[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward-code:[4579] trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev

m-eik at users.sf.net m-eik at users.sf.net
Sun Mar 10 22:08:36 UTC 2013

Revision: 4579
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2013-03-10 22:08:35 +0000 (Sun, 10 Mar 2013)
Log Message:
rkwarddev: replaced paste(..., sep="") with paste0(...); added some *.not and *.numeric modifiers; fixed a bug in rk.XML.scan() regarding handling of <frame>; and made getter guessing smarter, as it can now check for modifiers.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/ChangeLog	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ChangeLog for package rkwarddev
-changes in version 0.06-2 (2013-02-25)
+changes in version 0.06-2 (2013-03-10)
   - the structure of <about> nodes will change in RKWard 0.6.1,
     <dependencies> will become a direct child of <document> or <component>, which explains
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
   - updated the skeleton_dialog.R demo file and recreated the plugin code
   - JavaScript functions like rk.JS.scan() and id() learned how to treat
     <optionset>, <optioncolumn> and <matrix>
+  - internally paste(..., sep="") was replaced with paste0(...), in a way that ensures
+    compatibility with R < 2.15
   - new function rk.XML.switch()
   - new function rk.XML.optiondisplay()
@@ -34,8 +36,13 @@
   - added "map" to rk.XML.require()
   - the new class rk.JS.echo allows having objects in an echo() statement
     without quoting it
+  - new combined modifiers "visible.not", "visible.numeric", "enabled.not", "enabled.numeric",
+    "state.not" and "state.numeric" are now supported
   - added some missing parameter in the docs for rk.paste.JS.graph()
+  - fixed a bug in the modifier checks; this unveiled a bug in how rk.JS.scan() dealt with <frame>
+    nodes, which was also fixed
+  - fixed a duplicate entry in this ChangeLog for version 0.04-6
 changes in version 0.06-1 (2012-11-08)
@@ -149,8 +156,6 @@
 changes in version 0.04-6 (2011-10-31)
   - added <frame> to the tags which are scanned by rk.JS.scan(), they're
     considered only if checkable
-  - added <frame> to the tags which are scanned by rk.JS.scan(), they're
-    considered only if checkable
   - improved output of rk.JS.var class objects by rk.paste.JS()
 changes in version 0.04-5 (2011-10-28)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/DESCRIPTION	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
     R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-18),rkward (>= 0.5.6)
 Enhances: rkward
-Description: Provides functions to create plugin skeletons and XML structures
-    for RKWard.
+Description: Provides functions to create plugin skeletons and XML
+    structures for RKWard.
 License: GPL (>= 3)
 Encoding: UTF-8
 LazyLoad: yes
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 Authors at R: c(person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
     email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre")))
 Version: 0.06-2
-Date: 2013-02-25
+Date: 2013-03-10

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/NAMESPACE
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/NAMESPACE	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/NAMESPACE	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
@@ -2,3 +8,6 @@
@@ -9,6 +18,24 @@
@@ -62,32 +89,5 @@

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/echo.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/echo.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/echo.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 echo <- function(..., newline=""){
 	ID.content <- qp(...)
-	result <- paste("echo(", ID.content, ");", newline, sep="")
+	result <- paste0("echo(", ID.content, ");", newline)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/id.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 				node.id <- paste.JS.var(this.part, names.only=TRUE)
 				if(length(node.id) > 1){
 					node.id <- node.id[1]
-					warning(paste("Object contained more than one ID, only the first one was used: ", node.id, sep=""), call.=FALSE)
+					warning(paste0("Object contained more than one ID, only the first one was used: ", node.id), call.=FALSE)
 				} else {}
 			} else if(inherits(this.part, "rk.JS.echo")){

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/join.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/join.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/join.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	JS.join <- new("rk.JS.echo",
-			value=paste(camelCode(arr.name), ".join(", qp(by) ,")", sep="")
+			value=paste0(camelCode(arr.name), ".join(", qp(by) ,")")

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk-internal.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
 # internal functions for the rk.* functions
+## wrapper for paste0() needed?
+if(isTRUE(R_system_version(getRversion()) < 2.15)){
+	# if this is an older R version, we need a wrapper function for paste0()
+	# which was introduced with R 2.15 as a more efficient shortcut to paste(..., sep="")
+	paste0 <- function(..., collapse=NULL){
+		return(paste(..., sep="", collapse=collapse))
+	}
+} else {}
 # info message
-generator.info <- rk.comment(paste("this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.\n",
-			"perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!", sep=""))
+generator.info <- rk.comment(paste0("this code was generated using the rkwarddev package.\n",
+			"perhaps don't make changes here, but in the rkwarddev script instead!"))
 ## function auto.ids()
 auto.ids <- function(identifiers, prefix=NULL, suffix=NULL, chars=8){
@@ -12,7 +21,7 @@
 		warning("IDs are not unique, please check!")
 	} else {}
-	ids <- paste(prefix, id.names, suffix, sep="")
+	ids <- paste0(prefix, id.names, suffix)
 } ## end function auto.ids()
@@ -85,9 +94,9 @@
 	} else {
-			action <- paste(action, ": ", sep="")
+			action <- paste0(action, ": ")
 		} else {}
-		warning(paste(action, "Skipping existing file ", file.name, ".", sep=""), call.=FALSE)
+		warning(paste0(action, "Skipping existing file ", file.name, "."), call.=FALSE)
 } ## end function checkCreateFiles()
@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@
 							this.tag.id <- paste(this.tag.setid, this.tag.id, sep=".")
 						} else {}
 						# for safety, prefix the column ID with a constant
-						this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev, sep="")
+						this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev)
 					} else {}
 				} else {
 					this.tag.name <- XiMpLe:::XML.tagName(this.tag)
@@ -180,12 +189,12 @@
 							this.tag.id <- paste(this.tag.setid, this.tag.id, sep=".")
 						} else {}
 						# for safety, prefix the column ID with a constant
-						this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev, sep="")
+						this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0("ocol_", this.tag.id.abbrev)
 					} else {}
-					this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste(ID.prefix(this.tag.name), this.tag.id.abbrev, sep="")
+					this.tag.id.abbrev <- paste0(ID.prefix(this.tag.name), this.tag.id.abbrev)
 				} else {}
 				return(c(id=this.tag.id, abbrev=this.tag.id.abbrev, tag=this.tag.name))
@@ -200,7 +209,7 @@
 	if("id" %in% names(ids)){
 		multiple.id <- duplicated(ids[,"id"])
-			warning(paste("IDs are not unique:\n  ", paste(ids[multiple.id,"id"], collapse=", "), "\n  Expect errors!", sep=""))
+			warning(paste0("IDs are not unique:\n  ", paste(ids[multiple.id,"id"], collapse=", "), "\n  Expect errors!"))
 		} else {}
@@ -260,7 +269,7 @@
-	results <- paste(words[1], paste(new.words, collapse=""), sep="")
+	results <- paste0(words[1], paste(new.words, collapse=""))
 } ## end function camelCode()
@@ -268,8 +277,7 @@
 ## default getters for JavaScript variables
 # try to set useful default getter functions to query the values from XML nodes
-# will only be used if "guess.getter" is true -- and after it's properly implemented
-# into rk.JS.scan()
+# will only be used if "guess.getter" is true
 JS.getters.default <- list(
@@ -283,6 +291,50 @@
+# we can also guess some fitting getter functions by the modifier set
+JS.getters.modif.default <- list(
+#	"active",
+#	"available",
+#	"calculate",
+	"checked"="getBoolean",
+	"checked.not"="getBoolean",
+	"checked.numeric"="getBoolean",
+	"dependent"="getString",
+	"enabled"="getBoolean",
+	"enabled.not"="getBoolean",
+	"enabled.numeric"="getBoolean",
+#	"false",
+	"fixed_factors"="getString",
+#	"int",
+	"label"="getString",
+	"labels"="getString",
+	"model"="getString",
+#	"not",
+#	"number",
+#	"numeric",
+	"objectname"="getString",
+	"parent"="getString",
+	"preprocess"="getString",
+	"preview"="getBoolean",
+	"printout"="getString",
+#	"real",
+	"required"="getBoolean",
+#	"root",
+#	"selected",
+#	"selection",
+	"shortname"="getString",
+	"source"="getString",
+	"state"="getBoolean",
+	"state.not"="getBoolean",
+	"state.numeric"="getBoolean",
+	"string"="getString",
+#	"table",
+	"text"="getString",
+#	"true",
+	"visible"="getBoolean",
+	"visible.not"="getBoolean",
+	"visible.numeric"="getBoolean"
 ## function get.JS.vars()
 #   <tag id="my.id" ...>
@@ -335,15 +387,32 @@
 					any(!c(XMLAttrs(XML.var)[["value"]], XMLAttrs(XML.var)[["value_unchecked"]]) %in% c("true","false"))){
 					getter <- "getString"
 				} else {
-					getter <- JS.getters.default[[tag.name]]
+					# check if a modifier is given and we have a default for it
+					# modifiers were probably checked already
+					## TODO: currently this only works for one modifier of if all
+					## modifiers are fine with the same getter; maybe "getter"
+					## should become a vector like "modifiers"
+					if(!is.null(modifiers) && any(modifiers %in% names(JS.getters.modif.default))){
+						# find all matching modifiers
+						getter.modifs <- modifiers[modifiers %in% names(JS.getters.modif.default)]
+						all.getters <- unique(unlist(JS.getters.modif.default[getter.modifs]))
+						if(length(all.getters) > 1){
+							warning("For the modifiers you specified, different getter functions were found. Only using the first one!", call.=FALSE)
+							getter <- all.getters[1]
+						} else {
+							getter <- all.getters
+						}
+					} else {
+						getter <- JS.getters.default[[tag.name]]
+					}
 			} else {}
 		} else {
 			# if guess.getters is off but we're dealing with <matrix> or <optionset>,
 			# throw in a warning:
 			if(tag.name %in% c("matrix", "optioncolumn") && identical(getter, "getValue")){
-				warning(paste("Your plugin contains the <", tag.name, "> element, but 'guess.getter' is off. ",
-					"Using the default getValue() on this node might cause problems!", sep=""), call.=FALSE)
+				warning(paste0("Your plugin contains the <", tag.name, "> element, but 'guess.getter' is off. ",
+					"Using the default getValue() on this node might cause problems!"), call.=FALSE)
 			} else {}
 		XML.var <- check.ID(XML.var)
@@ -392,9 +461,9 @@
 		prfx <- NULL
-		prfx <- paste(prfx, ".", sep="")
+		prfx <- paste0(prfx, ".")
 	} else {
-		prfx <- paste(prfx, "_", sep="")
+		prfx <- paste0(prfx, "_")
 } ## end function ID.prefix()
@@ -403,13 +472,13 @@
 ## function node.soup()
 # pastes the nodes as XML, only alphanumeric characters, e.g. to generate auto-IDs
 node.soup <- function(nodes){
-	the.soup <- paste(unlist(sapply(child.list(nodes), function(this.node){
+	the.soup <- paste0(unlist(sapply(child.list(nodes), function(this.node){
 				return(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", pasteXML(this.node, shine=0)))
 			} else {
 				stop(simpleError("Nodes must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
-		})), sep="", collapse="")
+		})), collapse="")
 } ## end function node.soup()
@@ -427,9 +496,9 @@
 	make.vector <- function(value){
 		if(grepl(",", value)){
-			value <- paste("c(\"", paste(trim(unlist(strsplit(value, ","))), collapse="\", \""), "\")", sep="")
+			value <- paste0("c(\"", paste(trim(unlist(strsplit(value, ","))), collapse="\", \""), "\")")
 		} else {
-			value <- paste("\"", value, "\"", sep="")
+			value <- paste0("\"", value, "\"")
@@ -441,12 +510,12 @@
 			family <- make.vector(attrs[["family"]])
 			email <- make.vector(attrs[["email"]])
 			role <- make.vector(attrs[["role"]])
-			this.author <- paste("person(given=", given, ", family=", family, ", email=", email, ", role=", role, ")", sep="")
+			this.author <- paste0("person(given=", given, ", family=", family, ", email=", email, ", role=", role, ")")
 			all.authors[length(all.authors) + 1] <- this.author
 		} else {}
 	if(length(all.authors) > 1){
-		all.authors <- paste("c(", paste(all.authors, collapse=", "), ")", sep="")
+		all.authors <- paste0("c(", paste(all.authors, collapse=", "), ")")
 	} else {}
 		all.authors <- eval(parse(text=all.authors))
@@ -478,17 +547,17 @@
 		# first see if RKWard and R versions are given
 		deps.RkR <- XMLAttrs(got.deps)
 		deps.RkR.options  <- names(deps.RkR)
-		R.min <- ifelse("R_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste(">= ", deps.RkR[["R_min_version"]], sep=""), "")
-		R.max <- ifelse("R_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste("< ", deps.RkR[["R_max_version"]], sep=""), "")
+		R.min <- ifelse("R_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0(">= ", deps.RkR[["R_min_version"]]), "")
+		R.max <- ifelse("R_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0("< ", deps.RkR[["R_max_version"]]), "")
 		R.version.indices <- sum(!identical(R.min, ""), !identical(R.max, ""))
 		if(R.version.indices > 0 & identical(mode, "depends")){
-			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste("R (", R.min, ifelse(R.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), R.max, ")", sep="")
+			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste0("R (", R.min, ifelse(R.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), R.max, ")")
 		} else {}
-		Rk.min <- ifelse("rkward_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste(">= ", deps.RkR[["rkward_min_version"]], sep=""), "")
-		Rk.max <- ifelse("rkward_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste("< ", deps.RkR[["rkward_max_version"]], sep=""), "")
+		Rk.min <- ifelse("rkward_min_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0(">= ", deps.RkR[["rkward_min_version"]]), "")
+		Rk.max <- ifelse("rkward_max_version" %in% deps.RkR.options, paste0("< ", deps.RkR[["rkward_max_version"]]), "")
 		Rk.version.indices <- sum(!identical(Rk.min, ""), !identical(Rk.max, ""))
 		if(Rk.version.indices > 0 && identical(mode, "depends")){
-			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste("rkward (", Rk.min, ifelse(Rk.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), Rk.max, ")", sep="")
+			deps.packages[[length(deps.packages) + 1]] <- paste0("rkward (", Rk.min, ifelse(Rk.version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), Rk.max, ")")
 		} else {}
 		check.deps.pckg <- sapply(XMLChildren(got.deps), function(this.child){identical(XMLName(this.child), "package")})
 		if(any(check.deps.pckg) && ((isTRUE(suggest) && identical(mode, "suggest")) | !isTRUE(suggest))){
@@ -496,15 +565,15 @@
 					this.pckg.dep <- XMLAttrs(XMLChildren(got.deps)[[this.pckg]])
 					pckg.options <- names(this.pckg.dep)
 					pckg.name <- this.pckg.dep[["name"]]
-					pckg.min <- ifelse("min" %in% pckg.options, paste(">= ", this.pckg.dep[["min"]], sep=""), "")
-					pckg.max <- ifelse("max" %in% pckg.options, paste("< ", this.pckg.dep[["max"]], sep=""), "")
+					pckg.min <- ifelse("min" %in% pckg.options, paste0(">= ", this.pckg.dep[["min"]]), "")
+					pckg.max <- ifelse("max" %in% pckg.options, paste0("< ", this.pckg.dep[["max"]]), "")
 					version.indices <- sum(!identical(pckg.min, ""), !identical(pckg.max, ""))
 					if(version.indices > 0){
-						pckg.version <- paste(" (", pckg.min, ifelse(version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), pckg.max, ")", sep="")
+						pckg.version <- paste0(" (", pckg.min, ifelse(version.indices > 1, ", ", ""), pckg.max, ")")
 					} else {
 						pckg.version <- ""
-					return(paste(pckg.name, pckg.version, sep=""))
+					return(paste0(pckg.name, pckg.version))
 				}), collapse=", ")
 		} else {}
 		results <- paste(unlist(deps.packages), collapse=", ")
@@ -550,16 +619,16 @@
 ## list with valid modifiers
 all.valid.modifiers <- list(
-	all=c("", "visible", "enabled", "required", "true", "false", "not", "numeric",
-	"preprocess", "calculate", "printout", "preview"),
+	all=c("", "visible", "visible.not", "visible.numeric", "enabled", "enabled.not", "enabled.numeric",
+	"required", "true", "false", "not", "numeric", "preprocess", "calculate", "printout", "preview"),
 	varselector=c("selected", "root"),
 	varslot=c("available", "selected", "source", "shortname", "label"),
 	radio=c("string", "number"),
 	dropdown=c("string", "number"),
 	# option=c(),
-	checkbox=c("state"),
-	frame=c("checked"),
+	checkbox=c("state", "state.not", "state.numeric"),
+	frame=c("checked", "checked.not", "checked.numeric"),
 	saveobject=c("selection", "parent", "objectname", "active"),
@@ -568,7 +637,7 @@
 # removed embed, can be all sorts of stuff, see e.g. generic plot options
 #	embed=c("code"),
 # for the same reason external is not listed here
-	preview=c("state")
+	preview=c("state", "state.not", "state.numeric")
 ) ## end list with valid modifiers
@@ -597,11 +666,7 @@
 	} else if(identical(source, "all")){
 		tag.name <- "<any tag>"
 	} else {
-		if(isTRUE(bool)){
-			return(TRUE)
-		} else {
-			return(modifier)
-		}
+		tag.name <- source
 	if(tag.name %in% names(all.valid.modifiers)){
@@ -615,16 +680,16 @@
 	invalid.modif <- !unlist(modifier) %in% valid.modifs
-			warning(paste("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
-				paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", "), sep=""), call.=FALSE)
+			warning(paste0("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
+				paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", ")), call.=FALSE)
 			} else {
 		} else {
-			stop(simpleError(paste("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
-				paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", "), sep="")))
+			stop(simpleError(paste0("Some modifier you provided is invalid for '",tag.name,"' and was ignored: ",
+				paste(modifier[invalid.modif], collapse=", "))))
 	} else {
@@ -686,14 +751,14 @@
 				} else {
-					stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid object for ", section, " section, must be of class XiMpLe.node, but got class ", class(this.child), "!", sep="")))
+					stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid object for ", section, " section, must be of class XiMpLe.node, but got class ", class(this.child), "!")))
 	} else {}
 	invalid.sets <- !node.names %in% all.valid.children[[parent]]
-		return.message <- paste("Invalid XML nodes for ", section, " section: ", paste(node.names[invalid.sets], collapse=", "), sep="")
+		return.message <- paste0("Invalid XML nodes for ", section, " section: ", paste(node.names[invalid.sets], collapse=", "))
@@ -718,7 +783,7 @@
 		if(identical(node.name, parent)){
 		} else {
-			return.message <- paste("I don't know what this is, but '", parent, "' is not a <", parent, "> section!", sep="")
+			return.message <- paste0("I don't know what this is, but '", parent, "' is not a <", parent, "> section!")
@@ -728,9 +793,9 @@
 	} else {
-				paste("'", parent, "' must be a XiMpLe.node",
-					if(!is.null(see)){paste(", see ?", see, sep="")},
-					"!", sep=""))
+				paste0("'", parent, "' must be a XiMpLe.node",
+					if(!is.null(see)){paste0(", see ?", see)},
+					"!"))
 } ## end function valid.parent()
@@ -741,7 +806,7 @@
 	if(inherits(value, type)){
 	} else {
-		msg.text <- paste(sQuote(var.name), " should be of type ", type, "!", sep="")
+		msg.text <- paste0(sQuote(var.name), " should be of type ", type, "!")
 		} else {
@@ -757,7 +822,7 @@
 	name <- gsub("[[:space:]]*[^[:alnum:]_.]*", "", name)
 	if(!identical(name.orig, name)){
-			message(paste("For file names ", sQuote(name.orig), " was renamed to ", sQuote(name), ".", sep=""))
+			message(paste0("For file names ", sQuote(name.orig), " was renamed to ", sQuote(name), "."))
 		} else {}
 	} else {}
@@ -774,30 +839,30 @@
 	# if this is not a single "if" but an "else if", do not indent
-		ifJS <- paste("if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n", sep="")
+		ifJS <- paste0("if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n")
 	} else {
-		ifJS <- paste(main.indent, "if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n", sep="")
+		ifJS <- paste0(main.indent, "if(", slot(object, "ifJS"), ") {\n")
 	if(nchar(slot(object, "thenJS")) > 0) {
 		# chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
-		thenJS.clean <- gsub(paste("^", indent.by, "*", sep=""), "", slot(object, "thenJS"))
-		thenJS <- paste(scnd.indent, thenJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}", sep="")
+		thenJS.clean <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", slot(object, "thenJS"))
+		thenJS <- paste0(scnd.indent, thenJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}")
 	} else {
 		# if there is another rk.JS.ite object, call with recursion
 		if(length(slot(object, "thenifJS")) == 1){
-			thenJS <- paste(paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "thenifJS")[[1]], level=level+1, indent.by=indent.by), "\n", main.indent, "}", sep="")
+			thenJS <- paste0(paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "thenifJS")[[1]], level=level+1, indent.by=indent.by), "\n", main.indent, "}")
 		} else {}
 	if(nchar(slot(object, "elseJS")) > 0) {
 		# chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
-		elseJS.clean <- gsub(paste("^", indent.by, "*", sep=""), "", slot(object, "elseJS"))
-		elseJS <- paste(" else {\n", scnd.indent, elseJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}", sep="")
+		elseJS.clean <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", slot(object, "elseJS"))
+		elseJS <- paste0(" else {\n", scnd.indent, elseJS.clean, "\n", main.indent, "}")
 	} else {
 		# if there is another rk.JS.ite object, call with recursion
 		if(length(slot(object, "elifJS")) == 1){
-			elseJS <- paste(" else ", paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "elifJS")[[1]], level=level, indent.by=indent.by, recurse=TRUE), sep="")
+			elseJS <- paste0(" else ", paste.JS.ite(slot(object, "elifJS")[[1]], level=level, indent.by=indent.by, recurse=TRUE))
 		} else {
 				# close for sure with an empty "else"
@@ -808,7 +873,7 @@
-	result <- paste(ifJS, thenJS, elseJS, collapse="", sep="")
+	result <- paste0(ifJS, thenJS, elseJS, collapse="")
 } ## end function paste.JS.ite()
@@ -832,11 +897,11 @@
 		funct.start <- ""
 		funct.end <- ""
 	} else {
-		funct.start <- paste(funct, "(", sep="")
+		funct.start <- paste0(funct, "(")
 		funct.end <- ")"
-	JS.array <- paste(
+	JS.array <- paste0(
 		main.indent, "// define the array ", arr.name, " for values of R option \"", option, "\"\n",
 		main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n",
 		main.indent, arr.name, ".push(",
@@ -844,16 +909,15 @@
 		main.indent, "// clean array ", arr.name, " from empty strings\n",
 		main.indent, arr.name, " = ", arr.name, ".filter(String);\n",
 		main.indent, "// set the actual variable ", opt.name,
-		ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste(" for R option \"", option, sep="")),
-		ifelse(identical(funct, ""), "\"", paste("=", funct, "()\"", sep="")), "\n",
+		ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(" for R option \"", option)),
+		ifelse(identical(funct, ""), "\"", paste0("=", funct, "()\"")), "\n",
 		main.indent, "if(", arr.name, ".length > 0) {\n",
 		scnd.indent, "var ", opt.name, " = \", ",
-		ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste(option, "=", sep="")),
+		ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(option, "=")),
 		funct.start, "\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\", \") + \"",funct.end,"\";\n",
 		main.indent, "} else {\n",
 		scnd.indent, "var ", opt.name, " = \"\";\n",
-		main.indent, "}\n",
-		sep="")
+		main.indent, "}\n")
 } ## end function paste.JS.array()
@@ -881,16 +945,16 @@
 		funct.start <- ""
 		funct.end <- ""
 	} else {
-		funct.start <- paste(funct, "(", sep="")
+		funct.start <- paste0(funct, "(")
 		funct.end <- ")"
 	# a function to add the object stuff to ite objects
 	add.opts <- function(this.ite, collapse, array){
-			slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste(arr.name, ".push(", slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),");", sep="")
+			slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste0(arr.name, ".push(", slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),");")
 		} else {
-			slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste(variable, " += ", collapse, slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),";", sep="")
+			slot(this.ite, "thenJS") <- paste0(variable, " += ", collapse, slot(this.ite, "thenJS"),";")
 		if(length(slot(this.ite, "elifJS")) == 1){
 			slot(this.ite, "elifJS") <- list(add.opts(slot(this.ite, "elifJS")[[1]]))
@@ -912,30 +976,28 @@
-	JS.options <- paste(
+	JS.options <- paste0(
-			paste(
+			paste0(
 				main.indent, "// define the array ", arr.name, " for values of R option \"", option, "\"\n",
-				main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n", sep="")
+				main.indent, "var ", arr.name, " = new Array();\n")
 		} else {
-			paste(main.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n", sep="")
+			paste0(main.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n")
-		paste(ifs.pasted, sep="", collapse="\n"), "\n",
+		paste0(ifs.pasted, collapse="\n"), "\n",
-			paste(
+			paste0(
 				main.indent, "// clean array ", arr.name, " from empty strings\n",
 				main.indent, arr.name, " = ", arr.name, ".filter(String);\n",
 				main.indent, "// set the actual variable ", variable, " with all values for R option \"", option, "\"\n",
 				main.indent, "if(", arr.name, ".length > 0) {\n",
 				scnd.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"", collapse,
-				ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste(option, "=", sep="")),
+				ifelse(identical(option, ""), "", paste0(option, "=")),
 				funct.start, "\" + ", arr.name, ".join(\", \") + \"",funct.end,"\";\n",
 				main.indent, "} else {\n",
 				scnd.indent, "var ", variable, " = \"\";\n",
-				main.indent, "}\n",
-				sep="")
-		} else {},
-		sep="")
+				main.indent, "}\n")
+		} else {})
 } ## end function paste.JS.options()
@@ -985,7 +1047,7 @@
 	} else {}
 	if(!identical(join, "")){
-		join.code <- paste(".split(\"\\n\").join(\"", join, "\")", sep="")
+		join.code <- paste0(".split(\"\\n\").join(\"", join, "\")")
 	} else {
 		join.code <- ""
@@ -996,7 +1058,7 @@
 				results <- c(results, camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)))
 			} else {
-				results <- paste(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)), " = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, "\")", join.code, ";", sep="")
+				results <- paste0(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var)), " = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, "\")", join.code, ";")
 		} else {}
 		if(length(modifiers) > 0){
@@ -1008,8 +1070,8 @@
 						return(camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)))
 					} else {
-						return(paste(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)),
-							" = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, ".", this.modif, "\")", join.code, ";", sep=""))
+						return(paste0(main.indent, "var ", camelCode(c(JS.prefix, JS.var, this.modif)),
+							" = ", getter, "(\"", XML.var, ".", this.modif, "\")", join.code, ";"))
 			if(identical(results, "")){

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.doc.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.doc.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.doc.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 		js.globals <- paste(
 			"// define variables globally\n",
-			paste(globals, collapse=""), sep="")
+			paste0(globals, collapse=""))
 			# remove globals from variables, if duplicate
 			# we'll split them by semicolon
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 			# leave only variables *not* found in globals
 			ok.vars <- split.vars[!stripped.vars %in% stripped.globs]
 			# finally, glue back the semicolon and make one string again
-			variables <- gsub("^\n*", "", paste(paste(ok.vars, ";", sep=""), collapse=""))
+			variables <- gsub("^\n*", "", paste(paste0(ok.vars, ";"), collapse=""))
 		} else {}
 	} else {
 		js.globals <- NULL
@@ -82,49 +82,47 @@
-	js.preprocess <- paste("function preprocess(){\n",
+	js.preprocess <- paste0("function preprocess(){\n",
 		indent(2, by=indent.by), "// add requirements etc. here\n",
 		paste(js.require, collapse=""),
-		ifelse(is.null(preprocess), "", paste("\n", preprocess, "\n", sep="")),
-		"}", sep="")
+		ifelse(is.null(preprocess), "", paste0("\n", preprocess, "\n")),
+		"}")
-	js.calculate <- paste("function calculate(){\n",
+	js.calculate <- paste0("function calculate(){\n",
 			# for plots we only need something here if calculate is not empty
-			if(is.null(doPrintout) | !is.null(calculate)){paste(
-				ifelse(is.null(variables), "", paste(
+			if(is.null(doPrintout) | !is.null(calculate)){paste0(
+				ifelse(is.null(variables), "", paste0(
 					indent(2, by=indent.by), "// read in variables from dialog\n",
-					paste(variables, collapse=""), "\n\n", sep="")),
+					paste(variables, collapse=""), "\n\n")),
-					paste(indent(2, by=indent.by), "// generate the R code to be evaluated here\n", sep=""),
-					paste(indent(2, by=indent.by), "// the R code to be evaluated\n",calculate, "\n", sep="")),
-				sep="")
-			} else {}, "}", sep="")
+					paste0(indent(2, by=indent.by), "// generate the R code to be evaluated here\n"),
+					paste0(indent(2, by=indent.by), "// the R code to be evaluated\n",calculate, "\n")))
+			} else {}, "}")
-	js.printout <- paste("function printout(){\n",
+	js.printout <- paste0("function printout(){\n",
-				paste(
+				paste0(
 					indent(2, by=indent.by), "// printout the results\n",
 					if(is.character(results.header) && !identical(results.header, "")){
-						paste(indent(2, by=indent.by), echo(id("rk.header(", results.header, ")\n")), sep="")
+						paste0(indent(2, by=indent.by), echo(id("rk.header(", results.header, ")\n")))
 					} else {},
-					ifelse(is.null(printout), echo("rk.print(\"\")\n"), paste("\n", printout, sep="")),
-					"\n",
-				sep="")
+					ifelse(is.null(printout), echo("rk.print(\"\")\n"), paste0("\n", printout)),
+					"\n")
 				} else {
 						"// all the real work is moved to a custom defined function doPrintout() below",
 						"// true in this case means: We want all the headers that should be printed in the output:",
 					level=2, indent.by=indent.by)
-				}, "\n}", sep="")
+				}, "\n}")
 	# this part will create preview() and doPrintout(full), if needed
 		js.doPrintout <- ""
 	} else {
-		js.doPrintout <- paste("function preview(){\n",
+		js.doPrintout <- paste0("function preview(){\n",
@@ -132,9 +130,9 @@
 					level=2, indent.by=indent.by),
 					"function doPrintout(full){\n",
-					ifelse(is.null(variables), "", paste(
+					ifelse(is.null(variables), "", paste0(
 						indent(2, by=indent.by), "// read in variables from dialog\n", 
-						paste(variables, collapse=""), "\n\n", sep="")),
+						paste(variables, collapse=""), "\n\n")),
 					indent(2, by=indent.by), "// create the plot\n",
 					if(is.character(results.header) && !identical(results.header, "")){
 						rk.paste.JS(ite("full", echo(id("rk.header(", results.header,")\n"))))
@@ -142,10 +140,9 @@
-						paste("\n\n", indent(2, by=indent.by), "// left over from the printout function\n", printout, "\n\n", sep="")
+						paste0("\n\n", indent(2, by=indent.by), "// left over from the printout function\n", printout, "\n\n")
 					} else {},
-					"\n}",
-				sep="")
+					"\n}")
 	JS.doc <- paste(js.gen.info, js.globals, js.preprocess, js.calculate, js.printout, js.doPrintout, sep="\n\n")

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.saveobj.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.saveobj.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.saveobj.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 		num.obj <- length(R.objects)
 		if(num.obj != num.tags & !identical(R.objects, "initial")){
-			stop(simpleError(paste("Length of 'R.objects' (",num.obj,") is unequal to saveobject nodes found:\n  ",
-				paste(unlist(cleaned.tags), collapse="\n  "), sep="")))
+			stop(simpleError(paste0("Length of 'R.objects' (",num.obj,") is unequal to saveobject nodes found:\n  ",
+				paste(unlist(cleaned.tags), collapse="\n  "))))
 		} else {}
 	} else {}
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@
 				return(rk.paste.JS(JS.code, level=2, indent.by=indent.by))
 			})), collapse="\n")
-		results <- paste(main.indent, "//// save result object\n",
+		results <- paste0(main.indent, "//// save result object\n",
 			if(!is.null(JS.vars)) {
-				paste(main.indent, "// read in saveobject variables\n", JS.vars, "\n", sep="")
-			} else {}, main.indent, "// assign object to chosen environment\n", JS.assign, sep="")
+				paste0(main.indent, "// read in saveobject variables\n", JS.vars, "\n")
+			} else {}, main.indent, "// assign object to chosen environment\n", JS.assign)
 	} else {

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.scan.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.scan.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.JS.scan.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@
 		tag.names=TRUE, only.checkable=TRUE)
 	if("id" %in% colnames(JS.special.id)){
-			JS.lines <- paste(JS.lines, "\n", paste(unlist(sapply(1:nrow(JS.special.id), function(this.id){
+			JS.lines <- paste0(JS.lines, "\n", paste(unlist(sapply(1:nrow(JS.special.id), function(this.id){
-						tag.name=JS.id[this.id,"tag"],
+						tag.name=JS.special.id[this.id,"tag"],
 						level=2, indent.by=indent.by))
-				}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)), collapse="\n"), sep="")
+				}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)), collapse="\n"))
 		} else {
 			JS.lines <- c(JS.lines, JS.special.id[,"id"])
 			names(JS.lines) <- NULL

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.browser.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.browser.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.browser.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 	if(length(type) == 1 & type %in% c("dir", "file", "savefile")){
 		attr.list[["type"]] <- type
 	} else {
-		stop(simpleError(paste("Unknown browser type: ", type, sep="")))
+		stop(simpleError(paste0("Unknown browser type: ", type)))
 	if(identical(id.name, "auto")){

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.component.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.component.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.component.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 	# once there are more types supported, this will make much more sense...
 	if(!type %in% c("standard")){
-		stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid type: ", type, sep="")))
+		stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid type: ", type)))
 	} else {
 		attr.list[["type"]] <- type

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.context.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.context.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.context.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	valid.child("context", children=nodes)
 	if(!id %in% c("x11", "import")){
-		stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid ID: ", id, sep="")))
+		stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid ID: ", id)))
 	} else {}
 	node <- XMLNode("context",

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.convert.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.convert.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.convert.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 		stop(simpleError("'mode' must have one (or two, if its a range) named element!"))
 	} else {}
 	if(!all(mode.name %in% c("equals","notequals","and","or","min","max"))){
-		stop(simpleError(paste("The mode you provided is invalid: ", mode.name, sep="")))
+		stop(simpleError(paste0("The mode you provided is invalid: ", mode.name)))
 	} else {}
 	if(length(mode) == 2 & !all(mode.name %in% c("min","max"))){
 		stop(simpleError("If 'mode' has two elements, they can only be \"min\" and \"max\"!"))
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 		sourceValsForID <- sapply(sources, function(this.source){
-		attr.list <- list(id=auto.ids(paste(paste(sourceValsForID, collapse=""), mode, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("logic")))
+		attr.list <- list(id=auto.ids(paste0(paste(sourceValsForID, collapse=""), mode), prefix=ID.prefix("logic")))
 	} else if(!is.null(id.name)){
 		attr.list <- list(id=id.name)
 	} else {
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
 		# check these names if they're valid modifiers here
 		invalid.names <- !src.names %in% unique(unlist(all.valid.modifiers))
-			warning(paste("Some of the modifier names you provided are invalid and were ignored: ",
-				paste(src.names[invalid.names], collapse=", "), sep=""))
+			warning(paste0("Some of the modifier names you provided are invalid and were ignored: ",
+				paste(src.names[invalid.names], collapse=", ")))
 				src.names[invalid.names] <- ""
 		} else {}
 		sources <- as.character(sapply(1:length(src.names), function(src.no){

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.embed.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.embed.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.embed.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	} else {}
 	if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
-		attr.list[["id"]] <- auto.ids(paste(label, component, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("embed"))
+		attr.list[["id"]] <- auto.ids(paste0(label, component), prefix=ID.prefix("embed"))
 	} else {
 		attr.list[["id"]] <- id.name

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.entry.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.entry.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.entry.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	if(inherits(component, "XiMpLe.node")){
 		node.name <- slot(component ,"name")
 		if(!identical(node.name, "component")){
-			stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid XML node for 'entry': ", node.name, sep="")))
+			stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML node for 'entry': ", node.name)))
 		} else {}
 	} else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.formula.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.formula.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.formula.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 			if(inherits(this.attr, "XiMpLe.node")){
 				this.attr.name <- slot(this.attr ,"name")
 				if(!identical(this.attr.name, "varslot")){
-					stop(simpleError(paste("'fixed' and 'dependent' must be <varslot> nodes! You provided: <", this.attr.name, ">", sep="")))
+					stop(simpleError(paste0("'fixed' and 'dependent' must be <varslot> nodes! You provided: <", this.attr.name, ">")))
 				} else {}
 			} else {}
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	depnd.id <- check.ID(dependent)
 	if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
-		attr.list <- list(id=auto.ids(paste(fixed.id, depnd.id, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("formula")))
+		attr.list <- list(id=auto.ids(paste0(fixed.id, depnd.id), prefix=ID.prefix("formula")))
 	} else if(!is.null(id.name)){
 		attr.list <- list(id=id.name)
 	} else {

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.insert.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.insert.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.insert.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 	if(inherits(snippet, "XiMpLe.node")){
 		node.name <- slot(snippet, "name")
 		if(!identical(node.name, "snippet")){
-			stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid XML node, must be a snippet: ", node.name, sep="")))
+			stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML node, must be a snippet: ", node.name)))
 		} else {}
 	} else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.matrix.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.matrix.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.matrix.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 	attr.list <- list(id=check.ID(id.name), label=label)
 	if(!mode %in% c("integer", "real", "string")){
-		stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid mode: ", mode, sep="")))
+		stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid mode: ", mode)))
 	} else {
 		attr.list[["mode"]] <- mode

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.plugin.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.plugin.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.plugin.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
 		all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- generator.info
 	} else {}
-	all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- rk.XML.code(file=paste(name, ".js", sep=""))
+	all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- rk.XML.code(file=paste0(name, ".js"))
-		all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- rk.XML.help(file=paste(name, ".rkh", sep=""))
+		all.children[[length(all.children)+1]] <- rk.XML.help(file=paste0(name, ".rkh"))
 	} else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.pluginmap.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.pluginmap.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.pluginmap.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 					# if this ID get's a change, also change it in rk.plugin.skeleton(show=TRUE)!
-					id.name=auto.ids(paste(name, xml.basename, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("component"), chars=25))
+					id.name=auto.ids(paste0(name, xml.basename), prefix=ID.prefix("component"), chars=25))
 		components.XML <- rk.XML.components(components.XML.list)
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 				entry.XML <- rk.XML.menu(
-					id.name=auto.ids(paste(name, this.comp, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("menu"), chars=12))
+					id.name=auto.ids(paste0(name, this.comp), prefix=ID.prefix("menu"), chars=12))
 				if(this.hier %in% names(main.menu)){
 					hier.XML <- rk.XML.menu(
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 	# clean the ID of dots and append "_rkward"
-	doc.ID.name <- paste(gsub("[.]*", "", name), "_rkward", sep="")
+	doc.ID.name <- paste0(gsub("[.]*", "", name), "_rkward")
 	# check for empty "namespace" value
 		namespace <- "rkward"

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.snippets.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.snippets.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.snippets.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 			stopifnot(inherits(this.node, "XiMpLe.node"))
 			node.name <- slot(this.node, "name")
 			if(!node.name %in% c("snippet", "!--")){
-				stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid XML nodes for snippets section: ", node.name, sep="")))
+				stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML nodes for snippets section: ", node.name)))
 			} else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.varslot.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.varslot.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.XML.varslot.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	if(inherits(source, "XiMpLe.node")){
 		source.name <- slot(source, "name")
 		if(!identical(source.name, "varselector")){
-			stop(simpleError(paste("'source' must be a <varselector> node! You provided: <", source.name, ">", sep="")))
+			stop(simpleError(paste0("'source' must be a <varselector> node! You provided: <", source.name, ">")))
 		} else {}
 	} else {}
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 		valid.types <- c("unknown", "number", "string", "factor", "invalid")
 		invalid.type <- !types %in% valid.types
-			warning(paste("You provided invalid types for varslot, they were ignored: ", paste(types, collapse=", "), sep=""))
+			warning(paste0("You provided invalid types for varslot, they were ignored: ", paste(types, collapse=", ")))
 			types <- ""
 		} else {}
 		var.slot.attr[["types"]] <- paste(types, collapse=" ")

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.build.plugin.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.build.plugin.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.build.plugin.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -28,22 +28,22 @@
 	plugin.name <- as.character(plugin.desc[,"Package"])
 	plugin.version <- as.character(plugin.desc[,"Version"])
-	pckg.basename <- paste(plugin.name, "_", plugin.version, sep="")
-	pckg.name.src <- paste(pckg.basename, ".tar.gz", sep="")
+	pckg.basename <- paste0(plugin.name, "_", plugin.version)
+	pckg.name.src <- paste0(pckg.basename, ".tar.gz")
 	package.path <- file.path(build.path, pckg.name.src)
 	R.bin <- R.home(file.path("bin","R"))
 		# check for examples check file before
-		chk.ex.file <- file.path(plugin.path, paste(plugin.name, "-Ex.R", sep=""))
+		chk.ex.file <- file.path(plugin.path, paste0(plugin.name, "-Ex.R"))
 		chk.ex.file.present <- ifelse(file_test("-f", chk.ex.file), TRUE, FALSE)
 		tryCatch(chk.out.dir <- tempdir(), error=function(e) stop(e))
-		set.R.libs <- ifelse(is.null(R.libs), "", paste("R_LIBS_USER=", R.libs, " ; ", sep=""))
-		r.cmd.check.call <- paste(set.R.libs, R.bin, " CMD check ", plugin.path, " || exit 1", sep="")
-		message(paste("check: calling R CMD check, this might take a while...", sep=""))
+		set.R.libs <- ifelse(is.null(R.libs), "", paste0("R_LIBS_USER=", R.libs, " ; "))
+		r.cmd.check.call <- paste0(set.R.libs, R.bin, " CMD check ", plugin.path, " || exit 1")
+		message(paste0("check: calling R CMD check, this might take a while..."))
 		print(system(r.cmd.check.call, intern=TRUE))
-		on.exit(message(paste("check: results were saved to ", chk.out.dir, "/", plugin.name, ".Rcheck", sep="")), add=TRUE)
+		on.exit(message(paste0("check: results were saved to ", chk.out.dir, "/", plugin.name, ".Rcheck")), add=TRUE)
 		# need to clean up?
 		if(!isTRUE(chk.ex.file.present) & file_test("-f", chk.ex.file)){
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 	} else {}
-	r.cmd.build.call <- paste(R.bin, " CMD build --no-vignettes ", plugin.path, " || exit 1", sep="")
+	r.cmd.build.call <- paste0(R.bin, " CMD build --no-vignettes ", plugin.path, " || exit 1")
 	system(r.cmd.build.call, intern=TRUE)
-	message(paste("build: package built as ", package.path, sep=""))
+	message(paste0("build: package built as ", package.path))
 		install.packages(package.path, lib=R.libs, repos=NULL)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.paste.JS.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.paste.JS.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.paste.JS.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -62,16 +62,16 @@
 			result <- slot(this.object, "value")
 		} else if(is.XiMpLe.node(this.object)){
 			if(identical(XMLName(this.object), "!--")){
-				result <- paste(indent(level, by=indent.by),
+				result <- paste0(indent(level, by=indent.by),
 					"// ",
-					gsub("\n", paste("\n", indent(level, by=indent.by), "//", sep=""), XMLValue(XMLChildren(this.object)[[1]])), sep="")
+					gsub("\n", paste0("\n", indent(level, by=indent.by), "//"), XMLValue(XMLChildren(this.object)[[1]])))
 			} else {
 				stop(simpleError("XiMpLe.node objects are only valid if they are comments!"))
 		} else {
 			# chop off beginning indent strings, otherwiese they ruin the code layout
-			this.object <- gsub(paste("^", indent.by, "*", sep=""), "", this.object)
-			result <- paste(indent(level, by=indent.by), this.object, sep="")
+			this.object <- gsub(paste0("^", indent.by, "*"), "", this.object)
+			result <- paste0(indent(level, by=indent.by), this.object)
 	}), collapse="\n")

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plotOptions.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plotOptions.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plotOptions.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 rk.plotOptions <- function(label="Generic plot options", embed="rkward::plot_options", button=TRUE, id.name="auto"){
 	if(identical(id.name, "auto")){
-		id.name <- auto.ids(paste(embed, label, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("embed"), chars=12)
+		id.name <- auto.ids(paste0(embed, label), prefix=ID.prefix("embed"), chars=12)
 	} else {}
 	genPlotOpts.XML <- rk.XML.embed(component=embed, button=button, label=label, id.name=id.name)

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.component.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.component.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.component.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -141,15 +141,14 @@
 			} else {}
 		if(!"results.header" %in% got.JS.options) {
-			js[["results.header"]] <- paste("\"", name.orig, " results\"", sep="")
+			js[["results.header"]] <- paste0("\"", name.orig, " results\"")
 		} else {}
 		if("var" %in% scan){
 			var.scanned <- rk.JS.scan(XML.plugin, guess.getter=guess.getter)
-				js[["variables"]] <- paste(
-					ifelse(is.null(js[["variables"]]), "", paste(js[["variables"]], "\n", sep="")),
-					var.scanned,
-					sep="")
+				js[["variables"]] <- paste0(
+					ifelse(is.null(js[["variables"]]), "", paste0(js[["variables"]], "\n")),
+					var.scanned)
 			} else {}
 		} else {}
 		if("saveobj" %in% scan){

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.plugin.skeleton.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 	rkward.dir <- file.path(main.dir, "inst", "rkward")
 	plugin.dir <- file.path(rkward.dir, "plugins")
 	# the basic file names
-	plugin.fname.pluginmap <- paste(name, ".pluginmap", sep="")
+	plugin.fname.pluginmap <- paste0(name, ".pluginmap")
 	# file names with paths
 	plugin.pluginmap <- file.path(rkward.dir, plugin.fname.pluginmap)
 	tests.main.dir <- file.path(rkward.dir, "tests")
@@ -186,23 +186,23 @@
 	# create it, if necessary
 	if(!file_test("-d", main.dir)){
 		stopifnot(dir.create(main.dir, recursive=TRUE))
-		message(paste("Created directory ", main.dir, ".", sep=""))
+		message(paste0("Created directory ", main.dir, "."))
 	} else {}
 	# create empty R directory, e.g. for smooth roxyPackage runs
 	if(!file_test("-d", R.dir)){
 		stopifnot(dir.create(R.dir, recursive=TRUE))
-		message(paste("Created directory ", R.dir, ".", sep=""))
+		message(paste0("Created directory ", R.dir, "."))
 	} else {}
 	# create directory structure
 	if(!file_test("-d", plugin.dir)){
 		stopifnot(dir.create(plugin.dir, recursive=TRUE))
-		message(paste("Created directory ", plugin.dir, ".", sep=""))
+		message(paste0("Created directory ", plugin.dir, "."))
 	} else {}
 	if(isTRUE(tests) & !file_test("-d", tests.dir)){
 		stopifnot(dir.create(tests.dir, recursive=TRUE))
-		message(paste("Created directory ", tests.dir, ".", sep=""))
+		message(paste0("Created directory ", tests.dir, "."))
 	} else {}
 	## create the main component
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
-		pluginmap=paste("../", name, ".pluginmap", sep=""),
+		pluginmap=paste0("../", name, ".pluginmap"),
 		create=create[create %in% c("xml", "js", "rkh")],
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@
 			rkh.doc <- slot(this.comp, "rkh")
 			# the basic file names
-			plugin.fname.xml <- paste(comp.name, ".xml", sep="")
-			plugin.fname.js <- paste(comp.name, ".js", sep="")
-			plugin.fname.rkh <- paste(comp.name, ".rkh", sep="")
+			plugin.fname.xml <- paste0(comp.name, ".xml")
+			plugin.fname.js <- paste0(comp.name, ".js")
+			plugin.fname.rkh <- paste0(comp.name, ".rkh")
 			# file names with paths
 			plugin.xml <- file.path(plugin.dir, plugin.fname.xml)
 			plugin.js <- file.path(plugin.dir, plugin.fname.js)
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 			# get components and hierarchy info from the components list
 			all.components <- sapply(components, function(this.comp){
 					comp.name <- slot(this.comp, "name")
-					named.compo <- paste("plugins/", clean.name(comp.name), ".xml", sep="")
+					named.compo <- paste0("plugins/", clean.name(comp.name), ".xml")
 					# we'll name the component, to nicen the menu entry
 					names(named.compo) <- comp.name
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@
 				# call the plugin; reconstructed the ID generation from rk.XML.pluginmap()
-				plugin.ID <- auto.ids(paste(pm.id.name, pm.id.name, sep=""), prefix=ID.prefix("component"), chars=25)
-				rk.call.plugin(paste("rkward::", plugin.ID, sep=""))
+				plugin.ID <- auto.ids(paste0(pm.id.name, pm.id.name), prefix=ID.prefix("component"), chars=25)
+				rk.call.plugin(paste0("rkward::", plugin.ID))
 			} else {}
 		} else {}
 	} else {}
@@ -390,17 +390,17 @@
 		# create empty NAMESPACE file for R 2.14 compatibility
 		if(!file_test("-f", namespace.file)){
 			cat("", file=namespace.file)
-			message(paste("Created empty file ", namespace.file, " for R 2.14 compatibility.", sep=""))
+			message(paste0("Created empty file ", namespace.file, " for R 2.14 compatibility."))
 		} else {}
 	} else {}
 	## create ChangeLog file (if none exists)
 	if("clog" %in% create){
 		if(isTRUE(checkCreateFiles(changelog.file, ow=FALSE, action="clog"))){
-			changelog.text <- paste("ChangeLog for package ", name,
+			changelog.text <- paste0("ChangeLog for package ", name,
 				"\n\nChanges in version ", slot(about.node, "attributes")[["version"]],
 				" (", slot(about.node, "attributes")[["releasedate"]],")",
-				"\nChanges:\n  - initial package build\nAdded:\n  - added a ChangeLog file\nFixed:\n  - ...\n", sep="")
+				"\nChanges:\n  - initial package build\nAdded:\n  - added a ChangeLog file\nFixed:\n  - ...\n")
 			cat(changelog.text, file=changelog.file)
 		} else {}

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.link.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.link.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.link.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 		text <- ifelse(is.null(text), href, text)
 		link <- href
 	} else if(identical(type, "R")){
-		link <- paste("rkward://rhelp/", href, sep="")
+		link <- paste0("rkward://rhelp/", href)
 	} else if(identical(type, "RK")){
-		link <- paste("rkward://component/", href, sep="")
+		link <- paste0("rkward://component/", href)
 	} else {
-		stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid type for link node:", type, sep="")))
+		stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid type for link node:", type)))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.related.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.related.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.rkh.related.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 	# check the node names and allow only valid ones
 	li.elements <- sapply(child.list(links), function(this.node){
 			if(!identical(slot(this.node, "name"), "link")){
-				stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid XML nodes for links section: ", this.node at name, sep="")))
+				stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML nodes for links section: ", this.node at name)))
 			} else {
 				li.element <- XMLNode("li", .children=child.list(this.node, empty=FALSE))

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.testsuite.doc.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.testsuite.doc.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rk.testsuite.doc.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #' @export
 rk.testsuite.doc <- function(name=NULL){
-	suite.text <- paste("## definition of the test suite
+	suite.text <- paste0("## definition of the test suite
 	suite <- new(\"RKTestSuite\",
 		id=\"", name ,"\",
 		## needed packages
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 				# rm(list=c(\"earlier.results\"), envir=globalenv())
-	)", sep="")
+	)")

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/rkwarddev-package.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #' Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr
 #' Type: \tab Package\cr
 #' Version: \tab 0.06-2\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2013-02-25\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2013-03-10\cr
 #' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe (>= 0.03-18),rkward (>= 0.5.6)\cr
 #' Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
 #' Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/tf.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/tf.R	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/R/tf.R	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	if(inherits(cbox, "XiMpLe.node")){
 		node.name <- cbox at name
 		if(!identical(node.name, "checkbox")){
-			stop(simpleError(paste("Invalid XML node, expected 'checkbox' and got: ", node.name, sep="")))
+			stop(simpleError(paste0("Invalid XML node, expected 'checkbox' and got: ", node.name)))
 		} else {}
 	} else {
 		stop(simpleError("'cbox' must be of class XiMpLe.node!"))
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
 		opt.name <- opt
-	full.prefix <- paste(prefix, indent(level=level, by=indent.by), sep="")
+	full.prefix <- paste0(prefix, indent(level=level, by=indent.by))
 	# check for negation
 	inverse <- ifelse(not, "!", "")
 	result <- ite(id(inverse, cbox),
-		echo(paste(full.prefix, opt.name, "=", true, sep="")),
-		ifelse(ifelse, echo(paste(full.prefix, opt.name, "=", false, sep="")), "")
+		echo(paste0(full.prefix, opt.name, "=", true)),
+		ifelse(ifelse, echo(paste0(full.prefix, opt.name, "=", false)), "")

Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd	2013-03-10 16:52:07 UTC (rev 4578)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/rkwarddev/man/rkwarddev-package.Rd	2013-03-10 22:08:35 UTC (rev 4579)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab rkwarddev\cr Type: \tab
   Package\cr Version: \tab 0.06-2\cr Date: \tab
-  2013-02-25\cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe
+  2013-03-10\cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods,XiMpLe
   (>= 0.03-18),rkward (>= 0.5.6)\cr Enhances: \tab
   rkward\cr Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr License: \tab GPL (>=
   3)\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr URL: \tab

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