[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[4195] trunk/rkward/scripts/rkward_roxyPackage.R

m-eik at users.sourceforge.net m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Mar 19 15:56:49 UTC 2012

Revision: 4195
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2012-03-19 15:56:48 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
added a roxyPackage script to the scripts directory, which can be handy to update the rkward R package

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/rkward/scripts/rkward_roxyPackage.R
--- trunk/rkward/scripts/rkward_roxyPackage.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/scripts/rkward_roxyPackage.R	2012-03-19 15:56:48 UTC (rev 4195)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# this R script can be used to let roxyPackage maintain the rkward package sources
+# to use it
+#  1. install the package "roxyPackage"
+#  2. make a local copy of this file
+#  3. checkout the lates rkward package sources via svn
+#  4. cusomize the first part of the script (see below, you MUST set these paths correctly!)
+#  5. run the script
+## setup environment
+# .libPaths("~/R")
+	#######################
+	## these are the values you probably need to update
+	#######################
+	package.version <- "0.5.8"
+	# this should point to the "rkward" root directory of the R package
+	package.sources <- file.path("/PathTo","trunk","rkward","rkward","rbackend","rpackages","rkward")
+	# path to R libs -- where should the package be installed to?
+	install.path <- file.path("~", "R")
+	# packages are copied to a "local repository", that is simply a folder
+	# to create some files and directories. it can actually be used as a
+	# R repository
+	local.repository <- file.path("/PathTo", "repo_rkward")
+	# what should be done? (un)comment actions as needed
+	roxyPackage.actions <- c(
+	## documentation:
+		# "roxy" is needed also to update NAMESPACE; but beware that
+		# it will overwrite the docs, so be careful with svn commits
+		# until the docs are fully tagged!
+				"roxy",			# roxygenize the docs
+	 			"cite",			# update CITATION file
+	# 			"doc",			# update pdf documentation
+	# 			"cl2news",		# convert ChangeLog into NEWS.Rd
+	## local repository:
+	# 			"news2rss",		# convert NEWS.Rd into RSS feed
+	# 			"html",			# update index.html
+	# 			"win",			# update the windows binary package
+	#			"macosx",		# update the mac OS X binary package
+	## build:
+				"package" 		# build & install the package
+	#			"check"			# check package
+	)
+	#######################
+	## from here on all should be left untouched
+	#######################
+	# package description
+	package.description <-data.frame(
+		Package="rkward",
+		Type="Package",
+		Title="Provides functions related to the RKWard GUI",
+		Author="Thomas Friedrichsmeier <thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>, with contributions from the RKWard Team",
+		AuthorsR="c(person(given=\"Thomas\", family=\"Friedrichsmeier\", email=\"thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de\",
+				role=c(\"aut\")),
+			person(given=\"RKWard-devel\", family=\"mailing list\", email=\"rkward-devel at lists.sourceforge.net\",
+				role=c(\"cre\")))",
+		Maintainer="RKWard-devel mailing list <rkward-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>",
+		## TODO: check dependencies
+		Depends="R (>= 2.9.0),methods",
+		Description="This package contains functions which are useful in combination with the RKWard GUI. Many of these
+			functions only needed for the internal communication between RKWard and R, but some are also useful in user scripts.",
+		License="GPL (>= 2)",
+		Encoding="UTF-8",
+		LazyLoad="yes",
+		URL="http://rkward.sourceforge.net",
+		stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+	## here we go
+	roxy.package(actions=roxyPackage.actions,
+		pck.source.dir=package.sources,
+		pck.version=package.version,
+		pck.description=package.description,
+		R.libs=install.path,
+		repo.root=local.repository,
+		cleanup=TRUE)

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