @export
 #' @examples
 #' cbox1 <- rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", value="foo1", id.name="CheckboxFoo.ID")
 #' echo("bar <- \"", cbox1, "\"")
 echo <- function(..., newline=""){
-	ID.content <- qp(...)
-	result <- paste0("echo(", ID.content, ");", newline)
-	return(result)
+  ID.content <- qp(...)
+  result <- paste0("echo(", ID.content, ");", newline)
+  return(result)
 ## internal class rk.JS.echo
 # this is a quick fix to be able to add values into echo() without quotes
-	representation=representation(
-		value="character"
-	),
-	prototype(
-		value=character()
-	)
+  representation=representation(
+    value="character"
+  ),
+  prototype(
+    value=character()
+  )

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -7,73 +7,73 @@
 #' replacements with character strings.
 #' @param ... One or several character strings and/or \code{XiMpLe.node} objects with plugin nodes,
-#' 	and/or objects of classes \code{rk.JS.arr}, \code{rk.JS.opt} or \code{rk.JS.var}, simply separated by comma.
+#'   and/or objects of classes \code{rk.JS.arr}, \code{rk.JS.opt} or \code{rk.JS.var}, simply separated by comma.
 #' @param quote Logical, it the character strings sould be deparsed, so they come out "as-is" when
-#'		written to files, e.g. by \code{cat}.
+#'    written to files, e.g. by \code{cat}.
 #' @param collapse Character string, defining if and how the individual elements should be glued together.
 #' @param js Logical, if \code{TRUE} returns JavaScript varaible names for \code{XiMpLe.node} objects.
-#'		Otherwise their actual ID is returned.
+#'    Otherwise their actual ID is returned.
 #' @return A character string.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:qp]{qp}} (a shortcut for \code{id} with different defaults),
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:qp]{qp}} (a shortcut for \code{id} with different defaults),
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @examples
 #' # an example checkbox XML node
 #' cbox1 <- rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", value="foo1", id.name="CheckboxFoo.ID")
 #' id("The variable name is: ", cbox1, "!")
 id <- function(..., quote=FALSE, collapse="", js=TRUE){
-	full.content <- list(...)
-	ID.content <- sapply(full.content, function(this.part){
-			# if this is a plot options object, by default only paste the printout slot
-			# and discard the rest
-			this.part <- stripCont(this.part, get="printout")
+  full.content <- list(...)
+  ID.content <- sapply(full.content, function(this.part){
+      # if this is a plot options object, by default only paste the printout slot
+      # and discard the rest
+      this.part <- stripCont(this.part, get="printout")
-			if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.part)){
-				if(identical(XMLName(this.part), "optioncolumn")){
-					# optionsets are more difficult to identify automatically
-					if(isTRUE(js)){
-						node.id <- camelCode(get.IDs(check.optionset.tags(this.part), relevant.tags="optioncolumn")[,"abbrev"])
-					} else {
-						node.id <- get.IDs(check.optionset.tags(this.part), relevant.tags="optioncolumn")[,"id"]
-					}
-				} else {
-					node.id <- XMLAttrs(this.part)[["id"]]
-					if(isTRUE(js)){
-						node.id <- camelCode(node.id)
-					} else {}
-				}
-				return(node.id)
-			} else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.arr")){
-				node.id <- this.part at opt.name
-				return(node.id)
-			} else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.opt")){
-				node.id <- this.part at var.name
-				return(node.id)
-			} else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.var")){
-				# can hold multiple IDs, but we'll only return the first valid one
-				node.id <- paste.JS.var(this.part, names.only=TRUE)
-				if(length(node.id) > 1){
-					node.id <- node.id[1]
-					warning(paste0("Object contained more than one ID, only the first one was used: ", node.id), call.=FALSE)
-				} else {}
-				return(node.id)
-			} else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.echo")){
-				node.id <- slot(this.part, "value")
-				return(node.id)
-			} else {
-				if(isTRUE(quote)){
-					text.part <- deparse(this.part)
-				} else {
-					text.part <- this.part
-				}
-				return(text.part)
-			}
-		})
-	result <- paste(ID.content, collapse=collapse)
-	return(result)
+      if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.part)){
+        if(identical(XMLName(this.part), "optioncolumn")){
+          # optionsets are more difficult to identify automatically
+          if(isTRUE(js)){
+            node.id <- camelCode(get.IDs(check.optionset.tags(this.part), relevant.tags="optioncolumn")[,"abbrev"])
+          } else {
+            node.id <- get.IDs(check.optionset.tags(this.part), relevant.tags="optioncolumn")[,"id"]
+          }
+        } else {
+          node.id <- XMLAttrs(this.part)[["id"]]
+          if(isTRUE(js)){
+            node.id <- camelCode(node.id)
+          } else {}
+        }
+        return(node.id)
+      } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.arr")){
+        node.id <- this.part at opt.name
+        return(node.id)
+      } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.opt")){
+        node.id <- this.part at var.name
+        return(node.id)
+      } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.var")){
+        # can hold multiple IDs, but we'll only return the first valid one
+        node.id <- paste.JS.var(this.part, names.only=TRUE)
+        if(length(node.id) > 1){
+          node.id <- node.id[1]
+          warning(paste0("Object contained more than one ID, only the first one was used: ", node.id), call.=FALSE)
+        } else {}
+        return(node.id)
+      } else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.echo")){
+        node.id <- slot(this.part, "value")
+        return(node.id)
+      } else {
+        if(isTRUE(quote)){
+          text.part <- deparse(this.part)
+        } else {
+          text.part <- this.part
+        }
+        return(text.part)
+      }
+    })
+  result <- paste(ID.content, collapse=collapse)
+  return(result)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/ite.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/ite.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/ite.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 #' Generate JavaScript if/then/else constructs
 #' @param ifjs Either a character string to be placed in the brackets if an \code{if()} statement,
-#'		or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}. \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt} (whose identifier will be used).
+#'    or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}. \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt} (whose identifier will be used).
 #' @param thenjs Either a character string, the code to be executed in case the \code{if()} statement is true,
-#'		or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}. \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt} (whose identifier will be used).
-#'		The latter is especially useful in combination with \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}}.
-#'		You can also give another object of class \code{rk.JS.ite}.
+#'    or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}. \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt} (whose identifier will be used).
+#'    The latter is especially useful in combination with \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}}.
+#'    You can also give another object of class \code{rk.JS.ite}.
 #' @param elsejs Like \code{thenjs}, the code to be executed in case the \code{if()} statement is not true.
 #' @return An object of class \code{rk.JS.ite}
 #' @include rk.JS.ite-class.R
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.paste.JS]{rk.paste.JS}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:qp]{qp}},
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:qp]{qp}},
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @export
 #' @examples
 #' # first create an example checkbox XML node
@@ -25,28 +25,28 @@
 #' ite(cbox1, echo("bar <- \"", cbox1, "\""), echo("bar <- NULL"))
 ite <- function(ifjs, thenjs, elsejs=NULL){
-	#check for recursion
-	if(inherits(thenjs, "rk.JS.ite")){
-		thenifJS <- list(thenjs)
-		thenjs <- ""
-	} else {
-		thenifJS <- list()
-	}
-	if(inherits(elsejs, "rk.JS.ite")){
-		elifJS <- list(elsejs)
-		elsejs <- ""
-	} else {
-		elifJS <- list()
-		if(is.null(elsejs)){
-			elsejs <- ""
-		} else {}
-	}
-	result <- new("rk.JS.ite",
-		ifJS=id(ifjs, js=TRUE),
-		thenJS=id(thenjs, js=TRUE),
-		thenifJS=thenifJS,
-		elseJS=elsejs,
-		elifJS=elifJS
-	)
-	return(result)
+  #check for recursion
+  if(inherits(thenjs, "rk.JS.ite")){
+    thenifJS <- list(thenjs)
+    thenjs <- ""
+  } else {
+    thenifJS <- list()
+  }
+  if(inherits(elsejs, "rk.JS.ite")){
+    elifJS <- list(elsejs)
+    elsejs <- ""
+  } else {
+    elifJS <- list()
+    if(is.null(elsejs)){
+      elsejs <- ""
+    } else {}
+  }
+  result <- new("rk.JS.ite",
+    ifJS=id(ifjs, js=TRUE),
+    thenJS=id(thenjs, js=TRUE),
+    thenifJS=thenifJS,
+    elseJS=elsejs,
+    elifJS=elifJS
+  )
+  return(result)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/join.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/join.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/join.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -6,30 +6,30 @@
 #' needs to be joined in as R code output (e.g., an \code{<optioncolumn>}).
 #' @param var Either a character string (the name of the variable to combine to a vector or list),
-#'		or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node} (whose ID will be extracted and used). Also
-#'		accepts objects of class \code{rk.JS.arr}.
+#'    or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node} (whose ID will be extracted and used). Also
+#'    accepts objects of class \code{rk.JS.arr}.
 #' @param by Character string by which the values ought to be joined.
 #' @return An object of class \code{rk.JS.echo}.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.paste.JS]{rk.paste.JS}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 # @examples
 join <- function(var, by="\", \""){
-	if(inherits(var, "rk.JS.arr")){
-		arr.name  <- slot(object, "opt.name")
-	} else {
-		arr.name <- id(var)
-	}
+  if(inherits(var, "rk.JS.arr")){
+    arr.name  <- slot(object, "opt.name")
+  } else {
+    arr.name <- id(var)
+  }
-	JS.join <- new("rk.JS.echo",
-			value=paste0(camelCode(arr.name), ".join(", qp(by) ,")")
-		)
+  JS.join <- new("rk.JS.echo",
+      value=paste0(camelCode(arr.name), ".join(", qp(by) ,")")
+    )
-	return(JS.join)
+  return(JS.join)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/qp.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/qp.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/qp.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
 #' (\code{quote=TRUE, collapse=" + ", js=TRUE}). The abbreviation stands for "quote + plus".
 #' @param ... One or several character strings and/or \code{XiMpLe.node} objects with plugin nodes,
-#' 	and/or objects of classes \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt}, simply separated by comma.
+#'   and/or objects of classes \code{rk.JS.arr} or \code{rk.JS.opt}, simply separated by comma.
 #' @return A character string.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @examples
 #' # an example checkbox XML node
 #' cbox1 <- rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", value="foo1", id.name="CheckboxFoo.ID")
 #' qp("The variable name is: ", cbox1, "!")
 qp <- function(...){
-	result <- id(..., quote=TRUE, collapse=" + ", js=TRUE)
-	return(result)
+  result <- id(..., quote=TRUE, collapse=" + ", js=TRUE)
+  return(result)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -2,39 +2,39 @@
 ## wrapper for paste0() needed?
 if(isTRUE(R_system_version(getRversion()) < 2.15)){
-	# if this is an older R version, we need a wrapper function for paste0()
-	# which was introduced with R 2.15 as a more efficient shortcut to paste(..., sep="")
-	paste0 <- function(..., collapse=NULL){
-		return(paste(..., sep="", collapse=collapse))
-	}
+  # if this is an older R version, we need a wrapper function for paste0()
+  # which was introduced with R 2.15 as a more efficient shortcut to paste(..., sep="")
+  paste0 <- function(..., collapse=NULL){
+    return(paste(..., sep="", collapse=collapse))
+  }
 } else {}
 # info message
 generator.info <- rk.comment(paste0("this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.\n",
-			"perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!"))
+      "perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!"))
 ## function auto.ids()
 auto.ids <- function(identifiers, prefix=NULL, suffix=NULL, chars=8){
-	identifiers <- gsub("[[:space:]]*[^[:alnum:]]*", "", identifiers)
-	id.names <- ifelse(nchar(identifiers) > 8, abbreviate(identifiers, minlength=chars), identifiers)
-	# check for uniqueness
-	if(any(duplicated(id.names))){
-		warning("IDs are not unique, please check!")
-	} else {}
-	ids <- paste0(prefix, id.names, suffix)
-	return(ids)
+  identifiers <- gsub("[[:space:]]*[^[:alnum:]]*", "", identifiers)
+  id.names <- ifelse(nchar(identifiers) > 8, abbreviate(identifiers, minlength=chars), identifiers)
+  # check for uniqueness
+  if(any(duplicated(id.names))){
+    warning("IDs are not unique, please check!")
+  } else {}
+  ids <- paste0(prefix, id.names, suffix)
+  return(ids)
 } ## end function auto.ids()
 ## function stripCont()
 # get slots out of certain container objects
 stripCont <- function(obj, get="printout"){
-	if(inherits(obj, "rk.plot.opts")){
-		# if this is a plot options object, extract the XML slot
-		# and discard the rest
-		obj <- slot(obj, get)
-	} else {}
-	return(obj)
+  if(inherits(obj, "rk.plot.opts")){
+    # if this is a plot options object, extract the XML slot
+    # and discard the rest
+    obj <- slot(obj, get)
+  } else {}
+  return(obj)
 ## end function stripCont()
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ## function stripXML()
 # get XML node out of container objects
 stripXML <- function(obj){
-	return(stripCont(obj, get="XML"))
+  return(stripCont(obj, get="XML"))
 ## end function stripXML()
@@ -52,72 +52,72 @@
 # 'empty' can be used to make sure a tag is non-empty without actual value
 # this function also reduces rk.plot.opts objects to their XiMpLe.node slot
 child.list <- function(children, empty=TRUE){
-	if(is.XiMpLe.node(children)){
-		children <- list(children)
-	} else {
-		# if already a list, check if it's a list in a list and get it out
-		if(inherits(children, "list") & length(children) == 1){
-			if(inherits(children[[1]], "list")){
-				children <- children[[1]]
-			} else {}
-		} else if(identical(children, list()) & !isTRUE(empty)){
-			children <- list("")
-		} else {}
-		children <- lapply(children, function(this.child){
-				stripXML(this.child)
-			})
-	}
-	return(children)
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(children)){
+    children <- list(children)
+  } else {
+    # if already a list, check if it's a list in a list and get it out
+    if(inherits(children, "list") & length(children) == 1){
+      if(inherits(children[[1]], "list")){
+        children <- children[[1]]
+      } else {}
+    } else if(identical(children, list()) & !isTRUE(empty)){
+      children <- list("")
+    } else {}
+    children <- lapply(children, function(this.child){
+        stripXML(this.child)
+      })
+  }
+  return(children)
 } ## end function child.list()
 ## function trim()
 # cuts off space at start and end of a character string
 trim <- function(char){
-	char <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*", "", char)
-	char <- gsub("[[:space:]]*$", "", char)
-	return(char)
+  char <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*", "", char)
+  char <- gsub("[[:space:]]*$", "", char)
+  return(char)
 } ## end function trim()
 ## function indent()
 # will create tabs to format the output
 indent <- function(level, by="\t"){
-	paste(rep(by, level-1), collapse="")
+  paste(rep(by, level-1), collapse="")
 } ## end function indent()
 ## function checkCreateFiles()
 # used by rk.plugin.skeleton()
 checkCreateFiles <- function(file.name, ow, action=NULL){
-	if(all(file.exists(file.name), as.logical(ow)) | !file.exists(file.name)){
-		return(TRUE)
-	} else {
-		if(!is.null(action)){
-			action <- paste0(action, ": ")
-		} else {}
-		warning(paste0(action, "Skipping existing file ", file.name, "."), call.=FALSE)
-		return(FALSE)
-	}
+  if(all(file.exists(file.name), as.logical(ow)) | !file.exists(file.name)){
+    return(TRUE)
+  } else {
+    if(!is.null(action)){
+      action <- paste0(action, ": ")
+    } else {}
+    warning(paste0(action, "Skipping existing file ", file.name, "."), call.=FALSE)
+    return(FALSE)
+  }
 } ## end function checkCreateFiles()
 ## function get.single.tags()
 get.single.tags <- function(XML.obj, drop=NULL){
-	# determine if we need to read a file or process an XiMpLe object
-	if(is.XiMpLe.doc(XML.obj)){
-		single.tags <- trim(unlist(strsplit(pasteXMLTree(XML.obj, shine=1, indent.by=""), split="\n")))
-	} else if(is.XiMpLe.node(XML.obj)){
-		single.tags <- trim(unlist(strsplit(pasteXML(XML.obj, shine=1, indent.by=""), split="\n")))
-	} else if(!is.null(XML.obj)){
-		xml.raw <- paste(readLines(XML.obj), collapse=" ")
-		single.tags <- XiMpLe:::XML.single.tags(xml.raw, drop=drop)
-	} else {
-		return(NULL)
-	}
-	names(single.tags) <- NULL
+  # determine if we need to read a file or process an XiMpLe object
+  if(is.XiMpLe.doc(XML.obj)){
+    single.tags <- trim(unlist(strsplit(pasteXMLTree(XML.obj, shine=1, indent.by=""), split="\n")))
+  } else if(is.XiMpLe.node(XML.obj)){
+    single.tags <- trim(unlist(strsplit(pasteXML(XML.obj, shine=1, indent.by=""), split="\n")))
+  } else if(!is.null(XML.obj)){
+    xml.raw <- paste(readLines(XML.obj), collapse=" ")
+    single.tags <- XiMpLe:::XML.single.tags(xml.raw, drop=drop)
+  } else {
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+  names(single.tags) <- NULL
-	return(single.tags)
+  return(single.tags)
 } ## end function get.single.tags()
@@ -127,93 +127,93 @@
 # 'single.tags' can also contain XiMpLe.node objects
 get.IDs <- function(single.tags, relevant.tags, add.abbrev=FALSE, tag.names=FALSE, only.checkable=FALSE){
-	# filter for relevant tags
-	cleaned.tags <- list()
-	for(this.tag in child.list(single.tags)){
-		if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.tag)){
-			this.tag.name <- XMLName(this.tag)
-			if(this.tag.name %in% relevant.tags & "id" %in% names(XMLAttrs(this.tag))){
-				if(isTRUE(only.checkable) & this.tag.name %in% "frame"){
-					if("checkable" %in% names(XMLAttrs(this.tag))){
-						if(identical(XMLAttrs(this.tag)[["checkable"]], "true")){
-							cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
-						} else {}
-					} else {}
-				} else {
-					cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
-				}
-			} else {}
-		} else {
-			this.tag.name <- tolower(XiMpLe:::XML.tagName(this.tag))
-			# we're only interested in entries with an ID
-			if(this.tag.name %in% relevant.tags){
-				if("id" %in% names(XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag))){
-					if(isTRUE(only.checkable) & this.tag.name %in% "frame"){
-						if("checkable" %in% names(XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag))){
-							if(identical(XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag)[["checkable"]], "true")){
-								cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
-							} else {}
-						} else {}
-					} else {
-						cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
-					}
-				} else {}
-			} else {}
-		}
-	}
+  # filter for relevant tags
+  cleaned.tags <- list()
+  for(this.tag in child.list(single.tags)){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.tag)){
+      this.tag.name <- XMLName(this.tag)
+      if(this.tag.name %in% relevant.tags & "id" %in% names(XMLAttrs(this.tag))){
+        if(isTRUE(only.checkable) & this.tag.name %in% "frame"){
+          if("checkable" %in% names(XMLAttrs(this.tag))){
+            if(identical(XMLAttrs(this.tag)[["checkable"]], "true")){
+              cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
+            } else {}
+          } else {}
+        } else {
+          cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
+        }
+      } else {}
+    } else {
+      this.tag.name <- tolower(XiMpLe:::XML.tagName(this.tag))
+      # we're only interested in entries with an ID
+      if(this.tag.name %in% relevant.tags){
+        if("id" %in% names(XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag))){
+          if(isTRUE(only.checkable) & this.tag.name %in% "frame"){
+            if("checkable" %in% names(XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag))){
+              if(identical(XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag)[["checkable"]], "true")){
+                cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
+              } else {}
+            } else {}
+          } else {
+            cleaned.tags[length(cleaned.tags)+1] <- this.tag
+          }
+        } else {}
+      } else {}
+    }
+  }
-	ids <- t(sapply(cleaned.tags, function(this.tag){
-				if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.tag)){
-					this.tag.name <- XMLName(this.tag)
-					this.tag.id.abbrev <- this.tag.id <- XMLAttrs(this.tag)["id"]
-					# take care of one special case: optionsets
-					# they need the set ID to access the value from the dialog,
-					# but to be able to use only the optioncolumn in rkwaddev scripts
-					# as reference, the JavaScript variable must be generated from the
-					# column ID alone.
-					if(identical(this.tag.name, "optioncolumn")){
-						this.tag.setid <- XMLAttrs(this.tag)[["setid"]]
-						if(!is.null(this.tag.setid)){
-							this.tag.id <- paste(this.tag.setid, this.tag.id, sep=".")
-						} else {}
-						# for safety, prefix the column ID with a constant
-						this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev)
-					} else {}
-				} else {
-					this.tag.name <- XiMpLe:::XML.tagName(this.tag)
-					this.tag.id.abbrev <- this.tag.id <- XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag)[["id"]]
-					# see comment above for the next part
-					if(identical(this.tag.name, "optioncolumn")){
-						this.tag.setid <- XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag)[["setid"]]
-						if(!is.null(this.tag.setid)){
-							this.tag.id <- paste(this.tag.setid, this.tag.id, sep=".")
-						} else {}
-						# for safety, prefix the column ID with a constant
-						this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev)
-					} else {}
-				}
+  ids <- t(sapply(cleaned.tags, function(this.tag){
+        if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.tag)){
+          this.tag.name <- XMLName(this.tag)
+          this.tag.id.abbrev <- this.tag.id <- XMLAttrs(this.tag)["id"]
+          # take care of one special case: optionsets
+          # they need the set ID to access the value from the dialog,
+          # but to be able to use only the optioncolumn in rkwaddev scripts
+          # as reference, the JavaScript variable must be generated from the
+          # column ID alone.
+          if(identical(this.tag.name, "optioncolumn")){
+            this.tag.setid <- XMLAttrs(this.tag)[["setid"]]
+            if(!is.null(this.tag.setid)){
+              this.tag.id <- paste(this.tag.setid, this.tag.id, sep=".")
+            } else {}
+            # for safety, prefix the column ID with a constant
+            this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev)
+          } else {}
+        } else {
+          this.tag.name <- XiMpLe:::XML.tagName(this.tag)
+          this.tag.id.abbrev <- this.tag.id <- XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag)[["id"]]
+          # see comment above for the next part
+          if(identical(this.tag.name, "optioncolumn")){
+            this.tag.setid <- XiMpLe:::parseXMLAttr(this.tag)[["setid"]]
+            if(!is.null(this.tag.setid)){
+              this.tag.id <- paste(this.tag.setid, this.tag.id, sep=".")
+            } else {}
+            # for safety, prefix the column ID with a constant
+            this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev)
+          } else {}
+        }
-				if(isTRUE(add.abbrev)){
-					this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0(ID.prefix(this.tag.name), this.tag.id.abbrev)
-				} else {}
-			if(isTRUE(tag.names)){
-				return(c(id=this.tag.id, abbrev=this.tag.id.abbrev, tag=this.tag.name))
-			} else {
-				return(c(id=this.tag.id, abbrev=this.tag.id.abbrev))
-			}
-		}
-	))
-	rownames(ids) <- NULL
+        if(isTRUE(add.abbrev)){
+          this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0(ID.prefix(this.tag.name), this.tag.id.abbrev)
+        } else {}
+      if(isTRUE(tag.names)){
+        return(c(id=this.tag.id, abbrev=this.tag.id.abbrev, tag=this.tag.name))
+      } else {
+        return(c(id=this.tag.id, abbrev=this.tag.id.abbrev))
+      }
+    }
+  ))
+  rownames(ids) <- NULL
-	# do a check if all IDs are really unique
-	if("id" %in% names(ids)){
-		multiple.id <- duplicated(ids[,"id"])
-		if(any(multiple.id)){
-			warning(paste0("IDs are not unique:\n  ", paste(ids[multiple.id,"id"], collapse=", "), "\n  Expect errors!"))
-		} else {}
-	}
+  # do a check if all IDs are really unique
+  if("id" %in% names(ids)){
+    multiple.id <- duplicated(ids[,"id"])
+    if(any(multiple.id)){
+      warning(paste0("IDs are not unique:\n  ", paste(ids[multiple.id,"id"], collapse=", "), "\n  Expect errors!"))
+    } else {}
+  }
-	return(ids)
+  return(ids)
 } ## end function get.IDs()
 ## function check.optionset.tags()
@@ -225,32 +225,32 @@
 # set is discarded.
 # this extra attribute is evaluated by get.IDs().
 check.optionset.tags <- function(XML.obj, drop=NULL){
-	# if this is not a XiMpLe object, transform the file into one
-	if(!is.XiMpLe.node(XML.obj) && !is.XiMpLe.doc(XML.obj)){
-		XML.obj <- parseXMLTree(XML.obj, drop=drop)
-	} else {}
-	# first get a list of all optionsets
-	optionset.nodes <- child.list(XMLScan(XML.obj, "optionset"))
-	# are there any?
-	if(is.null(optionset.nodes)){
-		result <- get.single.tags(XML.obj=XML.obj, drop=drop)
-	} else {
-		# now go through all sets and combine setID with the IDs of optioncolumns
-		optioncolumnNewIDs <- unlist(sapply(optionset.nodes, function(thisNode){
-				thisCols <- child.list(XMLScan(thisNode, "optioncolumn"))
-				thisSetID <- XMLAttrs(thisNode)[["id"]]
-				thisNewCols <- unlist(sapply(thisCols, function(thisCol){
-						XMLAttrs(thisCol)[["setid"]] <- thisSetID
-						pastedTag <- get.single.tags(XML.obj=thisCol, drop=drop)
-						return(pastedTag)
-					}, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
-				return(thisNewCols)
-		# we don't need the set nodes any longer
-		XMLScan(XML.obj, "optionset") <- NULL
-		result <- c(optioncolumnNewIDs, get.single.tags(XML.obj=XML.obj, drop=drop))
-	}
-	return(result)
+  # if this is not a XiMpLe object, transform the file into one
+  if(!is.XiMpLe.node(XML.obj) && !is.XiMpLe.doc(XML.obj)){
+    XML.obj <- parseXMLTree(XML.obj, drop=drop)
+  } else {}
+  # first get a list of all optionsets
+  optionset.nodes <- child.list(XMLScan(XML.obj, "optionset"))
+  # are there any?
+  if(is.null(optionset.nodes)){
+    result <- get.single.tags(XML.obj=XML.obj, drop=drop)
+  } else {
+    # now go through all sets and combine setID with the IDs of optioncolumns
+    optioncolumnNewIDs <- unlist(sapply(optionset.nodes, function(thisNode){
+        thisCols <- child.list(XMLScan(thisNode, "optioncolumn"))
+        thisSetID <- XMLAttrs(thisNode)[["id"]]
+        thisNewCols <- unlist(sapply(thisCols, function(thisCol){
+            XMLAttrs(thisCol)[["setid"]] <- thisSetID
+            pastedTag <- get.single.tags(XML.obj=thisCol, drop=drop)
+            return(pastedTag)
+          }, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
+        return(thisNewCols)
+      }, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
+    # we don't need the set nodes any longer
+    XMLScan(XML.obj, "optionset") <- NULL
+    result <- c(optioncolumnNewIDs, get.single.tags(XML.obj=XML.obj, drop=drop))
+  }
+  return(result)
 } ## end function check.optionset.tags()
 ## function camelCode()
@@ -258,20 +258,20 @@
 # (except for the first one) to upper case
 camelCode <- function(words){
-	words <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(words, function(cur.word){
-			unlist(strsplit(cur.word, split="[._]"))
-		})))
+  words <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(words, function(cur.word){
+      unlist(strsplit(cur.word, split="[._]"))
+    })))
-	new.words <- sapply(words[-1], function(cur.word){
-		word.vector <- unlist(strsplit(cur.word, split=""))
-		word.vector[1] <- toupper(word.vector[1])
-		word.new <- paste(word.vector, collapse="")
-		return(word.new)
-	})
+  new.words <- sapply(words[-1], function(cur.word){
+    word.vector <- unlist(strsplit(cur.word, split=""))
+    word.vector[1] <- toupper(word.vector[1])
+    word.new <- paste(word.vector, collapse="")
+    return(word.new)
+  })
-	results <- paste0(words[1], paste(new.words, collapse=""))
+  results <- paste0(words[1], paste(new.words, collapse=""))
-	return(results)
+  return(results)
 } ## end function camelCode()
@@ -279,61 +279,61 @@
 # try to set useful default getter functions to query the values from XML nodes
 # will only be used if "guess.getter" is true
 JS.getters.default <- list(
-	"browser"="getString",
-	"checkbox"="getBoolean",
-	"dropdown"="getString",
-	"frame"="getBoolean",
-	"input"="getString",
-	"matrix"="getList",
-	"optioncolumn"="getList",
-	"radio"="getString",
-	"saveobject"="getString",
-	"spinbox"="getString",
-	"varslot"="getString"
+  "browser"="getString",
+  "checkbox"="getBoolean",
+  "dropdown"="getString",
+  "frame"="getBoolean",
+  "input"="getString",
+  "matrix"="getList",
+  "optioncolumn"="getList",
+  "radio"="getString",
+  "saveobject"="getString",
+  "spinbox"="getString",
+  "varslot"="getString"
 # we can also guess some fitting getter functions by the modifier set
 JS.getters.modif.default <- list(
-#	"active",
-#	"available",
-#	"calculate",
-	"checked"="getBoolean",
-	"checked.not"="getBoolean",
-	"checked.numeric"="getBoolean",
-	"dependent"="getString",
-	"enabled"="getBoolean",
-	"enabled.not"="getBoolean",
-	"enabled.numeric"="getBoolean",
-#	"false",
-	"fixed_factors"="getString",
-#	"int",
-	"label"="getString",
-	"labels"="getString",
-	"model"="getString",
-#	"not",
-#	"number",
-#	"numeric",
-	"objectname"="getString",
-	"parent"="getString",
-	"preprocess"="getString",
-	"preview"="getBoolean",
-	"printout"="getString",
-#	"real",
-	"required"="getBoolean",
-#	"root",
-#	"selected",
-#	"selection",
-	"shortname"="getString",
-	"source"="getString",
-	"state"="getBoolean",
-	"state.not"="getBoolean",
-	"state.numeric"="getBoolean",
-	"string"="getString",
-#	"table",
-	"text"="getString",
-#	"true",
-	"visible"="getBoolean",
-	"visible.not"="getBoolean",
-	"visible.numeric"="getBoolean"
+#  "active",
+#  "available",
+#  "calculate",
+  "checked"="getBoolean",
+  "checked.not"="getBoolean",
+  "checked.numeric"="getBoolean",
+  "dependent"="getString",
+  "enabled"="getBoolean",
+  "enabled.not"="getBoolean",
+  "enabled.numeric"="getBoolean",
+#  "false",
+  "fixed_factors"="getString",
+#  "int",
+  "label"="getString",
+  "labels"="getString",
+  "model"="getString",
+#  "not",
+#  "number",
+#  "numeric",
+  "objectname"="getString",
+  "parent"="getString",
+  "preprocess"="getString",
+  "preview"="getBoolean",
+  "printout"="getString",
+#  "real",
+  "required"="getBoolean",
+#  "root",
+#  "selected",
+#  "selection",
+  "shortname"="getString",
+  "source"="getString",
+  "state"="getBoolean",
+  "state.not"="getBoolean",
+  "state.numeric"="getBoolean",
+  "string"="getString",
+#  "table",
+  "text"="getString",
+#  "true",
+  "visible"="getBoolean",
+  "visible.not"="getBoolean",
+  "visible.numeric"="getBoolean"
 ## function get.JS.vars()
@@ -341,186 +341,186 @@
 # in XML will become
 #   var my.id = getValue("my.id");
 get.JS.vars <- function(JS.var, XML.var=NULL, tag.name=NULL, JS.prefix="", names.only=FALSE, modifiers=NULL, default=FALSE, join="",
-	getter="getValue", guess.getter=FALSE, check.modifiers=TRUE){
-	# check for XiMpLe nodes
-	JS.var <- check.ID(JS.var)
-	have.XiMpLe.var <- FALSE
-	if(!is.null(XML.var)){
-		if(is.XiMpLe.node(XML.var)){
-			have.XiMpLe.var <- TRUE
-			tag.name <- XMLName(XML.var)
-		} else if(is.null(tag.name)){
-			# hm, not a XiMpLe object and no known tag name :-/
-			# if this is simply a character string, the tag name will become ""
-			tag.name <- XMLName(XMLChildren(parseXMLTree(XML.var, object=TRUE))[[1]])
-		} else {}
+  getter="getValue", guess.getter=FALSE, check.modifiers=TRUE){
+  # check for XiMpLe nodes
+  JS.var <- check.ID(JS.var)
+  have.XiMpLe.var <- FALSE
+  if(!is.null(XML.var)){
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(XML.var)){
+      have.XiMpLe.var <- TRUE
+      tag.name <- XMLName(XML.var)
+    } else if(is.null(tag.name)){
+      # hm, not a XiMpLe object and no known tag name :-/
+      # if this is simply a character string, the tag name will become ""
+      tag.name <- XMLName(XMLChildren(parseXMLTree(XML.var, object=TRUE))[[1]])
+    } else {}
-		# check validity of modifiers value
-		if(!is.null(modifiers)){
-			if(identical(modifiers, "all")){
-				if(tag.name %in% names(all.valid.modifiers)){
-					modifiers <- all.valid.modifiers[[tag.name]]
-				} else {
-					modifiers <- NULL
-				}
-			} else {
-				if(identical(tag.name, "")){
-					modif.tag.name <- "all"
-				} else {
-					modif.tag.name <- tag.name
-				}
-				if(isTRUE(check.modifiers)){
-					modifiers <- modifiers[modif.validity(modif.tag.name,
-						modifier=child.list(modifiers), warn.only=TRUE, bool=TRUE)]
-				} else {}
-			}
-		} else {}
+    # check validity of modifiers value
+    if(!is.null(modifiers)){
+      if(identical(modifiers, "all")){
+        if(tag.name %in% names(all.valid.modifiers)){
+          modifiers <- all.valid.modifiers[[tag.name]]
+        } else {
+          modifiers <- NULL
+        }
+      } else {
+        if(identical(tag.name, "")){
+          modif.tag.name <- "all"
+        } else {
+          modif.tag.name <- tag.name
+        }
+        if(isTRUE(check.modifiers)){
+          modifiers <- modifiers[modif.validity(modif.tag.name,
+            modifier=child.list(modifiers), warn.only=TRUE, bool=TRUE)]
+        } else {}
+      }
+    } else {}
-		# check for getter guessing
-		if(isTRUE(guess.getter)){
-			if(tag.name %in% names(JS.getters.default)){
-				# special case: is a <checkbox> has a value other than
-				# "true" or "false", it's probably supposed to be fetched
-				# as string, not boolean
-				if(isTRUE(have.XiMpLe.var) && identical(tag.name, "checkbox") &&
-					any(!c(XMLAttrs(XML.var)[["value"]], XMLAttrs(XML.var)[["value_unchecked"]]) %in% c("true","false"))){
-					getter <- "getString"
-				} else {
-					# check if a modifier is given and we have a default for it
-					# modifiers were probably checked already
-					## TODO: currently this only works for one modifier of if all
-					## modifiers are fine with the same getter; maybe "getter"
-					## should become a vector like "modifiers"
-					if(!is.null(modifiers) && any(modifiers %in% names(JS.getters.modif.default))){
-						# find all matching modifiers
-						getter.modifs <- modifiers[modifiers %in% names(JS.getters.modif.default)]
-						all.getters <- unique(unlist(JS.getters.modif.default[getter.modifs]))
-						if(length(all.getters) > 1){
-							warning("For the modifiers you specified, different getter functions were found. Only using the first one!", call.=FALSE)
-							getter <- all.getters[1]
-						} else {
-							getter <- all.getters
-						}
-					} else {
-						getter <- JS.getters.default[[tag.name]]
-					}
-				}
-			} else {}
-		} else {
-			# if guess.getters is off but we're dealing with <matrix> or <optionset>,
-			# throw in a warning:
-			if(tag.name %in% c("matrix", "optioncolumn") && identical(getter, "getValue")){
-				warning(paste0("Your plugin contains the <", tag.name, "> element, but 'guess.getter' is off. ",
-					"Using the default getValue() on this node might cause problems!"), call.=FALSE)
-			} else {}
-		}
-		XML.var <- check.ID(XML.var)
-	} else {
-		XML.var <- check.ID(JS.var)
-	}
+    # check for getter guessing
+    if(isTRUE(guess.getter)){
+      if(tag.name %in% names(JS.getters.default)){
+        # special case: is a <checkbox> has a value other than
+        # "true" or "false", it's probably supposed to be fetched
+        # as string, not boolean
+        if(isTRUE(have.XiMpLe.var) && identical(tag.name, "checkbox") &&
+          any(!c(XMLAttrs(XML.var)[["value"]], XMLAttrs(XML.var)[["value_unchecked"]]) %in% c("true","false"))){
+          getter <- "getString"
+        } else {
+          # check if a modifier is given and we have a default for it
+          # modifiers were probably checked already
+          ## TODO: currently this only works for one modifier of if all
+          ## modifiers are fine with the same getter; maybe "getter"
+          ## should become a vector like "modifiers"
+          if(!is.null(modifiers) && any(modifiers %in% names(JS.getters.modif.default))){
+            # find all matching modifiers
+            getter.modifs <- modifiers[modifiers %in% names(JS.getters.modif.default)]
+            all.getters <- unique(unlist(JS.getters.modif.default[getter.modifs]))
+            if(length(all.getters) > 1){
+              warning("For the modifiers you specified, different getter functions were found. Only using the first one!", call.=FALSE)
+              getter <- all.getters[1]
+            } else {
+              getter <- all.getters
+            }
+          } else {
+            getter <- JS.getters.default[[tag.name]]
+          }
+        }
+      } else {}
+    } else {
+      # if guess.getters is off but we're dealing with <matrix> or <optionset>,
+      # throw in a warning:
+      if(tag.name %in% c("matrix", "optioncolumn") && identical(getter, "getValue")){
+        warning(paste0("Your plugin contains the <", tag.name, "> element, but 'guess.getter' is off. ",
+          "Using the default getValue() on this node might cause problems!"), call.=FALSE)
+      } else {}
+    }
+    XML.var <- check.ID(XML.var)
+  } else {
+    XML.var <- check.ID(JS.var)
+  }
-	if(is.null(JS.prefix)){
-		JS.prefix <- ""
-	} else {}
+  if(is.null(JS.prefix)){
+    JS.prefix <- ""
+  } else {}
-	if(isTRUE(names.only)){
-		results <- c()
-		if(is.null(modifiers) || isTRUE(default)){
-			results <- camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var))
-		} else {}
-		if(!is.null(modifiers)){
-			results <- c(results,
-				sapply(modifiers, function(this.modif){camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif))})
-			)
-		} else {}
-	} else {
-		if(is.null(modifiers)){
-			 modifiers <- list()
-		} else {}
-		results <- new("rk.JS.var",
-			JS.var=JS.var,
-			XML.var=XML.var,
-			prefix=JS.prefix,
-			modifiers=as.list(modifiers),
-			default=default,
-			join=join,
-			getter=getter)
-	}
+  if(isTRUE(names.only)){
+    results <- c()
+    if(is.null(modifiers) || isTRUE(default)){
+      results <- camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var))
+    } else {}
+    if(!is.null(modifiers)){
+      results <- c(results,
+        sapply(modifiers, function(this.modif){camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif))})
+      )
+    } else {}
+  } else {
+    if(is.null(modifiers)){
+       modifiers <- list()
+    } else {}
+    results <- new("rk.JS.var",
+      JS.var=JS.var,
+      XML.var=XML.var,
+      prefix=JS.prefix,
+      modifiers=as.list(modifiers),
+      default=default,
+      join=join,
+      getter=getter)
+  }
-	return(results)
+  return(results)
 } ## end function get.JS.vars()
 ## function ID.prefix()
 ID.prefix <- function(initial, abbr=TRUE, length=3, dot=FALSE){
-	if(isTRUE(abbr)){
-		prfx <- abbreviate(initial, minlength=length, strict=TRUE)
-	} else {
-		# currently empty, but can later be used to define fixed abbreviations
-		prfx <- NULL
-	}
-	if(isTRUE(dot)){
-		prfx <- paste0(prfx, ".")
-	} else {
-		prfx <- paste0(prfx, "_")
-	}
-	return(prfx)
+  if(isTRUE(abbr)){
+    prfx <- abbreviate(initial, minlength=length, strict=TRUE)
+  } else {
+    # currently empty, but can later be used to define fixed abbreviations
+    prfx <- NULL
+  }
+  if(isTRUE(dot)){
+    prfx <- paste0(prfx, ".")
+  } else {
+    prfx <- paste0(prfx, "_")
+  }
+  return(prfx)
 } ## end function ID.prefix()
 ## function node.soup()
 # pastes the nodes as XML, only alphanumeric characters, e.g. to generate auto-IDs
 node.soup <- function(nodes){
-	the.soup <- paste0(unlist(sapply(child.list(nodes), function(this.node){
-			if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.node)){
-				return(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", pasteXML(this.node, shine=0)))
-			} else {
-				stop(simpleError("Nodes must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
-			}
-		})), collapse="")
-	return(the.soup)
+  the.soup <- paste0(unlist(sapply(child.list(nodes), function(this.node){
+      if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.node)){
+        return(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", pasteXML(this.node, shine=0)))
+      } else {
+        stop(simpleError("Nodes must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
+      }
+    })), collapse="")
+  return(the.soup)
 } ## end function node.soup()
 ## function XML2person()
 # extracts the person/author info from XML "about" nodes
 XML2person <- function(node, eval=FALSE){
-		if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
-			# check if this is *really* a about section, otherwise die of boredom
-			if(!identical(XMLName(node), "about")){
-				stop(simpleError("I don't know what this is, but 'about' is not an about section!"))
-			} else {}
-		} else {
-			stop(simpleError("'about' must be a XiMpLe.node, see ?rk.XML.about()!"))
-		}
-	make.vector <- function(value){
-		if(grepl(",", value)){
-			value <- paste0("c(\"", paste(trim(unlist(strsplit(value, ","))), collapse="\", \""), "\")")
-		} else {
-			value <- paste0("\"", value, "\"")
-		}
-		return(value)
-	}
-	all.authors <- c()
-	for (this.child in XMLChildren(node)){
-		if(identical(XMLName(this.child), "author")){
-			attrs <- XMLAttrs(this.child)
-			given <- make.vector(attrs[["given"]])
-			family <- make.vector(attrs[["family"]])
-			email <- make.vector(attrs[["email"]])
-			role <- make.vector(attrs[["role"]])
-			this.author <- paste0("person(given=", given, ", family=", family, ", email=", email, ", role=", role, ")")
-			all.authors[length(all.authors) + 1] <- this.author
-		} else {}
-	}
-	if(length(all.authors) > 1){
-		all.authors <- paste0("c(", paste(all.authors, collapse=", "), ")")
-	} else {}
-	if(isTRUE(eval)){
-		all.authors <- eval(parse(text=all.authors))
-	} else {}
-	return(all.authors)
+    if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
+      # check if this is *really* a about section, otherwise die of boredom
+      if(!identical(XMLName(node), "about")){
+        stop(simpleError("I don't know what this is, but 'about' is not an about section!"))
+      } else {}
+    } else {
+      stop(simpleError("'about' must be a XiMpLe.node, see ?rk.XML.about()!"))
+    }
+  make.vector <- function(value){
+    if(grepl(",", value)){
+      value <- paste0("c(\"", paste(trim(unlist(strsplit(value, ","))), collapse="\", \""), "\")")
+    } else {
+      value <- paste0("\"", value, "\"")
+    }
+    return(value)
+  }
+  all.authors <- c()
+  for (this.child in XMLChildren(node)){
+    if(identical(XMLName(this.child), "author")){
+      attrs <- XMLAttrs(this.child)
+      given <- make.vector(attrs[["given"]])
+      family <- make.vector(attrs[["family"]])
+      email <- make.vector(attrs[["email"]])
+      role <- make.vector(attrs[["role"]])
+      this.author <- paste0("person(given=", given, ", family=", family, ", email=", email, ", role=", role, ")")
+      all.authors[length(all.authors) + 1] <- this.author
+    } else {}
+  }
+  if(length(all.authors) > 1){
+    all.authors <- paste0("c(", paste(all.authors, collapse=", "), ")")
+  } else {}
+  if(isTRUE(eval)){
+    all.authors <- eval(parse(text=all.authors))
+  } else {}
+  return(all.authors)
 } ## end function XML2person()
@@ -530,116 +530,116 @@
 # suggest=TRUE: Depends: R & RKWard; Suggests: packages
 # suggest=FALSE: Depends: R & RKWard & packages; suggests: none
 XML2dependencies <- function(node, suggest=TRUE, mode="suggest"){
-	if(!isTRUE(suggest) && identical(mode, "suggest")){
-		return("")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
-		# check if this is *really* a about section, otherwise die of boredom
-		if(!XMLName(node) %in% c("about", "dependencies")){
-			stop(simpleError("Please provide a valid about or dependencies section!"))
-		} else {}
-	} else {
-		stop(simpleError("'about' and/or 'dependencies' must be XiMpLe.nodes, see ?rk.XML.about() and ?rk.XML.dependencies()!"))
-	}
-	got.deps <- XMLScan(node, "dependencies")
-	if(!is.null(got.deps)){
-		deps.packages <- list()
-		# first see if RKWard and R versions are given
-		deps.RkR <- XMLAttrs(got.deps)
-		deps.RkR.options  <- names(deps.RkR)
-		R.min <- ifelse("R_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0(">= ", deps.RkR[["R_min_version"]]), "")
-		R.max <- ifelse("R_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0("< ", deps.RkR[["R_max_version"]]), "")
-		R.version.indices <- sum(!identical(R.min, ""), !identical(R.max, ""))
-		if(R.version.indices > 0 & identical(mode, "depends")){
-			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste0("R (", R.min, ifelse(R.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), R.max, ")")
-		} else {}
-		Rk.min <- ifelse("rkward_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0(">= ", deps.RkR[["rkward_min_version"]]), "")
-		Rk.max <- ifelse("rkward_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0("< ", deps.RkR[["rkward_max_version"]]), "")
-		Rk.version.indices <- sum(!identical(Rk.min, ""), !identical(Rk.max, ""))
-		if(Rk.version.indices > 0 && identical(mode, "depends")){
-			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste0("rkward (", Rk.min, ifelse(Rk.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), Rk.max, ")")
-		} else {}
-		check.deps.pckg <- sapply(XMLChildren(got.deps), function(this.child){identical(XMLName(this.child), "package")})
-		if(any(check.deps.pckg) && ((isTRUE(suggest) && identical(mode, "suggest")) | !isTRUE(suggest))){
-			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste(sapply(which(check.deps.pckg), function(this.pckg){
-					this.pckg.dep <- XMLAttrs(XMLChildren(got.deps)[[this.pckg]])
-					pckg.options <- names(this.pckg.dep)
-					pckg.name <- this.pckg.dep[["name"]]
-					pckg.min <- ifelse("min" %in% pckg.options, paste0(">= ", this.pckg.dep[["min"]]), "")
-					pckg.max <- ifelse("max" %in% pckg.options, paste0("< ", this.pckg.dep[["max"]]), "")
-					version.indices <- sum(!identical(pckg.min, ""), !identical(pckg.max, ""))
-					if(version.indices > 0){
-						pckg.version <- paste0(" (", pckg.min, ifelse(version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), pckg.max, ")")
-					} else {
-						pckg.version <- ""
-					}
-					return(paste0(pckg.name, pckg.version))
-				}), collapse=", ")
-		} else {}
-		results <- paste(unlist(deps.packages), collapse=", ")
-	} else {
-		results <- ""
-	}
-	return(results)
+  if(!isTRUE(suggest) && identical(mode, "suggest")){
+    return("")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
+    # check if this is *really* a about section, otherwise die of boredom
+    if(!XMLName(node) %in% c("about", "dependencies")){
+      stop(simpleError("Please provide a valid about or dependencies section!"))
+    } else {}
+  } else {
+    stop(simpleError("'about' and/or 'dependencies' must be XiMpLe.nodes, see ?rk.XML.about() and ?rk.XML.dependencies()!"))
+  }
+  got.deps <- XMLScan(node, "dependencies")
+  if(!is.null(got.deps)){
+    deps.packages <- list()
+    # first see if RKWard and R versions are given
+    deps.RkR <- XMLAttrs(got.deps)
+    deps.RkR.options  <- names(deps.RkR)
+    R.min <- ifelse("R_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0(">= ", deps.RkR[["R_min_version"]]), "")
+    R.max <- ifelse("R_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0("< ", deps.RkR[["R_max_version"]]), "")
+    R.version.indices <- sum(!identical(R.min, ""), !identical(R.max, ""))
+    if(R.version.indices > 0 & identical(mode, "depends")){
+      deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste0("R (", R.min, ifelse(R.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), R.max, ")")
+    } else {}
+    Rk.min <- ifelse("rkward_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0(">= ", deps.RkR[["rkward_min_version"]]), "")
+    Rk.max <- ifelse("rkward_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0("< ", deps.RkR[["rkward_max_version"]]), "")
+    Rk.version.indices <- sum(!identical(Rk.min, ""), !identical(Rk.max, ""))
+    if(Rk.version.indices > 0 && identical(mode, "depends")){
+      deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste0("rkward (", Rk.min, ifelse(Rk.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), Rk.max, ")")
+    } else {}
+    check.deps.pckg <- sapply(XMLChildren(got.deps), function(this.child){identical(XMLName(this.child), "package")})
+    if(any(check.deps.pckg) && ((isTRUE(suggest) && identical(mode, "suggest")) | !isTRUE(suggest))){
+      deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste(sapply(which(check.deps.pckg), function(this.pckg){
+          this.pckg.dep <- XMLAttrs(XMLChildren(got.deps)[[this.pckg]])
+          pckg.options <- names(this.pckg.dep)
+          pckg.name <- this.pckg.dep[["name"]]
+          pckg.min <- ifelse("min" %in% pckg.options, paste0(">= ", this.pckg.dep[["min"]]), "")
+          pckg.max <- ifelse("max" %in% pckg.options, paste0("< ", this.pckg.dep[["max"]]), "")
+          version.indices <- sum(!identical(pckg.min, ""), !identical(pckg.max, ""))
+          if(version.indices > 0){
+            pckg.version <- paste0(" (", pckg.min, ifelse(version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), pckg.max, ")")
+          } else {
+            pckg.version <- ""
+          }
+          return(paste0(pckg.name, pckg.version))
+        }), collapse=", ")
+    } else {}
+    results <- paste(unlist(deps.packages), collapse=", ")
+  } else {
+    results <- ""
+  }
+  return(results)
 } ## end function XML2dependencies()
 ## function get.by.role()
 # filters a vector with person objects by roles
 get.by.role <- function(persons, role="aut"){
-	role.filter <- function(x){is.null(r <- x$role) | role %in% r}
-	filtered.persons <- Filter(role.filter, persons)
-	return(filtered.persons)
+  role.filter <- function(x){is.null(r <- x$role) | role %in% r}
+  filtered.persons <- Filter(role.filter, persons)
+  return(filtered.persons)
 } ## end function get.by.role()
 ## function check.ID()
 check.ID <- function(node){
-	if(is.list(node)){
-		return(sapply(node, check.ID))
-	} else {}
+  if(is.list(node)){
+    return(sapply(node, check.ID))
+  } else {}
-	if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
-		node.ID <- XMLAttrs(node)[["id"]]
-	} else if(is.character(node)){
-		node.ID <- node
-	} else {
-		stop(simpleError("Can't find an ID!"))
-	}
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
+    node.ID <- XMLAttrs(node)[["id"]]
+  } else if(is.character(node)){
+    node.ID <- node
+  } else {
+    stop(simpleError("Can't find an ID!"))
+  }
-	if(is.null(node.ID)){
-		warning("ID is NULL!")
-	} else {}
+  if(is.null(node.ID)){
+    warning("ID is NULL!")
+  } else {}
-	names(node.ID) <- NULL
+  names(node.ID) <- NULL
-	return(node.ID)
+  return(node.ID)
 } ## end function check.ID()
 ## list with valid modifiers
 all.valid.modifiers <- list(
-	all=c("", "visible", "visible.not", "visible.numeric", "enabled", "enabled.not", "enabled.numeric",
-	"required", "true", "false", "not", "numeric", "preprocess", "calculate", "printout", "preview"),
-	browser=c("selection"),
-	checkbox=c("state", "state.not", "state.numeric"),
-	dropdown=c("string", "number"),
+  all=c("", "visible", "visible.not", "visible.numeric", "enabled", "enabled.not", "enabled.numeric",
+  "required", "true", "false", "not", "numeric", "preprocess", "calculate", "printout", "preview"),
+  browser=c("selection"),
+  checkbox=c("state", "state.not", "state.numeric"),
+  dropdown=c("string", "number"),
 # removed embed, can be all sorts of stuff, see e.g. generic plot options
-#	embed=c("code"),
+#  embed=c("code"),
 # for the same reason external is not listed here
-	frame=c("checked", "checked.not", "checked.numeric"),
-	input=c("text"),
-	formula=c("model", "table", "labels", "fixed_factors", "dependent"),
-	matrix=c("rows", "columns", "tsv", "cbind"), # TODO: missing a solution for 1,2,3,... here
-	# option=c(),
-	optionset=c("row_count", "current_row", "optioncolumn_ids"),
-	preview=c("state", "state.not", "state.numeric"),
-	radio=c("string", "number"),
-	saveobject=c("selection", "parent", "objectname", "active"),
-	spinbox=c("int", "real"),
-	text=c("text"),
-	varselector=c("selected", "root"),
-	varslot=c("available", "selected", "source", "shortname", "label")
+  frame=c("checked", "checked.not", "checked.numeric"),
+  input=c("text"),
+  formula=c("model", "table", "labels", "fixed_factors", "dependent"),
+  matrix=c("rows", "columns", "tsv", "cbind"), # TODO: missing a solution for 1,2,3,... here
+  # option=c(),
+  optionset=c("row_count", "current_row", "optioncolumn_ids"),
+  preview=c("state", "state.not", "state.numeric"),
+  radio=c("string", "number"),
+  saveobject=c("selection", "parent", "objectname", "active"),
+  spinbox=c("int", "real"),
+  text=c("text"),
+  varselector=c("selected", "root"),
+  varslot=c("available", "selected", "source", "shortname", "label")
 ) ## end list with valid modifiers
@@ -647,59 +647,59 @@
 # checks if a modifier is valid for an XML node, if source is XiMpLe.node
 # if bool=FALSE, returns the modifier or ""
 modif.validity <- function(source, modifier, ignore.empty=TRUE, warn.only=TRUE, bool=TRUE){
-	if(identical(modifier, "") & isTRUE(ignore.empty)){
-		if(isTRUE(bool)){
-			return(TRUE)
-		} else {
-			return(modifier)
-		}
-	} else {}
+  if(identical(modifier, "") & isTRUE(ignore.empty)){
+    if(isTRUE(bool)){
+      return(TRUE)
+    } else {
+      return(modifier)
+    }
+  } else {}
-	if(is.XiMpLe.node(source)){
-		tag.name <- XMLName(source)
-		# certain elemens/embedded plugins can have all sorts of modifiers
-		if(tag.name %in% c("embed", "external", "switch")){
-			if(isTRUE(bool)){
-				return(TRUE)
-			} else {
-				return(modifier)
-			}
-		} else {}
-	} else if(identical(source, "all")){
-		tag.name <- "<any tag>"
-	} else {
-		tag.name <- source
-	}
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(source)){
+    tag.name <- XMLName(source)
+    # certain elemens/embedded plugins can have all sorts of modifiers
+    if(tag.name %in% c("embed", "external", "switch")){
+      if(isTRUE(bool)){
+        return(TRUE)
+      } else {
+        return(modifier)
+      }
+    } else {}
+  } else if(identical(source, "all")){
+    tag.name <- "<any tag>"
+  } else {
+    tag.name <- source
+  }
-	if(tag.name %in% names(all.valid.modifiers)){
-		valid.modifs <- c(all.valid.modifiers[["all"]], all.valid.modifiers[[tag.name]])
-	} else if(identical(tag.name, "<any tag>")){
-		valid.modifs <- unique(unlist(all.valid.modifiers))
-	} else {
-		valid.modifs <- c(all.valid.modifiers[["all"]])
-	}
+  if(tag.name %in% names(all.valid.modifiers)){
+    valid.modifs <- c(all.valid.modifiers[["all"]], all.valid.modifiers[[tag.name]])
+  } else if(identical(tag.name, "<any tag>")){
+    valid.modifs <- unique(unlist(all.valid.modifiers))
+  } else {
+    valid.modifs <- c(all.valid.modifiers[["all"]])
+  }
-	invalid.modif <- !unlist(modifier) %in% valid.modifs
-	if(any(invalid.modif)){
-		if(isTRUE(warn.only)){
-			warning(paste0("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
-				paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", ")), call.=FALSE)
-			if(isTRUE(bool)){
-				return(!invalid.modif)
-			} else {
-				return("")
-			}
-		} else {
-			stop(simpleError(paste0("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
-				paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", "))))
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(isTRUE(bool)){
-			return(!invalid.modif)
-		} else {
-			return(modifier)
-		}
-	}
+  invalid.modif <- !unlist(modifier) %in% valid.modifs
+  if(any(invalid.modif)){
+    if(isTRUE(warn.only)){
+      warning(paste0("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
+        paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", ")), call.=FALSE)
+      if(isTRUE(bool)){
+        return(!invalid.modif)
+      } else {
+        return("")
+      }
+    } else {
+      stop(simpleError(paste0("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
+        paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", "))))
+    }
+  } else {
+    if(isTRUE(bool)){
+      return(!invalid.modif)
+    } else {
+      return(modifier)
+    }
+  }
 } ## end function modif.validity()
@@ -707,31 +707,31 @@
 # important for certain parent nodes, as long as
 # XiMpLe doesn't interpret doctypes
 all.valid.children <- list(
-	# 'as' is not a node, but an attribute of <copy>
-	as=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
-		"dropdown", "formula", "frame", "input", "page", "radio", "row", "saveobject",
-		"spinbox", "stretch", "tabbook", "text", "varselector", "varslot"),
-	component=c("dependencies"),
-	components=c("component"),
-	context=c("menu", "!--"),
-	dialog=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
-		"dropdown", "embed", "formula", "frame", "include", "input", "insert", "matrix",
-		"optionset", "preview", "radio", "row", "saveobject", "spinbox", "stretch", "tabbook",
-		"text", "varselector", "varslot", "!--"),
-	hierarchy=c("menu", "!--"),
-	logic=c("connect", "convert", "dependency_check", "external", "include", "insert",
-		"script", "set", "switch"),
-	menu=c("entry", "menu", "!--"),
-	optionset=c("content", "logic", "optioncolumn"),
-	page=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
-		"dropdown", "formula", "frame", "input", "matrix", "optionset", "page", "radio",
-		"row", "saveobject", "spinbox", "stretch", "tabbook", "text", "varselector",
-		"varslot", "!--"),
-	settings=c("setting", "caption", "!--"),
-	wizard=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
-		"dropdown", "embed", "formula", "frame", "include", "input", "insert", "matrix",
-		"optionset", "page", "preview", "radio", "row", "saveobject", "spinbox", "stretch",
-		"tabbook", "text", "varselector", "varslot", "!--")
+  # 'as' is not a node, but an attribute of <copy>
+  as=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
+    "dropdown", "formula", "frame", "input", "page", "radio", "row", "saveobject",
+    "spinbox", "stretch", "tabbook", "text", "varselector", "varslot"),
+  component=c("dependencies"),
+  components=c("component"),
+  context=c("menu", "!--"),
+  dialog=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
+    "dropdown", "embed", "formula", "frame", "include", "input", "insert", "matrix",
+    "optionset", "preview", "radio", "row", "saveobject", "spinbox", "stretch", "tabbook",
+    "text", "varselector", "varslot", "!--"),
+  hierarchy=c("menu", "!--"),
+  logic=c("connect", "convert", "dependency_check", "external", "include", "insert",
+    "script", "set", "switch"),
+  menu=c("entry", "menu", "!--"),
+  optionset=c("content", "logic", "optioncolumn"),
+  page=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
+    "dropdown", "formula", "frame", "input", "matrix", "optionset", "page", "radio",
+    "row", "saveobject", "spinbox", "stretch", "tabbook", "text", "varselector",
+    "varslot", "!--"),
+  settings=c("setting", "caption", "!--"),
+  wizard=c("browser", "checkbox", "column", "copy",
+    "dropdown", "embed", "formula", "frame", "include", "input", "insert", "matrix",
+    "optionset", "page", "preview", "radio", "row", "saveobject", "spinbox", "stretch",
+    "tabbook", "text", "varselector", "varslot", "!--")
 ) ## end list with valid child nodes
@@ -743,33 +743,33 @@
 #   (if it shouldn't be the parent name)
 # - node names: can alternatively be given instead of 'children', as character vector
 valid.child <- function(parent, children, warn=FALSE, section=parent, node.names=NULL){
-	if(is.null(node.names)){
-		# check the node names and allow only valid ones
-		node.names <- sapply(child.list(children), function(this.child){
-				# if this is a plot options object, by default extract the XML slot
-				# and discard the rest
-				this.child <- stripXML(this.child)
+  if(is.null(node.names)){
+    # check the node names and allow only valid ones
+    node.names <- sapply(child.list(children), function(this.child){
+        # if this is a plot options object, by default extract the XML slot
+        # and discard the rest
+        this.child <- stripXML(this.child)
-				if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)){
-					return(XMLName(this.child))
-				} else {
-					stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid object for ", section, " section, must be of class XiMpLe.node, but got class ", class(this.child), "!")))
-				}
-			})
-	} else {}
+        if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.child)){
+          return(XMLName(this.child))
+        } else {
+          stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid object for ", section, " section, must be of class XiMpLe.node, but got class ", class(this.child), "!")))
+        }
+      })
+  } else {}
-	invalid.sets <- !node.names %in% all.valid.children[[parent]]
-	if(any(invalid.sets)){
-		return.message <- paste0("Invalid XML nodes for ", section, " section: ", paste(node.names[invalid.sets], collapse=", "))
-		if(isTRUE(warn)){
-			warning(return.message)
-			return(FALSE)
-		} else {
-			stop(simpleError(return.message))
-		}
-	} else {
-		return(TRUE)
-	}
+  invalid.sets <- !node.names %in% all.valid.children[[parent]]
+  if(any(invalid.sets)){
+    return.message <- paste0("Invalid XML nodes for ", section, " section: ", paste(node.names[invalid.sets], collapse=", "))
+    if(isTRUE(warn)){
+      warning(return.message)
+      return(FALSE)
+    } else {
+      stop(simpleError(return.message))
+    }
+  } else {
+    return(TRUE)
+  }
 } ## end function valid.child()
@@ -780,321 +780,321 @@
 # - warn: warning or stop?
 # - see: name of the function to check docs for
 valid.parent <- function(parent, node, warn=FALSE, see=NULL){
-	if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
-		node.name <- XMLName(node)
-		if(identical(node.name, parent)){
-			return(TRUE)
-		} else {
-			return.message <- paste0("I don't know what this is, but '", parent, "' is not a <", parent, "> section!")
-			if(isTRUE(warn)){
-				warning(return.message)
-				return(FALSE)
-			} else {
-				stop(simpleError(return.message))
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		stop(simpleError(
-				paste0("'", parent, "' must be a XiMpLe.node",
-					if(!is.null(see)){paste0(", see ?", see)},
-					"!"))
-			)
-	}
+  if(is.XiMpLe.node(node)){
+    node.name <- XMLName(node)
+    if(identical(node.name, parent)){
+      return(TRUE)
+    } else {
+      return.message <- paste0("I don't know what this is, but '", parent, "' is not a <", parent, "> section!")
+      if(isTRUE(warn)){
+        warning(return.message)
+        return(FALSE)
+      } else {
+        stop(simpleError(return.message))
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    stop(simpleError(
+        paste0("'", parent, "' must be a XiMpLe.node",
+          if(!is.null(see)){paste0(", see ?", see)},
+          "!"))
+      )
+  }
 } ## end function valid.parent()
 ## function check.type()
 check.type <- function(value, type, var.name, warn.only=TRUE){
-	if(inherits(value, type)){
-		return(invisible(NULL))
-	} else {
-		msg.text <- paste0(sQuote(var.name), " should be of type ", type, "!")
-		if(isTRUE(warn.only)){
-			warning(msg.text)
-		} else {
-			stop(simpleError(msg.text))
-		}
-	}
+  if(inherits(value, type)){
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+  } else {
+    msg.text <- paste0(sQuote(var.name), " should be of type ", type, "!")
+    if(isTRUE(warn.only)){
+      warning(msg.text)
+    } else {
+      stop(simpleError(msg.text))
+    }
+  }
 } ## end function check.type()
 ## function clean.name()
 clean.name <- function(name, message=TRUE){
-	name.orig <- name
-	name <- gsub("[[:space:]]*[^[:alnum:]_.]*", "", name)
-	if(!identical(name.orig, name)){
-		if(isTRUE(message)){
-			message(paste0("For file names ", sQuote(name.orig), " was renamed to ", sQuote(name), "."))
-		} else {}
-	} else {}
-	return(name)
+  name.orig <- name
+  name <- gsub("[[:space:]]*[^[:alnum:]_.]*", "", name)
+  if(!identical(name.orig, name)){
+    if(isTRUE(message)){
+      message(paste0("For file names ", sQuote(name.orig), " was renamed to ", sQuote(name), "."))
+    } else {}
+  } else {}
+  return(name)
 } ## end function clean.name()
 ## function paste.JS.ite()
 paste.JS.ite <- function(object, level=1, indent.by="\t", recurse=FALSE, empty.e=FALSE){
-	stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.ite"))
-	# check indentation
-	main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
-	scnd.indent <- indent(level+1, by=indent.by)
+  stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.ite"))
+  # check indentation
+  main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
+  scnd.indent <- indent(level+1, by=indent.by)
-	# if this is not a single "if" but an "else if", do not indent
-	if(isTRUE(recurse)){
-		ifJS <- paste0("if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n")
-	} else {
-		ifJS <- paste0(main.indent, "if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n")
-	}
+  # if this is not a single "if" but an "else if", do not indent
+  if(isTRUE(recurse)){
+    ifJS <- paste0("if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n")
+  } else {
+    ifJS <- paste0(main.indent, "if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n")
+  }
-	if(nchar(slot(object, "thenJS")) > 0) {
-		# chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
-		thenJS.clean <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", slot(object, "thenJS"))
-		thenJS <- paste0(scnd.indent, thenJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}")
-	} else {
-		# if there is another rk.JS.ite object, call with recursion
-		if(length(slot(object, "thenifJS")) == 1){
-			thenJS <- paste0(paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "thenifJS")[[1]], level=level+1, indent.by=indent.by), "\n", main.indent, "}")
-		} else {}
-	}
+  if(nchar(slot(object, "thenJS")) > 0) {
+    # chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
+    thenJS.clean <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", slot(object, "thenJS"))
+    thenJS <- paste0(scnd.indent, thenJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}")
+  } else {
+    # if there is another rk.JS.ite object, call with recursion
+    if(length(slot(object, "thenifJS")) == 1){
+      thenJS <- paste0(paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "thenifJS")[[1]], level=level+1, indent.by=indent.by), "\n", main.indent, "}")
+    } else {}
+  }
-	if(nchar(slot(object, "elseJS")) > 0) {
-		# chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
-		elseJS.clean <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", slot(object, "elseJS"))
-		elseJS <- paste0(" else {\n", scnd.indent, elseJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}")
-	} else {
-		# if there is another rk.JS.ite object, call with recursion
-		if(length(slot(object, "elifJS")) == 1){
-			elseJS <- paste0(" else ", paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "elifJS")[[1]], level=level, indent.by=indent.by, recurse=TRUE))
-		} else {
-			if(isTRUE(empty.e)){
-				# close for sure with an empty "else"
-				elseJS <- " else {}"
-			} else {
-				elseJS <- NULL
-			}
-		}
-	}
+  if(nchar(slot(object, "elseJS")) > 0) {
+    # chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
+    elseJS.clean <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", slot(object, "elseJS"))
+    elseJS <- paste0(" else {\n", scnd.indent, elseJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}")
+  } else {
+    # if there is another rk.JS.ite object, call with recursion
+    if(length(slot(object, "elifJS")) == 1){
+      elseJS <- paste0(" else ", paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "elifJS")[[1]], level=level, indent.by=indent.by, recurse=TRUE))
+    } else {
+      if(isTRUE(empty.e)){
+        # close for sure with an empty "else"
+        elseJS <- " else {}"
+      } else {
+        elseJS <- NULL
+      }
+    }
+  }
-	result <- paste0(ifJS, thenJS, elseJS, collapse="")
+  result <- paste0(ifJS, thenJS, elseJS, collapse="")
-	return(result)
+  return(result)
 } ## end function paste.JS.ite()
 ## function paste.JS.array()
 paste.JS.array <- function(object, level=2, indent.by="\t", funct=NULL){
-	stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.arr"))
-	# check indentation
-	main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
-	scnd.indent <- indent(level+1, by=indent.by)
+  stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.arr"))
+  # check indentation
+  main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
+  scnd.indent <- indent(level+1, by=indent.by)
-	arr.name  <- slot(object, "arr.name")
-	opt.name  <- slot(object, "opt.name")
-	variables <- slot(object, "variables")
-	quote     <- slot(object, "quote")
-	option    <- slot(object, "option")
-	if(is.null(funct)){
-		funct <- slot(object, "funct")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(funct) | identical(funct, "")){
-		funct.start <- ""
-		funct.end <- ""
-	} else {
-		funct.start <- paste0(funct, "(")
-		funct.end <- ")"
-	}
-	JS.array <- paste0(
-		main.indent, "// define the array ", arr.name, " for values of R option \"", option, "\"\n",
-		main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n",
-		main.indent, arr.name, ".push(",
-		paste(variables, collapse=", "), ");\n",
-		main.indent, "// clean array ", arr.name, " from empty strings\n",
-		main.indent, arr.name, " = ", arr.name, ".filter(String);\n",
-		main.indent, "// set the actual variable ", opt.name,
-		ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(" for R option \"", option)),
-		ifelse(identical(funct, ""), "\"", paste0("=", funct, "()\"")), "\n",
-		main.indent, "if(", arr.name, ".length > 0) {\n",
-		scnd.indent, "var ", opt.name, " = \", ",
-		ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(option, "=")),
-		ifelse(isTRUE(quote),
-			paste0(funct.start, "\\\"\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\"\\\", \\\"\") + \"\\\"",funct.end,"\";\n"),
-			paste0(funct.start, "\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\", \") + \"",funct.end,"\";\n")
-		),
-		main.indent, "} else {\n",
-		scnd.indent, "var ", opt.name, " = \"\";\n",
-		main.indent, "}\n")
+  arr.name  <- slot(object, "arr.name")
+  opt.name  <- slot(object, "opt.name")
+  variables <- slot(object, "variables")
+  quote     <- slot(object, "quote")
+  option    <- slot(object, "option")
+  if(is.null(funct)){
+    funct <- slot(object, "funct")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(funct) | identical(funct, "")){
+    funct.start <- ""
+    funct.end <- ""
+  } else {
+    funct.start <- paste0(funct, "(")
+    funct.end <- ")"
+  }
+  JS.array <- paste0(
+    main.indent, "// define the array ", arr.name, " for values of R option \"", option, "\"\n",
+    main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n",
+    main.indent, arr.name, ".push(",
+    paste(variables, collapse=", "), ");\n",
+    main.indent, "// clean array ", arr.name, " from empty strings\n",
+    main.indent, arr.name, " = ", arr.name, ".filter(String);\n",
+    main.indent, "// set the actual variable ", opt.name,
+    ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(" for R option \"", option)),
+    ifelse(identical(funct, ""), "\"", paste0("=", funct, "()\"")), "\n",
+    main.indent, "if(", arr.name, ".length > 0) {\n",
+    scnd.indent, "var ", opt.name, " = \", ",
+    ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(option, "=")),
+    ifelse(isTRUE(quote),
+      paste0(funct.start, "\\\"\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\"\\\", \\\"\") + \"\\\"",funct.end,"\";\n"),
+      paste0(funct.start, "\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\", \") + \"",funct.end,"\";\n")
+    ),
+    main.indent, "} else {\n",
+    scnd.indent, "var ", opt.name, " = \"\";\n",
+    main.indent, "}\n")
-	return(JS.array)
+  return(JS.array)
 } ## end function paste.JS.array()
 ## function paste.JS.options()
 paste.JS.options <- function(object, level=2, indent.by="\t", array=NULL, funct=NULL){
-	stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.opt"))
-	# check indentation
-	main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
-	scnd.indent <- indent(level+1, by=indent.by)
+  stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.opt"))
+  # check indentation
+  main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
+  scnd.indent <- indent(level+1, by=indent.by)
-	variable  <- slot(object, "var.name")
-	option    <- slot(object, "opt.name")
-	arr.name  <- camelCode(c("arr", variable))
-	collapse  <- slot(object, "collapse")
-	ifs       <- slot(object, "ifs")
-	if(is.null(array)){
-		array  <- slot(object, "array")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(funct)){
-		funct <- slot(object, "funct")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(funct) | identical(funct, "")){
-		funct.start <- ""
-		funct.end <- ""
-	} else {
-		funct.start <- paste0(funct, "(")
-		funct.end <- ")"
-	}
+  variable  <- slot(object, "var.name")
+  option    <- slot(object, "opt.name")
+  arr.name  <- camelCode(c("arr", variable))
+  collapse  <- slot(object, "collapse")
+  ifs       <- slot(object, "ifs")
+  if(is.null(array)){
+    array  <- slot(object, "array")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(funct)){
+    funct <- slot(object, "funct")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(funct) | identical(funct, "")){
+    funct.start <- ""
+    funct.end <- ""
+  } else {
+    funct.start <- paste0(funct, "(")
+    funct.end <- ")"
+  }
-	# a function to add the object stuff to ite objects
-	add.opts <- function(this.ite, collapse, array){
-		if(isTRUE(array)){
-			slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste0(arr.name, ".push(", slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),");")
-		} else {
-			slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste0(variable, " += ", collapse, slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),";")
-		}
-		if(length(slot(this.ite, "elifJS")) == 1){
-			slot(this.ite, "elifJS") <- list(add.opts(slot(this.ite, "elifJS")[[1]]))
-		} else {}
-		return(this.ite)
-	}
+  # a function to add the object stuff to ite objects
+  add.opts <- function(this.ite, collapse, array){
+    if(isTRUE(array)){
+      slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste0(arr.name, ".push(", slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),");")
+    } else {
+      slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste0(variable, " += ", collapse, slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),";")
+    }
+    if(length(slot(this.ite, "elifJS")) == 1){
+      slot(this.ite, "elifJS") <- list(add.opts(slot(this.ite, "elifJS")[[1]]))
+    } else {}
+    return(this.ite)
+  }
-	# the object class makes sure this is a list of rk.JS.ite objects
-	ifs.pasted <- sapply(1:length(ifs), function(thisIf.num){
-		thisIf <- ifs[[thisIf.num]]
-		# skip the first collapse
-		if(thisIf.num > 1){
-			this.collapse <- collapse
-		} else {
-			this.collapse <- ""
-		}
-		paste.JS.ite(add.opts(thisIf, collapse=this.collapse, array=array), level=level+1, indent.by=indent.by)
-	})
+  # the object class makes sure this is a list of rk.JS.ite objects
+  ifs.pasted <- sapply(1:length(ifs), function(thisIf.num){
+    thisIf <- ifs[[thisIf.num]]
+    # skip the first collapse
+    if(thisIf.num > 1){
+      this.collapse <- collapse
+    } else {
+      this.collapse <- ""
+    }
+    paste.JS.ite(add.opts(thisIf, collapse=this.collapse, array=array), level=level+1, indent.by=indent.by)
+  })
-	JS.options <- paste0(
-		if(isTRUE(array)){
-			paste0(
-				main.indent, "// define the array ", arr.name, " for values of R option \"", option, "\"\n",
-				main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n")
-		} else {
-			paste0(main.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n")
-		},
-		paste0(ifs.pasted, collapse="\n"), "\n",
-		if(isTRUE(array)){
-			paste0(
-				main.indent, "// clean array ", arr.name, " from empty strings\n",
-				main.indent, arr.name, " = ", arr.name, ".filter(String);\n",
-				main.indent, "// set the actual variable ", variable, " with all values for R option \"", option, "\"\n",
-				main.indent, "if(", arr.name, ".length > 0) {\n",
-				scnd.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"", collapse,
-				ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(option, "=")),
-				funct.start, "\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\", \") + \"",funct.end,"\";\n",
-				main.indent, "} else {\n",
-				scnd.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n",
-				main.indent, "}\n")
-		} else {})
+  JS.options <- paste0(
+    if(isTRUE(array)){
+      paste0(
+        main.indent, "// define the array ", arr.name, " for values of R option \"", option, "\"\n",
+        main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n")
+    } else {
+      paste0(main.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n")
+    },
+    paste0(ifs.pasted, collapse="\n"), "\n",
+    if(isTRUE(array)){
+      paste0(
+        main.indent, "// clean array ", arr.name, " from empty strings\n",
+        main.indent, arr.name, " = ", arr.name, ".filter(String);\n",
+        main.indent, "// set the actual variable ", variable, " with all values for R option \"", option, "\"\n",
+        main.indent, "if(", arr.name, ".length > 0) {\n",
+        scnd.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"", collapse,
+        ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(option, "=")),
+        funct.start, "\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\", \") + \"",funct.end,"\";\n",
+        main.indent, "} else {\n",
+        scnd.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n",
+        main.indent, "}\n")
+    } else {})
-	return(JS.options)
+  return(JS.options)
 } ## end function paste.JS.options()
 ## function paste.JS.var()
 paste.JS.var <- function(object, level=2, indent.by="\t", JS.prefix=NULL, modifiers=NULL, default=NULL, join=NULL,
-	getter=NULL, names.only=FALSE, check.modifiers=FALSE){
-	# paste several objects
-	results <- unlist(sapply(slot(object, "vars"), function(this.obj){
-			paste.JS.var(this.obj,
-					level=level,
-					indent.by=indent.by,
-					JS.prefix=JS.prefix,
-					modifiers=modifiers,
-					default=default,
-					join=join,
-					getter=getter,
-					names.only=names.only)}))
-	if(!isTRUE(names.only) & !is.null(results)){
-		results <- paste(results, collapse="\n")
-	}
-	if(!isTRUE(names.only)){
-		results <- paste(results, collapse="")
-	} else {}
+  getter=NULL, names.only=FALSE, check.modifiers=FALSE){
+  # paste several objects
+  results <- unlist(sapply(slot(object, "vars"), function(this.obj){
+      paste.JS.var(this.obj,
+          level=level,
+          indent.by=indent.by,
+          JS.prefix=JS.prefix,
+          modifiers=modifiers,
+          default=default,
+          join=join,
+          getter=getter,
+          names.only=names.only)}))
+  if(!isTRUE(names.only) & !is.null(results)){
+    results <- paste(results, collapse="\n")
+  }
+  if(!isTRUE(names.only)){
+    results <- paste(results, collapse="")
+  } else {}
-	stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.var"))
-	# check indentation
-	main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
+  stopifnot(inherits(object, "rk.JS.var"))
+  # check indentation
+  main.indent <- indent(level, by=indent.by)
-	JS.var         <- slot(object, "JS.var")
-	XML.var        <- slot(object, "XML.var")
-	if(is.null(JS.prefix)){
-		JS.prefix  <- slot(object, "prefix")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(modifiers)){
-		modifiers  <- slot(object, "modifiers")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(default)){
-		default     <- slot(object, "default")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(join)){
-		join        <- slot(object, "join")
-	} else {}
-	if(is.null(getter)){
-		getter      <- slot(object, "getter")
-	} else {}
+  JS.var         <- slot(object, "JS.var")
+  XML.var        <- slot(object, "XML.var")
+  if(is.null(JS.prefix)){
+    JS.prefix  <- slot(object, "prefix")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(modifiers)){
+    modifiers  <- slot(object, "modifiers")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(default)){
+    default     <- slot(object, "default")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(join)){
+    join        <- slot(object, "join")
+  } else {}
+  if(is.null(getter)){
+    getter      <- slot(object, "getter")
+  } else {}
-	if(!identical(join, "")){
-		join.code <- paste0(".split(\"\\n\").join(\"", join, "\")")
-	} else {
-		join.code <- ""
-	}
+  if(!identical(join, "")){
+    join.code <- paste0(".split(\"\\n\").join(\"", join, "\")")
+  } else {
+    join.code <- ""
+  }
-	# only paste something if there's variables outside the 'vars' slot
-	if(length(nchar(JS.var)) > 0 & length(nchar(XML.var)) > 0){
-		if(length(modifiers) == 0 | isTRUE(default)){
-			if(isTRUE(names.only)){
-				results <- c(results, camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)))
-			} else {
-				results <- paste0(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)), " = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, "\")", join.code, ";")
-			}
-		} else {}
-		if(length(modifiers) > 0){
-			if(isTRUE(check.modifiers)){
-				# check modifiers
-				modifiers <- modifiers[modif.validity(source="all", modifier=modifiers, ignore.empty=TRUE, warn.only=TRUE, bool=TRUE)]
-			} else {}
-			modif.results <- sapply(modifiers, function(this.modif){
-					if(isTRUE(names.only)){
-						return(camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)))
-					} else {
-						return(paste0(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)),
-							" = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, ".", this.modif, "\")", join.code, ";"))
-					}
-				})
-			if(identical(results, "")){
-				results <- modif.results
-			} else {
-				results <- c(results, modif.results)
-			}
-		}
-	} else {}
+  # only paste something if there's variables outside the 'vars' slot
+  if(length(nchar(JS.var)) > 0 & length(nchar(XML.var)) > 0){
+    if(length(modifiers) == 0 | isTRUE(default)){
+      if(isTRUE(names.only)){
+        results <- c(results, camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)))
+      } else {
+        results <- paste0(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)), " = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, "\")", join.code, ";")
+      }
+    } else {}
+    if(length(modifiers) > 0){
+      if(isTRUE(check.modifiers)){
+        # check modifiers
+        modifiers <- modifiers[modif.validity(source="all", modifier=modifiers, ignore.empty=TRUE, warn.only=TRUE, bool=TRUE)]
+      } else {}
+      modif.results <- sapply(modifiers, function(this.modif){
+          if(isTRUE(names.only)){
+            return(camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)))
+          } else {
+            return(paste0(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)),
+              " = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, ".", this.modif, "\")", join.code, ";"))
+          }
+        })
+      if(identical(results, "")){
+        results <- modif.results
+      } else {
+        results <- c(results, modif.results)
+      }
+    }
+  } else {}
-	if(isTRUE(names.only)){
-		results <- c(results)
-	} else {
-		results <- paste(results, collapse="\n")
-	}
-	return(results)
+  if(isTRUE(names.only)){
+    results <- c(results)
+  } else {
+    results <- paste(results, collapse="\n")
+  }
+  return(results)
 } ## end function paste.JS.var()
@@ -1103,38 +1103,38 @@
 # this wrapper takes both, "about" and "dependencies" arguments,
 # splits dependencies off and returns both in a list
 dependenciesCompatWrapper <- function(dependencies, about, hints=FALSE){
-	if(!is.null(about)){
-		# check if this is *really* a about section
-		valid.parent("about", node=about, see="rk.XML.about")
-		# check for <dependencies> in <about>; is NULL if not found
-		# this will only be used if dependencies is NULL
-		deps.in.about <- XMLScan(about, "dependencies")
-		if(!is.null(deps.in.about)){
-			warning("<dependencies> inside <about> is deprecated, use the 'dependencies' argument instead!")
-			# remove the misplaced node
-			XMLScan(about, "dependencies") <- NULL
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(isTRUE(hints)){
-			about <- XMLNode("!--", XMLNode("about", ""))
-		} else {}
-		deps.in.about <- NULL
-	}
+  if(!is.null(about)){
+    # check if this is *really* a about section
+    valid.parent("about", node=about, see="rk.XML.about")
+    # check for <dependencies> in <about>; is NULL if not found
+    # this will only be used if dependencies is NULL
+    deps.in.about <- XMLScan(about, "dependencies")
+    if(!is.null(deps.in.about)){
+      warning("<dependencies> inside <about> is deprecated, use the 'dependencies' argument instead!")
+      # remove the misplaced node
+      XMLScan(about, "dependencies") <- NULL
+    }
+  } else {
+    if(isTRUE(hints)){
+      about <- XMLNode("!--", XMLNode("about", ""))
+    } else {}
+    deps.in.about <- NULL
+  }
-	# initialize results list
-	results <- list(about=about)
+  # initialize results list
+  results <- list(about=about)
-	if(!is.null(dependencies)){
-		# check if this is *really* a dependencies section
-		valid.parent("dependencies", node=dependencies, see="rk.XML.dependencies")
-		results[["dependencies"]] <- dependencies
-	} else if(is.XiMpLe.node(deps.in.about)){
-		results[["dependencies"]] <- deps.in.about
-	} else if(isTRUE(hints)){
-		dependencies.XML <- XMLNode("!--", XMLNode("dependencies", ""))
-		results[["dependencies"]] <- dependencies.XML
-	} else {
-		results[["dependencies"]] <- NULL
-	}
-	return(results)
+  if(!is.null(dependencies)){
+    # check if this is *really* a dependencies section
+    valid.parent("dependencies", node=dependencies, see="rk.XML.dependencies")
+    results[["dependencies"]] <- dependencies
+  } else if(is.XiMpLe.node(deps.in.about)){
+    results[["dependencies"]] <- deps.in.about
+  } else if(isTRUE(hints)){
+    dependencies.XML <- XMLNode("!--", XMLNode("dependencies", ""))
+    results[["dependencies"]] <- dependencies.XML
+  } else {
+    results[["dependencies"]] <- NULL
+  }
+  return(results)
 } ## end function dependenciesCompatWrapper()

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.arr-class.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.arr-class.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.arr-class.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
 # produced by rk.JS.array()
-	representation=representation(
-		arr.name="character",
-		opt.name="character",
-		IDs="vector",
-		variables="vector",
-		funct="character",
-		quote="logical",
-		option="character"
-	),
-	prototype(
-		arr.name=character(),
-		opt.name=character(),
-		IDs=c(),
-		variables=c(),
-		funct="c",
-		quote=FALSE,
-		option=character()
-	)
+  representation=representation(
+    arr.name="character",
+    opt.name="character",
+    IDs="vector",
+    variables="vector",
+    funct="character",
+    quote="logical",
+    option="character"
+  ),
+  prototype(
+    arr.name=character(),
+    opt.name=character(),
+    IDs=c(),
+    variables=c(),
+    funct="c",
+    quote=FALSE,
+    option=character()
+  )

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.array.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.array.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.array.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
 #' then joined into the desired argument type.
 #' @param option A character string, naming, e.g., an option of an R function which should be
-#'		constructed from several variables.
+#'    constructed from several variables.
 #' @param variables A list with either character strings (the names of the variables to combine to a vector or list),
-#'		or objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node} with plugin XML nodes (whose ID will be extracted and used).
+#'    or objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node} with plugin XML nodes (whose ID will be extracted and used).
 #' @param funct Character string, name of the R function to be called to combine the options, e.g. "list" for \code{list()},
-#'		or "c" for \code{c()}.
+#'    or "c" for \code{c()}.
 #' @param var.prefix A character string. sets a global string to be used as a prefix for the JS variable names.
 #' @param quote Logical, if \code{TRUE}, the values will be quoted in the resulting R code (might be neccessary
-#'		for character values).
+#'    for character values).
 #' @return An object of class \code{rk.JS.arr}.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.paste.JS]{rk.paste.JS}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.options]{rk.JS.options}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @examples
 #' # create three checkboxes for independent options
 #' checkA <- rk.XML.cbox(label="Run Test A", value="A")
@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@
 #' rk.JS.array("run.tests", variables=list(checkA, checkB, checkC), funct="list")
 rk.JS.array <- function(option, variables=list(), funct="c", var.prefix=NULL, quote=FALSE){
-	arr.name <- camelCode(c("arr", option))
-	opt.name <- camelCode(c("opt", option))
+  arr.name <- camelCode(c("arr", option))
+  opt.name <- camelCode(c("opt", option))
-	JS.array <- new("rk.JS.arr",
-		arr.name=arr.name,
-		opt.name=opt.name,
-		IDs=check.ID(variables),
-		variables=unlist(sapply(child.list(variables), function(this.var){get.JS.vars(
-							JS.var=this.var,
-							JS.prefix=var.prefix,
-							names.only=TRUE)
-					})),
-		funct=funct,
-		quote=quote,
-		option=option
-	)
+  JS.array <- new("rk.JS.arr",
+    arr.name=arr.name,
+    opt.name=opt.name,
+    IDs=check.ID(variables),
+    variables=unlist(sapply(child.list(variables), function(this.var){get.JS.vars(
+              JS.var=this.var,
+              JS.prefix=var.prefix,
+              names.only=TRUE)
+          })),
+    funct=funct,
+    quote=quote,
+    option=option
+  )
-	return(JS.array)
+  return(JS.array)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.doc.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.doc.R	2014-03-06 12:23:58 UTC (rev 4775)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.doc.R	2014-03-06 14:40:08 UTC (rev 4776)
@@ -4,148 +4,148 @@
 #' @param require A character vector with names of R packages that the dialog depends on.
 #' @param variables Either a character string to be included to read in all needed variables from the dialog (see \code{\link{rk.JS.scan}}),
-#'		or an object of class \code{rk.JS.var} which will be coerced into character. These variables will be defined in
-#'		the \code{calculate()} and/or \code{doPrintout()} functions.
+#'    or an object of class \code{rk.JS.var} which will be coerced into character. These variables will be defined in
+#'    the \code{calculate()} and/or \code{doPrintout()} functions.
 #' @param globals Like \code{variables}, but these variables will be defined globally. If \code{variables} is set as well,
-#'		the function tries to remove duplicate definitions.
+#'    the function tries to remove duplicate definitions.
 #' @param results.header A character string to headline the printed results. Include escapes quotes (\\") if needed.
-#'		Set to \code{FALSE} or \code{""} if you need more control and want to define the header section in \code{printout}.
+#'    Set to \code{FALSE} or \code{""} if you need more control and want to define the header section in \code{printout}.
 #' @param preprocess A character string to be included in the \code{preprocess()} function. This string will be
-#'		pasted as-is, after \code{require} has been evaluated.
+#'    pasted as-is, after \code{require} has been evaluated.
 #' @param calculate A character string to be included in the \code{calculate()} function. This string will be
-#'		pasted as-is, after \code{variables} has been evaluated.
+#'    pasted as-is, after \code{variables} has been evaluated.
 #' @param printout A character string to be included in the \code{printout()} function. This string will be
-#'		pasted as-is, after \code{results.header} has been evaluated. Ignored if \code{doPrintout} is set.
+#'    pasted as-is, after \code{results.header} has been evaluated. Ignored if \code{doPrintout} is set.
 #' @param doPrintout A character string to be included in the \code{doPrintout()} function. This string will be
-#'		pasted as-is. You don't need to define a \code{preview()} function, as this will be added automatically.
-#'		Use \code{ite("full", ...)} style JavaScript code to include headers etc.
+#'    pasted as-is. You don't need to define a \code{preview()} function, as this will be added automatically.
+#'    Use \code{ite("full", ...)} style JavaScript code to include headers etc.
 #' @param load.silencer Either a character string (ID of probably a checkbox), or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}.
-#'		This defines a switch you can add to your plugin, to set the \code{require()} call inside \code{suppressMessages()},
-#'		hence suppressing all load messages (except for warnings and errors) of required packages in the output.
+#'    This defines a switch you can add to your plugin, to set the \code{require()} call inside \code{suppressMessages()},
+#'    hence suppressing all load messages (except for warnings and errors) of required packages in the output.
 #' @param gen.info Logical, if \code{TRUE} a comment note will be written into the document,
-#'		that it was generated by \code{rkwarddev} and changes should be done to the script.
+#'    that it was generated by \code{rkwarddev} and changes should be done to the script.
 #' @param indent.by A character string defining how indentation should be done.
 #' @return A character string.
 #' @seealso \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.paste.JS]{rk.paste.JS}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:ite]{ite}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
-#'		\code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
-#'		and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.vars]{rk.JS.vars}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.JS.array]{rk.JS.array}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:ite]{ite}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:echo]{echo}},
+#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:id]{id}},
+#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @export
 rk.JS.doc <- function(require=c(), variables=NULL, globals=NULL, results.header=NULL,
-	preprocess=NULL, calculate=NULL, printout=NULL, doPrintout=NULL, load.silencer=NULL, gen.info=TRUE, indent.by="\t"){
+  preprocess=NULL, calculate=NULL, printout=NULL, doPrintout=NULL, load.silencer=NULL, gen.info=TRUE, indent.by="\t"){
-	# some data transformation
-	if(inherits(variables, "rk.JS.var")){
-		variables <- rk.paste.JS(variables)
-	} else {}
-	if(inherits(globals, "rk.JS.var")){
-		globals <- rk.paste.JS(globals, level=1)
-	} else {}
+  # some data transformation
+  if(inherits(variables, "rk.JS.var")){
+    variables <- rk.paste.JS(variables)
+  } else {}
+  if(inherits(globals, "rk.JS.var")){
+    globals <- rk.paste.JS(globals, level=1)
+  } else {}
-	js.gen.info <- ifelse(isTRUE(gen.info), rk.paste.JS(generator.info, level=1), "")
+  js.gen.info <- ifelse(isTRUE(gen.info), rk.paste.JS(generator.info, level=1), "")
-	if(!is.null(globals)){
-		js.globals <- paste(
-			"// define variables globally\n",
-			paste0(globals, collapse=""))
-		if(!is.null(variables)){
-			# remove globals from variables, if duplicate
-			# we'll split them by semicolon
-			split.globs <- unlist(strsplit(rk.paste.JS(globals), ";"))
-			split.vars <- unlist(strsplit(rk.paste.JS(variables), ";"))
-			# for better comparison, remove all spaces
-			stripped.globs <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", split.globs)
-			stripped.vars <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", split.vars)
-			# leave only variables *not* found in globals
-			ok.vars <- split.vars[!stripped.vars %in% stripped.globs]
-			# finally, glue back the semicolon and make one string again
-			variables <- gsub("^\n*", "", paste(paste0(ok.vars, ";"), collapse=""))
-		} else {}
-	} else {
-		js.globals <- NULL
-	}
+  if(!is.null(globals)){
+    js.globals <- paste(
+      "// define variables globally\n",
+      paste0(globals, collapse=""))
+    if(!is.null(variables)){
+      # remove globals from variables, if duplicate
+      # we'll split them by semicolon
+      split.globs <- unlist(strsplit(rk.paste.JS(globals), ";"))
+      split.vars <- unlist(strsplit(rk.paste.JS(variables), ";"))
+      # for better comparison, remove all spaces
+      stripped.globs <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", split.globs)
+      stripped.vars <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", split.vars)
+      # leave only variables *not* found in globals
+      ok.vars <- split.vars[!stripped.vars %in% stripped.globs]
+      # finally, glue back the semicolon and make one string again
+      variables <- gsub("^\n*", "", paste(paste0(ok.vars, ";"), collapse=""))
+    } else {}
+  } else {
+    js.globals <- NULL
+  }
-	js.require <- unlist(sapply(require, function(this.req){
-			if(is.null(load.silencer)){
-				req.result <- rk.paste.JS(echo(id("require(", this.req, ")\n")), level=2, indent.by=indent.by)
-			} else {
-				# get the ID, if it's a XiMpLe.node
-				req.result <- rk.paste.JS(
-					jsChkSuppress <- rk.JS.vars(load.silencer),
-					# somehow "quietly=TRUE" doens't always do the trick
-					ite(jsChkSuppress, echo("suppressMessages(require(", this.req, "))\n"), echo("require(", this.req, ")\n"))
-				)
-			}
-			return(req.result)
-		}))
-	js.preprocess <- paste0("function preprocess(){\n",
-		indent(2, by=indent.by), "// add requirements etc. here\n",
-		paste(js.require, collapse=""),
-		"\n",
-		ifelse(is.null(preprocess), "", paste0("\n", preprocess, "\n")),
-		"}")
+  js.require <- unlist(sapply(require, function(this.req){
+      if(is.null(load.silencer)){
+        req.result <- rk.paste.JS(echo(id("require(", this.req, ")\n")), level=2, indent.by=indent.by)
+      } else {
+        # get the ID, if it's a XiMpLe.node
+        req.result <- rk.paste.JS(
+          jsChkSuppress <- rk.JS.vars(load.silencer),
+          # somehow "quietly=TRUE" doens't always do the trick
+          ite(jsChkSuppress, echo("suppressMessages(require(", this.req, "))\n"), echo("require(", this.req, ")\n"))
+        )
+      }
+      return(req.result)
+    }))
+  js.preprocess <- paste0("function preprocess(){\n",
+    indent(2, by=indent.by), "// add requirements etc. here\n",
+    paste(js.require, collapse=""),
+    "\n",
+    ifelse(is.null(preprocess), "", paste0("\n", preprocess, "\n")),
+    "}")
-	js.calculate <- paste0("function calculate(){\n",
-			# for plots we only need something here if calculate is not empty
-			if(is.null(doPrintout) | !is.null(calculate)){paste0(
-				ifelse(is.null(variables), "", paste0(
-					indent(2, by=indent.by), "// read in variables from dialog\n",
-					paste(variables, collapse=""), "\n\n")),
-				ifelse(is.null(calculate),
-					paste0(indent(2, by=indent.by), "// generate the R code to be evaluated here\n"),
-					paste0(indent(2, by=indent.by), "// the R code to be evaluated\n",calculate, "\n")))
-			} else {}, "}")

@@ Diff output truncated at 100000 characters. @@

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