[rkward-cvs] [rkward] packages/XiMpLe: fixed long lines, run tests and checks, released fixed version

m.eik michalke meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Dec 2 20:17:39 UTC 2014

Git commit 8ce7042aeb7f6e8d2e6263e57e9759db8beae1a5 by m.eik michalke.
Committed on 02/12/2014 at 20:16.
Pushed by meikm into branch 'master'.

fixed long lines, run tests and checks, released fixed version

M  +6    -0    packages/XiMpLe/debian/changelog.rkward
M  +7    -5    packages/XiMpLe/debian/control
M  +3    -3    packages/XiMpLe/debian/copyright
M  +2    -2    packages/XiMpLe/debian/rules
M  +-    --    packages/XiMpLe/inst/doc/XiMpLe_vignette.pdf
M  +11   -5    packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
M  +6    -3    packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
M  +7    -3    packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
M  +2    -1    packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
M  +11   -5    packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
M  +6    -3    packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
M  +6    -3    packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
M  +14   -7    packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd


diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/changelog.rkward b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/changelog.rkward
index cf064f6..b52c7d8 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/changelog.rkward
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/changelog.rkward
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+r-other-rkward-ximple (0.03-22-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream release
+ -- m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>  Tue, 02 Dec 2014 21:11:31 +0100
 r-other-rkward-ximple (0.03-21-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * new upstream release
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/control b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/control
index 37a6959..01e6d9d 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/control
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/control
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-Source: r-other-reaktanz-ximple
+Source: r-other-rkward-ximple
 Section: math
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
-Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 7.0.0), r-base-dev (>= 3.0.0), cdbs
+Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 7.0.0), r-base-dev (>= 3.1.0), cdbs
 Homepage: http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=XiMpLe
-Package: r-other-reaktanz-ximple
+Package: r-other-rkward-ximple
 Architecture: all
 Section: math
-Depends: r-base-core (>= 3.0.0)
+Depends: r-base-core (>= 3.1.0)
 Description: GNU R package: This package provides a simple XML tree parser/generator. It includes functions to read XML files into R
  objects, get information out of and into nodes, and write R objects back to XML code.  It's not as powerful as the XML package and
- doesn't aim to be, but for simple XML handling it could be useful. It was originally programmed for RKWard.
+ doesn't aim to be, but for simple XML handling it could be useful.  It was originally programmed for the R GUI and IDE RKWard, to
+ make plugin development easier. You can install RKWard from http://rkward.sf.net.
 Homepage: http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=XiMpLe
 Suggests: r-cran-testthat
+Conflicts: r-cran-ximple
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/copyright b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/copyright
index 31b3dd2..82a0000 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/copyright
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/copyright
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-The R library XiMpLe was originally  written and is maintained by Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>.
+The R library XiMpLe was originally written and is maintained by Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>.
-This Debian package was put together m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>.
+This Debian package was put together by m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>.
 The package was renamed from its upstream name 'XiMpLe' to
-'r-other-reaktanz-ximple' in harmony with the R packaging policy to indicate
+'r-other-rkward-ximple' in harmony with the R packaging policy to indicate
 that the package is external to the CRAN or BioC repositories.
 XiMpLe Copyright (C) 2014 Meik Michalke, released under the
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/rules b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/rules
index d31c441..dfe1eab 100755
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/debian/rules
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/debian/rules
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
 #								-*- makefile -*-
-# debian/rules file for the Debian/GNU Linux r-other-reaktanz-ximple package
+# debian/rules file for the Debian/GNU Linux r-other-rkward-ximple package
 # Copyright 2014 by m.eik michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
-debRreposname := other-reaktanz
+debRreposname := other-rkward
 include /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/inst/doc/XiMpLe_vignette.pdf b/packages/XiMpLe/inst/doc/XiMpLe_vignette.pdf
index 2651ba5..776bd54 100644
Binary files a/packages/XiMpLe/inst/doc/XiMpLe_vignette.pdf and b/packages/XiMpLe/inst/doc/XiMpLe_vignette.pdf differ
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
index dee0afd..e8cb794 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLGetters-methods.Rd
@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ XMLScanDeep(obj, find = NULL, search = "attributes")
 \item{name}{Character, name of nodes to scan for.}
-\item{as.list}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL), otherwise if exactly one result is found,
+\item{as.list}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL),
+      otherwise if exactly one result is found,
 it will be returned as as single \code{XiMpLe.node}.}
 \item{find}{Character, name of element to scan for.}
@@ -173,16 +174,21 @@ These are convenience methods to get or set slots from XML objects without using
 Another special method can scan a node/document tree object for appearances of nodes with a particular name:
-   \item{\code{XMLScan(obj, name, as.list=FALSE)}: }{get/set the XML nodes by name (recursively searches slot \code{name} of both classes
-     \code{XiMpLe.node} and  \code{XiMpLe.doc}). If \code{as.list=TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL), otherwise if exactly one result is found,
+   \item{\code{XMLScan(obj, name,
+      as.list=FALSE)}: }{get/set the XML nodes by name (recursively searches slot \code{name} of both classes
+     \code{XiMpLe.node} and  \code{XiMpLe.doc}). If \code{as.list=TRUE} allways returns a list (or NULL),
+      otherwise if exactly one result is found,
      it will be returned as as single \code{XiMpLe.node}.}
-Finally, there is a method to scan for certain values in XiMpLe objects and just list them. For instance, it can be used to
+      there is a method to scan for certain values in XiMpLe objects and just list them. For instance,
+      it can be used to
 list all instances of a certain attribute type in a document tree:
-   \item{\code{XMLScanDeep(obj, find, search="attributes")}: }{returns all found instances of \code{find} in all slots defined by \code{search}.}
+   \item{\code{XMLScanDeep(obj, find,
+      search="attributes")}: }{returns all found instances of \code{find} in all slots defined by \code{search}.}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
index 171a765..27302f9 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ is.XiMpLe.node(x)
 \item{name}{Character string, the tag name.}
 \item{...}{Optional children for the tag. Must be either objects of class XiMpLe.node or character strings,
-which are treated as simple text values. If this is empty, the tag will be treated as an empty tag. To
+which are treated as simple text values. If this is empty,
+      the tag will be treated as an empty tag. To
 force a closing tag, supply an empty string, i.e. \code{""}.}
 \item{attrs}{An optional named list of attributes.}
@@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ force a closing tag, supply an empty string, i.e. \code{""}.}
 \item{namespaceDefinitions}{Currently ignored.}
-\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children, if you have them already as a list.}
+\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children,
+      if you have them already as a list.}
 \item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}}.
 Can be used to create XML nodes.
-To generate a CDATA node, set \code{name="![CDATA["}, to create a comment, set \code{name="!--"}.
+To generate a CDATA node, set \code{name="![CDATA["}, to create a comment,
+      set \code{name="!--"}.
 sample.XML.node <- XMLNode("a",
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
index dc607fc..ad47f9e 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
@@ -13,13 +13,17 @@ is.XiMpLe.doc(x)
 \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}} or character strings,
 which are treated as simple text values.}
-\item{xml}{A named list, XML declaration of the XML tree. Currently just pasted, no checking is done.}
+\item{xml}{A named list, XML declaration of the XML tree. Currently just pasted,
+      no checking is done.}
-\item{dtd}{A named list, doctype definition of the XML tree. Valid elements are \code{doctype} (root element), \code{decl}
+\item{dtd}{A named list,
+      doctype definition of the XML tree. Valid elements are \code{doctype} (root element),
+      \code{decl}
 ("PUBLIC" or "SYSTEM"), \code{id} (the identifier) and \code{refer} (URI to .dtd).
    Currently just pasted, no checking is done.}
-\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children, if you have them already as a list.}
+\item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children,
+      if you have them already as a list.}
 \item{x}{An arbitrary \code{R} object.}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
index 069180a..7654f4c 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ URL: \tab http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=XiMpLe\cr
 This package provides a simple XML tree parser/generator. It includes functions to read XML files into R objects,
 get information out of and into nodes, and write R objects back to XML code.
 It's not as powerful as the XML package and doesn't aim to be, but for simple XML handling
-it could be useful.  It was originally programmed for the R GUI and IDE RKWard, to make plugin
+it could be useful.  It was originally programmed for the R GUI and IDE RKWard,
+      to make plugin
 development easier. You can install RKWard from http://rkward.sf.net.
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
index c7a4836..6547f53 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/node.Rd
@@ -32,10 +32,14 @@ node(obj, node = list(), what = NULL, cond.attr = NULL,
 \item{node}{A list of node names (or their numeric values), where each element is
 the child of its previous element. duplicate matches will be returned as a list.}
-\item{what}{A character string, must be a valid slot name of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}}, like
-\code{"attributes"} or \code{"value"}. If not \code{NULL}, only that part of a node will be returned.
+\item{what}{A character string,
+      must be a valid slot name of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.node-class]{XiMpLe.node}},
+      like
+\code{"attributes"} or \code{"value"}. If not \code{NULL},
+      only that part of a node will be returned.
 There's also two special properties for this option: \code{what="@path"} will not return the
-node or it's contents, but a character string with the "path" to it in the object; \code{what="obj at path"}
+node or it's contents,
+      but a character string with the "path" to it in the object; \code{what="obj at path"}
 is the same but won't have \code{obj} substituted with the object's name.}
 \item{cond.attr}{A named character string, to further filter the returned results.
@@ -44,13 +48,15 @@ If not \code{NULL}, only nodes with fully matching attributes will be considered
 \item{cond.value}{A character string, similar to \code{cond.attr}, but is matched
 against the value between a pair of tags.}
-\item{element}{A character string naming one list element of the node slot. If \code{NULL}, all
+\item{element}{A character string naming one list element of the node slot. If \code{NULL},
+      all
 elements will be returned.}
 \item{value}{The value to set.}
-This method can be used to get parts of a parsed XML tree object, or to fill it with new values.
+This method can be used to get parts of a parsed XML tree object,
+      or to fill it with new values.
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
index 20d75e4..8dd5a1a 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/parseXMLTree.Rd
@@ -12,16 +12,19 @@ parseXMLTree(file, drop = NULL, object = FALSE)
 \code{"declarations"} and \code{"doctype"}, defining element classes to be dropped
 from the resulting object.}
-\item{object}{Logical, if \code{TRUE}, \code{file} will not be treated as a path name but as a
+\item{object}{Logical, if \code{TRUE},
+      \code{file} will not be treated as a path name but as a
 character vector to be parsed as XML directly.}
 An object of class \code{\link[XiMpLe:XiMpLe.doc-class]{XiMpLe.doc}} with four slots:
-     \item{\code{file}:}{Full path to the parsed file, or \code{"object"} if \code{object=TRUE}.}
+     \item{\code{file}:}{Full path to the parsed file,
+      or \code{"object"} if \code{object=TRUE}.}
      \item{\code{xml}:}{XML declaration, if found.}
      \item{\code{dtd}:}{Doctype definition, if found.}
-     \item{\code{children}:}{A list of objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node}, with the elements
+     \item{\code{children}:}{A list of objects of class \code{XiMpLe.node},
+      with the elements
        \code{"name"} (the node name), \code{"attributes"} (list of attributes, if found),
        \code{"children"} (list of \code{XiMpLe.node} object, if found) and \code{"value"}
        (text value between a pair of start/end tags, if found).}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
index b39dd36..019f1b8 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXML-methods.Rd
@@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ pasteXML(obj, ...)
 \item{obj}{An object of class \code{XiMpLe.node} or \code{XiMpLe.doc}.}
-\item{...}{Additional options for the generic method, see options for a specific method, respectively.}
+\item{...}{Additional options for the generic method, see options for a specific method,
+      respectively.}
 \item{level}{Indentation level.}
-\item{shine}{Integer, controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
+      controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
   \item{0}{No formatting.}
   \item{1}{Nodes will be indented.}
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ pasteXML(obj, ...)
 \item{indent.by}{A charachter string defining how indentation should be done. Defaults to tab.}
-\item{tidy}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<" and ">" will be replaced with the entities
+      if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<" and ">" will be replaced with the entities
 "<" and "gt;" in attributes and text values.}
diff --git a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
index e0f22ce..ee02dac 100644
--- a/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
+++ b/packages/XiMpLe/man/pasteXMLTag.Rd
@@ -12,19 +12,23 @@ pasteXMLTag(tag, attr = NULL, child = NULL, empty = TRUE, level = 1,
 \item{attr}{A list of attributes for the tag.}
-\item{child}{If \code{empty=FALSE}, a character string to be pasted as a child node between start and end tag.}
+\item{child}{If \code{empty=FALSE},
+      a character string to be pasted as a child node between start and end tag.}
 \item{empty}{Logical, <true /> or <false></false>}
 \item{level}{Indentation level.}
-\item{allow.empty}{Logical, if \code{FALSE}, tags without attributes will not be returned.}
+\item{allow.empty}{Logical, if \code{FALSE},
+      tags without attributes will not be returned.}
 \item{rename}{An optional named list if the attributes in XML need to be renamed from their list names in \code{attr}.
-This list must in turn have a list element named after \code{tag}, containing named character elements, where the
+This list must in turn have a list element named after \code{tag},
+      containing named character elements, where the
 names represent the element names in \code{attr} and their values the names the XML attribute should get.}
-\item{shine}{Integer, controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
+      controlling if the output should be formatted for better readability. Possible values:
   \item{0}{No formatting.}
   \item{1}{Nodes will be indented.}
@@ -33,8 +37,10 @@ names represent the element names in \code{attr} and their values the names the
 \item{indent.by}{A charachter string defining how indentation should be done. Defaults to tab.}
-\item{tidy}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<", ">" and "&" will be replaced with the entities
-"<", ">" and "&" in attribute values. For comment or CDATA tags, if the text includes newline characters
+\item{tidy}{Logical, if \code{TRUE} the special characters "<",
+      ">" and "&" will be replaced with the entities
+"<", ">" and "&" in attribute values. For comment or CDATA tags,
+      if the text includes newline characters
 they will also be indented.}
@@ -48,7 +54,8 @@ with this one function.
 However, you will probably not want to use this function at all, as it is much more
   comfortable to create XML nodes or even nested trees with \code{\link[XiMpLe:XMLNode]{XMLNode}} and
-  \code{\link[XiMpLe:XMLTree]{XMLTree}}, and then feed the result to \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXML]{pasteXML}}.
+  \code{\link[XiMpLe:XMLTree]{XMLTree}},
+      and then feed the result to \code{\link[XiMpLe:pasteXML]{pasteXML}}.
 sample.XML.tag <- pasteXMLTag("a",

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