[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[4176] trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe
m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Mar 13 23:49:56 UTC 2012
Revision: 4176
Author: m-eik
Date: 2012-03-13 23:49:55 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
added constructor functions XMLNode() and XMLTree()
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/ChangeLog 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
ChangeLog for package XiMpLe
changes in version 0.03-11 (2012-03-13)
+ - added functions XMLNode() and XMLTree() as constructor functions for XML nodes and trees.
- added opton "object" to parseXMLTree(), to be able to parse XML trees not only from files, but also character vectors
- output of internal function XML.single.tags() has no colname any more
- text values of nodes are no longer followed by an empty newline in pasteXMLNode()
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/DESCRIPTION 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Authors at R: c(person(given="Meik", family="Michalke",
email="meik.michalke at hhu.de", role=c("aut", "cre")))
Version: 0.03-11
-Date: 2012-03-13
+Date: 2012-03-14
@@ -32,3 +32,5 @@
+ 'XMLNode.R'
+ 'XMLTree.R'
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/NAMESPACE 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@
Added: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLNode.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLNode.R (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLNode.R 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#' Constructor function for XiMpLe.node objects
+#' Can be used to create XML nodes.
+#' @param name Character string, the tag name.
+#' @param ... Optional children for the tag. Must be either objects of class XiMpLe.node or character strings,
+#' which are treated as simple text values. If this is empty, the tag will be treated as an empty tag. To
+#' force a closing tag, supply an empty string, i.e. \code{""}.
+#' @param attrs An optional named list of attributes.
+#' @param namespace Currently ignored.
+#' @param namespaceDefinitions Currently ignored.
+#' @param .children Alternative way of specifying children, if you have them already as a list.
+#' @return An object of class XiMpLe.node
+#' @export
+XMLNode <- function(name, ..., attrs=NULL, namespace="", namespaceDefinitions=NULL, .children=list(...)){
+ if(identical(.children, list(""))){
+ all.children <- list()
+ value <- ""
+ } else {
+ # remove NULLs
+ .children <- .children[unlist(lapply(.children, length) != 0)]
+ # check for text values
+ all.children <- sapply(child.list(.children), function(this.child){
+ if(is.character(this.child)){
+ this.child <- new("XiMpLe.node",
+ name="",
+ value=this.child
+ )
+ } else {}
+ return(this.child)
+ })
+ value <- character()
+ }
+ newNode <- new("XiMpLe.node",
+ name=name,
+ attributes=as.list(attrs),
+ children=all.children,
+ value=value)
+ return(newNode)
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLTree.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLTree.R (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XMLTree.R 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#' Constructor function for XiMpLe.doc objects
+#' Can be used to create full XML trees.
+#' @param name Character string, the tag name.
+#' @param ... Optional children for the XML tree. Must be either objects of class XiMpLe.node or character strings,
+#' which are treated as simple text values.
+#' @param xml A named list, XML declaration of the XML tree. Currently just pasted, no checking is done.
+#' @param dtd A named list, doctype definition of the XML tree. Valid elements are \code{doctype}, \code{id} and \code{refer}.
+#' Currently just pasted, no checking is done.
+#' @param .children Alternative way of specifying children, if you have them already as a list.
+#' @return An object of class XiMpLe.doc
+#' @export
+XMLTree <- function(..., xml=NULL, dtd=NULL, .children=list(...)){
+ # remove NULLs
+ .children <- .children[unlist(lapply(.children, length) != 0)]
+ # check for text values
+ all.children <- sapply(child.list(.children), function(this.child){
+ if(is.character(this.child)){
+ this.child <- new("XiMpLe.node",
+ name="",
+ value=this.child
+ )
+ } else {}
+ return(this.child)
+ })
+ if(is.null(xml)){
+ xml <- list()
+ } else {}
+ if(is.null(dtd)){
+ dtd <- list()
+ } else {}
+ newTree <- new("XiMpLe.doc",
+ xml=xml,
+ dtd=dtd,
+ children=all.children
+ )
+ return(newTree)
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-internal.R 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
## internal functions, not exported
+## function child.list()
+# convenience function to let single children be provided without list()
+child.list <- function(children){
+ if(inherits(children, "XiMpLe.node")){
+ children <- list(children)
+ } else {
+ # if already a list, check if it's a list in a list and get it out
+ if(inherits(children, "list") & length(children) == 1){
+ if(inherits(children[[1]], "list")){
+ children <- children[[1]]
+ } else {}
+ } else {}
+ }
+ return(children)
+} ## end function child.list()
## function split.chars()
# used to split a character string into parts at each occurrence of the start and end of a regex pattern
split.chars <- function(txt, pattern, perl=FALSE){
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe-package.R 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#' Package: \tab XiMpLe\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' Version: \tab 0.03-11\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2012-03-13\cr
+#' Date: \tab 2012-03-14\cr
#' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods\cr
#' Enhances: \tab rkward\cr
#' Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe.doc-class.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe.doc-class.R 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/XiMpLe.doc-class.R 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
# This class is used for objects that are returned by \code{\link[XiMpLe:parseXMLTree]{parseXMLTree}}.
# @title S4 class XiMpLe.doc
-# @slot file Name of the file.
-# @slot xml XML declaration of the file.
-# @slot dtd Doctype definition of the file.
+# @slot file Character string, Name of the file.
+# @slot xml A named list, XML declaration of the file.
+# @slot dtd A named list, Doctype definition of the file.
# @slot children A list of objects of class XiMpLe.node, representing the DOM structure of the XML document.
# @name XiMpLe.doc,-class
# @aliases XiMpLe.doc-class XiMpLe.doc,-class
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/pasteXMLNode.R
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/pasteXMLNode.R 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/R/pasteXMLNode.R 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
node.val <- sapply(node.val, xml.tidy)
} else {}
- node.chld <- paste(new.indent, paste(node.val, collapse=" "), sep="")
+ node.chld <- paste(paste(node.val, collapse=" "), sep="")
} else {}
} else {}
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/inst/NEWS.Rd 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/inst/NEWS.Rd 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
\section{Changes in XiMpLe version 0.03-11 (2012-03-13)}{
+ \item added functions \code{XMLNode()} and \code{XMLTree()} as constructor functions for XML nodes and trees.
\item added opton \code{"object"} to \code{parseXMLTree()}, to be able to parse XML trees not only from files, but also character vectors
\item output of internal function \code{XML.single.tags()} has no colname any more
\item text values of nodes are no longer followed by an empty newline in \code{pasteXMLNode()}
Added: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLNode.Rd 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\title{Constructor function for XiMpLe.node objects}
+ XMLNode(name, ..., attrs = NULL, namespace = "",
+ namespaceDefinitions = NULL, .children = list(...))
+ \item{name}{Character string, the tag name.}
+ \item{...}{Optional children for the tag. Must be either
+ objects of class XiMpLe.node or character strings, which
+ are treated as simple text values. If this is empty, the
+ tag will be treated as an empty tag. To force a closing
+ tag, supply an empty string, i.e. \code{""}.}
+ \item{attrs}{An optional named list of attributes.}
+ \item{namespace}{Currently ignored.}
+ \item{namespaceDefinitions}{Currently ignored.}
+ \item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children,
+ if you have them already as a list.}
+ An object of class XiMpLe.node
+ Can be used to create XML nodes.
Added: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XMLTree.Rd 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\title{Constructor function for XiMpLe.doc objects}
+ XMLTree(..., xml = NULL, dtd = NULL,
+ .children = list(...))
+ \item{name}{Character string, the tag name.}
+ \item{...}{Optional children for the XML tree. Must be
+ either objects of class XiMpLe.node or character strings,
+ which are treated as simple text values.}
+ \item{xml}{A named list, XML declaration of the XML tree.
+ Currently just pasted, no checking is done.}
+ \item{dtd}{A named list, doctype definition of the XML
+ tree. Valid elements are \code{doctype}, \code{id} and
+ \code{refer}. Currently just pasted, no checking is
+ done.}
+ \item{.children}{Alternative way of specifying children,
+ if you have them already as a list.}
+ An object of class XiMpLe.doc
+ Can be used to create full XML trees.
Modified: trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd
--- trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd 2012-03-13 16:16:21 UTC (rev 4175)
+++ trunk/rkward/packages/XiMpLe/man/XiMpLe-package.Rd 2012-03-13 23:49:55 UTC (rev 4176)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
\tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab XiMpLe\cr Type: \tab
Package\cr Version: \tab 0.03-11\cr Date: \tab
- 2012-03-13\cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods\cr
+ 2012-03-14\cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0),methods\cr
Enhances: \tab rkward\cr Encoding: \tab UTF-8\cr License:
\tab GPL (>= 3)\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr URL: \tab
http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=XiMpLe\cr }
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