[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[4264] trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin
tfry at users.sourceforge.net
tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 25 15:34:42 UTC 2012
Revision: 4264
Author: tfry
Date: 2012-05-25 15:34:41 +0000 (Fri, 25 May 2012)
Log Message:
Sigh... RKOptionset needs more complexity to handle embedded plugins. Work in progress.
The problem is that embedded plugins are not 'ready' immediately.
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkoptionset.cpp
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkoptionset.cpp 2012-05-25 15:34:23 UTC (rev 4263)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkoptionset.cpp 2012-05-25 15:34:41 UTC (rev 4264)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
XMLHelper *xml = XMLHelper::getStaticHelper ();
updating_from_contents = updating_from_storage = false;
- connect (&update_timer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateContents()));
+ connect (&update_timer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateStatusAndDisplay()));
update_timer.setSingleShot (true);
update_timer.setInterval (0);
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
RKOptionSet::~RKOptionSet () {
+qDebug ("Optionset deleted");
RKComponent *RKOptionSet::createDisplay (bool show_index, QWidget *parent) {
@@ -248,13 +249,14 @@
RK_ASSERT (false);
+ unfinished_rows.insert (row);
QList<RKComponentPropertyStringList *> cols = columns_to_update.values (property);
QTreeWidgetItem *display_item = 0;
if (display) display_item = display->topLevelItem (row);
for (int i = 0; i < cols.size (); ++i) {
RKComponentPropertyStringList *target = cols.at (i);
- const ColumnInfo &inf = column_map[target];
+ ColumnInfo &inf = column_map[target];
QString value = property->value (inf.governor_modifier);
target->setValueAt (row, value);
@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@
display_item->setText (inf.display_index, value);
- if (target == keycolumn) old_keys = keycolumn->values ();
+ inf.old_values = target->values ();
updating_from_contents = false;
@@ -273,114 +275,113 @@
if (updating_from_contents) return;
- int activate_row = current_row->intValue ();
RKComponentPropertyStringList *target = static_cast<RKComponentPropertyStringList *> (property);
RK_ASSERT (column_map.contains (target));
- const ColumnInfo &inf = column_map[target];
- if (display && (inf.display_index >= 0)) {
- QStringList values = target->values ();
- while (display->topLevelItemCount () != values.size ()) {
- // row count has changed. Ultimately, this means, all values will be updated, so a crude adjustment
- // of row count is good enough, here
- if (values.size () > display->topLevelItemCount ()) {
- display->addTopLevelItem (new QTreeWidgetItem (QStringList ()));
- activate_row = values.size () - 1;
- } else {
- delete (display->takeTopLevelItem (0));
- activate_row = qMax (values.size (), activate_row);
- }
- }
- for (int row = 0; row < values.size (); ++row) {
- QTreeWidgetItem *item = display->topLevelItem (row);
- if (item) item->setText (inf.display_index, values[row]);
- else RK_ASSERT (false);
- }
- }
- if (inf.restorable) update_timer.start ();
+ update_timer.start ();
if (target == keycolumn) {
- QStringList new_keys = target->values ();;
- QMap<int, int> position_changes;
+ handleKeycolumnUpdate ();
+ } else {
+ columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.insert (target);
+ }
- for (int new_pos = 0; new_pos < new_keys.size (); ++new_pos) {
- QString key = new_keys[new_pos];
- if (old_keys.value (new_pos) != key) { // NOTE: old_keys could be shorter than new_keys!
- int old_pos = old_keys.indexOf (key); // NOTE: -1 for key no longer present
- position_changes.insert (new_pos, old_pos);
- }
- }
+void RKOptionSet::handleKeycolumnUpdate () {
- if (position_changes.isEmpty () && (old_keys.size () == new_keys.size ())) {
- columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.clear ();
- return; // no change
+ int activate_row = current_row->intValue ();
+ QStringList new_keys = keycolumn->values ();
+ QStringList old_keys = column_map[keycolumn].old_values;
+ QMap<int, int> position_changes;
+ int pos;
+ for (pos = 0; pos < new_keys.size (); ++pos) {
+ QString key = new_keys[pos];
+ if (old_keys.value (pos) != key) { // NOTE: old_keys could be shorter than new_keys!
+ int old_pos = old_keys.indexOf (key); // NOTE: -1 for key no longer present
+ position_changes.insert (pos, old_pos);
+ }
+ for (; pos < old_keys.size (); ++pos) {
+ invalid_rows.remove (pos);
+ unfinished_rows.remove (pos);
+ }
- QMap<RKComponentPropertyStringList *, ColumnInfo>::const_iterator it = column_map.constBegin ();
- for (; it != column_map.constEnd (); ++it) {
- RKComponentPropertyStringList* col = it.key ();
- const ColumnInfo &column = it.value ();
- if (columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.contains (col) || col == keycolumn) {
- continue;
- }
+ if (position_changes.isEmpty () && (old_keys.size () == new_keys.size ())) {
+ columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.clear ();
+ return; // no change
+ }
- // Ok, we'll have to adjust this column. We start by copying the old values, and padding to the
- // new length (if that is greater than the old).
- QStringList old_values = col->values ();
- QStringList new_values = old_values;
- for (int i = (new_keys.size () - new_values.size ()); i > 0; --i) new_values.append (QString ());
+ // update all columns
+ QMap<RKComponentPropertyStringList *, ColumnInfo>::iterator it = column_map.begin ();
+ for (; it != column_map.end (); ++it) {
+ RKComponentPropertyStringList* col = it.key ();
+ ColumnInfo &column = it.value ();
+ if (col == keycolumn) continue;
- // adjust all positions that have changed
- for (int pos = 0; pos < new_keys.size (); ++pos) {
- QMap<int, int>::const_iterator pit = position_changes.find (pos);
- if (pit != position_changes.constEnd ()) { // some change
- int old_pos = pit.value ();
- if (old_pos < 0) { // a new key
- new_values[pos] = getDefaultValue (column, pos);
- activate_row = pos;
- } else { // old key changed position
- new_values[pos] = old_values[old_pos];
- }
- }
+ // Ok, we'll have to adjust this column. We start by copying the old values, and padding to the
+ // new length (if that is greater than the old).
+ QStringList old_values = column.old_values;
+ QStringList new_values = old_values;
+ for (int i = (new_keys.size () - new_values.size ()); i > 0; --i) new_values.append (QString ());
+ // adjust all positions that have changed
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < new_keys.size (); ++pos) {
+ QMap<int, int>::const_iterator pit = position_changes.find (pos);
+ if (pit != position_changes.constEnd ()) { // some change
+ int old_pos = pit.value ();
+ if (old_pos < 0) { // a new key
+ new_values[pos] = getDefaultValue (column, pos);
+ activate_row = pos;
+ } else { // old key changed position
+ new_values[pos] = old_values[old_pos];
+ } // NOTE: not visible: old key is gone without replacement
- // strip excess length (if any), and apply
- new_values = new_values.mid (0, new_keys.size ());
- col->setValues (new_values);
- // NOTE: this will recurse into the current function, triggering an update of display and contents
- columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.clear ();
- old_keys = new_keys;
+ // strip excess length (if any), and apply
+ new_values = new_values.mid (0, new_keys.size ());
+ column.old_values = new_values; // Because these were not actually changed, but merely re-sorted!
+ if (!columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.contains (col)) col->setValues (new_values);
+ }
- int nrows = new_keys.size ();
- row_count->setIntValue (nrows);
- } else {
- if (!columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.isEmpty ()) { // add clearing timer for the first entry, only
- update_timer.start (); // NOTE: only has an effect, if column is neither restorable nor shown in the display. Otherwise, an update has already been triggered
+ // update status info
+ QSet<int> new_unfinished_rows;
+ QSet<int> new_invalid_rows;
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < new_keys.size (); ++pos) {
+ QMap<int, int>::const_iterator pit = position_changes.find (pos);
+ if (pit != position_changes.constEnd ()) { // some change
+ int old_pos = pit.value ();
+ if (old_pos < 0) { // a new key
+ new_unfinished_rows.insert (pos);
+ } else { // old key changed position
+ if (unfinished_rows.contains (old_pos)) new_unfinished_rows.insert (pos);
+ if (invalid_rows.contains (old_pos)) new_invalid_rows.insert (pos);
+ } // NOTE: not visible: old key is gone without replacement
- columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.insert (target);
+ unfinished_rows = new_unfinished_rows;
+ invalid_rows = new_invalid_rows;
+ columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.clear ();
+ column_map[keycolumn].old_values = new_keys;
+ int nrows = new_keys.size ();
+ row_count->setIntValue (nrows);
+ activate_row = qMax (new_keys.size () - 1, activate_row);
current_row->setIntValue (activate_row);
-void RKOptionSet::updateContents () {
+void RKOptionSet::setContentsForRow (int row) {
- columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.clear ();
- RK_ASSERT (!updating_from_contents);
- RK_ASSERT (!updating_from_storage);
- updating_from_storage = true;
- int count = -1;
- int row = current_row->intValue ();
QMap<RKComponentPropertyStringList *, ColumnInfo>::const_iterator it = column_map.constBegin ();
- if (it != column_map.constEnd ()) count = it.key ()->values ().size ();
for (; it != column_map.constEnd (); ++it) {
RKComponentPropertyStringList* col = it.key ();
const ColumnInfo &ci = it.value ();
if (!ci.restorable) continue;
QString dummy;
RKComponentBase *governor = contents_container->lookupComponent (ci.governor, &dummy);
if (governor && governor->isProperty ()) {
@@ -392,15 +393,67 @@
static_cast<RKComponentPropertyBase*> (governor)->setValue (value);
} else {
- RK_DO (qDebug ("Lookup error with trying to restore row %d of optionset: %s. Remainder: %s", row, qPrintable (ci.governor), qPrintable (dummy)), PLUGIN, DL_WARNING);
+ RK_DO (qDebug ("Lookup error while trying to restore row %d of optionset: %s. Remainder: %s", row, qPrintable (ci.governor), qPrintable (dummy)), PLUGIN, DL_WARNING);
RK_ASSERT (false);
+void RKOptionSet::updateStatusAndDisplay () {
+#warning TODO: way too many updates are going on
+qDebug ("Optionset update");
+ columns_which_have_been_updated_externally.clear ();
+ RK_ASSERT (!updating_from_contents);
+ RK_ASSERT (!updating_from_storage);
+ updating_from_storage = true;
+ int count = -1;
+ int activate_row = current_row->intValue ();
+ QMap<RKComponentPropertyStringList *, ColumnInfo>::iterator it = column_map.begin ();
+ // first make sure the display has correct number of rows
+ if (it != column_map.end ()) count = it.key ()->values ().size ();
+ if (display) {
+ while (display->topLevelItemCount () != count) {
+ if (count > display->topLevelItemCount ()) {
+ display->addTopLevelItem (new QTreeWidgetItem (QStringList ()));
+ activate_row = count - 1;
+ } else {
+ delete (display->takeTopLevelItem (0));
+ activate_row = qMax (count - 1, activate_row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now check for any changed values, updating display and row status
+ for (; it != column_map.end (); ++it) {
+ RKComponentPropertyStringList* col = it.key ();
+ ColumnInfo &ci = it.value ();
+ QStringList values = col->values ();
+ for (int row = values.size () - 1; row >= 0; --row) {
+ if (display && (ci.display_index >= 0)) { // NOTE: Updating the display is done for all rows, even seemingly unchanged ones. Rows may still have been shuffled to a new position, and we did not keep track of that.
+ display->topLevelItem (row)->setText (ci.display_index, values[row]);
+ }
+ // NOTE: However, internal status info should have been adjusted to the new indices, already
+ if (values[row] != ci.old_values.value (row)) {
+ unfinished_rows.insert (row);
+ }
+ }
+ ci.old_values = values;
+ }
+#warning TODO: duplicate update
+ current_row->setIntValue (activate_row);
+ setContentsForRow (activate_row);
row_count->setIntValue (count);
- contents_container->enablednessProperty ()->setBoolValue (row >= 0);
+ contents_container->enablednessProperty ()->setBoolValue (activate_row >= 0);
updateVisuals ();
- changed (); // needed, for the unlikely case that no change notification was triggered above, since isValid() returns false while updating
+ changed (); // needed, for the unlikely case that no change notification was triggered above, since recursiveStatus() returns Processing while updating
updating_from_storage = false;
@@ -451,8 +504,20 @@
// --> currentRowPropertyChanged ()
+/** reimplemented from RKComponent */
+RKComponent::ComponentStatus RKOptionSet::recursiveStatus () {
+ ComponentStatus s = RKComponent::recursiveStatus ();
+ if (s == Dead) return s;
+#warning TODO
+// if (!unfinished_rows.isEmpty ()) return Processing;
+// if (update_timer.isActive ()) return Processing;
+ return s;
bool RKOptionSet::isValid () {
- if (update_timer.isActive ()) return (false); // actually, this signifies "processing" state
+ if (!invalid_rows.isEmpty ()) return false;
int count = row_count->intValue ();
if (count < min_rows) return false;
if ((count > 0) && (count < min_rows_if_any)) return false;
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkoptionset.h
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkoptionset.h 2012-05-25 15:34:23 UTC (rev 4263)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkoptionset.h 2012-05-25 15:34:41 UTC (rev 4264)
@@ -40,22 +40,28 @@
int type () { return ComponentOptionSet; };
RKComponent *createDisplay (bool show_index, QWidget *parent);
bool isValid ();
+ /** reimplemented from RKComponent */
+ ComponentStatus recursiveStatus ();
private slots:
void governingPropertyChanged (RKComponentPropertyBase *property);
void columnPropertyChanged (RKComponentPropertyBase *property);
void currentRowPropertyChanged (RKComponentPropertyBase *property);
void addRow ();
void removeRow ();
- void updateContents ();
+ void updateStatusAndDisplay ();
void currentRowChanged (QTreeWidgetItem *item);
void initDisplay ();
void updateVisuals ();
+ RKComponentPropertyInt *current_row;
+ RKComponentPropertyInt *row_count;
/** for option sets which are "driven" (i.e. the user cannot simply add / remove rows, directly), this holds the key column, controlling addition / removal of rows in the set.
* if this length (or order) is changed in this row, it will also be changed in the other rows. */
RKComponentPropertyStringList *keycolumn;
- QStringList old_keys;
+ /** Map of properties (in the contents region) to columns which need to be updated, when the property changes. */
QMultiMap<RKComponentPropertyBase *, RKComponentPropertyStringList *> columns_to_update;
struct ColumnInfo {
QString column_name;
@@ -65,16 +71,21 @@
QString default_value;
int display_index;
bool restorable;
+ QStringList old_values;
+ /** Map of all columns to their meta info */
QMap<RKComponentPropertyStringList *, ColumnInfo> column_map;
+ /** Rows which have been not yet been processed, fully */
+ QSet<int> unfinished_rows;
+ /** Rows which have been fully processed but were invalid (contents component was not satisfied) */
+ QSet<int> invalid_rows;
RKComponent *contents_container;
QTreeWidget *display;
QWidget *display_buttons;
QPushButton *remove_button;
QPushButton *add_button;
bool display_show_index;
- RKComponentPropertyInt *current_row;
- RKComponentPropertyInt *row_count;
QTimer update_timer;
int min_rows;
@@ -83,8 +94,14 @@
bool updating_from_contents;
bool updating_from_storage;
+/** When keys in the key column change, all other columns have to be updated, accordingly. */
+ void handleKeycolumnUpdate ();
+/** Sets the contents from the values in given row */
+ void setContentsForRow (int row);
+/** Columns which have already been updated before an update of the keycolumn, and thus do not need re-sorting, if the keycolumn is updated */
QSet<RKComponentPropertyStringList *> columns_which_have_been_updated_externally;
+/** get the default value for the given column, row. */
friend QString getDefaultValue (const ColumnInfo& ci, int row);
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