[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[3727] trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/ rk.write.about.R

m-eik at users.sourceforge.net m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Sep 5 12:21:51 UTC 2011

Revision: 3727
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2011-09-05 12:21:50 +0000 (Mon, 05 Sep 2011)
Log Message:
deleted the old rk.write.about code

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.write.about.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.write.about.R	2011-09-05 11:34:51 UTC (rev 3726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.write.about.R	2011-09-05 12:21:50 UTC (rev 3727)
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-## usage:
-#  rk.write.about(about=about.plugins)
-#  for sample data see below function definition
-## function rk.write.about()
-# this is the main function. it needs a list with the about information
-# in the following format (fields with "!" are mandatory):
-# about <- list(
-# 	name="",               # ! name of the plugin
-# 	desc="",               # ! a short description
-# 	version="",            # ! version number
-# 	date=Sys.Date(),       # ! release date
-# 	url="",                #   some web address
-# 	license="GPL",         # ! software license
-# 	category="",           #   an optional category
-# 	authors=list(          # ! one or more authors (at least one name and mail address)
-# 			c(name="", email="", url=""),
-# 			c(name="", email="", url="")
-# 		),
-# 	rkward.min="0.5.3",    #   minimum version number of RKWard
-# 	rkward.max="",         #   maximum version number of RKWard
-# 	R.min="2.10",          #   minimum version number of R
-# 	R.max="",              #   maximum version number of R
-# 	depends=list(          #   if the plugin needs other packages or pluginmaps (at least the names)
-# 			c(package="", min="", max="", repository=""),
-# 			c(pluginmap="", url="")
-# 		)
-# )
-rk.write.about <- function(about, file=NULL, level=1){
-	# sanity checks
-	stopifnot(all(c("name", "desc", "version", "date", "license", "authors") %in% names(about)))
-	stopifnot(all(length(about[c("name", "desc", "version", "date", "license", "authors")]) > 0))
-	# a list with element names and their attribute names in XML
-	about.e2t <- list(
-		about=list(
-			name="name",
-			desc="shortinfo",
-			version="version",
-			date="releasedate",
-			url="url",
-			license="license",
-			category="category"
-		),
-		author=list(
-			name="name",
-			email="email",
-			url="url"
-		),
-		dependencies=list(
-			rkward.min="rkward_min_version",
-			rkward.max="rkward_max_version",
-			R.min="R_min_verion",
-			R.max="R_max_verion"
-		),
-		package=list(
-			package="name",
-			min="min_version",
-			max="max_version",
-			repository="repository"
-		),
-		pluginmap=list(
-			pluginmap="name",
-			url="url"
-		)
-	)
-	# function lookupAttrName()
-	# takes the original input element names and returns
-	# the according XML attribute name
-	lookupAttrName <- function(tag, attr){
-		if(is.null(tag)){
-			attr.name <- attr
-		} else {
-			attr.name <- about.e2t[[tag]][[attr]]
-		}
-		return(attr.name)
-	} # end function lookupAttrName()
-	## here the actual pasting starts
-	# create children from all authors. (SCNR...)
-	all.authors <- c()
-	for (author in about[["authors"]]){
-		all.authors <- paste(all.authors, pasteXMLTag("author", author, solo=TRUE, level=level+1), sep="")
-	}
-	# create children from all package and pluginmap dependencies
-	all.package.deps <- c()
-	if("depends" %in% names(about)){
-		for (package in about[["depends"]]){
-			if("package" %in% names(package)){
-				all.package.deps <- paste(all.package.deps, pasteXMLTag("package", package, solo=TRUE, level=level+2), sep="")
-			} else if("pluginmap" %in% names(package)){
-				all.package.deps <- paste(all.package.deps, pasteXMLTag("pluginmap", package, solo=TRUE, level=level+2), sep="")
-			}
-		}
-	} else {}
-	# create dependencies
-	dep.names <- names(about)[names(about) %in% c("rkward.min", "rkward.max", "R.min", "R.max")]
-	if(length(dep.names) > 0){
-		dependencies <- pasteXMLTag("dependencies", about[dep.names], child=all.package.deps, solo=FALSE, level=level+1)
-	} else {
-		dependencies <- ""
-	}
-	# combine all children for the about root tag
-	all.children <- paste(all.authors, dependencies, sep="")
-	# finally, put it all together
-	about.names <- names(about)[names(about) %in% c("name", "desc", "version", "date", "url", "license", "category")]
-	all.about <- pasteXMLTag("about", about[about.names], child=all.children, solo=FALSE, level=level)
-	if(!is.null(file)){
-		write(all.about, file=file)
-		return(invisible(NULL))
-	} else {
-		return(all.about)
-	}
-} ## end function rk.write.about()
-## sample input data:
-# about.plugins <- list(
-# 	name="Square the circle",
-# 	desc="Squares the circle using Heisenberg compensation.",
-# 	version="0.1-3",
-# 	date=Sys.Date(),
-# 	url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/23/stc.html",
-# 	license="GPL",
-# 	category="Geometry",
-# 	authors=list(
-# 			c(name="E.A. Dölle", email="doelle at eternalwondermaths.example.org", url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org"),
-# 			c(name="A. Assistant", email="alterego at eternalwondermaths.example.org", url="http://eternalwondermaths.example.org/staff/")
-# 		),
-# 	rkward.min="0.5.3",
-# 	rkward.max="",
-# 	R.min="2.10",
-# 	R.max="",
-# 	depends=list(
-# 			c(package="heisenberg", min="0.11-2", max="", repository="http://rforge.r-project.org"),
-# 			c(package="DreamsOfPi", min="0.2", max="", repository=""),
-# 			c(pluginmap="", url="")
-# 		)
-# )
-## a sample with less data
-# about.plugins2 <- list(
-# 	name="Square the circle",
-# 	desc="Squares the circle using Heisenberg compensation.",
-# 	version="0.1-3",
-# 	date=Sys.Date(),
-# 	license="GPL",
-# 	authors=list(c(name="E.A. Dölle"))
-# )
-## additional functions called by the main function:
-## function indent()
-# will create tabs to format the output
-indent <- function(level){
-	paste(rep("\t", level-1), collapse="")
-} ## end function indent()
-## function pasteXMLAttr()
-# pastes all attributes in a nicely readable way
-pasteXMLAttr <- function(attr=NULL, tag=NULL, level=1){
-	if(is.null(attr)){
-		return("")
-	} else {}
-	# only use formatting if more than one attribute
-	if(length(attr) > 1){
-		full.attr <- c()
-		for (this.attr in names(attr)){
-			# skip empty elements
-			if(is.null(attr[[this.attr]])){next}
-			if(nchar(attr[[this.attr]]) > 0){
-				# look up attribute name to paste
-				attr.name <- lookupAttrName(tag, this.attr)
-				full.attr <- paste(full.attr, "\n", indent(level+1), attr.name, "=\"", attr[[this.attr]], "\"", sep="")
-			} else {}
-		}
-	} else {
-		# look up attribute name to paste
-		attr.name <- lookupAttrName(tag, names(attr))
-		full.attr <- paste(attr.name, "=\"", attr[[1]], "\"", sep="")
-	}
-	return(full.attr)
-} ## end function pasteXMLAttr()
-## function pasteXMLTag()
-# creates a whole XML tag with attributes and, if it is a pair of start and end tags,
-# also one object as child.
-# - tag: name of the tag
-# - attr: a list of attributes for the tag
-# - child: if 'solo=FALSE', a character string to be pasted als a child node between start and end tag
-# - solo: <true /> or <false></false>
-# - level: indentation level
-# - allow.empty: if FALSE, tags without attributes will not be returned
-pasteXMLTag <- function(tag, attr=NULL, child=NULL, solo=TRUE, level=1, allow.empty=FALSE){
-	# what attributes do we have?
-	all.attributes <- pasteXMLAttr(attr, tag=tag, level=level)
-	# probaly don't produce empty tags
-	if(!isTRUE(allow.empty) & is.null(all.attributes)){
-		return("")
-	} else {}
-	# solo decides whether this is a solo tag or a pair of start and end tags
-	if(isTRUE(solo)){
-		full.tag <- paste(indent(level), "<", tag, " ", pasteXMLAttr(attr, tag=tag, level=level), "\n", indent(level), "/>\n", sep="")
-	} else {
-		full.tag <- paste(
-			indent(level), "<", tag, " ", pasteXMLAttr(attr, tag=tag, level=level), ">\n",
-			if(!is.null(child)){child},
-			indent(level), "</", tag, ">\n", sep="")
-	}
-	return(full.tag)
-} ## end function pasteXMLTag()

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