[rkward-cvs] [rkward] tests: adding plugin test for power analysis -- expecting it will make it to the next release. currently commented out.
m.eik michalke
meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Thu Dec 4 15:07:53 UTC 2014
Git commit ec6bb04a8ad44ce1aa9751b52cbba15a1aced303 by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 04/12/2014 at 15:03.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'master'.
adding plugin test for power analysis -- expecting it will make it to the next release. currently commented out.
M +4 -1 tests/analysis_plugins.R
A +38 -0 tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
A +21 -0 tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins.R b/tests/analysis_plugins.R
index 81656a4..696b771 100644
--- a/tests/analysis_plugins.R
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins.R
@@ -145,7 +145,10 @@ suite <- new ("RKTestSuite", id="analysis_plugins",
new ("RKTest", id="linear_regression", call=function () {
rk.call.plugin ("rkward::linear_regression", intercept.state="1", x.available="warpbreaks[[\"tension\"]]\nwarpbreaks[[\"wool\"]]", y.available="warpbreaks[[\"breaks\"]]", submit.mode="submit")
- })
+ })#,
+# new ("RKTest", id="power_analysis", call=function () {
+# rk.call.plugin ("rkward::power_analysis", drp_pwr_hypothesis.string="two.sided", drp_pwr_stat.string="pwr.t.test", drp_pwr_type.string="two.sample", pwr_spin_sample0.real="30.00", rad_pwr_param.string="Power", spn_Effectsz.real="0.30", spn_Sgnfcncl.real="0.05", svb_Svrsltst.active="0", svb_Svrsltst.objectname="pwr.result", svb_Svrsltst.parent=".GlobalEnv", submit.mode="submit")
+# })
), postCalls = list ( # like initCalls: run after all tests to clean up.
function () {
suppressWarnings (rm (list=c ("women", "warpbreaks", "rock", "co2", "test50x", "test50y", "test50z", "test10x", "test10y", "test10z", "test_table", "hptrend", "hpcycle"), envir=globalenv()))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a6a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkcommands.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+## Vorbereiten
+## Berechne
+ pwr.result <- try(
+ pwr.t.test(
+ n=30,
+ d=0.30
+ )
+ )
+## Drucke Ergebnisse
+ # Catch errors due to unsuitable data
+ if(class(pwr.result) == "try-error"){
+ rk.print("Power anaylsis not possible with the data you provided")
+ return()
+ }
+ # Prepare printout
+ note <- pwr.result[["note"]]
+ parameters <- list("Target measure"="Power")
+ if(!is.null(pwr.result[["alternative"]])){
+ parameters[["alternative"]] <- pwr.result[["alternative"]]
+ }
+ rk.header(pwr.result[["method"]], parameters=parameters)
+ pwr.result[c("method", "note", "alternative")] <- NULL
+ pwr.result <- as.data.frame(unlist(pwr.result))
+ colnames(pwr.result) <- "Parameters"
+ rk.results(pwr.result)
+ if(!is.null(note)){
+ rk.print(paste("<strong>Note:</strong> ", note))
+ }
+ rk.print("Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):")
+ rk.results(data.frame(small=0.2, medium=0.5, large=0.8))
diff --git a/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d111750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analysis_plugins/power_analysis.rkout
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<h1>Two-sample t test power calculation</h1>
+<ul><li>Target measure: Power</li>
+<li>alternative: two.sided</li>
+DATE<br />
+<table border="1">
+<p class='character'><strong>Note:</strong> n is number in *each* group</p>
+<p class='character'>Interpretation of effect size <strong>d</strong> (according to Cohen):</p>
+<table border="1">
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