[rkward-cvs] [rkward] packages/rkwarddev: unit tests for all XML generating functions are complete and working. some minor fixes to some of them.

m.eik michalke meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Wed Dec 17 17:09:20 UTC 2014

Git commit 76bab960748285dd1840917e988d6ebc5b94da34 by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 17/12/2014 at 17:08.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'master'.

unit tests for all XML generating functions are complete and working. some minor fixes to some of them.

M  +7    -2    packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
M  +3    -3    packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
M  +2    -10   packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.require.R
M  +57   -42   packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.values.R
M  +1    -1    packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.valueslot.R
M  +111  -104  packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.vars.R
M  +1    -1    packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
M  +5    -1    packages/rkwarddev/inst/NEWS.Rd
M  +-    --    packages/rkwarddev/inst/doc/rkwarddev_vignette.pdf
M  +1    -6    packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.require.Rd
M  +14   -3    packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.values.Rd
M  +1    -1    packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.valueslot.Rd
M  +9    -5    packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.vars.Rd
M  +1    -1    packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
M  +241  -98   packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
M  +-    --    packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/XML_test_standards.RData
M  +528  -6    packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/test_XML_generation.R


diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
index cb576ed..c2424c1 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ChangeLog for package rkwarddev
-changes in version 0.06-6 (2014-12-14)
+changes in version 0.06-6 (2014-12-17)
   - rk.XML.optionset() does now allow to re-use objects defined in the same
     function call (i.e., refer to optioncolumns in the logic section)
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ fixed:
   - join() referenced a wrong object name if "var" was of class rk.JS.arr
   - rk.XML.about() had a malformed error message
   - rk.plugin.component() called XMLAttrs() with too many arguments
+  - rk.XML.values() and rk.XML.vars() do now handle all combinations of "horiz"
+    and "add.nodes" properly
   - all "help" values can now be a list of character strings or XiMpLe nodes,
     to have more control over the markup
@@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ added:
   - new function R.comment() to generate JavaScript "comment()" calls
   - first unit tests using the testthat package
   - added documentation to the used S4 classes
+  - enhanced rk.XML.values() to also accept "options" and "duplicates", and
+    rk.XML.vars() to also accept "duplicates"
   - function i18n() was changed to be used in JavaScript generation only;
     this breaks code using the function introduced with 0.06-4, but that was to
@@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ changed:
   - internally, moved the definitions of valid child nodes and modifiers as
     well as default getter functions and modifiers to separate files, so
     they're more obvious to find and check
-  - rk.XML.input() now checks wheter "size" is exactly one of "small", "medium" or "large"
+  - rk.XML.input() now checks wheter "size" is exactly one of "small",
+    "medium" or "large"
   - the functions rk.set.language() rk.get.language() were no longer useful
     and therefore removed
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION b/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
index 7f7ec97..90ae19f 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Depends:
 Enhances: rkward
-Description: Provides functions to create plugin skeletons and XML structures
-    for RKWard.
+Description: Provides functions to create plugin skeletons and XML
+    structures for RKWard.
 License: GPL (>= 3)
 Encoding: UTF-8
 LazyLoad: yes
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ URL: http://rkward.sourceforge.net
 Authors at R: c(person(given="m.eik", family="michalke",
     email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre")))
 Version: 0.06-6
-Date: 2014-12-14
+Date: 2014-12-17
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.require.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.require.R
index f5b72d3..766fdd4 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.require.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.require.R
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@
 #'    preferred over \code{map} if that file is in the same package.
 #' @param map Character string, should be \code{"namespace::id"} of another .pluginmap to be included.
 #'    Can be used to address plugin maps which are not part of the same plugin package.
-#' @param localized Logical, only useful for plugins with static internationalisation. Adds the \code{localized}
-#'    attribute if set to \code{TRUE}; \code{file} must then point to the default pluginmap in a subdirectory
-#'    containing all localised pluginmaps.
 #' @return An object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
@@ -37,7 +34,7 @@
 #' test.require <- rk.XML.require("another.pluginmap")
 #' cat(pasteXML(test.require))
-rk.XML.require <- function(file=NULL, map=NULL, localized=FALSE){
+rk.XML.require <- function(file=NULL, map=NULL){
   # one of file or map *must* be used
   if(is.null(file) && is.null(map)){
     stop(simpleError("'file' or 'map' must be specified!"))
@@ -48,22 +45,17 @@ rk.XML.require <- function(file=NULL, map=NULL, localized=FALSE){
   } else {}
   # now that we know one of both is set
-  set.localized <- NULL
     if(length(file) > 1 || !is.character(file)){
       stop(simpleError("'file' must be a character string!"))
     } else {}
-    # check for i18n
-    if(isTRUE(localized)){
-      set.localized <- "true"
-    } else {}
   } else {
     if(length(map) > 1 || !is.character(map)){
       stop(simpleError("'map' must be a character string!"))
     } else {}
-  node <- XMLNode("require", attrs=list(localized=set.localized, file=file, map=map))
+  node <- XMLNode("require", attrs=list(file=file, map=map))
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.values.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.values.R
index d50adbb..3e3fa9b 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.values.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.values.R
@@ -25,8 +25,14 @@
 #' @param label Character string, a text label for the value browser.
 #' @param slot.text Character string, a text label for the value selection slot.
+#' @param options A named list with string values to choose from. The names of the list elements will become
+#'    labels of the options, \code{val} defines the value to submit if the value is selected, and
+#'    \code{chk=TRUE} should be set in the one option which is checked by default. You might also provide an \code{i18n}
+#'    for this particular option (see \code{i18n}). Objects generated with \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.option]{rk.XML.option}}
+#'    are accepted as well.
 #' @param required Logical, whether the selection of values is mandatory or not.
 #' @param multi Logical, whether the valueslot holds only one or several objects.
+#' @param duplicates Logical, if \code{multi=TRUE} defines whether the same entry may be added multiple times. Sets \code{multi=TRUE}.
 #' @param min If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected.
 #' @param any If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected at least if any
 #'    are selected at all.
@@ -56,53 +62,62 @@
 #' test.values <- rk.XML.values("Select some values", "Vars go here")
 #' cat(pasteXML(test.values))
-rk.XML.values <- function(label, slot.text, required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
-  horiz=TRUE, add.nodes=NULL, frame.label=NULL, id.name="auto", help=NULL, component=rk.get.comp()){
+rk.XML.values <- function(label, slot.text, options=list(label=c(val=NULL, chk=FALSE, i18n=NULL)),
+    required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, duplicates=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
+    horiz=TRUE, add.nodes=NULL, frame.label=NULL, id.name="auto", help=NULL, component=rk.get.comp()){
-  if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
-    ## if this ID generation get's changed, change it in rk.XML.valueslot(), too!
-    value.sel.attr <- list(id=auto.ids(label, prefix=ID.prefix("valueselector", length=3)))
-    value.slot.id <- auto.ids(slot.text, prefix=ID.prefix("valueslot", length=4))
-  } else if(!is.null(id.name)){
-    value.sel.attr <- list(id=id.name[[2]])
-    value.slot.id <- id.name[[3]]
-  } else {}
+    if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
+        ## if this ID generation get's changed, change it in rk.XML.valueslot(), too!
+        value.sel.attr <- list(id=auto.ids(label, prefix=ID.prefix("valueselector", length=3)))
+        value.slot.id <- auto.ids(slot.text, prefix=ID.prefix("valueslot", length=4))
+    } else if(!is.null(id.name)){
+        value.sel.attr <- list(id=id.name[[2]])
+        value.slot.id <- id.name[[3]]
+    } else {}
-  v.selector <- rk.XML.valueselector(
-    label=label,
-    id.name=value.sel.attr[["id"]])
+    v.selector <- rk.XML.valueselector(
+        label=label,
+        options=options,
+        id.name=value.sel.attr[["id"]])
-  v.slot <- rk.XML.valueslot(
-    label=slot.text,
-    source=v.selector,
-    required=required,
-    multi=multi,
-    min=min,
-    any=any,
-    max=max,
-    id.name=value.slot.id,
-    help=help,
-    component=component)
+    v.slot <- rk.XML.valueslot(
+        label=slot.text,
+        source=v.selector,
+        required=required,
+        multi=multi,
+        duplicates=duplicates,
+        min=min,
+        any=any,
+        max=max,
+        id.name=value.slot.id,
+        help=help,
+        component=component)
-  slot.content <- list(v.slot)
+    slot.content <- list(v.slot)
-  # do we need to add extra nodes to the valueslot?
-  if(!is.null(add.nodes)){
-    for (this.node in add.nodes) {
-      slot.content[[length(slot.content)+1]] <- this.node
-    }
-  } else {}
-  if(isTRUE(horiz)){
-    aligned.chld <- rk.XML.row(list(rk.XML.col(v.selector), rk.XML.col(slot.content)))
-  } else {
-    aligned.chld <- list(v.selector, unlist(slot.content))
-  }
+    # do we need to add extra nodes to the valueslot?
+    if(!is.null(add.nodes)){
+        for (this.node in child.list(add.nodes)) {
+            slot.content[[length(slot.content)+1]] <- this.node
+        }
+    } else {}
-  values.frame <- rk.XML.frame(
-    children=child.list(aligned.chld),
-    label=frame.label,
-    id.name=id.name[[1]])
+    if(isTRUE(horiz)){
+        values.frame <- rk.XML.frame(
+            rk.XML.row(list(rk.XML.col(v.selector), rk.XML.col(slot.content))),
+            label=frame.label,
+            id.name=id.name[[1]]
+        )
+    } else {
+        values.frame <- rk.XML.frame(
+            v.selector,
+            label=frame.label,
+            id.name=id.name[[1]]
+        )
+        for (this.node in slot.content) {
+            XMLChildren(values.frame) <- append(XMLChildren(values.frame), this.node)
+        }
+    }
-  return(values.frame)
+    return(values.frame)
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.valueslot.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.valueslot.R
index 98bea33..b1367f5 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.valueslot.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.valueslot.R
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #'    from), or an object of class \code{XiMpLe.node} (whose \code{id} will be extracted and used). If it is not
 #'    a \code{<valueselector>} node, you must also specify a valid property for the node.
 #' @param property Character string, valid property for a XiMpLe node defined by \code{source}. In the XML code, it
-#'    will cause the use of \code{source_property} instead of \code{source}. Only used if \code{source} ist not a
+#'    will cause the use of \code{source_property} instead of \code{source}. Only used if \code{source} is not a
 #'    \code{<valueselector>} node. 
 #' @param required Logical, whether the selection of values is mandatory or not.
 #' @param multi Logical, whether the valueslot holds only one or several objects.
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.vars.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.vars.R
index eef2981..81c72a5 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.vars.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.vars.R
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 # rkwarddev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with rkwarddev.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# along with rkwarddev.    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 #' Create a variable selector for RKWard plugins
@@ -27,140 +27,147 @@
 #' @param slot.text Character string, a text label for the variable selection slot.
 #' @param required Logical, whether the selection of variables is mandatory or not.
 #' @param multi Logical, whether the varslot holds only one or several objects.
+#' @param duplicates Logical, if \code{multi=TRUE} defines whether the same entry may be added multiple times. Sets \code{multi=TRUE}.
 #' @param min If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected.
 #' @param any If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected at least if any
-#'    are selected at all.
+#'        are selected at all.
 #' @param max If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects can be selected in total
-#'    (0 means any number).
+#'        (0 means any number).
 #' @param dim The number of dimensions, an object needs to have. If \code{dim=0} any number
-#'    of dimensions is acceptable.
+#'        of dimensions is acceptable.
 #' @param min.len The minimum length, an object needs to have.
 #' @param max.len The maximum length, an object needs to have. If \code{NULL}, defaults to the largest
-#'    integer number representable on the system.
+#'        integer number representable on the system.
 #' @param classes An optional character vector, defining class names to which the selection must be limited.
 #' @param types If you specify one or more variables types here, the varslot will only accept objects of those
-#'    types. Valid types are "unknown", "number", "string", "factor", "invalid". Optional, use with great care,
-#'    the user should not be prevented from making valid choices, and rkward does not always know the type
-#'    of a variable!
+#'        types. Valid types are "unknown", "number", "string", "factor", "invalid". Optional, use with great care,
+#'        the user should not be prevented from making valid choices, and rkward does not always know the type
+#'        of a variable!
 #' @param horiz Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the varslot will be placed next to the selector,
-#'    if \code{FALSE} below it.
+#'        if \code{FALSE} below it.
 #' @param add.nodes A list of objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node} to be placed after the varslot.
 #' @param frame.label Character string, a text label for the whole frame.
 #' @param formula.dependent Character string, if not \code{NULL} will cause the addition of a second
-#'    varslot for the dependent variable(s), using the text of \code{formula.dependent} as its label. Also
-#'    a \code{<formula>} node will be added, using both varslots for \code{fixed_factors} and \code{dependent}
-#'    respectively.
+#'        varslot for the dependent variable(s), using the text of \code{formula.dependent} as its label. Also
+#'        a \code{<formula>} node will be added, using both varslots for \code{fixed_factors} and \code{dependent}
+#'        respectively.
 #' @param dep.options A named list with optional attributes for the \code{dependent} varslot, if \code{formula.dependent}
-#'    is not \code{NULL}. Valid options are \code{required}, \code{multi}, \code{min}, \code{any}, \code{max},
-#'    \code{dim}, \code{min.len}, \code{max.len}, \code{classes} and \code{types}. If an options is undefined, it defaults
-#'    to the same values like the main options of this function.
+#'        is not \code{NULL}. Valid options are \code{required}, \code{multi}, \code{min}, \code{any}, \code{max},
+#'        \code{dim}, \code{min.len}, \code{max.len}, \code{classes} and \code{types}. If an options is undefined, it defaults
+#'        to the same values like the main options of this function.
 #' @param id.name Character vector, unique IDs for the frame (first entry), the varselector (second entry)
-#'    and varslot (third entry). If \code{formula.dependent} is not \code{NULL}, a fourth and fifth entry is needed as well,
-#'    for the dependent varslot and the formula node, respectively.
-#'    If \code{"auto"}, IDs will be generated automatically from \code{label} and \code{slot.text}.
+#'        and varslot (third entry). If \code{formula.dependent} is not \code{NULL}, a fourth and fifth entry is needed as well,
+#'        for the dependent varslot and the formula node, respectively.
+#'        If \code{"auto"}, IDs will be generated automatically from \code{label} and \code{slot.text}.
 #' @param help Character string or list of character values and XiMpLe nodes, will be used as the \code{text} value for a setting node in the .rkh file.
-#'    If set to \code{FALSE}, \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.rkh.scan]{rk.rkh.scan}} will ignore this node.
-#'    Also needs \code{component} to be set accordingly!
+#'        If set to \code{FALSE}, \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.rkh.scan]{rk.rkh.scan}} will ignore this node.
+#'        Also needs \code{component} to be set accordingly!
 #' @param component Character string, name of the component this node belongs to. Only needed if you
-#'    want to use the scan features for automatic help file generation; needs \code{help} to be set
-#'    accordingly, too!
+#'        want to use the scan features for automatic help file generation; needs \code{help} to be set
+#'        accordingly, too!
 #' @return An object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}.
 #' @export
 #' @seealso
-#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.varslot]{rk.XML.varslot}},
-#'    \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.varselector]{rk.XML.varselector}},
-#'    and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+#'        \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.varslot]{rk.XML.varslot}},
+#'        \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.varselector]{rk.XML.varselector}},
+#'        and the \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
 #' @examples
 #' test.vars <- rk.XML.vars("Select some vars", "Vars go here")
 #' cat(pasteXML(test.vars))
-rk.XML.vars <- function(label, slot.text, required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
-  dim=0, min.len=0, max.len=NULL, classes=NULL, types=NULL, horiz=TRUE, add.nodes=NULL,
-  frame.label=NULL, formula.dependent=NULL, dep.options=list(), id.name="auto",
-  help=NULL, component=rk.get.comp()){
+rk.XML.vars <- function(label, slot.text, required=FALSE, multi=FALSE, duplicates=FALSE, min=1, any=1, max=0,
+    dim=0, min.len=0, max.len=NULL, classes=NULL, types=NULL, horiz=TRUE, add.nodes=NULL,
+    frame.label=NULL, formula.dependent=NULL, dep.options=list(), id.name="auto",
+    help=NULL, component=rk.get.comp()){
-  if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
-    ## if this ID generation get's changed, change it in rk.XML.varslot(), too!
-    var.sel.attr <- list(id=auto.ids(label, prefix=ID.prefix("varselector", length=3)))
-    var.slot.id <- auto.ids(slot.text, prefix=ID.prefix("varslot", length=4))
-    if(!is.null(formula.dependent)){
-      var.dep.id <- auto.ids(formula.dependent, prefix=ID.prefix("varslot", length=4))
-      frml.id <- auto.ids(formula.dependent, prefix=ID.prefix("formula", length=3))
-    } else {}
-  } else if(!is.null(id.name)){
-    var.sel.attr <- list(id=id.name[[2]])
-    var.slot.id <- id.name[[3]]
-    if(!is.null(formula.dependent)){
-      var.dep.id <- id.name[[4]]
-      frml.id <- id.name[[5]]
+    if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
+        ## if this ID generation get's changed, change it in rk.XML.varslot(), too!
+        var.sel.attr <- list(id=auto.ids(label, prefix=ID.prefix("varselector", length=3)))
+        var.slot.id <- auto.ids(slot.text, prefix=ID.prefix("varslot", length=4))
+        if(!is.null(formula.dependent)){
+            var.dep.id <- auto.ids(formula.dependent, prefix=ID.prefix("varslot", length=4))
+            frml.id <- auto.ids(formula.dependent, prefix=ID.prefix("formula", length=3))
+        } else {}
+    } else if(!is.null(id.name)){
+        var.sel.attr <- list(id=id.name[[2]])
+        var.slot.id <- id.name[[3]]
+        if(!is.null(formula.dependent)){
+            var.dep.id <- id.name[[4]]
+            frml.id <- id.name[[5]]
+        } else {}
     } else {}
-  } else {}
-  var.sel.attr[["label"]] <- label
+    var.sel.attr[["label"]] <- label
-  v.selector <- rk.XML.varselector(
-    label=label,
-    id.name=var.sel.attr[["id"]])
+    v.selector <- rk.XML.varselector(
+        label=label,
+        id.name=var.sel.attr[["id"]])
-  v.slot <- rk.XML.varslot(
-    label=slot.text,
-    source=v.selector,
-    required=required,
-    multi=multi,
-    min=min,
-    any=any,
-    max=max,
-    dim=dim,
-    min.len=min.len,
-    max.len=max.len,
-    classes=classes,
-    types=types,
-    id.name=var.slot.id,
-    help=help,
-    component=component)
+    v.slot <- rk.XML.varslot(
+        label=slot.text,
+        source=v.selector,
+        required=required,
+        multi=multi,
+        duplicates=duplicates,
+        min=min,
+        any=any,
+        max=max,
+        dim=dim,
+        min.len=min.len,
+        max.len=max.len,
+        classes=classes,
+        types=types,
+        id.name=var.slot.id,
+        help=help,
+        component=component)
-  slot.content <- list(v.slot)
+    slot.content <- list(v.slot)
-  if(!is.null(formula.dependent)){
-    dep.opt.names <- names(dep.options)
-    dep.slot <- rk.XML.varslot(
-      label=formula.dependent,
-      source=v.selector,
-      required=if ("required" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["required"]]} else {FALSE},
-      multi=if ("multi" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["multi"]]} else {FALSE},
-      min=if ("min" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["min"]]} else {1},
-      any=if ("any" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["any"]]} else {1},
-      max=if ("max" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["max"]]} else {0},
-      dim=if ("dim" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["dim"]]} else {0},
-      min.len=if ("min.len" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["min.len"]]} else {0},
-      max.len=if ("max.len" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["max.len"]]} else {NULL},
-      classes=if ("classes" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["classes"]]} else {NULL},
-      types=if ("types" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["types"]]} else {NULL},
-      id.name=var.dep.id,
-      help=help,
-      component=component)
-    slot.content[[length(slot.content) + 1]] <- dep.slot
-    formula.node <- rk.XML.formula(fixed=v.slot, dependent=dep.slot, id.name=frml.id)
-    slot.content[[length(slot.content) + 1]] <- formula.node
-  } else {}
+    if(!is.null(formula.dependent)){
+        dep.opt.names <- names(dep.options)
+        dep.slot <- rk.XML.varslot(
+            label=formula.dependent,
+            source=v.selector,
+            required=if ("required" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["required"]]} else {FALSE},
+            multi=if ("multi" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["multi"]]} else {FALSE},
+            min=if ("min" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["min"]]} else {1},
+            any=if ("any" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["any"]]} else {1},
+            max=if ("max" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["max"]]} else {0},
+            dim=if ("dim" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["dim"]]} else {0},
+            min.len=if ("min.len" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["min.len"]]} else {0},
+            max.len=if ("max.len" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["max.len"]]} else {NULL},
+            classes=if ("classes" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["classes"]]} else {NULL},
+            types=if ("types" %in% dep.opt.names) {dep.options[["types"]]} else {NULL},
+            id.name=var.dep.id,
+            help=help,
+            component=component)
+        slot.content[[length(slot.content) + 1]] <- dep.slot
+        formula.node <- rk.XML.formula(fixed=v.slot, dependent=dep.slot, id.name=frml.id)
+        slot.content[[length(slot.content) + 1]] <- formula.node
+    } else {}
-  # do we need to add extra nodes to the varslot?
-  if(!is.null(add.nodes)){
-    for (this.node in add.nodes) {
-      slot.content[[length(slot.content)+1]] <- this.node
-    }
-  } else {}
+    # do we need to add extra nodes to the varslot?
+    if(!is.null(add.nodes)){
+        for (this.node in child.list(add.nodes)) {
+            slot.content[[length(slot.content)+1]] <- this.node
+        }
+    } else {}
-  if(isTRUE(horiz)){
-    aligned.chld <- rk.XML.row(list(rk.XML.col(v.selector), rk.XML.col(slot.content)))
-  } else {
-    aligned.chld <- list(v.selector, unlist(slot.content))
-  }
+    if(isTRUE(horiz)){
+        vars.frame <- rk.XML.frame(
+            rk.XML.row(list(rk.XML.col(v.selector), rk.XML.col(slot.content))),
+            label=frame.label,
+            id.name=id.name[[1]])
+    } else {
+        vars.frame <- rk.XML.frame(
+            v.selector,
+            label=frame.label,
+            id.name=id.name[[1]])
+        for (this.node in slot.content) {
+            XMLChildren(vars.frame) <- append(XMLChildren(vars.frame), this.node)
+        }
-  vars.frame <- rk.XML.frame(
-    children=child.list(aligned.chld),
-    label=frame.label,
-    id.name=id.name[[1]])
+    }
-  return(vars.frame)
+    return(vars.frame)
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
index ee41d1a..2bfe6b2 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #' Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
 #' Type: \tab Package\cr
 #' Version: \tab 0.06-6\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2014-12-14\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2014-12-17\cr
 #' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)\cr
 #' Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
 #' Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/NEWS.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/NEWS.Rd
index 1a084ea..4ba2a26 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/NEWS.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/NEWS.Rd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \title{News for Package 'rkwarddev'}
-\section{Changes in rkwarddev version 0.06-6 (2014-12-14)}{
+\section{Changes in rkwarddev version 0.06-6 (2014-12-17)}{
       \item \code{rk.XML.optionset()} does now allow to re-use objects defined in the same
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
       \item new function \code{R.comment()} to generate JavaScript "\code{comment()}" calls
       \item first unit tests using the testthat package
       \item added documentation to the used S4 classes
+      \item enhanced \code{rk.XML.values()} to also accept \code{"options"} and \code{"duplicates"}, and
+        \code{rk.XML.vars()} to also accept \code{"duplicates"}
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@
       \item internally, moved the definitions of valid child nodes and modifiers as
         well as default getter functions and modifiers to separate files, so
         they're more obvious to find and check
+      \item \code{rk.XML.input()} now checks wheter \code{"size"} is exactly one of \code{"small"},
+        \code{"medium"} or \code{"large"}
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/doc/rkwarddev_vignette.pdf b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/doc/rkwarddev_vignette.pdf
index 45b45cc..d94cd95 100644
Binary files a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/doc/rkwarddev_vignette.pdf and b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/doc/rkwarddev_vignette.pdf differ
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.require.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.require.Rd
index cc5303b..836a1e4 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.require.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.require.Rd
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 \title{Create XML "require" node for RKWard plugins}
-rk.XML.require(file = NULL, map = NULL, localized = FALSE)
+rk.XML.require(file = NULL, map = NULL)
 \item{file}{Character string,
@@ -13,11 +13,6 @@ preferred over \code{map} if that file is in the same package.}
 \item{map}{Character string,
       should be \code{"namespace::id"} of another .pluginmap to be included.
 Can be used to address plugin maps which are not part of the same plugin package.}
-      only useful for plugins with static internationalisation. Adds the \code{localized}
-attribute if set to \code{TRUE}; \code{file} must then point to the default pluginmap in a subdirectory
-containing all localised pluginmaps.}
 An object of class \code{XiMpLe.node}.
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.values.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.values.Rd
index 1719e81..ceed367 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.values.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.values.Rd
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
 \title{Create a value selector for RKWard plugins}
-rk.XML.values(label, slot.text, required = FALSE, multi = FALSE, min = 1,
-  any = 1, max = 0, horiz = TRUE, add.nodes = NULL,
-  frame.label = NULL, id.name = "auto", help = NULL,
+rk.XML.values(label, slot.text, options = list(label = c(val = NULL, chk =
+  FALSE, i18n = NULL)), required = FALSE, multi = FALSE,
+  duplicates = FALSE, min = 1, any = 1, max = 0, horiz = TRUE,
+  add.nodes = NULL, frame.label = NULL, id.name = "auto", help = NULL,
   component = rk.get.comp())
@@ -13,10 +14,20 @@ rk.XML.values(label, slot.text, required = FALSE, multi = FALSE, min = 1,
 \item{slot.text}{Character string, a text label for the value selection slot.}
+\item{options}{A named list with string values to choose from. The names of the list elements will become
+labels of the options, \code{val} defines the value to submit if the value is selected,
+      and
+\code{chk=TRUE} should be set in the one option which is checked by default. You might also provide an \code{i18n}
+for this particular option (see \code{i18n}). Objects generated with \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.option]{rk.XML.option}}
+are accepted as well.}
 \item{required}{Logical, whether the selection of values is mandatory or not.}
 \item{multi}{Logical, whether the valueslot holds only one or several objects.}
+      if \code{multi=TRUE} defines whether the same entry may be added multiple times. Sets \code{multi=TRUE}.}
 \item{min}{If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected.}
 \item{any}{If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected at least if any
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.valueslot.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.valueslot.Rd
index 4953437..06f1b57 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.valueslot.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.valueslot.Rd
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ a \code{<valueselector>} node, you must also specify a valid property for the no
 \item{property}{Character string,
       valid property for a XiMpLe node defined by \code{source}. In the XML code, it
-will cause the use of \code{source_property} instead of \code{source}. Only used if \code{source} ist not a
+will cause the use of \code{source_property} instead of \code{source}. Only used if \code{source} is not a
 \code{<valueselector>} node.}
 \item{required}{Logical, whether the selection of values is mandatory or not.}
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.vars.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.vars.Rd
index 40e99b5..39b36f9 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.vars.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.vars.Rd
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 \title{Create a variable selector for RKWard plugins}
-rk.XML.vars(label, slot.text, required = FALSE, multi = FALSE, min = 1,
-  any = 1, max = 0, dim = 0, min.len = 0, max.len = NULL,
-  classes = NULL, types = NULL, horiz = TRUE, add.nodes = NULL,
-  frame.label = NULL, formula.dependent = NULL, dep.options = list(),
-  id.name = "auto", help = NULL, component = rk.get.comp())
+rk.XML.vars(label, slot.text, required = FALSE, multi = FALSE,
+  duplicates = FALSE, min = 1, any = 1, max = 0, dim = 0,
+  min.len = 0, max.len = NULL, classes = NULL, types = NULL,
+  horiz = TRUE, add.nodes = NULL, frame.label = NULL,
+  formula.dependent = NULL, dep.options = list(), id.name = "auto",
+  help = NULL, component = rk.get.comp())
 \item{label}{Character string, a text label for the variable browser.}
@@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ rk.XML.vars(label, slot.text, required = FALSE, multi = FALSE, min = 1,
 \item{multi}{Logical, whether the varslot holds only one or several objects.}
+      if \code{multi=TRUE} defines whether the same entry may be added multiple times. Sets \code{multi=TRUE}.}
 \item{min}{If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected.}
 \item{any}{If \code{multi=TRUE} defines how many objects must be selected at least if any
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
index 29d509c..8995207 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ A collection of tools for RKWard plugin development.
 Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
 Type: \tab Package\cr
 Version: \tab 0.06-6\cr
-Date: \tab 2014-12-14\cr
+Date: \tab 2014-12-17\cr
 Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)\cr
 Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
 Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
index de5dcce..f245de2 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
     embed <- rk.XML.embed(
-        label="an embed label"
+        label="an embed label",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
     entry <- rk.XML.entry(
@@ -156,7 +157,8 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
         label="a frame label",
-        chk=FALSE
+        chk=FALSE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
     help <- rk.XML.help(
@@ -179,16 +181,9 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
-    insert <- rk.XML.insert(
-        snippet=rk.XML.snippet(
-            rk.XML.vars(
-                "Variables",
-                "Fixed",
-                formula.dependent="Dependent"
-            )
-        )
-    )
+    # insert: see below
@@ -208,7 +203,8 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
         horiz_headers=c("hone", "htwo", "hthree"),
-        vert_headers=c("vone", "vtwo", "vthree")
+        vert_headers=c("vone", "vtwo", "vthree"),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
     menu <- rk.XML.menu(
@@ -218,14 +214,16 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
-        index=3
+        index=3,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
     optioncolumn <- rk.XML.optioncolumn(
         connect=rk.XML.input(label="an optioncolumn label"),
-        default="rarely useful"
+        default="rarely useful",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
     optiondisplay <- rk.XML.optiondisplay(
@@ -233,7 +231,8 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
     option <- rk.XML.option(  
         label="an option label",
-        chk=TRUE
+        chk=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
     optionset <- rk.XML.optionset(
@@ -259,65 +258,209 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
     page <- rk.XML.page(
         rk.XML.text("a page text")
-#     pluginmap <- rk.XML.pluginmap(
-#         name="a plugin name",
-#         about=NULL,
-#         components=components,
-#         hierarchy="test",
-#         require=NULL,
-#         x11.context=NULL,
-#         import.context=NULL,
-#         clean.name=TRUE,
-#         hints=FALSE,
-#         gen.info=TRUE,
-#         dependencies=NULL,
-#         namespace=name,
-#         priority="medium"
-#     )
-#     plugin <- rk.XML.plugin(
-#     )
-#     preview <- rk.XML.preview(
-#     )
-#     radio <- rk.XML.radio(
-#     )
-#     require <- rk.XML.require(
-#     )
-#     row <- rk.XML.row(
-#     )
-#     saveobj <- rk.XML.saveobj(
-#     )
-#     select <- rk.XML.select(
-#     )
-#     set <- rk.XML.set(
-#     )
-#     snippet <- rk.XML.snippet(
-#     )
-#     snippets <- rk.XML.snippets(
-#     )
-#     spinbox <- rk.XML.spinbox(
-#     )
-#     stretch <- rk.XML.stretch(
-#     )
-#     XMLswitch <- rk.XML.switch(
-#     )
-#     tabbook <- rk.XML.tabbook(
-#     )
-#     text <- rk.XML.text(
-#     )
-#     valueselector <- rk.XML.valueselector(
-#     )
-#     valueslot <- rk.XML.valueslot(
-#     )
-#     values <- rk.XML.values(
-#     )
-#     varselector <- rk.XML.varselector(
-#     )
-#     varslot <- rk.XML.varslot(
-#     )
-#     vars <- rk.XML.vars(
-#     )
-#     wizard <- rk.XML.wizard(
-#     )
+    # pluginmap: see below
+    # plugin: see below
+    preview <- rk.XML.preview(
+        label="a perview label",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    radio <- rk.XML.radio(
+        label="a radio label",
+        options=list(
+            value1=c(val="value1", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here")),
+            value2=option
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    require <- rk.XML.require(
+        file="your.pluginmap"
+#        map="rkward::yourID"
+    )
+    row <- rk.XML.row(
+        preview
+    )
+    saveobj <- rk.XML.saveobj(
+        label="a saveobj label",
+        chk=TRUE,
+        checkable=TRUE,
+        initial="my.RData",
+        required=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    select <- rk.XML.select(
+        label="a select label",
+        options=list(
+            value1=option,
+            value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    set <- rk.XML.set(
+        id=input,
+        set="required",
+        to=TRUE
+    )
+    snippet <- rk.XML.snippet(
+        rk.XML.vars(
+            "Variables",
+            "Fixed",
+            formula.dependent="Dependent"
+        )
+    )
+    snippets <- rk.XML.snippets(
+        snippet,
+        include
+    )
+    spinbox <- rk.XML.spinbox(
+        label="a spinbox label",
+        min=0,
+        max=23,
+        initial=17,
+        real=TRUE,
+        precision=1,
+        max.precision=5,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    stretch <- rk.XML.stretch(
+        before=rk.XML.text("a stretch text"),
+        after=rk.XML.text("more text")
+    )
+    XMLswitch <- rk.XML.switch(
+        rk.XML.cbox("foo"),
+        cases=list(
+            true=list(fixed_value="foo"),
+            false=list(fixed_value="bar")
+        )
+    )
+    tabbook <- rk.XML.tabbook("My Tabbook",
+        tabs=list(
+            "First Tab"=rk.XML.col(
+                rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", val="foo1", chk=TRUE)
+            ),
+            "Second Tab"=rk.XML.col(
+                rk.XML.cbox(label="bar", val="bar2")
+            )
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    text <- rk.XML.text(
+        "wow, cool text!",
+        type="warning",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    valueselector <- rk.XML.valueselector(
+        label="a valueselector label",
+        options=list(
+            value1=option,
+            value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    valueslot <- rk.XML.valueslot(
+        label="a valueslot label",
+        source=valueselector,
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=2,
+        any=3,
+        max=10,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    values <- rk.XML.values(
+        label="a values label",
+        slot.text="some slot text",
+        options=list(
+            value1=option,
+            value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+        ),
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=2,
+        any=3,
+        max=10,
+        horiz=FALSE,
+        add.nodes=rk.XML.text("more text"),
+        frame.label="this is a frame"
+    )
+    varselector <- rk.XML.varselector(
+        label="a varselector label",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    varslot <- rk.XML.varslot(
+        label="a varslot label",
+        source=varselector,
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=3,
+        any=5,
+        max=20,
+        dim=1,
+        min.len=2,
+        max.len=6,
+        classes=c("matrix"),
+        types=c("number"),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    vars <- rk.XML.vars(
+        label="a vars label",
+        slot.text="some more text",
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=3,
+        any=5,
+        max=20,
+        dim=1,
+        min.len=2,
+        max.len=6,
+        classes=c("matrix"),
+        types=c("number"),
+        horiz=TRUE,
+        add.nodes=list(rk.XML.text("more text")),
+        frame.label="this is a frame",
+        formula.dependent="formulate some",
+        dep.options=list(min=3)
+    )
+    wizard <- rk.XML.wizard(
+        rk.XML.text("a wizard text"),
+        label="a wizard label",
+        recommended=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    ## this is "below" ;-)
+    # re-using some previously defined objects
+    insert <- rk.XML.insert(
+        snippet=snippet
+    )
+    pluginmap <- rk.XML.pluginmap(
+        name="pluginName",
+        about=about,
+        components=components,
+        hierarchy=hierarchy,
+        require=require,
+        x11.context=context,
+        import.context=NULL,
+        clean.name=TRUE,
+        hints=FALSE,
+        gen.info=TRUE,
+        dependencies=dependencies,
+        priority="medium"
+    )
+    plugin <- rk.XML.plugin(
+        name="testPlugin",
+        dialog=dialog,
+        wizard=wizard,
+        logic=logic,
+        snippets=snippets,
+        help=TRUE,
+        include="../include_another_file.xml",
+        label="a plugin label",
+        clean.name=TRUE,
+        about=about,
+        dependencies=dependencies,
+        gen.info=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
     XML_test_standards <- list(
@@ -353,30 +496,30 @@ XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
-        page=page#,
-#         pluginmap=pluginmap,
-#         plugin=plugin,
-#         preview=preview,
-#         radio=radio,
-#         require=require,
-#         row=row,
-#         saveobj=saveobj,
-#         select=select,
-#         set=set,
-#         snippet=snippet,
-#         snippets=snippets,
-#         spinbox=spinbox,
-#         stretch=stretch,
-#         switch=XMLswitch,
-#         tabbook=tabbook,
-#         text=text,
-#         valueselector=valueselector,
-#         valueslot=valueslot,
-#         values=values,
-#         varselector=varselector,
-#         varslot=varslot,
-#         vars=vars,
-#         wizard=wizard
+        page=page,
+        pluginmap=pluginmap,
+        plugin=plugin,
+        preview=preview,
+        radio=radio,
+        require=require,
+        row=row,
+        saveobj=saveobj,
+        select=select,
+        set=set,
+        snippet=snippet,
+        snippets=snippets,
+        spinbox=spinbox,
+        stretch=stretch,
+        switch=XMLswitch,
+        tabbook=tabbook,
+        text=text,
+        valueselector=valueselector,
+        valueslot=valueslot,
+        values=values,
+        varselector=varselector,
+        varslot=varslot,
+        vars=vars,
+        wizard=wizard
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/XML_test_standards.RData b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/XML_test_standards.RData
index a7c957c..2741a39 100644
Binary files a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/XML_test_standards.RData and b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/XML_test_standards.RData differ
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/test_XML_generation.R b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/test_XML_generation.R
index f12e582..490909b 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/test_XML_generation.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/testthat/test_XML_generation.R
@@ -250,7 +250,8 @@ test_that("rk.XML.embed", {
     thisNode <- rk.XML.embed(
-            label="an embed label"
+            label="an embed label",
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -301,7 +302,8 @@ test_that("rk.XML.frame", {
         label="a frame label",
-        chk=FALSE
+        chk=FALSE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -352,6 +354,7 @@ test_that("rk.XML.input", {
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -402,7 +405,8 @@ test_that("rk.XML.matrix", {
         horiz_headers=c("hone", "htwo", "hthree"),
-        vert_headers=c("vone", "vtwo", "vthree")
+        vert_headers=c("vone", "vtwo", "vthree"),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -419,7 +423,8 @@ test_that("rk.XML.menu", {
-        index=3
+        index=3,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -433,7 +438,8 @@ test_that("rk.XML.optioncolumn", {
-        default="rarely useful"
+        default="rarely useful",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -455,7 +461,8 @@ test_that("rk.XML.option", {
     thisNode <- rk.XML.option(  
         label="an option label",
-        chk=TRUE
+        chk=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
@@ -501,6 +508,521 @@ test_that("rk.XML.page", {
+test_that("rk.XML.pluginmap", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.pluginmap(
+        name="pluginName",
+        about=rk.XML.about(
+            name="Square the circle",
+            author=c(
+                person(given="E.A.", family="Dölle",
+                    email="doelle at eternalwondermaths.example.org", role="aut"),
+                person(given="A.", family="Assistant",
+                    email="alterego at eternalwondermaths.example.org", role=c("cre","ctb"))
+                ),
+            about=list(
+                desc="Squares the circle using Heisenberg compensation.",
+                version="0.1-3",
+                date=as.Date("2014-12-12"),
+                url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/23/stc.html",
+                license="GPL",
+                category="Geometry")
+        ),
+        components=rk.XML.components(
+            rk.XML.component(
+                label="a components label",
+                file="plugins/MyOtherGUIdialog.xml"
+            )
+        ),
+        hierarchy=rk.XML.hierarchy(
+            rk.XML.menu("Analysis", 
+                rk.XML.entry(
+                    rk.XML.component(
+                        label="a hierarchy label",
+                        file="plugins/MyOtherGUIdialog.xml"
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+        ),
+        require=rk.XML.require(
+            file="your.pluginmap"
+        ),
+        x11.context=rk.XML.context(
+            rk.XML.menu("Analysis", 
+                rk.XML.entry(
+                    rk.XML.component(
+                        label="a context label",
+                        file="plugins/MyOtherGUIdialog.xml"
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+        ),
+        import.context=NULL,
+        clean.name=TRUE,
+        hints=FALSE,
+        gen.info=TRUE,
+        dependencies=rk.XML.dependencies(
+            dependencies=list(
+                rkward.min="0.6.3",
+                rkward.max="0.6.5",
+                R.min="3.1",
+                R.max="3.2"),
+            package=list(
+                c(name="heisenberg", min="0.11-2", max="0.14-1",
+                    repository="http://hsb.example.org"),
+                c(name="DreamsOfPi", min="0.2", max="3.1", repository="http://dop.example.org")),
+            pluginmap=list(
+                c(name="heisenberg.pluginmap", url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/hsb"))
+        ),
+        priority="medium"
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["pluginmap"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.plugin", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.plugin(
+        name="testPlugin",
+        dialog=rk.XML.dialog(
+            rk.XML.col(
+                rk.XML.cbox(label="a dialog column label")
+            ),
+            label="a dialog label",
+            recommended=TRUE,
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
+        ),
+        wizard=rk.XML.wizard(
+            rk.XML.text("a wizard text"),
+            label="a wizard label",
+            recommended=TRUE,
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
+        ),
+        logic=rk.XML.logic(
+            rk.XML.connect(
+                governor="myGovernor",
+                client="myCLient"
+            )
+        ),
+        snippets=rk.XML.snippets(
+            rk.XML.snippet(
+                rk.XML.vars(
+                    "Variables",
+                    "Fixed",
+                    formula.dependent="Dependent"
+                )
+            ),
+            rk.XML.include(
+                "../include_file.xml"
+            )
+        ),
+        help=TRUE,
+        include="../include_another_file.xml",
+        label="a plugin label",
+        clean.name=TRUE,
+        about=rk.XML.about(
+            name="Square the circle",
+            author=c(
+                person(given="E.A.", family="Dölle",
+                    email="doelle at eternalwondermaths.example.org", role="aut"),
+                person(given="A.", family="Assistant",
+                    email="alterego at eternalwondermaths.example.org", role=c("cre","ctb"))
+                ),
+            about=list(
+                desc="Squares the circle using Heisenberg compensation.",
+                version="0.1-3",
+                date=as.Date("2014-12-12"),
+                url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/23/stc.html",
+                license="GPL",
+                category="Geometry")
+        ),
+        dependencies=rk.XML.dependencies(
+            dependencies=list(
+                rkward.min="0.6.3",
+                rkward.max="0.6.5",
+                R.min="3.1",
+                R.max="3.2"),
+            package=list(
+                c(name="heisenberg", min="0.11-2", max="0.14-1",
+                    repository="http://hsb.example.org"),
+                c(name="DreamsOfPi", min="0.2", max="3.1", repository="http://dop.example.org")),
+            pluginmap=list(
+                c(name="heisenberg.pluginmap", url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/hsb"))
+        ),
+        gen.info=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["plugin"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.preview", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.preview(
+        label="a perview label",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["preview"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.radio", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.radio(
+        label="a radio label",
+        options=list(
+            value1=c(val="value1", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here")),
+            value2=rk.XML.option(  
+                label="an option label",
+                val="value",
+                chk=TRUE,
+                i18n=list(context="context info here")
+            )
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["radio"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.require", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.require(
+        file="your.pluginmap"
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["require"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.row", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.row(
+        rk.XML.preview(
+            label="a perview label",
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
+        )
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["row"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.saveobj", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.saveobj(
+        label="a saveobj label",
+        chk=TRUE,
+        checkable=TRUE,
+        initial="my.RData",
+        required=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["saveobj"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.select", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.select(
+        label="a select label",
+        options=list(
+            value1=rk.XML.option(  
+                label="an option label",
+                val="value",
+                chk=TRUE,
+                i18n=list(context="context info here")
+            ),
+            value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["select"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.set", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.set(
+        id=rk.XML.input(
+            label="an input label",
+            initial="init",
+            size="small",
+            required=TRUE,
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
+        ),
+        set="required",
+        to=TRUE
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["set"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.snippet", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.snippet(
+        rk.XML.vars(
+            "Variables",
+            "Fixed",
+            formula.dependent="Dependent"
+        )
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["snippet"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.snippets", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.snippets(
+        rk.XML.snippet(
+            rk.XML.vars(
+                "Variables",
+                "Fixed",
+                formula.dependent="Dependent"
+            )
+        ),
+        rk.XML.include(
+            "../include_file.xml"
+        )
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["snippets"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.spinbox", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.spinbox(
+        label="a spinbox label",
+        min=0,
+        max=23,
+        initial=17,
+        real=TRUE,
+        precision=1,
+        max.precision=5,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["spinbox"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.stretch", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.stretch(
+        before=rk.XML.text("a stretch text"),
+        after=rk.XML.text("more text")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["stretch"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.switch", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.switch(
+        rk.XML.cbox("foo"),
+        cases=list(
+            true=list(fixed_value="foo"),
+            false=list(fixed_value="bar")
+        )
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["switch"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.tabbook", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.tabbook("My Tabbook",
+        tabs=list(
+            "First Tab"=rk.XML.col(
+                rk.XML.cbox(label="foo", val="foo1", chk=TRUE)
+            ),
+            "Second Tab"=rk.XML.col(
+                rk.XML.cbox(label="bar", val="bar2")
+            )
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["tabbook"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.text", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.text(
+        "wow, cool text!",
+        type="warning",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["text"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.valueselector", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.valueselector(
+        label="a valueselector label",
+        options=list(
+            value1=rk.XML.option(  
+                label="an option label",
+                val="value",
+                chk=TRUE,
+                i18n=list(context="context info here")
+            ),
+            value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+        ),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["valueselector"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.valueslot", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.valueslot(
+        label="a valueslot label",
+        source=rk.XML.valueselector(
+            label="a valueselector label",
+            options=list(
+                value1=rk.XML.option(  
+                    label="an option label",
+                    val="value",
+                    chk=TRUE,
+                    i18n=list(context="context info here")
+                ),
+                value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+            ),
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
+        ),
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=2,
+        any=3,
+        max=10,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["valueslot"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.values", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.values(
+        label="a values label",
+        slot.text="some slot text",
+        options=list(
+            value1=rk.XML.option(  
+                label="an option label",
+                val="value",
+                chk=TRUE,
+                i18n=list(context="context info here")
+            ),
+            value2=c(val="value2", chk=FALSE, i18n=list(context="value1 context info here"))
+        ),
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=2,
+        any=3,
+        max=10,
+        horiz=FALSE,
+        add.nodes=rk.XML.text("more text"),
+        frame.label="this is a frame"
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["values"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.varselector", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.varselector(
+        label="a varselector label",
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["varselector"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.varslot", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.varslot(
+        label="a varslot label",
+        source=rk.XML.varselector(
+            label="a varselector label",
+            i18n=list(context="context info here")
+        ),
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=3,
+        any=5,
+        max=20,
+        dim=1,
+        min.len=2,
+        max.len=6,
+        classes=c("matrix"),
+        types=c("number"),
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["varslot"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.vars", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.vars(
+        label="a vars label",
+        slot.text="some more text",
+        required=TRUE,
+        duplicates=TRUE,
+        min=3,
+        any=5,
+        max=20,
+        dim=1,
+        min.len=2,
+        max.len=6,
+        classes=c("matrix"),
+        types=c("number"),
+        horiz=TRUE,
+        add.nodes=list(rk.XML.text("more text")),
+        frame.label="this is a frame",
+        formula.dependent="formulate some",
+        dep.options=list(min=3)
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["vars"]])
+    )
+test_that("rk.XML.wizard", {
+    thisNode <- rk.XML.wizard(
+        rk.XML.text("a wizard text"),
+        label="a wizard label",
+        recommended=TRUE,
+        i18n=list(context="context info here")
+    )
+    load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+    expect_that(
+        thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["wizard"]])
+    )
 # test_that("", {
 #     thisNode <- 
 #     load("XML_test_standards.RData")

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