[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[3725] trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R

m-eik at users.sourceforge.net m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Aug 31 14:43:33 UTC 2011

Revision: 3725
Author:   m-eik
Date:     2011-08-31 14:43:32 +0000 (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
Log Message:
rpackages/rkward: split public functions into several files for better maintenance (esp. the docs). removed a 0.4.0 related function, no actual changes to the code otherwise.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/help.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/help.R	2011-08-29 13:42:37 UTC (rev 3724)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/help.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-## Public functions related to help search / display
-#' Opens an R demo script for editing
-#' \code{rk.demo} behaves similar to \code{\link{demo}}, but opens the demo
-#' script for editing, instead of sourcing it. Contrary to \code{\link{demo}},
-#' the specification of a topic is mandatory.
-#' @param topic topic of the example
-#' @param package package(s) to search for the demo. If NULL (the default), all
-#'   currently loaded packages are searched.
-#' @param lib.loc Library locations.
-#' @return Return \code{NULL}, unconditionally.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{rk.edit.files}}, \code{\link{rk.show.files}},
-#'   \code{\link{demo}}
-#' @keywords utilities IO
-#' @rdname rk.demo
-#' @examples
-#' ## Not run
-#' rk.demo("graphics")
-# Like demo(), but opens the demo in a script editor window
-"rk.demo" <- function (topic, package=NULL, lib.loc=NULL) {
-	if (is.null (package)) {
-		package <- .packages (lib.loc=lib.loc)
-	}
-	loc <- ""
-	for (p in package) {
-		loc <- system.file ("demo", paste (topic, ".R", sep=""), package=p, lib.loc=lib.loc)
-		if (loc != "") break
-	}
-	if (loc == "") stop ("No demo found for topic'", topic, "'")
-	rk.edit.files (loc, prompt=FALSE)
-## Internal functions related to help search / display
-# retrieve the (expected) "base" url of help files. Most importantly this will be a local port for R 2.10.0 and above, but a local directory for 2.9.x and below. As a side effect, in R 2.10.0 and above, the dynamic help server is started.
-".rk.getHelpBaseUrl" <- function () {
-	port <- NA
-	if (compareVersion (as.character (getRversion()), "2.10.0") >= 0) {
-		try ({
-			port <- tools::startDynamicHelp ()
-		})
-		if (is.na (port)) {
-			try ({
-				port <- tools:::httpdPort
-			})
-		}
-	}
-	if (is.na (port)) {
-		return (paste ("file://", R.home (), sep=""))
-	}
-	return (paste ("", port, sep=":"))
-# a simple wrapper around help() that makes it easier to detect in code, whether help was found or not.
-# used from RKHelpSearchWindow::getFunctionHelp
-".rk.getHelp" <- function (...) {
-	if (compareVersion (as.character (getRversion()), "2.10.0") >= 0) {
-		res <- help (..., help_type="html")
-	} else {
-		res <- help (..., chmhelp=FALSE, htmlhelp=TRUE)
-	}
-	if (!length (as.character (res))) {	# this seems undocumented, but it is what utils:::print.help_files_with_topic checks
-		show (res)
-		stop ("No help found")
-	}
-	show (res)
-	invisible (TRUE)
-# Simple wrapper around help.search. Concatenates the relevant fields of the results in order for passing to the frontend.
-".rk.get.search.results" <- function (pattern, ...) {
-	H=as.data.frame (help.search(pattern, ...)$matches)
-	# NOTE: The field "Type" was added in R 2.14.0. For earlier versions of R, only help pages were returned as results of help.search()
-	if (is.null (H$Type)) H$Type <- "help"
-	c (as.character (H$topic), as.character (H$title), as.character(H$Package), as.character(H$Type))

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R	2011-08-29 13:42:37 UTC (rev 3724)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -369,76 +369,6 @@
 ".rk.backups" <- new.env ()
-#' Replace a function inside its package environment / namespace
-#' \code{rk.replace.function} can be used to replace a function inside a
-#' different package / namespace. It is mainly intended for internal usage
-#' inside rkward, e.g. to replace \code{menu} and \code{select.list} with
-#' appropriate GUI implementations.
-#' The original function is assigned to the environment
-#' \code{rkward::.rk.backups} with the same name as the original, and can be
-#' referred to from the replacement. WARNING: This mechansim does not support
-#' several subsequent replacments of the same function.
-#' WARNING: This function can be used to alter - and disrupt - internal
-#' functions in arbitrary ways. You better know what you are doing.
-#' WARNING: Does not work well on generics!
-#' @param functionname name of the function to be replaced (character).
-#' @param environment package environment or namespace, where replacment should
-#'   be done.
-#' @param replacement the replacement. This should be a function.
-#' @param copy.formals logical; whether to copy the \code{\link{formals}} from
-#'   the original function.
-#' @return Returns \code{NULL}, invisibly, unconditionally.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{assignInNamespace}}, \code{\link{debug}}
-#' @keywords utilities IO
-#' @rdname rk.replace.function
-#' @examples
-#' ## Not run
-#' rk.replace.function ("history", as.environment ("package:utils"),
-#'   function () {
-#'     cat ("This is what you typed:\n")
-#'     eval (body (.rk.backups$history))
-#'   })
-#' ## End not run
-# Tries to replace a function inside its environemnt/namespace.
-# Function formals are copied from the original.
-# A backup of the original is stored as rkward::.rk.backups$FUNCTIONNAME
-"rk.replace.function" <- function (functionname, environment, replacement, copy.formals=TRUE) {
-	original <- get (functionname, envir=environment, inherits=FALSE)
-	# create a backup
-	assign (functionname, original, envir=.rk.backups)
-	if (copy.formals) formals (replacement) <- formals (original)
-	environment (replacement) <- environment (original)
-	try (
-		if (bindingIsLocked (functionname, environment)) {
-			unlockBinding (functionname, environment)
-			on.exit (lockBinding (functionname, environment))
-		}
-	)
-	try (
-		if (isNamespace (environment)) {
-			assignInNamespace (functionname, replacement, ns=environment)
-		} else {
-			assignInNamespace (functionname, replacement, envir=environment)
-		}
-	)
-	try (
-		assign (functionname, replacement, envir=environment)
-	)
-	invisible (NULL)
 # where masking is not enough, we need to assign in the original environment / namespace. This can only be done after package loading,
 # so we have a separate function for that.
 ".rk.fix.assignments" <- function () {
@@ -490,4 +420,3 @@
 	# call separate assignments functions:
 	if (exists (".rk.fix.assignments.graphics")) eval (body (.rk.fix.assignments.graphics)) # internal_graphics.R

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal_help.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal_help.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal_help.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+## Internal functions related to help search / display
+# retrieve the (expected) "base" url of help files. Most importantly this will be a local port for R 2.10.0 and above, but a local directory for 2.9.x and below. As a side effect, in R 2.10.0 and above, the dynamic help server is started.
+".rk.getHelpBaseUrl" <- function () {
+	port <- NA
+	if (compareVersion (as.character (getRversion()), "2.10.0") >= 0) {
+		try ({
+			port <- tools::startDynamicHelp ()
+		})
+		if (is.na (port)) {
+			try ({
+				port <- tools:::httpdPort
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	if (is.na (port)) {
+		return (paste ("file://", R.home (), sep=""))
+	}
+	return (paste ("", port, sep=":"))
+# a simple wrapper around help() that makes it easier to detect in code, whether help was found or not.
+# used from RKHelpSearchWindow::getFunctionHelp
+".rk.getHelp" <- function (...) {
+	if (compareVersion (as.character (getRversion()), "2.10.0") >= 0) {
+		res <- help (..., help_type="html")
+	} else {
+		res <- help (..., chmhelp=FALSE, htmlhelp=TRUE)
+	}
+	if (!length (as.character (res))) {	# this seems undocumented, but it is what utils:::print.help_files_with_topic checks
+		show (res)
+		stop ("No help found")
+	}
+	show (res)
+	invisible (TRUE)
+# Simple wrapper around help.search. Concatenates the relevant fields of the results in order for passing to the frontend.
+".rk.get.search.results" <- function (pattern, ...) {
+	H=as.data.frame (help.search(pattern, ...)$matches)
+	# NOTE: The field "Type" was added in R 2.14.0. For earlier versions of R, only help pages were returned as results of help.search()
+	if (is.null (H$Type)) H$Type <- "help"
+	c (as.character (H$topic), as.character (H$title), as.character(H$Package), as.character(H$Type))

Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public.R	2011-08-29 13:42:37 UTC (rev 3724)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -1,970 +0,0 @@
-#' Various label related utility functions
-#' \code{rk.get.label} retrieves the rkward label (if any) of the given object.
-#' \code{rk.set.label} sets the rkward label for the given object.
-#' \code{rk.get.short.name} creates a short name for the given object.
-#' \code{rk.get.description} creates descriptive string(s) for each of the
-#' arguments in "\code{\dots{}}"; collapsing into a single string using
-#' \code{paste.sep} (if not NULL). If \code{is.substitute=TRUE}, the arguments
-#' will be deparsed, first, which can be useful when using
-#' \code{rk.get.description} inside a function.
-#' \code{rk.list.names} returns the names of the arguments passed as
-#' \code{...}; when using \code{rk.list.names} inside a function, it may be
-#' necessary to increase the \code{deparse.level} level.
-#' \code{rk.list} returns a list of its arguments, with \code{names} set as
-#' returned by \code{rk.get.description()}. This can be used as a drop-in
-#' replacement for \code{\link{list}}.
-#' @aliases rk.get.label rk.set.label rk.get.short.name rk.get.description
-#'   rk.list.names rk.list
-#' @param x any R object
-#' @param label a string, to set the label attribute of an object
-#' @param envir an environment, where the attribute is evaluated
-#' @param paste.sep a string, used as the \code{collapse} argument for paste
-#' @param is.substitute a logical (not NA). See Details.
-#' @return \code{rk.set.label} returns the result of the evaluation of "setting
-#'   the label" while the others return a character vector.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @keywords utilities
-#' @rdname rk.get.label
-#' @examples
-#' x <- data.frame(a=c(1:3), b=c(2:4))
-#' rk.set.label(x[["a"]], "First column")
-#' rk.get.short.name (x$a)                   # "x$a"
-#' rk.get.label (x$a)                        # "First column"
-#' rk.get.description (x$a)                  # "x$a (First column)"
-#' rk.list.names (x, x$a, x$b)               # "x" "x$a" "x$b"
-#' names (rk.list (x$a, x$b))                # "x$a (First column)" "x$b"
-# retrieve the rkward label (if any) of the given object
-"rk.get.label" <- function (x) {
-	if (is.call (x) || is.name (x)) {
-		ret <- attr (eval (x), ".rk.meta")[names (attr (eval (x), ".rk.meta")) == "label"]
-	} else {
-		ret <- attr (x, ".rk.meta")[names (attr (x, ".rk.meta")) == "label"]
-	}
-	as.character (as.vector (ret))
-# set rkward label
-"rk.set.label" <- function (x, label, envir=parent.frame()) {
-	if (is.call (x) || is.name (x)) {
-		meta <- attr (eval (x, envir=envir), ".rk.meta")
-	} else {
-		meta <- attr (x, ".rk.meta")
-	}
-	meta[["label"]] <- as.character (label)
-	eval(substitute(attr(x, ".rk.meta") <- meta), envir = envir)
-# get a short name for the given object
-"rk.get.short.name" <- function (x) {
-	if (is.call (x) || is.name (x)) {
-		.rk.make.short.name (deparse (x))
-	} else {
-		.rk.make.short.name (deparse (substitute (x)))
-	}
-# make a short name from the given arg (a character string)
-# e.g. return "b" for a[["b"]] (but 'a::"b"' for a::"b"
-".rk.make.short.name" <- function (x) {
-	splt <- strsplit (x, "[[\"", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
-	spltlen <- length (splt)
-	if (spltlen == 1) {
-		splt[1]
-	} else {
-		strsplit (splt[spltlen], "\"]]", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
-	}
-# get descriptive strings for each of the arguments in ...
-"rk.get.description" <- function (..., paste.sep=NULL, is.substitute=FALSE) {
-	args <- list(...)
-	if (is.substitute) {
-		argnames <- list ()
-		j <- 1
-		for (symb in list (...)) {
-			argnames[j] <- deparse (symb)
-			j <- j + 1
-		}
-	} else {
-		argnames <- rk.list.names (...)
-	}
-	descript <- c ()
-	for (i in 1:length (args)) {
-		lbl <- rk.get.label (args[[i]])
-		if (is.substitute) {
-			shortname <- .rk.make.short.name (as.character (argnames[i]))
-		} else {
-			shortname <- .rk.make.short.name (argnames[i])
-		}
-		if (is.null (lbl) || (length (lbl) < 1)) descript[i] <- shortname
-		else descript[i] <- paste (shortname, " (", lbl, ")", sep="")
-	}
-	if (is.null (paste.sep)) {
-		descript
-	} else {
-		paste (descript, collapse=paste.sep)
-	}
-# Drop-in replacement for list(). Returns a list of the given arguments, but with names set according to rk.get.description
-"rk.list" <- function (...) {
-	ret <- list (...)
-	names (ret) <- rk.get.description (...)
-	ret
-# this is basically copied from R-base table (). Returns the arguments passed to ... as a character vector
-"rk.list.names" <- function(..., deparse.level=2) {
-	l <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
-	nm <- names(l)
-	fixup <- if (is.null(nm)) 
-		seq(along = l)
-	else nm == ""
-	dep <- sapply(l[fixup], function(x) switch(deparse.level + 1, "", if (is.symbol(x)) as.character(x) else "", deparse(x)[1]))
-	if (is.null(nm)) 
-		dep
-	else {
-		nm[fixup] <- dep
-		nm
-	}
-#' Sync R object(s)
-#' RKWard keeps an internal representation of objects in the R workspace. For
-#' objects in the \code{.GlobalEnv}, this representation is updated after each
-#' top-level statement. For the rare cases where this is not enough,
-#' \code{rk.sync} can be used to update the representation of a single object,
-#' \code{x}, while \code{rk.sync.global} scans the \code{.GlobalEnv} for new
-#' and removed objects, and updates as appropriate.
-#' These functions are rarely needed outside automated testing. However,
-#' rk.sync() can be useful, if an object outside the \code{.GlobalEnv} has
-#' changed, since this will not be detected automatically. Also, by default
-#' RKWard does not recurse into environments when updating its representation
-#' of objects. rk.sync() can be used, here, to inspect the objects inside
-#' environments (see examples).
-#' @aliases rk.sync rk.sync.global
-#' @param x any R object to sync
-#' @return \code{NULL}, invisibly.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_workspace_browser}
-#' @keywords utilities misc
-#' @rdname rk.sync
-#' @examples
-#' rk.sync (rkward::rk.record.plot)
-# should this really be public?
-"rk.sync" <- function (x) {
-	object <- deparse (substitute (x))
-	.rk.do.call ("sync", object)
-# should this really be public?
-"rk.sync.global" <- function () {
-	.rk.do.call("syncglobal", ls (envir=globalenv (), all.names=TRUE))
-#' Edit / show an object / file
-#' \code{rk.edit} can be used to edit an object in the RKWard data editor.
-#' Currently only \link{data.frame}s are supported. This is similar to
-#' \link{edit.data.frame}, but the function returns immediately, and the object
-#' is edit asynchronously.
-#' \code{rk.edit.files}, \code{rk.show.files}, and \code{rk.show.html} are
-#' equivalent to \link{file.edit}, \link{file.show}, and \link{browseURL},
-#' respectively, but use RKWard as text/html editor/viewer. Generally it is
-#' recommended to use \link{file.edit}, \link{file.show}, and \link{browseURL},
-#' instead. These will call the respective RKWard functions by default, when
-#' run inside an RKWard session.
-#' @aliases rk.edit rk.edit.files rk.show.files rk.show.html
-#' @param x an object to edit.
-#' @param file character vector, filenames to show or edit.
-#' @param title character vector, of the same length as \code{file}; This can
-#'   be used to give descriptive titles to each file, which will be displayed
-#'   to the user.
-#' @param wtitle character vector, of length 1. This will be used as the window
-#'   title.
-#' @param prompt logical of length 1. If TRUE (the default) a prompt is dialog
-#'   is shown along with the files to show / edit.
-#' @param delete a logical (not NA), when \code{TRUE} the shown file(s) are
-#'   deleted after closing.
-#' @return All functions described on this page return \code{NULL},
-#'   unconditionally.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{edit}}, \code{\link{file.edit}},
-#'   \code{\link{file.show}}, \code{\link{browseURL}}
-#' @keywords utilities IO
-#' @rdname rk.edit
-#' @examples
-#' ## Not run
-#' x <- data.frame (a=c(1:3), b=c(2:4))
-#' rk.edit(x)
-"rk.edit" <- function (x) {
-	object <- deparse (substitute (x))
-	.rk.do.call ("edit", object)
-#' RKWard file names
-#' In RKWard the output is saved as a html file which is located at "~/.rkward"
-#' by default. (\bold{TODO}: make this platform free). The name of this html
-#' file can be retrieved and set using \code{rk.get.output.html.file} and
-#' \code{rk.set.output.html.file}.
-#' \code{rk.get.tempfile.name} returns a non-existing filename inside the
-#' directory of the output file. It is mainly used by \link{rk.graph.on} to
-#' create filenames suitable for storing images in the output. The filenames of
-#' the temporary files are of the form
-#' "\code{prefix}\emph{xyz}.\code{extension}". \code{rk.get.tempfile.name} is
-#' somewhat misnamed. For truly temporary files, \link{tempfile} is generally
-#' more suitable.
-#' \code{rk.get.workspace.url} returns the url of workspace file which has been
-#' loaded in RKWard, or NULL, if no workspace has been loaded. NOTE: This value
-#' is note affected by running \code{load} in R, only by loading R workspaces
-#' via the RKWard GUI.
-#' @aliases rk.get.tempfile.name rk.get.workspace.url rk.get.output.html.file
-#'   rk.set.output.html.file
-#' @param prefix a string, used as a filename prefix when saving images to the
-#'   output file
-#' @param extension a string, used as a filename extension when saving images
-#'   to the output file
-#' @param x a string, giving the filename of the of the output file
-#' @return \code{rk.get.tempfile.name}, \code{rk.get.output.html.file}, and
-#'   \code{rk.get.workspace.url} return a string while
-#'   \code{rk.set.output.html.file} returns \code{NULL}.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}, \link{tempfile}, \link{file},
-#'   \link{rk.print}
-#' @keywords utilities IO
-#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
-#' @examples
-#' testfile.name <- rk.get.tempfile.name(prefix="test", extension=".txt")
-#' testfile <- file(testfile.name)
-#' cat("This is a test\n", file=testfile)
-#' close(testfile)
-#' unlink(testfile.name)
-#' outfile <- rk.get.output.html.file()
-#' ## Not run
-#' rk.set.output.html.file("~/.rkward/another_file.html")
-#' rk.header("Output on a different output file")
-#' rk.show.html(rk.get.output.html.file())
-#' rk.set.output.html.file(outfile)
-"rk.get.tempfile.name" <- function (prefix="image", extension=".jpg") {
-	return (.rk.do.plain.call ("get.tempfile.name", c (prefix, extension)))
-"rk.get.workspace.url" <- function () {
-	res <- .rk.do.plain.call ("getWorkspaceUrl")
-	if (length (res)) res
-	else NULL
-"rk.get.output.html.file" <- function () {
-	return (.rk.variables$.rk.output.html.file)
-"rk.set.output.html.file" <- function (x) {
-	stopifnot (is.character (x))
-	assign (".rk.output.html.file", x, .rk.variables)
-	if (!file.exists (x)) {
-		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"", .Call ("rk.locale.name"), "\"?>\n", sep=""))
-		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<html><head>\n<title>RKWard Output</title>\n", .rk.do.plain.call ("getCSSlink"), "</head>\n<body>\n", sep=""))
-		# This initial output mostly to indicate the output is really there, just empty for now
-		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<pre>RKWard output initialized on", date (), "</pre>\n"))
-	}
-	# needs to come after initialization, so initialization alone does not trigger an update during startup
-	.rk.do.plain.call ("set.output.file", x, synchronous=FALSE)
-	invisible (NULL)
-#' Save or restore RKWard workplace
-#' \code{rk.save.workplace} can be used to save a representation of the RKWard
-#' workplace (i.e. which scripts, data edtiors and other windows are shown) to
-#' a file. \code{rk.restore.workplace} restores an RKWard workplace as saved by
-#' \code{rk.save.workplace}.
-#' If the \code{file} parameter is omitted (or \code{NULL}), a suitable
-#' filename is selected automatically. If a workspace has been loaded, this is
-#' the URL of the workspace with an appended \code{.rkworkplace}. Otherwise a
-#' filename in the RKWard directory, as generated by
-#' \link{rk.get.tempfile.name}.
-#' NOTE: Not all types of windows can be saved and restored. Esp. graphics
-#' device windows will not be restored (but WILL be closed by
-#' \code{rk.restore.workplace()}, if \code{close.windows} is TRUE).
-#' @aliases rk.save.workplace rk.restore.workplace
-#' @param file a character string giving the url of the file to save to, or
-#'   NULL for automatic selection of a suitable file (see Details).
-#' @param description For internal use, only. A character string describing the
-#'   workplace status to save. Generally, you should leave this as the default
-#'   value (\code{NULL}).
-#' @param close.windows a logical; whether current windows should be closed
-#'   before restoring.
-#' @return Both functions return \code{NULL}.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_for_r_users}, \link{rk.get.workspace.url}
-#' @keywords utilities
-#' @rdname rk.workplace
-#' @examples
-#' ## Not run
-#' rk.save.workplace ()
-#' rk.restore.workplace ()
-#' ## End not run
-"rk.save.workplace" <- function (file=NULL, description=NULL) {
-	if (is.null (file)) {
-		file <- rk.get.workspace.url ()
-		if (is.null (file)) file <- rk.get.tempfile.name (prefix="unsaved", extension=".RData")
-		file <- paste (file, "rkworkplace", sep=".")
-	}
-	if (is.null (description)) lines <- .rk.do.plain.call ("workplace.layout", "get")
-	else lines <- description
-	writeLines (lines, file)
-"rk.restore.workplace" <- function (file=NULL, close.windows=TRUE) {
-	if (is.null (file)) {
-		if (exists (".rk.workplace.save", envir=globalenv (), inherits=FALSE)) {
-			# For backwards compatibility with workspaces saved by RKWard 0.5.4 and earlier.
-			# TODO: remove in time.
-			lines <- as.character (.GlobalEnv$.rk.workplace.save)
-			rm (list = c (".rk.workplace.save"), envir=globalenv ())
-		} else {
-			file <- rk.get.workspace.url ()
-			if (is.null (file)) file <- rk.get.tempfile.name (prefix="unsaved", extension=".RData")
-			file <- paste (file, "rkworkplace", sep=".")
-		}
-	}
-	close <- "close"
-	if (!isTRUE (close.windows)) close <- "noclose"
-	if (!exists ("lines", inherits=FALSE)) lines <- readLines (file)
-	.rk.do.plain.call ("workplace.layout", c ("set", close, lines), synchronous=FALSE)
-	invisible (NULL)
-#' Miscellaneous utility functions
-#' \code{rk.rename.in.container} renames a named object (column/element) in a
-#' data.frame/list without changing its position.
-#' \code{rk.make.repos.string} just creates a R statement for \code{repos}. A
-#' typical user should not need to use this function.
-#' \code{rk.select.CRAN.mirror} is an in-house replacement for
-#' \code{\link{chooseCRANmirror}} without changing \code{options ("repos")},
-#' permanently. It uses native KDE gui and provides more information on each
-#' mirror.
-#' @aliases rk.misc rk.rename.in.container rk.make.repos.string
-#'   rk.select.CRAN.mirror
-#' @param x a data.frame or list.
-#' @param old_name a string, the name of the column or element to be renamed.
-#' @param new_name a string, the new name.
-#' @param envir an environment where \code{x} is available.
-#' @return \code{rk.rename.in.container} returns \code{NULL} on successfule
-#'   renaming, otherwise an error.
-#' \code{rk.make.repos.string} returns a valid R expression as a character
-#'   string which can then be parsed and evaluated.
-#' \code{rk.select.CRAN.mirror} returns the URL of the chosen mirror, as a
-#'   string.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @keywords attribute misc utilities
-#' @rdname rk.misc
-#' @examples
-#' ## rk.rename.in.container
-#' ir <- iris
-#' str (ir)
-#' rk.rename.in.container(ir, "Species", "Taxonomic.Group")
-#' str (ir)
-# renames a named object in a data.frame/list without changing it's position
-# TODO: create a generic function instead, that can handle all kinds of renames
-"rk.rename.in.container" <- function (x, old_name, new_name, envir=parent.frame()) {
-	temp <- (names (x) == old_name)
-	i = 1;
-	for (val in temp) {
-		if (val) {
-			eval (substitute (names (x)[i] <- new_name), envir=envir)
-			return ()
-		}
-		i = i+1;
-	}
-	error ("Could not find column with given name")
-#' Print objects and results to output
-#' Various utilty functions which can be used to print or export R objects to
-#' the (html) output file. The output file can be accessed from Windows -> Show
-#' Output. Basically, these functions along with the ones described in
-#' \code{\link{rk.get.label}}, \code{\link{rk.get.tempfile.name}}, and
-#' \code{\link{rk.graph.on}} can be used to create a HTML report.
-#' \code{rk.print} prints/exports the given object to the output (html) file
-#' using the \code{\link{HTML}} function. This requires the \code{R2HTML}
-#' package. Additional arguments in \code{...} are passed on to
-#' \code{\link{HTML}}.
-#' \code{rk.print.literal} prints/exports the given object using a
-#' \code{paste(x, collapse="\n")} construct to the output (html) file.
-#' \code{rk.print.code} applies syntax highlighting to the given code string,
-#' and writes it to the output (html) file.
-#' \code{rk.header} prints a header / caption, possibly with parameters, to the
-#' output file. See example.
-#' \code{rk.results} is similar to \code{rk.print} but prints in a more
-#' tabulated fashion. This has been implemented only for certain types of
-#' \code{x}: tables, lists (or data.frames), and vectors. See example.
-#' \code{rk.describe.alternatives} describes the alternative (H1) hypothesis of
-#' a \code{htest}. This is similar to \code{stats:::print.htext} and makes
-#' sense only when \code{x$alternatives} exists.
-#' @aliases rk.print rk.print.code rk.print.literal rk.header rk.results
-#'   rk.describe.alternative
-#' @param x any R object to be printed/exported. A suitable list in case of
-#'   \code{rk.describe.alternative}.
-#' @param code a character vector (single string) of R code
-#' @param title a string, used as a header for the html output
-#' @param level an integer, header level. For example, \code{level=2} creates
-#'   the header with \code{<h2></h>} tag.
-#' @param parameters a list, preferably named, giving a list of "parameters" to
-#'   be printed to the output
-#' @param titles a character vector, giving the column headers for a html
-#'   table.
-#' @param print.rownames controls printing of rownames. TRUE to force printing,
-#'   FALSE to suppress printing, omitted (default) to print rownames, unless
-#'   they are plain row numbers.
-#' @return \code{rk.describe.alternatives} returns a string while all other
-#'   functions return \code{NULL}, invisibly.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{HTML}}, \code{\link{rk.get.output.html.file}},
-#'   \code{\link{rk.get.description}}, \code{\link{rk.call.plugin}},
-#'   \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}
-#' @keywords utilities
-#' @rdname rk.results
-#' @examples
-#' require (rkward)
-#' require (R2HTML)
-#' ## see the output: Windows->Show Output
-#' ## stolen from the two-sample t-test plugin ;)
-#' local({
-#' x1 <- rnorm (100)
-#' x2 <- rnorm (100, 2)
-#' nm <- rk.get.description (x1,x2)
-#' result <- t.test (x1, x2, alternative="less")
-#' rk.print.code ("result <- t.test (x1, x2, alternative=\"less\")")
-#' rk.header (result$method,
-#'   parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (nm[1], "against", nm[2]),
-#'   "H1", rk.describe.alternative (result),
-#'   "Equal variances", "not assumed"))
-#' rk.print.literal ("Raw data (first few rows):")
-#' rk.print (head (cbind (x1,x2)), align = "left")
-#' rk.print.literal ("Test results:")
-#' rk.results (list (
-#'   'Variable Name'=nm,
-#'   'estimated mean'=result$estimate,
-#'   'degrees of freedom'=result$parameter,
-#'   t=result$statistic,
-#'   p=result$p.value,
-#'   'confidence interval percent'=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),
-#'   'confidence interval of difference'=result$conf.int ))
-#' })
-"rk.print" <- function(x,...) {
-	htmlfile <- rk.get.output.html.file()
-	if(require("R2HTML")==TRUE) {
-		HTML(x, file=htmlfile,...)
-	}
-"rk.print.code" <- function(code) {
-	.rk.cat.output (.rk.do.plain.call ("highlightRCode", as.character (code)))
-"rk.header" <- function (title, parameters=list (), level=1) {
-	sink (rk.get.output.html.file(), append=TRUE)
-	on.exit (sink ())
-	cat ("<h", level, ">", title, "</h", level, ">\n", sep="")
-	# legacy handling: parameter=value used to be passed as parameter, value
-	if (!is.null (names (parameters))) {
-		pnames <- names (parameters)
-		p <- list ()
-		for (i in 1:length (parameters)) {
-			p[i*2-1] <- pnames[i]
-			p[i*2] <- parameters[i]
-		}
-		parameters <- p
-	}
-	if (length (parameters)) {
-		cat ("<h", level + 1, ">Parameters</h", level + 1, ">\n<ul>", sep="")
-		len <- length (parameters)
-		i <- 2
-		while (i <= len) {
-			cat ("<li>", parameters[[i-1]], ": ", parameters[[i]], "</li>\n", sep="")
-			i <- i + 2
-		}
-		cat ("</ul>\n")
-	}
-	if (level==1) cat (date ())
-	cat ("<br />\n")
-"rk.results" <- function (x, titles=NULL, print.rownames) {
-	sink (rk.get.output.html.file(), append=TRUE)
-	on.exit (sink ())
-	# convert 2d tables to data.frames with values labelled
-	if (is.table(x) && (length(dim(x)) == 2)) {
-		rows = dim(x)[1]
-		cols = dim(x)[2]
-		if (is.null(titles)) {
-			titles <- names(dimnames(x))
-		}
-		rn <- c ()   # row names
-		for (row in 1:rows) rn[row] <- paste (titles[1], "=", dimnames(x)[[1]][row])
-		x <- data.frame (cbind (x))
-		rownames (x) <- as.character (rn)
-		titles <- c ("", paste (titles[2], "=", names (internal)))
-	}
-	if (is.list (x)) {	# or a data.frame
-		if (is.data.frame (x)) {
-			# by default, print rownames, unless they are just plain row numbering
-			if (missing (print.rownames)) print.rownames <- !isTRUE (all.equal (rownames (x), as.character (1:dim(x)[1])))
-			if (isTRUE (print.rownames)) {
-				x <- cbind (rownames (x), x)
-				names (x)[1] <- '';
-			}
-		}
-		if (is.null (titles)) {
-			titles <- names (x)
-		}
-		cat ("<table border=\"1\">\n<tr>")
-		try ({	# if anything fails, make sure the "</table>" is still printed
-			for (i in 1:length (x)) {
-				cat ("<td>", titles[i], "</td>", sep="")
-			}
-			cat ("</tr>\n")
-			if (is.data.frame (x)) {
-				for (row in 1:dim (x)[1]) {
-					cat ("<tr>")
-					for (col in 1:dim (x)[2]) {
-						cat ("<td>", x[row, col], "</td>", sep="")
-					}
-					cat ("</tr>\n")
-				}
-			} else {		# generic list
-				cat ("<tr>")
-				for (col in x) {
-					col <- as.vector (col)
-					cat ("<td>")
-					for (row in 1:length (col)) {
-						if (row != 1) cat ("\n<br/>")
-						cat (col[row])
-					}
-					cat ("</td>")
-				}
-				cat ("</tr>\n")
-			}
-		})
-		cat ("</table>\n")
-	} else if (is.vector (x)) {
-		cat ("<h3>", titles[1], ": ", sep="")
-		cat (x)
-		cat ("</h3>")
-	} else {
-		stop ("uninmplemented")
-	}
-"rk.print.literal" <- function (x) {
-	cat ("<pre>", paste (x, collapse="\n"), "</pre>\n", sep="", file=rk.get.output.html.file(), append=TRUE);
-# Describe the alternative (H1) of an htest.
-# This code adapted from stats:::print.htest
-"rk.describe.alternative" <- function (x) {
-	res <- ""
-	if (!is.null(x$alternative)) {
-		if (!is.null(x$null.value)) {
- 			if (length(x$null.value) == 1) {
- 				alt.char <- switch(x$alternative, two.sided = "not equal to", less = "less than", greater = "greater than")
- 				res <- paste ("true", names(x$null.value), "is", alt.char, x$null.value)
- 			} else {
- 				res <- paste (x$alternative, "\nnull values:\n", x$null.value)
- 			}
-		} else {
-			res <-  (x$alternative)
-		}
-	}
-	res
-"rk.make.repos.string" <- function () {
-	x <- getOption ("repos")
-	len <- length (x)
-	ret <- sprintf ("c (")
-	first <- TRUE
-	for (i in 1:len) {
-		if (first) {
-			first <- FALSE
-		} else {
-			ret <- sprintf ("%s, ", ret)
-		}
-		if (!(is.null (names (x)) || (names (x)[i] == ""))) {
-			ret <- sprintf ("%s%s=\"%s\"", ret, names (x)[i], x[i])
-		} else {
-			ret <- sprintf ("%s\"%s\"", ret, x[i])
-		}
-	}
-	ret <- sprintf ("%s)", ret)
-	ret
-# utility to convert the rkward meta data of objects created in rkward < 0.4.0
-# keep for a few months after 0.4.0 is out
-"rk.convert.pre040" <- function (x) {
-	if (missing (x)) {
-		x <- list ()
-		lst <- ls (all.names=TRUE, envir=globalenv ())
-		for (childname in lst) {
-	        	assign (childname, rk.convert.pre040 (get (childname, envir = globalenv ())), envir=globalenv ())
-		}
-		return (invisible ())
-	}
-	if (is.list (x)) {
-		oa <- attributes (x)
-		x <- lapply (x, function (X) rk.convert.pre040 (X))
-		attributes (x) <- oa
-	}
-	a <- attr (x, ".rk.meta")
-	if (is.null (a)) return (x)
-	if (!is.data.frame (a)) return (x)
-	if (length (a) < 1) return (x)
-	an <- as.character (a[[1]])
-	names (an) <- row.names (a)
-	attr (x, ".rk.meta") <- an
-	x
-"rk.edit.files" <- function (file = file, title = file, name = NULL, prompt = TRUE)
-	if (!is.character (file)) {
-		nfile = tempfile()
-		env = environment (file)
-		dput (file, file=nfile, control=c ("useSource", "keepNA", "keepInteger", "showAttributes"))
-		.Call("rk.edit.files", nfile, title, name, prompt)
-		x <- dget (nfile)
-		environment (x) <- env
-		return (x)
-	}
-	invisible (.Call ("rk.edit.files",  as.character (file),  as.character (title),  as.character (name), isTRUE (prompt)))
-"rk.show.files" <- function (file = file, title = file, wtitle = NULL, delete=FALSE, prompt = TRUE)
-	invisible (.Call ("rk.show.files", as.character (file), as.character (title), as.character (wtitle), delete, isTRUE (prompt)))
-"rk.show.html" <- function (url) {
-	invisible (.rk.do.plain.call ("showHTML", as.character (url), synchronous=FALSE));
-"rk.call.plugin" <- function (plugin, ..., submit.mode = c ("manual", "auto", "submit")) {
-	# prepare arguments
-	settings <- list (...)
-	callstrings <- list ()
-	callstrings[1] <- plugin
-	callstrings[2] <- match.arg (submit.mode)
-	if (length (settings) > 0) {
-		for (i in 1:length(settings)) {
-			# properly passing on escaped characters is a pain. This seems to work.
-			deparsed <- deparse (settings[[i]])
-			deparsed_unquoted <- substr (deparsed, 2, nchar (deparsed) - 1)
-			callstrings[i + 2] <- paste(names(settings)[i], deparsed_unquoted, 
-			sep = "=")
-		}
-	}
-	# do call
-	res <- .rk.do.call ("doPlugin", callstrings)
-	# handle result
-	if (!is.null (res)) {
-		if (res$type == "warning") {
-			warning (res$message)
-		} else {
-			stop (res$message)
-		}
-	}
-	invisible (TRUE)
-#' Call or list built-in RKWard plugin(s)
-#' \code{rk.call.plugin} provides a high level wrapper to call any plugin
-#' available in RKWard. The exact string to be used as \code{plugin}, and the
-#' list of arguments available for a particular plugin, are generally not
-#' transparent to the user.\code{rk.list.plugins} can be used to obtain a list
-#' of current plugins. For plugin arguments, it is recommended to run the
-#' plugin, and inspect the "Run again" link that is generated on the output.
-#' \bold{Warning}: Using \code{rk.call.plugin}, especially with submit.modes
-#' \code{"auto"} or \code{"submit"} to program a sequence of analyses has
-#' important drawbacks. First, the semantics of plugins are not guaranteed to
-#' remain unchanged across different versions of RKWard, thus your code may
-#' stop working after an upgrade. Second, your code will not be usable outside
-#' of an RKWard session. Consider copying the generated code for each plugin,
-#' instead. The primary use-cases for \code{rk.call.plugin} are automated
-#' tests, cross-references, and scripted tutorials.
-#' \bold{Note}: Even when using \code{"submit.mode=submit"}, the plugin code is
-#' run in the global context. Any local variables of the calling context are
-#' not available to the plugin.
-#' \code{rk.list.plugins} returns the list of the names of all currently
-#' registered plugins.
-#' @aliases rk.call.plugin rk.list.plugins
-#' @param plugin character string, giving the name of the plugin to call. See
-#'   Details.
-#' @param \dots arguments passed to the \code{plugin}
-#' @param submit.mode character string, specifying the submission mode:
-#'   \code{"manual"} will open the plugin GUI and leave it to the user to
-#'   submit it manually, \code{"auto"} will try to submit the plugin, if it can
-#'   be submitted with the current settings (i.e. if the "Submit"-button is
-#'   enabled after applying all specified parameters). If the plugin cannot be
-#'   submitted, with the current settings, it will behave like \code{"manual"}.
-#'   \code{"submit"} is like \code{"auot"}, but will close the plugin, and
-#'   generate an error, if it cannot be submitted. \code{"manual"} will always
-#'   return immediately, \code{"auto"} may or may not return immediately, and
-#'   \code{"submit"} will always wait until the plugin has been run, or produce
-#'   an error.
-#' @return \code{rk.call.plugin} returns \code{TRUE} invisibly.
-#' \code{rk.list.plugins} returns a character vector of plugin names. If none
-#'   found, \code{NULL} is returned.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{rk.results}}, \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}
-#' @keywords utilities
-#' @rdname rk.call.plugin
-#' @examples
-#' ## list all current plugins
-#' rk.list.plugins ()
-#' ## "t_test_two_vars" plugin:
-#' ## see the output: Windows->Show Output
-#' local({
-#' x1 <- rnorm (100)
-#' x2 <- rnorm (100, 2)
-#' rk.call.plugin ("rkward::t_test_two_vars", 
-#'   confint.state="1", conflevel.real="0.95", hypothesis.string="greater", paired.state="0", varequal.state="0", 
-#'   x.available="x1", y.available="x2", 
-#'   submit.mode="submit")
-#' })
-# list all available plugins in RKWard; this is a companion function for rk.call.plugin:
-# the output provides possible strings for "plugin" argument in rk.call.plugin
-rk.list.plugins <- function () {
-	.rk.do.plain.call ("listPlugins")
-# a wrapper around chooseCRANmirror() without changing options ("repos"), permanently
-"rk.select.CRAN.mirror" <- function () {
-	old_repos <- getOption("repos")
-	on.exit (options (repos=old_repos))
-	if (!interactive())
-		stop("cannot choose a CRAN mirror non-interactively")
-	m <- getCRANmirrors(all = FALSE, local.only = FALSE)
-	res <- menu (paste(m[, 1L], m[, 5L], sep = " - "), getOption("menu.graphics"), "CRAN mirror")
-	if (res > 0L) {
-		URL <- m[res, "URL"]
-		repos <- getOption("repos")
-		repos["CRAN"] <- gsub("/$", "", URL[1L])
-		options(repos = repos)
-	}
-	return (as.character (getOption ("repos")["CRAN"]))
-# drop-in-replacement for tk_select.list()
-"rk.select.list" <- function (list, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE, title = NULL) {
-	preselect <- as.character (preselect)
-	preselect.len = length (preselect)
-	list <- as.character (list)
-	list.len <- length (list)
-	params <- list ()
-	# serialize all parameters
-	params[1] <- as.character (title)
-	if (multiple) params[2] <- "multi"
-	else params[2] <- "single"
-	params[3] <- as.character (preselect.len)
-	if (preselect.len) {
-		for (i in 1:preselect.len) {
-			params[3+i] <- preselect[i]
-		}
-	}
-	if (list.len) {	# we should hope, the list is not empty...
-		for (i in 1:list.len) {
-			params[3+preselect.len+i] <- list[i]
-		}
-	}
-	.rk.do.plain.call ("select.list", params)
-#' Message boxes and selection list using native KDE GUI
-#' Multi-purpose pop-up message boxes and selection list using native KDE GUI
-#' elements. The message boxes can be used either to show some information or
-#' ask some question. The selection list can be used to get a vector of
-#' selected items.
-#' For \code{rk.show.question}, the R interpreter always waits for the user's
-#' choice.
-#' \code{rk.select.list} replaces \code{utils::select.list} for the running
-#' session acting as a drop-in replacement for \code{tk_select.list}. Use
-#' \code{.rk.backups$select.list} for the original \code{utils::select.list}
-#' function (see Examples).
-#' @aliases rk.show.message rk.show.question rk.select.list
-#' @param message a string for the content of the message box.
-#' @param caption a string for title of the message box.
-#' @param button.yes a string for the text label of the \bold{Yes} button. Can
-#'   be an empty string (\code{""}), in which case the button is not displayed
-#'   at all.
-#' @param button.no a string used for the text label of the \bold{No} button,
-#'   similar to \code{button.yes}.
-#' @param button.canel a string used for the text label of the \bold{Cancel}
-#'   button, similar to \code{button.yes}.
-#' @param wait a logical (not NA) indicating whether the R interpreter should
-#'   wait for the user's action, or run it asynchronously.
-#' @param list a vector, coerced into a character vector.
-#' @param preselct a vector, coerced into a character vector, items to be
-#'   preselected.
-#' @param multiple a logical (not NA), when \code{TRUE} multiple selection
-#'   selection is allowed.
-#' @param title a string, for the window title of the displayed list
-#' @return \code{rk.show.message} always returns \code{TRUE}, invisibly.
-#' \code{rk.show.question} returns \code{TRUE} for \bold{Yes}, \code{FALSE} for
-#'   \bold{No}, and \code{NULL} for \bold{Cancel} actions.
-#' \code{rk.select.list} returns the value of \code{\link{select.list}}.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{system}}, \code{\link{select.list}}
-#' @keywords utilities
-#' @rdname rk.show.messages
-#' @examples
-#' require (rkward)
-#' ## Message boxes
-#' if (rk.show.question ("Question:\nDo you want to know about RKWard?", 
-#'     button.yes = "Yes, I do!", button.no = "No, I don't care!", button.cancel = "")) {
-#'   rk.show.message ("Message:\nRKWard is a KDE GUI for R.", "RKWard Info")
-#' } else {
-#'   rk.show.message ("You must be joking!", "RKWard Info", wait = FALSE) ## Run asynchronously
-#' }
-#' ## Selection lists:
-#' rk.select.list (LETTERS, preselect = c("A", "E", "I", "O", "U"), 
-#'   multiple = TRUE, title = "vowels")
-#' .rk.backups$select.list (LETTERS, preselect = c("A", "E", "I", "O", "U"), 
-#'   multiple = TRUE, title = "vowels")
-"rk.show.message" <- function (message, caption = "Information", wait=TRUE) {
-	.Call ("rk.dialog", caption, message, "ok", "", "", isTRUE (wait))
-	invisible (TRUE)
-# to disable a button, set it to ""
-"rk.show.question" <- function (message, caption = "Question", button.yes = "yes", button.no = "no", button.cancel = "cancel") {
-	res <- .Call ("rk.dialog", caption, message, button.yes, button.no, button.cancel, TRUE)
-	if (res > 0) return (TRUE)
-	else if (res < 0) return (FALSE)
-	else return (NULL)	# cancelled
-#' Print information on the RKWard session
-#' Gathers and prints information on the setup of the current RKWard session.
-#' In general, you should always include this information when reporting a bug
-#' in RKWard.
-#' Typically, when reporting a bug, you should use \code{Help->Report Bug...}
-#' from the menu. Internally, this will call \code{rk.sessionInfo()}.
-#' @return Returns the object created by \code{sessionInfo()}, invisibly. Note
-#'   that this includes only the information on the R portion of the session.
-#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
-#' @seealso \code{\link{sessionInfo}}
-#' @keywords utilities misc
-#' @rdname rk.sessionInf
-#' @examples
-#' rk.sessionInfo()
-"rk.sessionInfo" <- function () {
-	cat (.rk.do.plain.call ("getSessionInfo"), sep="\n")
-	cat ("R runtime session info:\n")
-	print (sessionInfo())

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.KDE_GUI-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.KDE_GUI-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.KDE_GUI-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#' Message boxes and selection list using native KDE GUI
+#' Multi-purpose pop-up message boxes and selection list using native KDE GUI
+#' elements. The message boxes can be used either to show some information or
+#' ask some question. The selection list can be used to get a vector of
+#' selected items.
+#' For \code{rk.show.question}, the R interpreter always waits for the user's
+#' choice.
+#' \code{rk.select.list} replaces \code{utils::select.list} for the running
+#' session acting as a drop-in replacement for \code{tk_select.list}. Use
+#' \code{.rk.backups$select.list} for the original \code{utils::select.list}
+#' function (see Examples).
+#' @aliases rk.show.message rk.show.question rk.select.list
+#' @param message a string for the content of the message box.
+#' @param caption a string for title of the message box.
+#' @param button.yes a string for the text label of the \bold{Yes} button. Can
+#'   be an empty string (\code{""}), in which case the button is not displayed
+#'   at all.
+#' @param button.no a string used for the text label of the \bold{No} button,
+#'   similar to \code{button.yes}.
+#' @param button.canel a string used for the text label of the \bold{Cancel}
+#'   button, similar to \code{button.yes}.
+#' @param wait a logical (not NA) indicating whether the R interpreter should
+#'   wait for the user's action, or run it asynchronously.
+#' @param list a vector, coerced into a character vector.
+#' @param preselct a vector, coerced into a character vector, items to be
+#'   preselected.
+#' @param multiple a logical (not NA), when \code{TRUE} multiple selection
+#'   selection is allowed.
+#' @param title a string, for the window title of the displayed list
+#' @return \code{rk.show.message} always returns \code{TRUE}, invisibly.
+#' \code{rk.show.question} returns \code{TRUE} for \bold{Yes}, \code{FALSE} for
+#'   \bold{No}, and \code{NULL} for \bold{Cancel} actions.
+#' \code{rk.select.list} returns the value of \code{\link{select.list}}.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{system}}, \code{\link{select.list}}
+#' @keywords utilities
+#' @rdname rk.show.messages
+#' @examples
+#' require (rkward)
+#' ## Message boxes
+#' if (rk.show.question ("Question:\nDo you want to know about RKWard?", 
+#'     button.yes = "Yes, I do!", button.no = "No, I don't care!", button.cancel = "")) {
+#'   rk.show.message ("Message:\nRKWard is a KDE GUI for R.", "RKWard Info")
+#' } else {
+#'   rk.show.message ("You must be joking!", "RKWard Info", wait = FALSE) ## Run asynchronously
+#' }
+#' ## Selection lists:
+#' rk.select.list (LETTERS, preselect = c("A", "E", "I", "O", "U"), 
+#'   multiple = TRUE, title = "vowels")
+#' .rk.backups$select.list (LETTERS, preselect = c("A", "E", "I", "O", "U"), 
+#'   multiple = TRUE, title = "vowels")
+"rk.show.message" <- function (message, caption = "Information", wait=TRUE) {
+	.Call ("rk.dialog", caption, message, "ok", "", "", isTRUE (wait))
+	invisible (TRUE)
+# to disable a button, set it to ""
+"rk.show.question" <- function (message, caption = "Question", button.yes = "yes", button.no = "no", button.cancel = "cancel") {
+	res <- .Call ("rk.dialog", caption, message, button.yes, button.no, button.cancel, TRUE)
+	if (res > 0) return (TRUE)
+	else if (res < 0) return (FALSE)
+	else return (NULL)	# cancelled
+# drop-in-replacement for tk_select.list()
+"rk.select.list" <- function (list, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE, title = NULL) {
+	preselect <- as.character (preselect)
+	preselect.len = length (preselect)
+	list <- as.character (list)
+	list.len <- length (list)
+	params <- list ()
+	# serialize all parameters
+	params[1] <- as.character (title)
+	if (multiple) params[2] <- "multi"
+	else params[2] <- "single"
+	params[3] <- as.character (preselect.len)
+	if (preselect.len) {
+		for (i in 1:preselect.len) {
+			params[3+i] <- preselect[i]
+		}
+	}
+	if (list.len) {	# we should hope, the list is not empty...
+		for (i in 1:list.len) {
+			params[3+preselect.len+i] <- list[i]
+		}
+	}
+	.rk.do.plain.call ("select.list", params)

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.demo.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.demo.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.demo.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#' Opens an R demo script for editing
+#' \code{rk.demo} behaves similar to \code{\link{demo}}, but opens the demo
+#' script for editing, instead of sourcing it. Contrary to \code{\link{demo}},
+#' the specification of a topic is mandatory.
+#' @param topic topic of the example
+#' @param package package(s) to search for the demo. If NULL (the default), all
+#'   currently loaded packages are searched.
+#' @param lib.loc Library locations.
+#' @return Return \code{NULL}, unconditionally.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{rk.edit.files}}, \code{\link{rk.show.files}},
+#'   \code{\link{demo}}
+#' @keywords utilities IO
+#' @rdname rk.demo
+#' @examples
+#' ## Not run
+#' rk.demo("graphics")
+"rk.demo" <- function (topic, package=NULL, lib.loc=NULL) {
+	if (is.null (package)) {
+		package <- .packages (lib.loc=lib.loc)
+	}
+	loc <- ""
+	for (p in package) {
+		loc <- system.file ("demo", paste (topic, ".R", sep=""), package=p, lib.loc=lib.loc)
+		if (loc != "") break
+	}
+	if (loc == "") stop ("No demo found for topic'", topic, "'")
+	rk.edit.files (loc, prompt=FALSE)

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.edit-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.edit-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.edit-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#' Edit / show an object / file
+#' \code{rk.edit} can be used to edit an object in the RKWard data editor.
+#' Currently only \link{data.frame}s are supported. This is similar to
+#' \link{edit.data.frame}, but the function returns immediately, and the object
+#' is edit asynchronously.
+#' \code{rk.edit.files}, \code{rk.show.files}, and \code{rk.show.html} are
+#' equivalent to \link{file.edit}, \link{file.show}, and \link{browseURL},
+#' respectively, but use RKWard as text/html editor/viewer. Generally it is
+#' recommended to use \link{file.edit}, \link{file.show}, and \link{browseURL},
+#' instead. These will call the respective RKWard functions by default, when
+#' run inside an RKWard session.
+#' @aliases rk.edit rk.edit.files rk.show.files rk.show.html
+#' @param x an object to edit.
+#' @param file character vector, filenames to show or edit.
+#' @param title character vector, of the same length as \code{file}; This can
+#'   be used to give descriptive titles to each file, which will be displayed
+#'   to the user.
+#' @param wtitle character vector, of length 1. This will be used as the window
+#'   title.
+#' @param prompt logical of length 1. If TRUE (the default) a prompt is dialog
+#'   is shown along with the files to show / edit.
+#' @param delete a logical (not NA), when \code{TRUE} the shown file(s) are
+#'   deleted after closing.
+#' @return All functions described on this page return \code{NULL},
+#'   unconditionally.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{edit}}, \code{\link{file.edit}},
+#'   \code{\link{file.show}}, \code{\link{browseURL}}
+#' @keywords utilities IO
+#' @rdname rk.edit
+#' @examples
+#' ## Not run
+#' x <- data.frame (a=c(1:3), b=c(2:4))
+#' rk.edit(x)
+"rk.edit" <- function (x) {
+	object <- deparse (substitute (x))
+	.rk.do.call ("edit", object)
+"rk.edit.files" <- function (file = file, title = file, name = NULL, prompt = TRUE)
+	if (!is.character (file)) {
+		nfile = tempfile()
+		env = environment (file)
+		dput (file, file=nfile, control=c ("useSource", "keepNA", "keepInteger", "showAttributes"))
+		.Call("rk.edit.files", nfile, title, name, prompt)
+		x <- dget (nfile)
+		environment (x) <- env
+		return (x)
+	}
+	invisible (.Call ("rk.edit.files",  as.character (file),  as.character (title),  as.character (name), isTRUE (prompt)))
+"rk.show.files" <- function (file = file, title = file, wtitle = NULL, delete=FALSE, prompt = TRUE)
+	invisible (.Call ("rk.show.files", as.character (file), as.character (title), as.character (wtitle), delete, isTRUE (prompt)))
+"rk.show.html" <- function (url) {
+	invisible (.rk.do.plain.call ("showHTML", as.character (url), synchronous=FALSE));

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.filename-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.filename-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.filename-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#' RKWard file names
+#' In RKWard the output is saved as a html file which is located at "~/.rkward"
+#' by default. (\bold{TODO}: make this platform free). The name of this html
+#' file can be retrieved and set using \code{rk.get.output.html.file} and
+#' \code{rk.set.output.html.file}.
+#' \code{rk.get.tempfile.name} returns a non-existing filename inside the
+#' directory of the output file. It is mainly used by \link{rk.graph.on} to
+#' create filenames suitable for storing images in the output. The filenames of
+#' the temporary files are of the form
+#' "\code{prefix}\emph{xyz}.\code{extension}". \code{rk.get.tempfile.name} is
+#' somewhat misnamed. For truly temporary files, \link{tempfile} is generally
+#' more suitable.
+#' \code{rk.get.workspace.url} returns the url of workspace file which has been
+#' loaded in RKWard, or NULL, if no workspace has been loaded. NOTE: This value
+#' is note affected by running \code{load} in R, only by loading R workspaces
+#' via the RKWard GUI.
+#' @aliases rk.get.tempfile.name rk.get.workspace.url rk.get.output.html.file
+#'   rk.set.output.html.file
+#' @param prefix a string, used as a filename prefix when saving images to the
+#'   output file
+#' @param extension a string, used as a filename extension when saving images
+#'   to the output file
+#' @param x a string, giving the filename of the of the output file
+#' @return \code{rk.get.tempfile.name}, \code{rk.get.output.html.file}, and
+#'   \code{rk.get.workspace.url} return a string while
+#'   \code{rk.set.output.html.file} returns \code{NULL}.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}, \link{tempfile}, \link{file},
+#'   \link{rk.print}
+#' @keywords utilities IO
+#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
+#' @examples
+#' testfile.name <- rk.get.tempfile.name(prefix="test", extension=".txt")
+#' testfile <- file(testfile.name)
+#' cat("This is a test\n", file=testfile)
+#' close(testfile)
+#' unlink(testfile.name)
+#' outfile <- rk.get.output.html.file()
+#' ## Not run
+#' rk.set.output.html.file("~/.rkward/another_file.html")
+#' rk.header("Output on a different output file")
+#' rk.show.html(rk.get.output.html.file())
+#' rk.set.output.html.file(outfile)
+"rk.get.tempfile.name" <- function (prefix="image", extension=".jpg") {
+	return (.rk.do.plain.call ("get.tempfile.name", c (prefix, extension)))
+"rk.get.workspace.url" <- function () {
+	res <- .rk.do.plain.call ("getWorkspaceUrl")
+	if (length (res)) res
+	else NULL
+"rk.get.output.html.file" <- function () {
+	return (.rk.variables$.rk.output.html.file)
+"rk.set.output.html.file" <- function (x) {
+	stopifnot (is.character (x))
+	assign (".rk.output.html.file", x, .rk.variables)
+	if (!file.exists (x)) {
+		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"", .Call ("rk.locale.name"), "\"?>\n", sep=""))
+		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<html><head>\n<title>RKWard Output</title>\n", .rk.do.plain.call ("getCSSlink"), "</head>\n<body>\n", sep=""))
+		# This initial output mostly to indicate the output is really there, just empty for now
+		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<pre>RKWard output initialized on", date (), "</pre>\n"))
+	}
+	# needs to come after initialization, so initialization alone does not trigger an update during startup
+	.rk.do.plain.call ("set.output.file", x, synchronous=FALSE)
+	invisible (NULL)

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.label-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.label-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.label-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#' Various label related utility functions
+#' \code{rk.get.label} retrieves the rkward label (if any) of the given object.
+#' \code{rk.set.label} sets the rkward label for the given object.
+#' \code{rk.get.short.name} creates a short name for the given object.
+#' \code{rk.get.description} creates descriptive string(s) for each of the
+#' arguments in "\code{\dots{}}"; collapsing into a single string using
+#' \code{paste.sep} (if not NULL). If \code{is.substitute=TRUE}, the arguments
+#' will be deparsed, first, which can be useful when using
+#' \code{rk.get.description} inside a function.
+#' \code{rk.list.names} returns the names of the arguments passed as
+#' \code{...}; when using \code{rk.list.names} inside a function, it may be
+#' necessary to increase the \code{deparse.level} level.
+#' \code{rk.list} returns a list of its arguments, with \code{names} set as
+#' returned by \code{rk.get.description()}. This can be used as a drop-in
+#' replacement for \code{\link{list}}.
+#' @aliases rk.get.label rk.set.label rk.get.short.name rk.get.description
+#'   rk.list.names rk.list
+#' @param x any R object
+#' @param label a string, to set the label attribute of an object
+#' @param envir an environment, where the attribute is evaluated
+#' @param paste.sep a string, used as the \code{collapse} argument for paste
+#' @param is.substitute a logical (not NA). See Details.
+#' @return \code{rk.set.label} returns the result of the evaluation of "setting
+#'   the label" while the others return a character vector.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @keywords utilities
+#' @rdname rk.get.label
+#' @examples
+#' x <- data.frame(a=c(1:3), b=c(2:4))
+#' rk.set.label(x[["a"]], "First column")
+#' rk.get.short.name (x$a)                   # "x$a"
+#' rk.get.label (x$a)                        # "First column"
+#' rk.get.description (x$a)                  # "x$a (First column)"
+#' rk.list.names (x, x$a, x$b)               # "x" "x$a" "x$b"
+#' names (rk.list (x$a, x$b))                # "x$a (First column)" "x$b"
+# retrieve the rkward label (if any) of the given object
+"rk.get.label" <- function (x) {
+	if (is.call (x) || is.name (x)) {
+		ret <- attr (eval (x), ".rk.meta")[names (attr (eval (x), ".rk.meta")) == "label"]
+	} else {
+		ret <- attr (x, ".rk.meta")[names (attr (x, ".rk.meta")) == "label"]
+	}
+	as.character (as.vector (ret))
+# set rkward label
+"rk.set.label" <- function (x, label, envir=parent.frame()) {
+	if (is.call (x) || is.name (x)) {
+		meta <- attr (eval (x, envir=envir), ".rk.meta")
+	} else {
+		meta <- attr (x, ".rk.meta")
+	}
+	meta[["label"]] <- as.character (label)
+	eval(substitute(attr(x, ".rk.meta") <- meta), envir = envir)
+# get a short name for the given object
+"rk.get.short.name" <- function (x) {
+	if (is.call (x) || is.name (x)) {
+		.rk.make.short.name (deparse (x))
+	} else {
+		.rk.make.short.name (deparse (substitute (x)))
+	}
+# make a short name from the given arg (a character string)
+# e.g. return "b" for a[["b"]] (but 'a::"b"' for a::"b"
+".rk.make.short.name" <- function (x) {
+	splt <- strsplit (x, "[[\"", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
+	spltlen <- length (splt)
+	if (spltlen == 1) {
+		splt[1]
+	} else {
+		strsplit (splt[spltlen], "\"]]", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
+	}
+# get descriptive strings for each of the arguments in ...
+"rk.get.description" <- function (..., paste.sep=NULL, is.substitute=FALSE) {
+	args <- list(...)
+	if (is.substitute) {
+		argnames <- list ()
+		j <- 1
+		for (symb in list (...)) {
+			argnames[j] <- deparse (symb)
+			j <- j + 1
+		}
+	} else {
+		argnames <- rk.list.names (...)
+	}
+	descript <- c ()
+	for (i in 1:length (args)) {
+		lbl <- rk.get.label (args[[i]])
+		if (is.substitute) {
+			shortname <- .rk.make.short.name (as.character (argnames[i]))
+		} else {
+			shortname <- .rk.make.short.name (argnames[i])
+		}
+		if (is.null (lbl) || (length (lbl) < 1)) descript[i] <- shortname
+		else descript[i] <- paste (shortname, " (", lbl, ")", sep="")
+	}
+	if (is.null (paste.sep)) {
+		descript
+	} else {
+		paste (descript, collapse=paste.sep)
+	}
+# Drop-in replacement for list(). Returns a list of the given arguments, but with names set according to rk.get.description
+"rk.list" <- function (...) {
+	ret <- list (...)
+	names (ret) <- rk.get.description (...)
+	ret
+# this is basically copied from R-base table (). Returns the arguments passed to ... as a character vector
+"rk.list.names" <- function(..., deparse.level=2) {
+	l <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
+	nm <- names(l)
+	fixup <- if (is.null(nm)) 
+		seq(along = l)
+	else nm == ""
+	dep <- sapply(l[fixup], function(x) switch(deparse.level + 1, "", if (is.symbol(x)) as.character(x) else "", deparse(x)[1]))
+	if (is.null(nm)) 
+		dep
+	else {
+		nm[fixup] <- dep
+		nm
+	}

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.plugin-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.plugin-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.plugin-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#' Call or list built-in RKWard plugin(s)
+#' \code{rk.call.plugin} provides a high level wrapper to call any plugin
+#' available in RKWard. The exact string to be used as \code{plugin}, and the
+#' list of arguments available for a particular plugin, are generally not
+#' transparent to the user.\code{rk.list.plugins} can be used to obtain a list
+#' of current plugins. For plugin arguments, it is recommended to run the
+#' plugin, and inspect the "Run again" link that is generated on the output.
+#' \bold{Warning}: Using \code{rk.call.plugin}, especially with submit.modes
+#' \code{"auto"} or \code{"submit"} to program a sequence of analyses has
+#' important drawbacks. First, the semantics of plugins are not guaranteed to
+#' remain unchanged across different versions of RKWard, thus your code may
+#' stop working after an upgrade. Second, your code will not be usable outside
+#' of an RKWard session. Consider copying the generated code for each plugin,
+#' instead. The primary use-cases for \code{rk.call.plugin} are automated
+#' tests, cross-references, and scripted tutorials.
+#' \bold{Note}: Even when using \code{"submit.mode=submit"}, the plugin code is
+#' run in the global context. Any local variables of the calling context are
+#' not available to the plugin.
+#' \code{rk.list.plugins} returns the list of the names of all currently
+#' registered plugins.
+#' @aliases rk.call.plugin rk.list.plugins
+#' @param plugin character string, giving the name of the plugin to call. See
+#'   Details.
+#' @param \dots arguments passed to the \code{plugin}
+#' @param submit.mode character string, specifying the submission mode:
+#'   \code{"manual"} will open the plugin GUI and leave it to the user to
+#'   submit it manually, \code{"auto"} will try to submit the plugin, if it can
+#'   be submitted with the current settings (i.e. if the "Submit"-button is
+#'   enabled after applying all specified parameters). If the plugin cannot be
+#'   submitted, with the current settings, it will behave like \code{"manual"}.
+#'   \code{"submit"} is like \code{"auot"}, but will close the plugin, and
+#'   generate an error, if it cannot be submitted. \code{"manual"} will always
+#'   return immediately, \code{"auto"} may or may not return immediately, and
+#'   \code{"submit"} will always wait until the plugin has been run, or produce
+#'   an error.
+#' @return \code{rk.call.plugin} returns \code{TRUE} invisibly.
+#' \code{rk.list.plugins} returns a character vector of plugin names. If none
+#'   found, \code{NULL} is returned.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{rk.results}}, \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}
+#' @keywords utilities
+#' @rdname rk.call.plugin
+#' @examples
+#' ## list all current plugins
+#' rk.list.plugins ()
+#' ## "t_test_two_vars" plugin:
+#' ## see the output: Windows->Show Output
+#' local({
+#' x1 <- rnorm (100)
+#' x2 <- rnorm (100, 2)
+#' rk.call.plugin ("rkward::t_test_two_vars", 
+#'   confint.state="1", conflevel.real="0.95", hypothesis.string="greater", paired.state="0", varequal.state="0", 
+#'   x.available="x1", y.available="x2", 
+#'   submit.mode="submit")
+#' })
+# list all available plugins in RKWard; this is a companion function for rk.call.plugin:
+# the output provides possible strings for "plugin" argument in rk.call.plugin
+rk.list.plugins <- function () {
+	.rk.do.plain.call ("listPlugins")
+"rk.call.plugin" <- function (plugin, ..., submit.mode = c ("manual", "auto", "submit")) {
+	# prepare arguments
+	settings <- list (...)
+	callstrings <- list ()
+	callstrings[1] <- plugin
+	callstrings[2] <- match.arg (submit.mode)
+	if (length (settings) > 0) {
+		for (i in 1:length(settings)) {
+			# properly passing on escaped characters is a pain. This seems to work.
+			deparsed <- deparse (settings[[i]])
+			deparsed_unquoted <- substr (deparsed, 2, nchar (deparsed) - 1)
+			callstrings[i + 2] <- paste(names(settings)[i], deparsed_unquoted, 
+			sep = "=")
+		}
+	}
+	# do call
+	res <- .rk.do.call ("doPlugin", callstrings)
+	# handle result
+	if (!is.null (res)) {
+		if (res$type == "warning") {
+			warning (res$message)
+		} else {
+			stop (res$message)
+		}
+	}
+	invisible (TRUE)

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.print-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.print-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.print-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#' Print objects and results to output
+#' Various utilty functions which can be used to print or export R objects to
+#' the (html) output file. The output file can be accessed from Windows -> Show
+#' Output. Basically, these functions along with the ones described in
+#' \code{\link{rk.get.label}}, \code{\link{rk.get.tempfile.name}}, and
+#' \code{\link{rk.graph.on}} can be used to create a HTML report.
+#' \code{rk.print} prints/exports the given object to the output (html) file
+#' using the \code{\link{HTML}} function. This requires the \code{R2HTML}
+#' package. Additional arguments in \code{...} are passed on to
+#' \code{\link{HTML}}.
+#' \code{rk.print.literal} prints/exports the given object using a
+#' \code{paste(x, collapse="\n")} construct to the output (html) file.
+#' \code{rk.print.code} applies syntax highlighting to the given code string,
+#' and writes it to the output (html) file.
+#' \code{rk.header} prints a header / caption, possibly with parameters, to the
+#' output file. See example.
+#' \code{rk.results} is similar to \code{rk.print} but prints in a more
+#' tabulated fashion. This has been implemented only for certain types of
+#' \code{x}: tables, lists (or data.frames), and vectors. See example.
+#' \code{rk.describe.alternatives} describes the alternative (H1) hypothesis of
+#' a \code{htest}. This is similar to \code{stats:::print.htext} and makes
+#' sense only when \code{x$alternatives} exists.
+#' @aliases rk.print rk.print.code rk.print.literal rk.header rk.results
+#'   rk.describe.alternative
+#' @param x any R object to be printed/exported. A suitable list in case of
+#'   \code{rk.describe.alternative}.
+#' @param code a character vector (single string) of R code
+#' @param title a string, used as a header for the html output
+#' @param level an integer, header level. For example, \code{level=2} creates
+#'   the header with \code{<h2></h>} tag.
+#' @param parameters a list, preferably named, giving a list of "parameters" to
+#'   be printed to the output
+#' @param titles a character vector, giving the column headers for a html
+#'   table.
+#' @param print.rownames controls printing of rownames. TRUE to force printing,
+#'   FALSE to suppress printing, omitted (default) to print rownames, unless
+#'   they are plain row numbers.
+#' @return \code{rk.describe.alternatives} returns a string while all other
+#'   functions return \code{NULL}, invisibly.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{HTML}}, \code{\link{rk.get.output.html.file}},
+#'   \code{\link{rk.get.description}}, \code{\link{rk.call.plugin}},
+#'   \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}
+#' @keywords utilities
+#' @rdname rk.results
+#' @examples
+#' require (rkward)
+#' require (R2HTML)
+#' ## see the output: Windows->Show Output
+#' ## stolen from the two-sample t-test plugin ;)
+#' local({
+#' x1 <- rnorm (100)
+#' x2 <- rnorm (100, 2)
+#' nm <- rk.get.description (x1,x2)
+#' result <- t.test (x1, x2, alternative="less")
+#' rk.print.code ("result <- t.test (x1, x2, alternative=\"less\")")
+#' rk.header (result$method,
+#'   parameters=list ("Comparing", paste (nm[1], "against", nm[2]),
+#'   "H1", rk.describe.alternative (result),
+#'   "Equal variances", "not assumed"))
+#' rk.print.literal ("Raw data (first few rows):")
+#' rk.print (head (cbind (x1,x2)), align = "left")
+#' rk.print.literal ("Test results:")
+#' rk.results (list (
+#'   'Variable Name'=nm,
+#'   'estimated mean'=result$estimate,
+#'   'degrees of freedom'=result$parameter,
+#'   t=result$statistic,
+#'   p=result$p.value,
+#'   'confidence interval percent'=(100 * attr(result$conf.int, "conf.level")),
+#'   'confidence interval of difference'=result$conf.int ))
+#' })
+"rk.print" <- function(x,...) {
+	htmlfile <- rk.get.output.html.file()
+	if(require("R2HTML")==TRUE) {
+		HTML(x, file=htmlfile,...)
+	}
+"rk.print.code" <- function(code) {
+	.rk.cat.output (.rk.do.plain.call ("highlightRCode", as.character (code)))
+"rk.header" <- function (title, parameters=list (), level=1) {
+	sink (rk.get.output.html.file(), append=TRUE)
+	on.exit (sink ())
+	cat ("<h", level, ">", title, "</h", level, ">\n", sep="")
+	# legacy handling: parameter=value used to be passed as parameter, value
+	if (!is.null (names (parameters))) {
+		pnames <- names (parameters)
+		p <- list ()
+		for (i in 1:length (parameters)) {
+			p[i*2-1] <- pnames[i]
+			p[i*2] <- parameters[i]
+		}
+		parameters <- p
+	}
+	if (length (parameters)) {
+		cat ("<h", level + 1, ">Parameters</h", level + 1, ">\n<ul>", sep="")
+		len <- length (parameters)
+		i <- 2
+		while (i <= len) {
+			cat ("<li>", parameters[[i-1]], ": ", parameters[[i]], "</li>\n", sep="")
+			i <- i + 2
+		}
+		cat ("</ul>\n")
+	}
+	if (level==1) cat (date ())
+	cat ("<br />\n")
+"rk.results" <- function (x, titles=NULL, print.rownames) {
+	sink (rk.get.output.html.file(), append=TRUE)
+	on.exit (sink ())
+	# convert 2d tables to data.frames with values labelled
+	if (is.table(x) && (length(dim(x)) == 2)) {
+		rows = dim(x)[1]
+		cols = dim(x)[2]
+		if (is.null(titles)) {
+			titles <- names(dimnames(x))
+		}
+		rn <- c ()   # row names
+		for (row in 1:rows) rn[row] <- paste (titles[1], "=", dimnames(x)[[1]][row])
+		x <- data.frame (cbind (x))
+		rownames (x) <- as.character (rn)
+		titles <- c ("", paste (titles[2], "=", names (internal)))
+	}
+	if (is.list (x)) {	# or a data.frame
+		if (is.data.frame (x)) {
+			# by default, print rownames, unless they are just plain row numbering
+			if (missing (print.rownames)) print.rownames <- !isTRUE (all.equal (rownames (x), as.character (1:dim(x)[1])))
+			if (isTRUE (print.rownames)) {
+				x <- cbind (rownames (x), x)
+				names (x)[1] <- '';
+			}
+		}
+		if (is.null (titles)) {
+			titles <- names (x)
+		}
+		cat ("<table border=\"1\">\n<tr>")
+		try ({	# if anything fails, make sure the "</table>" is still printed
+			for (i in 1:length (x)) {
+				cat ("<td>", titles[i], "</td>", sep="")
+			}
+			cat ("</tr>\n")
+			if (is.data.frame (x)) {
+				for (row in 1:dim (x)[1]) {
+					cat ("<tr>")
+					for (col in 1:dim (x)[2]) {
+						cat ("<td>", x[row, col], "</td>", sep="")
+					}
+					cat ("</tr>\n")
+				}
+			} else {		# generic list
+				cat ("<tr>")
+				for (col in x) {
+					col <- as.vector (col)
+					cat ("<td>")
+					for (row in 1:length (col)) {
+						if (row != 1) cat ("\n<br/>")
+						cat (col[row])
+					}
+					cat ("</td>")
+				}
+				cat ("</tr>\n")
+			}
+		})
+		cat ("</table>\n")
+	} else if (is.vector (x)) {
+		cat ("<h3>", titles[1], ": ", sep="")
+		cat (x)
+		cat ("</h3>")
+	} else {
+		stop ("uninmplemented")
+	}
+"rk.print.literal" <- function (x) {
+	cat ("<pre>", paste (x, collapse="\n"), "</pre>\n", sep="", file=rk.get.output.html.file(), append=TRUE);
+# Describe the alternative (H1) of an htest.
+# This code adapted from stats:::print.htest
+"rk.describe.alternative" <- function (x) {
+	res <- ""
+	if (!is.null(x$alternative)) {
+		if (!is.null(x$null.value)) {
+ 			if (length(x$null.value) == 1) {
+ 				alt.char <- switch(x$alternative, two.sided = "not equal to", less = "less than", greater = "greater than")
+ 				res <- paste ("true", names(x$null.value), "is", alt.char, x$null.value)
+ 			} else {
+ 				res <- paste (x$alternative, "\nnull values:\n", x$null.value)
+ 			}
+		} else {
+			res <-  (x$alternative)
+		}
+	}
+	res

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.replace.function.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.replace.function.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.replace.function.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#' Replace a function inside its package environment / namespace
+#' \code{rk.replace.function} can be used to replace a function inside a
+#' different package / namespace. It is mainly intended for internal usage
+#' inside rkward, e.g. to replace \code{menu} and \code{select.list} with
+#' appropriate GUI implementations.
+#' The original function is assigned to the environment
+#' \code{rkward::.rk.backups} with the same name as the original, and can be
+#' referred to from the replacement. WARNING: This mechansim does not support
+#' several subsequent replacments of the same function.
+#' WARNING: This function can be used to alter - and disrupt - internal
+#' functions in arbitrary ways. You better know what you are doing.
+#' WARNING: Does not work well on generics!
+#' @param functionname name of the function to be replaced (character).
+#' @param environment package environment or namespace, where replacment should
+#'   be done.
+#' @param replacement the replacement. This should be a function.
+#' @param copy.formals logical; whether to copy the \code{\link{formals}} from
+#'   the original function.
+#' @return Returns \code{NULL}, invisibly, unconditionally.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{assignInNamespace}}, \code{\link{debug}}
+#' @keywords utilities IO
+#' @rdname rk.replace.function
+#' @examples
+#' ## Not run
+#' rk.replace.function ("history", as.environment ("package:utils"),
+#'   function () {
+#'     cat ("This is what you typed:\n")
+#'     eval (body (.rk.backups$history))
+#'   })
+#' ## End not run
+# Tries to replace a function inside its environemnt/namespace.
+# Function formals are copied from the original.
+# A backup of the original is stored as rkward::.rk.backups$FUNCTIONNAME
+"rk.replace.function" <- function (functionname, environment, replacement, copy.formals=TRUE) {
+	original <- get (functionname, envir=environment, inherits=FALSE)
+	# create a backup
+	assign (functionname, original, envir=.rk.backups)
+	if (copy.formals) formals (replacement) <- formals (original)
+	environment (replacement) <- environment (original)
+	try (
+		if (bindingIsLocked (functionname, environment)) {
+			unlockBinding (functionname, environment)
+			on.exit (lockBinding (functionname, environment))
+		}
+	)
+	try (
+		if (isNamespace (environment)) {
+			assignInNamespace (functionname, replacement, ns=environment)
+		} else {
+			assignInNamespace (functionname, replacement, envir=environment)
+		}
+	)
+	try (
+		assign (functionname, replacement, envir=environment)
+	)
+	invisible (NULL)

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.sessionInfo.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.sessionInfo.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.sessionInfo.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#' Print information on the RKWard session
+#' Gathers and prints information on the setup of the current RKWard session.
+#' In general, you should always include this information when reporting a bug
+#' in RKWard.
+#' Typically, when reporting a bug, you should use \code{Help->Report Bug...}
+#' from the menu. Internally, this will call \code{rk.sessionInfo()}.
+#' @return Returns the object created by \code{sessionInfo()}, invisibly. Note
+#'   that this includes only the information on the R portion of the session.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{sessionInfo}}
+#' @keywords utilities misc
+#' @rdname rk.sessionInf
+#' @examples
+#' rk.sessionInfo()
+"rk.sessionInfo" <- function () {
+	cat (.rk.do.plain.call ("getSessionInfo"), sep="\n")
+	cat ("R runtime session info:\n")
+	print (sessionInfo())

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.sync-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.sync-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.sync-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#' Sync R object(s)
+#' RKWard keeps an internal representation of objects in the R workspace. For
+#' objects in the \code{.GlobalEnv}, this representation is updated after each
+#' top-level statement. For the rare cases where this is not enough,
+#' \code{rk.sync} can be used to update the representation of a single object,
+#' \code{x}, while \code{rk.sync.global} scans the \code{.GlobalEnv} for new
+#' and removed objects, and updates as appropriate.
+#' These functions are rarely needed outside automated testing. However,
+#' rk.sync() can be useful, if an object outside the \code{.GlobalEnv} has
+#' changed, since this will not be detected automatically. Also, by default
+#' RKWard does not recurse into environments when updating its representation
+#' of objects. rk.sync() can be used, here, to inspect the objects inside
+#' environments (see examples).
+#' @aliases rk.sync rk.sync.global
+#' @param x any R object to sync
+#' @return \code{NULL}, invisibly.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_workspace_browser}
+#' @keywords utilities misc
+#' @rdname rk.sync
+#' @examples
+#' rk.sync (rkward::rk.record.plot)
+# should this really be public?
+"rk.sync" <- function (x) {
+	object <- deparse (substitute (x))
+	.rk.do.call ("sync", object)
+# should this really be public?
+"rk.sync.global" <- function () {
+	.rk.do.call("syncglobal", ls (envir=globalenv (), all.names=TRUE))

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.utility-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.utility-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.utility-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#' Miscellaneous utility functions
+#' \code{rk.rename.in.container} renames a named object (column/element) in a
+#' data.frame/list without changing its position.
+#' \code{rk.make.repos.string} just creates a R statement for \code{repos}. A
+#' typical user should not need to use this function.
+#' \code{rk.select.CRAN.mirror} is an in-house replacement for
+#' \code{\link{chooseCRANmirror}} without changing \code{options ("repos")},
+#' permanently. It uses native KDE gui and provides more information on each
+#' mirror.
+#' @aliases rk.misc rk.rename.in.container rk.make.repos.string
+#'   rk.select.CRAN.mirror
+#' @param x a data.frame or list.
+#' @param old_name a string, the name of the column or element to be renamed.
+#' @param new_name a string, the new name.
+#' @param envir an environment where \code{x} is available.
+#' @return \code{rk.rename.in.container} returns \code{NULL} on successfule
+#'   renaming, otherwise an error.
+#' \code{rk.make.repos.string} returns a valid R expression as a character
+#'   string which can then be parsed and evaluated.
+#' \code{rk.select.CRAN.mirror} returns the URL of the chosen mirror, as a
+#'   string.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @keywords attribute misc utilities
+#' @rdname rk.misc
+#' @examples
+#' ## rk.rename.in.container
+#' ir <- iris
+#' str (ir)
+#' rk.rename.in.container(ir, "Species", "Taxonomic.Group")
+#' str (ir)
+# renames a named object in a data.frame/list without changing it's position
+# TODO: create a generic function instead, that can handle all kinds of renames
+"rk.rename.in.container" <- function (x, old_name, new_name, envir=parent.frame()) {
+	temp <- (names (x) == old_name)
+	i = 1;
+	for (val in temp) {
+		if (val) {
+			eval (substitute (names (x)[i] <- new_name), envir=envir)
+			return ()
+		}
+		i = i+1;
+	}
+	error ("Could not find column with given name")
+"rk.make.repos.string" <- function () {
+	x <- getOption ("repos")
+	len <- length (x)
+	ret <- sprintf ("c (")
+	first <- TRUE
+	for (i in 1:len) {
+		if (first) {
+			first <- FALSE
+		} else {
+			ret <- sprintf ("%s, ", ret)
+		}
+		if (!(is.null (names (x)) || (names (x)[i] == ""))) {
+			ret <- sprintf ("%s%s=\"%s\"", ret, names (x)[i], x[i])
+		} else {
+			ret <- sprintf ("%s\"%s\"", ret, x[i])
+		}
+	}
+	ret <- sprintf ("%s)", ret)
+	ret
+# a wrapper around chooseCRANmirror() without changing options ("repos"), permanently
+"rk.select.CRAN.mirror" <- function () {
+	old_repos <- getOption("repos")
+	on.exit (options (repos=old_repos))
+	if (!interactive())
+		stop("cannot choose a CRAN mirror non-interactively")
+	m <- getCRANmirrors(all = FALSE, local.only = FALSE)
+	res <- menu (paste(m[, 1L], m[, 5L], sep = " - "), getOption("menu.graphics"), "CRAN mirror")
+	if (res > 0L) {
+		URL <- m[res, "URL"]
+		repos <- getOption("repos")
+		repos["CRAN"] <- gsub("/$", "", URL[1L])
+		options(repos = repos)
+	}
+	return (as.character (getOption ("repos")["CRAN"]))

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.workspace-functions.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.workspace-functions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/rk.workspace-functions.R	2011-08-31 14:43:32 UTC (rev 3725)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#' Save or restore RKWard workplace
+#' \code{rk.save.workplace} can be used to save a representation of the RKWard
+#' workplace (i.e. which scripts, data edtiors and other windows are shown) to
+#' a file. \code{rk.restore.workplace} restores an RKWard workplace as saved by
+#' \code{rk.save.workplace}.
+#' If the \code{file} parameter is omitted (or \code{NULL}), a suitable
+#' filename is selected automatically. If a workspace has been loaded, this is
+#' the URL of the workspace with an appended \code{.rkworkplace}. Otherwise a
+#' filename in the RKWard directory, as generated by
+#' \link{rk.get.tempfile.name}.
+#' NOTE: Not all types of windows can be saved and restored. Esp. graphics
+#' device windows will not be restored (but WILL be closed by
+#' \code{rk.restore.workplace()}, if \code{close.windows} is TRUE).
+#' @aliases rk.save.workplace rk.restore.workplace
+#' @param file a character string giving the url of the file to save to, or
+#'   NULL for automatic selection of a suitable file (see Details).
+#' @param description For internal use, only. A character string describing the
+#'   workplace status to save. Generally, you should leave this as the default
+#'   value (\code{NULL}).
+#' @param close.windows a logical; whether current windows should be closed
+#'   before restoring.
+#' @return Both functions return \code{NULL}.
+#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@lists.sourceforge.net}
+#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_for_r_users}, \link{rk.get.workspace.url}
+#' @keywords utilities
+#' @rdname rk.workplace
+#' @examples
+#' ## Not run
+#' rk.save.workplace ()
+#' rk.restore.workplace ()
+#' ## End not run
+"rk.save.workplace" <- function (file=NULL, description=NULL) {
+	if (is.null (file)) {
+		file <- rk.get.workspace.url ()
+		if (is.null (file)) file <- rk.get.tempfile.name (prefix="unsaved", extension=".RData")
+		file <- paste (file, "rkworkplace", sep=".")
+	}
+	if (is.null (description)) lines <- .rk.do.plain.call ("workplace.layout", "get")
+	else lines <- description
+	writeLines (lines, file)
+"rk.restore.workplace" <- function (file=NULL, close.windows=TRUE) {
+	if (is.null (file)) {
+		if (exists (".rk.workplace.save", envir=globalenv (), inherits=FALSE)) {
+			# For backwards compatibility with workspaces saved by RKWard 0.5.4 and earlier.
+			# TODO: remove in time.
+			lines <- as.character (.GlobalEnv$.rk.workplace.save)
+			rm (list = c (".rk.workplace.save"), envir=globalenv ())
+		} else {
+			file <- rk.get.workspace.url ()
+			if (is.null (file)) file <- rk.get.tempfile.name (prefix="unsaved", extension=".RData")
+			file <- paste (file, "rkworkplace", sep=".")
+		}
+	}
+	close <- "close"
+	if (!isTRUE (close.windows)) close <- "noclose"
+	if (!exists ("lines", inherits=FALSE)) lines <- readLines (file)
+	.rk.do.plain.call ("workplace.layout", c ("set", close, lines), synchronous=FALSE)
+	invisible (NULL)

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