[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[4353] branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis

m-eik at users.sourceforge.net m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Oct 8 09:12:47 UTC 2012

Revision: 4353
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2012-10-08 09:12:47 +0000 (Mon, 08 Oct 2012)
Log Message:
rk.FactorAnalysis: updates for plugin package release

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/ChangeLog
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/ChangeLog	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/ChangeLog	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ChangeLog for package rk.FactorAnalysis
-changes in version 0.01-9 (2012-10-07)
+changes in version 0.01-9 (2012-10-08)
   - bug in testing for rotation method led to errors when trying to compute
     variance explained when orthogonal rotation was used with PCA. the result

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -2,17 +2,21 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis
 Version: 0.01-9
-Date: 2012-10-07
+Date: 2012-10-08
 Author: Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
 Maintainer: Meik Michalke <meik.michalke at hhu.de>
-Depends: rkward (>= 0.5.6)
-Suggests: psych (>= 1.1.10)
+    rkward (>= 0.5.6)
+    psych (>= 1.1.10)
 Enhances: rkward
-Description: RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor
-        analysis (using the psych package). Also includes dialogs for
-        scree plots, correlation plots, VSS/MAP and parallel analysis.
+Description: RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis
+    (using the psych package). Also includes dialogs for scree plots,
+    correlation plots, VSS/MAP and parallel analysis.
 License: GPL (>= 3)
 LazyLoad: yes
 URL: http://rkward.sf.net
 Authors at R: person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
-        email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre"))
+    email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre"))
+    'rk.FactorAnalysis-package.R'

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/R/rk.FactorAnalysis-package.R
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/R/rk.FactorAnalysis-package.R	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/R/rk.FactorAnalysis-package.R	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 #' \tabular{ll}{
 #' Package: \tab rk.FactorAnalysis\cr
 #' Type: \tab Package\cr
-#' Version: \tab 0.01-8\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2012-09-29\cr
+#' Version: \tab 0.01-9\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2012-10-08\cr
 #' Depends: \tab  rkward (>= 0.5.6)\cr
 #' Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
 #' License: \tab GPL (>= 3)\cr
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #' URL: \tab http://rkward.sf.net\cr
 #' }
-#' RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis (using the psych package). Also includes dialogs for scree plots, correlation plots, and parallel analysis.
+#' RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis (using the psych package). Also includes dialogs for scree plots, correlation plots, VSS/MAP and parallel analysis.
 #' @aliases rk.FactorAnalysis-package rk.FactorAnalysis
 #' @name rk.FactorAnalysis-package

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/CITATION
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/CITATION	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/CITATION	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 		title="rk.FactorAnalysis: RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis",
 		author="Meik Michalke",
-		note="(Version 0.01-8)",
+		note="(Version 0.01-9)",
 		textVersion =
 		paste("Michalke, M. (2012). ",
-				"rk.FactorAnalysis: RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis (Version 0.01-8). ",
+				"rk.FactorAnalysis: RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis (Version 0.01-9). ",
 				"Available from http://rkward.sf.net",

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/NEWS.Rd	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/NEWS.Rd	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
 \title{News for Package 'rk.FactorAnalysis'}
+\section{Changes in rk.FactorAnalysis version 0.01-9 (2012-10-08)}{
+  \subsection{fixed}{
+    \itemize{
+      \item bug in testing for rotation method led to errors when trying to compute
+        variance explained when orthogonal rotation was used with PCA. the result
+        was that no real output was generated, only an error message
+    }
+  }
+  \subsection{added}{
+    \itemize{
+      \item added VSS/MAP dialog
+    }
+  }
+  \subsection{changed}{
+    \itemize{
+      \item moved parallel analysis and scree plot from \code{"plots"} to \code{"analysis"}
+    }
+  }
 \section{Changes in rk.FactorAnalysis version 0.01-8 (2012-09-29)}{

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/rkward/rk.FactorAnalysis.pluginmap
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/rkward/rk.FactorAnalysis.pluginmap	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/inst/rkward/rk.FactorAnalysis.pluginmap	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 		shortinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis"
 		longinfo="RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor analysis (using the psych package). Also includes dialogs for scree plots, correlation plots, VSS/MAP and parallel analysis."
-		releasedate="2012-10-07"
+		releasedate="2012-10-08"
 		license="GPL (>= 3)"

Modified: branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/man/rk.FactorAnalysis-package.Rd
--- branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/man/rk.FactorAnalysis-package.Rd	2012-10-07 20:34:07 UTC (rev 4352)
+++ branches/external_plugins/rk.FactorAnalysis/man/rk.FactorAnalysis-package.Rd	2012-10-08 09:12:47 UTC (rev 4353)
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
   \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab rk.FactorAnalysis\cr Type:
-  \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 0.01-8\cr Date: \tab
-  2012-09-29\cr Depends: \tab rkward (>= 0.5.6)\cr
+  \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 0.01-9\cr Date: \tab
+  2012-10-08\cr Depends: \tab rkward (>= 0.5.6)\cr
   Enhances: \tab rkward\cr License: \tab GPL (>= 3)\cr
   LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr URL: \tab http://rkward.sf.net\cr }
   RKWard GUI to conduct principal component and factor
   analysis (using the psych package). Also includes dialogs
-  for scree plots, correlation plots, and parallel
+  for scree plots, correlation plots, VSS/MAP and parallel

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