[rkward-cvs] [rkward] packages/rkwarddev: unit tests, round two -- first tests are working.
m.eik michalke
meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Sat Dec 13 15:59:44 UTC 2014
Git commit 0237f98faa2f4297e3e1ee186bfb8a33d9bfe2de by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 13/12/2014 at 15:57.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'master'.
unit tests, round two -- first tests are working.
M +38 -24 packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
M +3 -1 packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
M +9 -4 packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R
M +1 -1 packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
A +- -- packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/XML_test_standards.RData
D +- -- packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/about_XML_standard.Rdata
M +123 -10 packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/test_XML_generation.R
M +9 -32 packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.about.Rd
M +1 -1 packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
A +128 -0 packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
index 3a9769c..c9c01d9 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
@@ -1,43 +1,57 @@
ChangeLog for package rkwarddev
-changes in version 0.06-6 (2014-12-12)
+changes in version 0.06-6 (2014-12-13)
- rk.XML.optionset() does now allow to re-use objects defined in the same
function call (i.e., refer to optioncolumns in the logic section)
- - removed arguments "help" and "component" from rk.XML.optionscolumn() again,
- as these are already being documented via the objects they connect to.
- - rk.build.plugin() was still only using the "--no-vignettes" option from R < 3
- - rk.XML.pluginmap() malformed label argument names if they referred to standrad maneu entries
+ - removed arguments "help" and "component" from rk.XML.optionscolumn()
+ again, as these are already being documented via the objects they connect to.
+ - rk.build.plugin() was still only using the "--no-vignettes" option from R
+ < 3
+ - rk.XML.pluginmap() malformed label argument names if they referred to
+ standrad maneu entries
- rk.plugin.skeleton() still allowed invalid IDs, fixed the regexp
- rk.XML.snippets() now also accepts <include> as child node
- rk.XML.tabbook() returns <insert> nodes as-is, not nested in <tab></tab>
- - rk.JS.scan() now sets "state" as default modifier for checkboxes if guess.getter is TRUE
+ - rk.JS.scan() now sets "state" as default modifier for checkboxes if
+ guess.getter is TRUE
+ - rk.XML.connect() handled modifiers too strict if "client" was a string, and too
+ liberal when "governor" was
- all "help" values can now be a list of character strings or XiMpLe nodes,
to have more control over the markup
- - added "property" and "duplicates" arguments to rk.XML.valueslot() and rk.XML.varslot().
- - rk.XML.pluginmap() now adds a "po_id" attribute to pluginmaps, necessary for i18n
- - new attribute "i18n" added to several XML functions; it takes a list with the named arguments
- "comment" or "context" to either produce an i18n comment node or an "i18n_context" attribute
+ - added "property" and "duplicates" arguments to rk.XML.valueslot() and
+ rk.XML.varslot().
+ - rk.XML.pluginmap() now adds a "po_id" attribute to pluginmaps, necessary
+ for i18n
+ - new attribute "i18n" added to several XML functions; it takes a list with
+ the named arguments "comment" or "context" to either produce an i18n
+ comment node or an "i18n_context" attribute
- new function rk.i18n.comment() to give context for translators
- - new function rk.JS.header() to easily generate JavaScript header code fit for i18n
- - rk.JS.doc(), rk.plugin.skeleton() and rk.plugin.component() now use rk.JS.header() instead of
- rk.header(), and also accept its "header.add" attribute
+ - new function rk.JS.header() to easily generate JavaScript header code fit
+ for i18n
+ - rk.JS.doc(), rk.plugin.skeleton() and rk.plugin.component() now use
+ rk.JS.header() instead of rk.header(), and also accept its "header.add"
+ attribute
- new function R.comment() to generate JavaScript "comment()" calls
- first unit tests using the testthat package
- - function i18n() was changed to be used in JavaScript generation only; this breaks code
- using the function introduced with 0.06-4, but that was to be shortlived from the start...
- the i18n features of 0.06-4 will be completely replaced with some proper methods now
- - comment nodes (<!-- foo -->) are now globally allowed as child nodes in XML; important for
- i18n comments
- - modifier checks now point to rkwarddev:::all.valid.modifiers directly in case of errors
- - internally, moved the definitions of valid child nodes and modifiers as well as default getter
- functions and modifiers to separate files, so they're more obvious to find and check
+ - function i18n() was changed to be used in JavaScript generation only;
+ this breaks code using the function introduced with 0.06-4, but that was to
+ be shortlived from the start... the i18n features of 0.06-4 will be
+ completely replaced with some proper methods now
+ - comment nodes (<!-- foo -->) are now globally allowed as child nodes in
+ XML; important for i18n comments
+ - modifier checks now point to rkwarddev:::all.valid.modifiers directly in
+ case of errors
+ - internally, moved the definitions of valid child nodes and modifiers as
+ well as default getter functions and modifiers to separate files, so
+ they're more obvious to find and check
- - the functions rk.set.language() rk.get.language() were no longer useful and therefore removed
- - also removed the option "lang" from rk.rkh.doc(), rk.XML.plugin(), rk.XML.pluginmap()
- and rk.plugin.skeleton()
+ - the functions rk.set.language() rk.get.language() were no longer useful
+ and therefore removed
+ - also removed the option "lang" from rk.rkh.doc(), rk.XML.plugin(),
+ rk.XML.pluginmap() and rk.plugin.skeleton()
changes in version 0.06-5 (2014-10-19)
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION b/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
index 6b6acd8..73fa146 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Author: m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
Maintainer: m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)
+ testthat
Enhances: rkward
Description: Provides functions to create plugin skeletons and XML structures
for RKWard.
@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ URL: http://rkward.sourceforge.net
Authors at R: c(person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre")))
Version: 0.06-6
-Date: 2014-12-12
+Date: 2014-12-13
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R
index 247f1a5..7a9558f 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.connect.R
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ rk.XML.connect <- function(governor, client, get="state", set="enabled", not=FAL
governor.id <- paste(governor.id, get, sep=".")
} else {}
} else {}
- } else {}
+ } else {
+ modif.validity("all", modifier=get)
+ }
governor.id <- paste(governor.id, "not", sep=".")
} else {}
@@ -78,9 +80,12 @@ rk.XML.connect <- function(governor, client, get="state", set="enabled", not=FAL
attr.list <- list(governor=as.character(governor.id))
# validate set modifier
- if(modif.validity(client, modifier=set, warn.only=FALSE)){
- attr.list[["client"]] <- paste(client.id, set, sep=".")
- } else {}
+ if(is.XiMpLe.node(client)){
+ modif.validity(client, modifier=set, warn.only=FALSE)
+ } else {
+ modif.validity("all", modifier=set, warn.only=FALSE)
+ }
+ attr.list[["client"]] <- paste(client.id, set, sep=".")
attr.list[["reconcile"]] <- "true"
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
index dc322c0..4469591 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#' Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' Version: \tab 0.06-6\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2014-12-12\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2014-12-13\cr
#' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)\cr
#' Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
#' Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/XML_test_standards.RData b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/XML_test_standards.RData
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f87f15
Binary files /dev/null and b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/XML_test_standards.RData differ
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/about_XML_standard.Rdata b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/about_XML_standard.Rdata
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f811fe..0000000
Binary files a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/about_XML_standard.Rdata and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/test_XML_generation.R b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/test_XML_generation.R
index 2c1901f..a04a6ea 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/test_XML_generation.R
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/inst/tests/test_XML_generation.R
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
# testing basic tokenizing and POS tagging
+# all test standards are stored in a list object called "XML_test_standards"
+# it was saved to the file "XML_test_standards.RData"
test_that("about", {
- load("about_XML_standard.RData")
thisNode <- rk.XML.about(
name="Square the circle",
@@ -16,21 +17,133 @@ test_that("about", {
desc="Squares the circle using Heisenberg compensation.",
- date=Sys.Date(),
+ date=as.Date("2014-12-12"),
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["about"]])
+ )
+test_that("attribute", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.attribute(
+ id="testID",
+ label="an attribute label",
+ value="checked"
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["attribute"]])
+ )
+test_that("browser", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.browser(
+ label="a browser label",
+ type="dir",
+ initial="/tmp/initial",
+ filter=c("*initial", "*csv"),
+ required=TRUE,
+ i18n=list(context="context info here")
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["browser"]])
+ )
+test_that("checkbox", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.cbox(
+ label="a checbox label",
+ value="checked",
+ chk=TRUE,
+ un.value="unchecked",
+ i18n=list(context="context info here")
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["checkbox"]])
+ )
- expect_that(thisNode,
- equals(thisNodeStandard))
+test_that("code", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.code(
+ file="some_file.js"
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["code"]])
+ )
+test_that("col", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.col(
+ rk.XML.cbox(label="a column label")
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["col"]])
+ )
+test_that("component", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.component(
+ label="a component label",
+ file="plugins/MyGUIdialog.xml",
+ i18n=list(context="context info here")
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["component"]])
+ )
+test_that("components", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.components(
+ rk.XML.component(
+ label="a components label",
+ file="plugins/MyOtherGUIdialog.xml"
+ )
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["components"]])
+ )
+test_that("connect", {
+ thisNode <- rk.XML.connect(
+ governor="myGovernor",
+ client="myCLient",
+ get="visible",
+ set="string",
+ not=TRUE,
+ reconcile=TRUE
+ )
+ load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+ expect_that(
+ thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[["connect"]])
+ )
# test_that("", {
-# thisNodeStandard <- dget("_XML_dput.txt")
-# thisNode <- rk.XML.()
+# thisNode <-
+# load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+# expect_that(
+# thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[[""]])
+# )
+# })
-# expect_that(thisNode,
-# equals(thisNodeStandard))
+# test_that("", {
+# thisNode <-
+# load("XML_test_standards.RData")
+# expect_that(
+# thisNode, equals(XML_test_standards[[""]])
+# )
# })
+# test_that("", {
+# thisNode <-
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.about.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.about.Rd
index 5f39cb9..77ceb0f 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.about.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rk.XML.about.Rd
@@ -33,27 +33,14 @@ See \code{\link[utils:person]{person}} for more details on this,
\item{long.desc}{A long description (optional, defaults to \code{desc})}
-\item{dependencies}{A named list with these elements:
- \item{rkward.min}{Minimum RKWard version needed for this plugin (optional)}
- \item{rkward.max}{Maximum RKWard version needed for this plugin (optional)}
- \item{R.min}{Minimum R version needed for this plugin (optional)}
- \item{R.max}{Maximum R version needed for this plugin (optional)}
+ use \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.dependencies]{rk.XML.dependencies}} instead.}
-\item{package}{A list of named character vectors, each with these elements:
- \item{name}{Name of a package this plugin depends on (optional)}
- \item{min}{Minimum version of the package (optional)}
- \item{max}{Maximum version of the package (optional)}
- \item{repository}{Repository to download the package (optional)}
+ use \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.dependencies]{rk.XML.dependencies}} instead.}
-\item{pluginmap}{A named list with these elements:
- \item{name}{Identifier of a pluginmap this plugin depends on (optional)}
- \item{url}{URL to get the pluginmap (optional)}
+ use \code{\link[rkwarddev:rk.XML.dependencies]{rk.XML.dependencies}} instead.}
Create XML node "about" for RKWard pluginmaps
@@ -73,23 +60,13 @@ about.node <- rk.XML.about(
- category="Geometry"),
- dependencies=list(
- rkward.min="0.5.3",
- rkward.max="",
- R.min="2.10",
- R.max=""),
- package=list(
- c(name="heisenberg", min="0.11-2", max="",
- repository="http://rforge.r-project.org"),
- c(name="DreamsOfPi", min="0.2", max="", repository="")),
- pluginmap=list(
- c(name="heisenberg.pluginmap", url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/hsb"))
+ category="Geometry")
cat(pasteXML(about.node, shine=2))
-\href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
+ \href{help:rkwardplugins}{Introduction to Writing Plugins for RKWard}
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
index bc14375..d8f3b13 100644
--- a/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ A collection of tools for RKWard plugin development.
Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
Type: \tab Package\cr
Version: \tab 0.06-6\cr
-Date: \tab 2014-12-12\cr
+Date: \tab 2014-12-13\cr
Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-21),rkward (>= 0.5.7)\cr
Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
diff --git a/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ca2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/rkwarddev/tests/generate_test_standards.R
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+## this function can be used to generate a list of XiMpLe nodes as testing standards
+# returns the list if file=NULL
+XMLTestNodes <- function(file=NULL, compress="xz", compression_level=-9){
+ XML_test_standards <- list(
+ about=rk.XML.about(
+ name="Square the circle",
+ author=c(
+ person(given="E.A.", family="Dölle",
+ email="doelle at eternalwondermaths.example.org", role="aut"),
+ person(given="A.", family="Assistant",
+ email="alterego at eternalwondermaths.example.org", role=c("cre","ctb"))
+ ),
+ about=list(
+ desc="Squares the circle using Heisenberg compensation.",
+ version="0.1-3",
+ date=as.Date("2014-12-12"),
+ url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/23/stc.html",
+ license="GPL",
+ category="Geometry")
+ ),
+ attribute=rk.XML.attribute(
+ id="testID",
+ label="an attribute label",
+ value="checked"
+ ),
+ browser=rk.XML.browser(
+ label="a browser label",
+ type="dir",
+ initial="/tmp/initial",
+ filter=c("*initial", "*csv"),
+ required=TRUE,
+ i18n=list(context="context info here")
+ ),
+ checkbox=rk.XML.cbox(
+ label="a checbox label",
+ value="checked",
+ chk=TRUE,
+ un.value="unchecked",
+ i18n=list(context="context info here")
+ ),
+ code=rk.XML.code(
+ file="some_file.js"
+ ),
+ col=rk.XML.col(
+ rk.XML.cbox(label="a column label")
+ ),
+ component=rk.XML.component(
+ label="a component label",
+ file="plugins/MyGUIdialog.xml",
+ i18n=list(context="context info here")
+ ),
+ components=rk.XML.components(
+ rk.XML.component(
+ label="a components label",
+ file="plugins/MyOtherGUIdialog.xml"
+ )
+ ),
+ connect=rk.XML.connect(
+ governor="myGovernor",
+ client="myCLient",
+ get="visible",
+ set="string",
+ not=TRUE,
+ reconcile=TRUE
+ )#,
+# context=rk.XML.context(),
+# convert=rk.XML.convert(),
+# copy=rk.XML.copy(),
+# dependencies=rk.XML.dependencies(),
+# dependency_check=rk.XML.dependency_check(),
+# dialog=rk.XML.dialog(),
+# dropdown=rk.XML.dropdown(),
+# embed=rk.XML.embed(),
+# entry=rk.XML.entry(),
+# external=rk.XML.external(),
+# formula=rk.XML.formula(),
+# frame=rk.XML.frame(),
+# help=rk.XML.help(),
+# hierarchy=rk.XML.hierarchy(),
+# include=rk.XML.include(),
+# input=rk.XML.input(),
+# insert=rk.XML.insert(),
+# logic=rk.XML.logic(),
+# matrix=rk.XML.matrix(),
+# menu=rk.XML.menu(),
+# optioncolumn=rk.XML.optioncolumn(),
+# optiondisplay=rk.XML.optiondisplay(),
+# option=rk.XML.option(),
+# optionset=rk.XML.optionset(),
+# page=rk.XML.page(),
+# pluginmap=rk.XML.pluginmap(),
+# plugin=rk.XML.plugin(),
+# preview=rk.XML.preview(),
+# radio=rk.XML.radio(),
+# require=rk.XML.require(),
+# row=rk.XML.row(),
+# saveobj=rk.XML.saveobj(),
+# select=rk.XML.select(),
+# set=rk.XML.set(),
+# snippet=rk.XML.snippet(),
+# snippets=rk.XML.snippets(),
+# spinbox=rk.XML.spinbox(),
+# stretch=rk.XML.stretch(),
+# switch=rk.XML.switch(),
+# tabbook=rk.XML.tabbook(),
+# text=rk.XML.text(),
+# valueselector=rk.XML.valueselector(),
+# valueslot=rk.XML.valueslot(),
+# values=rk.XML.values(),
+# varselector=rk.XML.varselector(),
+# varslot=rk.XML.varslot(),
+# vars=rk.XML.vars(),
+# wizard=rk.XML.wizard()
+ )
+ if(is.null(file)){
+ return(XML_test_standards)
+ } else {
+ save(XML_test_standards,
+ file=file,
+ compress=compress,
+ compression_level=compression_level)
+ message(paste0("written to file ", file))
+ return(invisible(NULL))
+ }
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