[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[3016] trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/ public_graphics.R

kapatp at users.sourceforge.net kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Sep 12 00:29:19 UTC 2010

Revision: 3016
Author:   kapatp
Date:     2010-09-12 00:29:19 +0000 (Sun, 12 Sep 2010)

Log Message:
Slightly better way of initialization when re-enabling plot history.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public_graphics.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public_graphics.R	2010-09-11 13:27:26 UTC (rev 3015)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public_graphics.R	2010-09-12 00:29:19 UTC (rev 3016)
@@ -180,13 +180,18 @@
 		# to be managed devices:
 		if (length (.opd) > 0) .osd <-.osd [!(.osd %in% .opd)]
 		if (length (.osd) == 0) return (invisible ())
-		modifyList
-		rk.show.message ("RKWard will re-initiate recording. For empty devices you may see an initial error.")
+		d.cur <- dev.cur ()
 		histPositions <<- list ("1" = .hP.template)
-		for (d in as.character (.osd))
-			histPositions [[d]] <<- modifyList(.hP.template, 
+		for (d in as.character (.osd)) {
+			dev.set (as.numeric (d))
+			if (is.null (recordPlot ()[[1]])) # empty device
+				histPositions [[d]] <<- .hP.template
+			else
+				histPositions [[d]] <<- modifyList(.hP.template, 
 					list (is.this.plot.new = TRUE, is.this.dev.new = FALSE, pkg = "unknown"))
+		}
+		dev.set (d.cur)
 		.set.hP.names ()
 		getDevSummary ()
@@ -274,7 +279,7 @@
 		st <- .get.sys.time ()
 		n <- switch (histPositions[[devId]]$pkg,
 			graphics = .record.graphics (devId, action, newplot.in.Q, st),
-			unknown = .record.graphics (devId, action, newplot.in.Q, st),
+			unknown = .record.graphics (devId, action, newplot.in.Q, st, TRUE),
 			lattice = .record.lattice (devId, action, newplot.in.Q, st),
@@ -299,10 +304,11 @@
 		getDevSummary ()
 		invisible ()
-	.record.graphics <- function (devId, action, newplot.in.Q, st)
+	.record.graphics <- function (devId, action, newplot.in.Q, st, unk = FALSE)
-		.my.message ("in: .record.graphics")
-		.record.main (devId, "graphics")
+		.pkg <- ifelse (unk, "unknown", "graphics")
+		.my.message ("in: .record.", .pkg)
+		.record.main (devId, .pkg)
 		if (is.null (.unsavedPlot$plot)) return (invisible (NA_integer_))
 		if (histPositions [[devId]]$is.this.plot.new) {
@@ -316,7 +322,7 @@
 		.my.message ("save.mode: ", save.mode)
 		n <- save.plot.to.history (devId, save.mode, 
-			ifelse (action == "force.append", "unknown", "graphics"), 
+			ifelse (action == "force.append", "unknown", .pkg), 
 			st, histPositions[[devId]]$call)
 		.my.message ("'n' = ", n, " (RET from save.plot.to.history)")
 		invisible (n)
@@ -759,6 +765,7 @@
 		#.lab.str <- paste ("Main: '", .x.$main, "'; X label: '", .x.$xlab, "'; Y label: '", .x.$ylab, "'", sep = "")
 		.lab.str <- paste ("X: ", .x.$xlab, "; Y: ", .x.$ylab, "; ", .x.$main, sep = "")
+		if (all (unlist (.x.) == "")) .lab.str <- paste ("<Unknown>", .lab.str)
 		if (l <= 0 || nchar (.lab.str) <= l) return (.lab.str)
 		paste (substr (.lab.str, 1, l), "...", sep = "")

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