[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[2993] trunk/rkward/rkward

kapatp at users.sourceforge.net kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Sep 3 22:24:28 UTC 2010

Revision: 2993
Author:   kapatp
Date:     2010-09-03 22:24:28 +0000 (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)

Log Message:
Redoing the plot history: recording and replaying liberally.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal_graphics.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal_graphics.R	2010-09-03 15:36:33 UTC (rev 2992)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal_graphics.R	2010-09-03 22:24:28 UTC (rev 2993)
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 "plot.new" <- function () 
 	if (dev.cur() == 1) rk.screen.device ()
+	rk.record.plot$record.all.recordable ()
 	rk.record.plot$record (newplot.gType = 'standard')
 	eval (body (.rk.plot.new.default))
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@
 				if (dev.cur() == 1) rk.screen.device ()
 				## TODO: use "trellis" instead of "lattice" to accomodate ggplot2 plots?
+				rk.record.plot$record.all.recordable ()
 				rk.record.plot$record (newplot.gType = 'lattice')
 				plot (x, ...)
 				invisible ()
@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@
 		function (...)
 			if (dev.cur() == 1) rk.screen.device ()
+			rk.record.plot$record.all.recordable ()
 			rk.record.plot$record (newplot.gType = 'standard')
 		action = "append"

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public_graphics.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public_graphics.R	2010-09-03 15:36:33 UTC (rev 2992)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/public_graphics.R	2010-09-03 22:24:28 UTC (rev 2993)
@@ -61,61 +61,66 @@
 	rk.record.plot$.set.isDuplicate (TRUE)
 	dev.copy (device = x11)
 	rk.record.plot$.set.isDuplicate (FALSE)
+	rk.record.plot$printPars () # DEBUG
 "rk.activate.device" <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
 	dev.set (deviceId)
 	rk.record.plot$.set.trellis.last.object (deviceId)
+	rk.record.plot$printPars () # DEBUG
-# A global history of various graphics calls; trellis / grid graphics is not supported yet
+# A global history of various graphics calls;
 "rk.record.plot" <- function ()
-	# TODO: 
-	# - check when decreasing the max history length below the current recorded length
+## TODO: 
 	# - add one or more tests to rkward_application_tests.R
 	# - .... ?
 	env <- environment()
 	recorded <- list()
 	histPositions <- list("1" = 0)     # one element for every managed graphics device / window; 1 is always null device
-	newPlotExists <- list("1" = FALSE) # see histPositions
+	replacePositions <- list ("1" = 0)
 	isDuplicate <- FALSE
 	isPreviewDevice <- FALSE
 	# graphics types (standard / lattice / ...) for the stored / new plots
-	gType <- list ()                   # one element for every plot recorded in history, unlike histPositions and newPlotExists
-	gType.newplot <- list ()           # similar to newPlotExists, but for tracking only a subset - those which have an unsaved plot
+	gType <- list ()
 	.set.isDuplicate <- function (x = FALSE) { isDuplicate <<- x }
 	.set.isPreviewDevice <- function (x = FALSE) { isPreviewDevice <<- x }
 	.set.trellis.last.object <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
 		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
-		if (gType[[histPositions [[deviceId]]]] == "lattice")
-			assign ("last.object", recorded[[histPositions [[deviceId]]]], envir = lattice:::.LatticeEnv)
+		n <- histPositions [[deviceId]]
+		gType.n.exists <- length (gType) >= n
+		recorded.n.exists <- length (recorded) >= n
+		if (n > 0 && gType.n.exists && recorded.n.exists && gType[[n]] == "lattice")
+			assign ("last.object", recorded[[n]], envir = lattice:::.LatticeEnv)
 		invisible ()
 	onAddDevice <- function (old_dev = 1, deviceId = dev.cur ())
 		# onAddDevice is called only from rk.screen.device, so no need to check dev.interactive ()
+		if (isPreviewDevice) return (invisible (NULL))
 		old_dev <- as.character (old_dev)
 		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
-		if (isPreviewDevice) return (invisible (NULL))
 		# save any unsaved plots before duplicating:
-		if (old_dev %in% names (histPositions) && old_dev != "1") recordUnsaved (old_dev)
+		if ((old_dev %in% names (histPositions)) && (old_dev != "1") && (histPositions[[old_dev]] > 0))
+			record (old_dev)
 		if (isDuplicate) {
 			histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- histPositions [[old_dev]]
+			replacePositions [[deviceId]] <<- replacePositions [[old_dev]]
 		} else {
 			n <- length (recorded)
-			histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- if (n > 0) n + 1 else 0
+			histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- if (n > 0) n+1 else 0
+			replacePositions [[deviceId]] <<- 0
-		newPlotExists [[deviceId]] <<- FALSE
 		.rk.graph.history.gui () # (deviceId)
 	onDelDevice <- function (deviceId = dev.cur())
@@ -123,217 +128,126 @@
 		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
 		# save any unsaved plot before closing the device / window
-		if (deviceId %in% names (histPositions) && deviceId != "1") {
-			recordUnsaved (deviceId)
-			histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- newPlotExists [[deviceId]] <<- NULL
+		if (deviceId %in% names (histPositions) && deviceId != "1"  && histPositions[[deviceId]] > 0) {
+			record (deviceId)
+			histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- NULL
+			replacePositions [[deviceId]] <<- NULL
+		printPars () # DEBUG
-	push.pop.and.record <- function (which.pop = NULL, which.push = NULL, deviceId = NULL, this.plot.is.new = FALSE)
+	.grow.history <- function (deviceId, np.gT)
-		actually.record.the.plot <- function ()
-		{
-			# function defined w/o arguments bcoz, "this.plot.gType" is used in multiple places
-			# so why not use it here as well...
-			retval <- FALSE
-			if (this.plot.gType == "standard") {
-				if (class (try (unsavedPlot <<- recordPlot(), silent=TRUE)) != "try-error") retval <- TRUE
-			} else if  (this.plot.gType == "lattice") {
-				if (class (try (unsavedPlot <<- trellis.last.object (), silent=TRUE)) != "try-error") retval <- TRUE
-			}
-			return (retval)
-		}
+		len.r <- length(recorded)
+		ml <- getOption ('rk.graphics.hist.max.length')
-		unsavedPlot <- NULL
-		this.plot.gType <- ""
-		recording.succeeded <- FALSE
-		if (is.null (deviceId)) {
-			# call from a preview device, which is not managed; currently, 29 Aug 2010, all preview
-			# devices are created from standard graphics functions.
-			this.plot.gType <- "standard"
-			recording.succeeded <- actually.record.the.plot ()
-		} else if (this.plot.is.new) {
-			# when this is a new plot (unsaved yet), use gType.newplot since gType hasn't been assigned yet
-			# generally, called from plot.new () or print.trellis (); although can be called by clicking 
-			# "Add to history" icon directly as well...
-			this.plot.gType <- gType.newplot [[deviceId]]
-			recording.succeeded <- actually.record.the.plot ()
+		if (len.r < ml) {
+			n <- len.r + 1
+		} else if (len.r == ml) {
+			warning ('Max length reached, popping out the first plot.')
+			remove (deviceId = NULL, pos = 1)
+			n <- len.r
 		} else {
-			# this is an old plot; surely called by clicking the "Add to history" icon
-			# see "if (!this.plot.is.new)" block below:
-			this.plot.gType <- gType [[histPositions [[deviceId]]]]
-			recording.succeeded <- actually.record.the.plot ()
+			warning ('Current history length > max length: plot not added to history!')
+			return (invisible ())
-		if (recording.succeeded) {
-			s <- object.size (unsavedPlot) # in bytes
-			if (s <= getOption ('rk.graphics.hist.max.plotsize') * 1024) {
-				if (!this.plot.is.new) {
-					# One can not overwrite / replace-in-position an existing plot by a completely new plot...
-					#   thus, no change to gType.newplot [[]].
-					# When recording over an existing plot, the graphics type must remain same... 
-					#   thus, no change to gType [[]].
-					# See the "force = TRUE" block of record () function for further details
-					recorded [[which.push]] <<- unsavedPlot
-					return (TRUE)
-				}
-				len.r <- length(recorded)
-				ml <- getOption ('rk.graphics.hist.max.length')
-				if (len.r < ml) {
-					n <- len.r + 1
-				} else if (len.r == ml) {
-					remove (deviceId = NULL, pos = which.pop)
-					n <- len.r
-				} else {
-					warning ('Current history length > max length: plot not added to history!')
-					return (FALSE)
-				}
-				if (!is.null (deviceId)) histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- n
-				recorded [[n]] <<- unsavedPlot
-				gType [[n]] <<- this.plot.gType
-				.rk.graph.history.gui ()
-				# after a successful recording, no need to keep tracking gType.newplot, it is
-				# already saved in gType and is accessible via "gType [[histPositions[[deviceId]]]]"
-				if (!is.null (deviceId)) gType.newplot [[deviceId]] <<- NULL
-				return (TRUE)
-			} else {
-				warning ('Oversized plot: not added to history!') # don't use stop (...)
-				return (FALSE)
-			}
-		} else {
-			warning ('Unable to record the plot!') # don't use stop (...)
-			return (FALSE)
+		replacePositions [[deviceId]] <<- histPositions [[deviceId]]
+		histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- n
+		gType [[n]] <<- np.gT
+		invisible ()
+	}
+	record.all.recordable <- function ()
+	{
+		for (d in names(histPositions)[-1]) {
+			n <- histPositions[[d]]
+			gType.n.exists <- length (gType) >= n
+			if (n > 0 && gType.n.exists) record (d)
+		invisible ()
-	record <- function(deviceId = dev.cur (), newplot.in.queue = TRUE, force = FALSE, newplot.gType = '')
+	record <- function(deviceId = dev.cur (), newplot.gType = NULL)
 		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
 		isManaged <- deviceId %in% names (histPositions)
 		# non-interactive devices, such as pdf (), png (), ... are returned at this stage:
-		if (!isManaged && !force) return (invisible (NULL)) # --- (*)
+		if (!isManaged) return (invisible (NULL)) # --- (*)
-		cur.deviceId <- dev.cur ()
-		dev.set (as.numeric(deviceId))
 		if (isManaged) {
 			# device is managed, that is, non-preview-interactive
-			succeded <- TRUE
-			if (newPlotExists [[deviceId]]) {
-				# there is a new plot on this device, so save it,
-				# immaterial of whether force == TRUE or FALSE
+			cur.deviceId <- dev.cur ()
+			dev.set (as.numeric(deviceId))
+			if (histPositions [[deviceId]] == 0) .grow.history (deviceId, NULL)
+			n <- histPositions [[deviceId]]
+			unsavedPlot <- NULL
+			recording.succeeded <- FALSE
+			gType.n.exists <- length (gType) >= n
+			recorded.n.exists <- length (recorded) >= n
+			if (gType.n.exists) {
+				if (gType[[n]] == "standard") {
+					if (class (try (unsavedPlot <- recordPlot(), silent=TRUE)) != "try-error") recording.succeeded <- TRUE
+				} else if  (gType[[n]] == "lattice") {
+					if (class (try (unsavedPlot <- trellis.last.object (), silent=TRUE)) != "try-error") recording.succeeded <- TRUE
+				}
+			}
+			if (recording.succeeded) {
+				s <- object.size (unsavedPlot) # in bytes
-				succeded <- push.pop.and.record (which.pop = 1, deviceId = deviceId, this.plot.is.new = TRUE)
-			} else if (force) {
-				# no new plot on this managed device but force == TRUE
-				# in other words, called from a non-preview interactive device by clicking "Add to history" icon
-				# so overwrite the existing plot in history by the current plot
-				# 
-				# use case:
-				# go back/forward in history and update the plot using points () or lines () or ...
-				# 
-				## TODO:
-				# does not apply to trellis plots since any update using the "update (...)" call,
-				# in turn, calls print.trellis (...) which creates a new plot... would like to rectify this
-				# someday! of course, assignments calls, "update<- ", suppresses print.trellis!
-				n <- histPositions [[deviceId]]
-				if (n == 0) {
-					# This case arises when the user clears the history, while multiple screen devices are still open...
-					# The "Add to history" icon is active on all these open devices and the user can choose
-					#   to add the displayed plots to the (now, prestine) history. Hence, this block.
-					# See the comments in clearHistory () for further details.
-					newPlotExists [[deviceId]] <<- TRUE
-					record (deviceId, newplot.in.queue = FALSE, force = FALSE) # one recursion
+				if (s <= getOption ('rk.graphics.hist.max.plotsize') * 1024) {
+					recorded [[n]] <<- unsavedPlot
+					if (!is.null (newplot.gType)) {
+						.grow.history (deviceId, newplot.gType)
+					} else {
+						replacePositions [[deviceId]] <<- n
+					}
 				} else {
-					succeded <- push.pop.and.record (which.push = n, deviceId = deviceId, this.plot.is.new = FALSE)
+					# this oversized plot is lost :(
+					warning ('Oversized plot: not added to history!') # don't use stop (...)
+					if ((!is.null (newplot.gType)) && !recorded.n.exists) gType [[n]] <<- newplot.gType
+			} else {
+				if (gType.n.exists) warning ("Recording failed for some reason.")
+				if ((!is.null (newplot.gType)) && !recorded.n.exists) gType [[n]] <<- newplot.gType
-			if (succeded || !force) {
-				# force == FALSE (ie call originating from plot.new () or print.trellis ()):
-				#   in such a case always update... NOTE: any failed recording is LOST.
-				#   For example: in plot(0,0); xylpot (0~0); if recording "plot(0,0)" fails then
-				#   system moves to "xyplot (0~0)" loosing the former plot
-				# 
-				# for == TRUE (ie call original from "Add to history" icon):
-				#   update, only when the recording succeeds, if the recording fails, there is nothing
-				#   to "move to"..
-				newPlotExists [[deviceId]] <<- newplot.in.queue
-				if (newplot.in.queue) gType.newplot [[deviceId]] <<- newplot.gType
-			}
-		} else {
-			# device is not managed but due to (*) force == TRUE
-			# in other words, called from a preview device by clicking "Add to history" icon
-			# note: non-interactive devices such as pdf() png() etc. get returned at (*)
-			#
-			# use case:
-			# save a particular "preview" plot to history (useful since preview plots are _not_
-			# automatically added to history)
-			# 
-			# in such a case, gType.newplot [[deviceId]] is non-existant
-			push.pop.and.record (which.pop = 1, deviceId = NULL, this.plot.is.new = TRUE)
+			dev.set (cur.deviceId)
+			.rk.graph.history.gui ()
+			printPars () # DEBUG
+			return (invisible ())
-		dev.set (cur.deviceId)
-	recordUnsaved <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
-	{
-		if (newPlotExists [[as.character (deviceId)]]) {
-			record (deviceId, newplot.in.queue = FALSE)
-		}
-	}
 	remove <- function (deviceId = dev.cur (), pos = NULL) # pos can be of length > 1
 		history_length <- length (recorded)
+		if (history_length == 1) {
+			clearHistory ()
+			rk.show.message ("Plot history cleared!")
+		}
 		if (history_length <= 1) {
-			if (history_length == 1) .rk.graph.history.gui ()
 			return (invisible (NULL))
 		pop.and.update <- function (n) {
 			# length (n) can be > 1: see .verify.hist.limits ()
-## TODO:
-			# split n = 1 (commonly used) and n > 1 cases (only from .verify.hist.limits) to improve performance??
-			## TODO: investigate b/n x <<- x[-n] & x[n] <<- NULL
-			recorded <<- recorded [-n]
-			gType <<- gType [-n]
+			len.n <- length (n)
+			recorded[[n]] <<- NULL
+			gType[[n]] <<- NULL
 			len.r <- length (recorded)
-			pos.aff <- unlist (histPositions) >= min (n) # all affected positions
-			pos.rem <- unlist (histPositions) %in% n # only removed positions
-			dEqn <- names (histPositions)[pos.rem] # devices whose plots were removed
-			for (d in dEqn) {
-				m <- min (histPositions[[d]] - sum (n <= histPositions[[d]]) + 1, len.r)
-				if (newPlotExists[[d]]) {
-					histPositions [[d]] <<- m
-					#.rk.graph.history.gui () # (d)
-				} else
-					replay (n = m, deviceId = d)
+			printPars () # DEBUG
+			for (d in names (histPositions)[-1]) {
+				m <- min (histPositions [[d]] - len.n + 1, len.r)
+				histPositions [[d]] <<- replacePositions [[d]] <<- m
+				message ("d: ", d, ", m: ", m)  # DEBUG
+				replay (m, d)
-			dGtn <- names (histPositions)[pos.aff & !pos.rem] # affected devices whose plots were _NOT_ removed
-			for (d in dGtn) {
-				histPositions[[d]] <<- histPositions[[d]] - sum (n <= histPositions[[d]])
-			}
-			.rk.graph.history.gui () # (dGtn)
+			printPars () # DEBUG
+			.rk.graph.history.gui ()
 		if (is.null (pos)) {
@@ -346,22 +260,9 @@
 			if (! (deviceId %in% names(histPositions))) stop (paste ('Device', deviceId, 'is not managed'))
 			pos <- histPositions [[deviceId]] # here length (pos) = 1
-			if (newPlotExists [[deviceId]]) {
-				# current plot, which is to be deleted, hasn't been saved to history yet, so just 
-				# set its flag to FALSE, remove corresponding gType.newplot entry and
-				# replay the previous plot which is @ pos and not (pos-1)
-				newPlotExists [[deviceId]] <<- FALSE
-				gType.newplot [[deviceId]] <<- NULL
-				replay (n = pos, deviceId)
-			} else {
-				# current plot is a saved plot: so pop it and update the "affected" devices
-				pop.and.update (n = pos)
-			}
+			pop.and.update (n = pos)
 		} else if (all(pos > 0) && all (pos <= history_length)) {
-			# call from: push.pop.and.record () (see above) not from any device
+			# call from: .grow.history () and .verify.hist.limits (); not from any device
 			pop.and.update (n = pos)
 		} else
@@ -376,10 +277,10 @@
 		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
-		cur.deviceId <- dev.cur ()
-		dev.set (as.numeric(deviceId))
 		if (n > 0 && n <= length(recorded)) {
+			cur.deviceId <- dev.cur ()
+			dev.set (as.numeric(deviceId))
 			if (gType [[n]] == "standard") {
 				replayPlot (recorded[[n]])
 			} else if (gType [[n]] == "lattice") {
@@ -387,51 +288,55 @@
 				# it to lattice:::.LatticeEnv$last.object ("trellis.last.object")
 				plot (recorded[[n]], save.object = (cur.deviceId == as.numeric (deviceId)))
+			replacePositions [[deviceId]] <<- histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- n
 			histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- n
-			.rk.graph.history.gui () # (deviceId)
+			dev.set (cur.deviceId)
+			.rk.graph.history.gui ()
 		else message("replay: 'n' not in valid range: ", n)
-		dev.set (cur.deviceId)
+	replaceby <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
+	{
+		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
+		p <- replacePositions [[deviceId]]
+		record (deviceId)
+		n <- histPositions [[deviceId]]
+		recorded [[p]] <<- recorded [[n]]
+		gType [[p]] <<- gType [[n]]
+		remove (pos = n)
+		histPositions [[deviceId]] <<- p
+		replay (n = p, deviceId)
+		invisible ()
+	}
 	showFirst <- function(deviceId = dev.cur())
-		recordUnsaved (deviceId)
+		record (deviceId)
 		replay(n = 1, deviceId)
 	showPrevious <- function(deviceId)
-		recordUnsaved (deviceId)
+		record (deviceId)
 		replay(n = histPositions [[as.character (deviceId)]] - 1L, deviceId = deviceId)
 	showNext <- function(deviceId)
-		recordUnsaved (deviceId)
+		record (deviceId)
 		replay(n = histPositions [[as.character (deviceId)]] + 1L, deviceId = deviceId)
 	showLast <- function(deviceId = dev.cur())
-		recordUnsaved (deviceId)
+		record (deviceId)
 		replay(n = length(recorded), deviceId)
 	clearHistory <- function ()
-		recorded <<- list()
 		isDuplicate <<- FALSE
 		isPreviewDevice <<- FALSE
-		# although the history gets cleared, the "Add to history" icon can be used to record the displayed plot
-		for (dev_num in names (histPositions)[-1]) {
-			# if the displayed plot is not new, save its type from gType, else leave gType.newplot unchaged;
-			# obviously, this part has to come before resetting histPositions and newPlotExists.
-			if (!newPlotExists [[dev_num]])
-				gType.newplot [[dev_num]] <<- gType [[histPositions[[dev_num]]]]
-			histPositions[[dev_num]] <<- 0
-			newPlotExists [[dev_num]] <<- FALSE
-		}
-		# reset gType now (after gType.newplot has been re-created);
-		# NEVER reset gType.newplot
+		recorded <<- list()
 		gType <<- list ()
+		histPositions [names (histPositions)] <<- 0
+		replacePositions [names (replacePositions)] <<- 0
+		printPars () # DEBUG
 		.rk.graph.history.gui ()
 	printPars <- function ()
@@ -440,9 +345,10 @@
 		message ("History size (KB): ", round (object.size (recorded) / 1024, 2))
 		message ('Current devices  : ', paste (names (histPositions), collapse = ', ')) 
 		message ('Current positions: ', paste (unlist (histPositions), collapse = ', ')) 
-		message ('New plot exists? : ', paste (unlist (newPlotExists), collapse = ', ')) 
+		message ('Previos positions: ', paste (unlist (replacePositions), collapse = ', ')) 
 		message ('gType @ these pos: ', paste (unlist (gType [unlist (histPositions)]), collapse = ', '))
-		message ('gType newplot?   : ', gType.newplot)
+		message ("Plot proerties   :")
+		for (d in names (histPositions)[-1]) message (try (.get.plot.info.str (d)))
 	.rk.graph.history.gui <- function (deviceIds = names (histPositions))
@@ -458,9 +364,10 @@
 			positions [1 + 2 * (1:ndevs)] <- unlist (histPositions[deviceIds], use.names = FALSE)
 			.rk.do.call ("updateDeviceHistory", positions);
+		print (positions) # DEBUG
 		invisible (NULL)
-	.get.oldplot.call.std <- function (deviceId)
+	.get.oldplot.call.std <- function (n)
 		# rp <- recordPlot () is a nested pairlist object (of class "recordedplot"):
 		# rp[[1]] is the "meta data", rp[[2]] is always raw,
@@ -469,58 +376,65 @@
 		# The high level calls are not part of the meta data, only the low level .Internal
 		#   calls are stored: Eg: .Primitive (plot.xy), .Primitive (rect), .Primitive (persp), etc...
-		# .f. identifies which element in rp[[1]] contains title (=main,sub,xlab,ylab) information:
+		# .f. identifies which element(s) in rp[[1]] contains title (=main,sub,xlab,ylab) information:
 		# differs from call to call. Eg: for plot () calls this is 7, for hist () this is 3, ...
 		.f. <- function ()
-			which (lapply (recorded [[histPositions [[deviceId]]]][[1]], FUN = function (x) x[[1]]) == ".Primitive(\"title\")")
+			which (lapply (recorded [[n]][[1]], FUN = function (x) x[[1]]) == ".Primitive(\"title\")")
 		# Sometimes there is no title information at all - happens when the high level calling function
 		#   does not specifically provide any of main/sub/xlab/ylab arguemnts: Eg: persp (...)
+		# Sometimes there are more than one .Primitive ("title") calls, eg, when title (...) is called
+		#   explicitely after a plotting call
-		.x. <- list (main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
+		.x. <- list (main = "", sub = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
-		# when present, rp [[1]] [[.n.]] [[2]] contains main, sub, xlab, ylab, etc.
+		# When present, rp [[1]] [.n.] [[2]] contains (in multiple lists) main, sub, xlab, ylab, etc.
+		# From there we pick up the last (which.max) non-null entry for each of main, sub, xlab, and ylab
 		.n. <- .f. ()
-		if (length (.n.) > 0)
-			.x. [c ("main", "xlab", "ylab")] <- recorded [[histPositions [[deviceId]]]] [[1]] [[.n.]] [[2]] [c(1,3,4)]
+		if (length (.n.) > 0) {
+			.T. <- lapply (lapply (recorded [[n]][[1]] [.n.], FUN = function (.a.) .a.[[2]]), 
+				FUN = function (.aa.) {names (.aa.) <- c("main", "sub", "xlab", "ylab"); .aa.})
+			for (i in c("main", "sub", "xlab", "ylab"))
+				.x.[[i]] <- .T. [[ which.max (sapply (.T., FUN = function (.a.) !is.null (.a.[[i]]))) ]] [[i]]
+		}
-		# single quotes are used becuase kdialog in showPlotInfo needs double quotes
 		paste ("Main: '", .x.$main, "'; X label: '", .x.$xlab, "'; Y label: '", .x.$ylab, "'", sep = "")
-	.get.oldplot.call.lattice <- function (deviceId)
+	.get.oldplot.call.lattice <- function (n)
 		# trellis objects contain a call object which is the best meta data possible!
 		# If needed, main/xlab/ylab can be extracted as well.
-		paste ("Call: ", deparse (recorded [[histPositions [[deviceId]]]]$call), sep = "")
+		paste ("Call: ", paste (deparse (recorded [[n]]$call), collapse = "\n"), sep = "")
-	.get.oldplot.call <- function (deviceId)
+	.get.oldplot.call <- function (n)
 		# this can be easily extended to more types
-		switch (gType [[histPositions [[deviceId]]]],
-			standard = .get.oldplot.call.std (deviceId),
-			lattice = .get.oldplot.call.lattice (deviceId),
+		switch (gType [[n]],
+			standard = .get.oldplot.call.std (n),
+			lattice = .get.oldplot.call.lattice (n),
 	.get.plot.info.str <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
-		# if needed a 'timestamp' field can be stored while recording, which can then be used here
 		deviceId <- as.character (deviceId)
 		if (!deviceId %in% names (histPositions)) return ("Preview devices is not managed.")
-		if (newPlotExists [[deviceId]]) {
-			info.str <- paste ("Device: ", deviceId, ", Position: ?, Size: ?\nType: ", gType.newplot [[deviceId]], sep = "")
+		n <- histPositions [[deviceId]]
+		recorded.n.exists <- length (recorded) >= n
+		if (n == 0) {
+			info.str <- paste ("Device: ", deviceId, ", Position: 0", sep = "")
+		} else if (!recorded.n.exists) {
+			info.str <- paste ("Device: ", deviceId, ", Position: ", n, ", Size: ?\nType: ", gType [[n]], sep = "")
 		} else {
-			# else if (!is.null (histPositions [[deviceId]]))?
 			info.str <- paste ("Device: ", deviceId, 
-				", Position: ", histPositions [[deviceId]], 
-				", Size (KB): ", round (object.size (recorded [[histPositions [[deviceId]]]])/1024, 2),
-				"\n", .get.oldplot.call (deviceId), sep = "")
-		} # else info.str <- NULL
+				", Position: ", n, 
+				", Size (KB): ", round (object.size (recorded [[n]])/1024, 2),
+				"\n", .get.oldplot.call (n), sep = "")
+		}
 	showPlotInfo <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
-		## TODO: update to either a proper message box, or move to a 'status bar'
 		rk.show.message (.get.plot.info.str (deviceId), caption = "Plot properties")
 	.verify.hist.limits <- function ()
@@ -574,14 +488,9 @@
 	rk.record.plot$showLast (deviceId)
 	rk.record.plot$printPars ()
-"rk.addthis.plot" <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
+"rk.replaceby.plot" <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())
-	# this call is not as simple as it looks; details are handled inside rk.record.plot$record ()
-	# 
-	# reason:
-	# flixibility to add a preview plot (preview device is _not_ managed) to the graphics history
-	rk.record.plot$record (deviceId, newplot.in.queue=FALSE, force=TRUE)
+	rk.record.plot$replaceby (deviceId)
 	rk.record.plot$printPars ()
 "rk.removethis.plot" <- function (deviceId = dev.cur ())

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkcatchedx11windowpart.rc
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkcatchedx11windowpart.rc	2010-09-03 15:36:33 UTC (rev 2992)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkcatchedx11windowpart.rc	2010-09-03 22:24:28 UTC (rev 2993)
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
 			<Action name="device_copy_to_r_object"/>
-			<Menu name="history"><text>&History</text>
-				<Action name="plot_first"/>
-				<Action name="plot_prev"/>
-				<Action name="plot_next"/>
-				<Action name="plot_last"/>
-				<Separator/>
-				<Action name="plot_record"/>
-				<Action name="plot_remove"/>
-				<Separator/>
-				<Action name="plot_clear_history"/>
-			</Menu>
+		</Menu>
+		<Menu name="history"><text>&History</text>
+			<Action name="plot_first"/>
+			<Action name="plot_prev"/>
+			<Action name="plot_next"/>
+			<Action name="plot_last"/>
+			<Action name="plot_replaceby"/>
+			<Action name="plot_remove"/>
+			<Separator/>
+			<Action name="plot_clear_history"/>
+			<Separator/>
 			<Action name="device_properties"/>
 		<Menu name="view"><text>&View</text>
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
 		<Action name="plot_prev"/>
 		<Action name="plot_next"/>
-		<Action name="plot_record"/>
 		<Action name="plot_remove"/>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkwindowcatcher.cpp
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkwindowcatcher.cpp	2010-09-03 15:36:33 UTC (rev 2992)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkwindowcatcher.cpp	2010-09-03 22:24:28 UTC (rev 2993)
@@ -414,10 +414,10 @@
 	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (c);
-void RKCaughtX11Window::recordCurrentPlot () {
+void RKCaughtX11Window::replacebyCurrentPlot () {
-	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("rk.addthis.plot (" + QString::number (device_number) + ')', RCommand::App, i18n ("Add current plot to history (device number %1)", device_number), error_dialog);
+	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("rk.replaceby.plot (" + QString::number (device_number) + ')', RCommand::App, i18n ("Replace previous plot by the current plot (device number %1)", device_number), error_dialog);
 	//updateHistoryActions (history_length+1, history_length+1);
@@ -453,7 +453,8 @@
 	plot_next_action->setEnabled ((history_length > 0) && (position < history_length));
 	plot_last_action->setEnabled ((history_length > 0) && (position < history_length));
-	plot_remove_action->setEnabled (history_length > 1);
+	plot_replaceby_action->setEnabled (history_length > 0);
+	plot_remove_action->setEnabled (history_length > 0);
 	plot_clear_history_action->setEnabled (history_length > 0);
@@ -528,9 +529,9 @@
 	action->setIcon (RKStandardIcons::getIcon (RKStandardIcons::ActionMoveLast));
 	window->plot_last_action = (KAction*) action;
-	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("plot_record", window, SLOT (recordCurrentPlot()));
- 	action->setText (i18n ("Add to history"));
-	action->setIcon (RKStandardIcons::getIcon (RKStandardIcons::ActionSnapshot));
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("plot_replaceby", window, SLOT (replacebyCurrentPlot()));
+ 	action->setText (i18n ("Replace previous plot"));
+	window->plot_replaceby_action = (KAction*) action;
 	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("plot_remove", window, SLOT (removeCurrentPlot()));
  	action->setText (i18n ("Remove from history"));
 	action->setIcon (RKStandardIcons::getIcon (RKStandardIcons::ActionRemovePlot));

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkwindowcatcher.h
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkwindowcatcher.h	2010-09-03 15:36:33 UTC (rev 2992)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/windows/rkwindowcatcher.h	2010-09-03 22:24:28 UTC (rev 2993)
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 	void previousPlot ();
 	void nextPlot ();
 	void lastPlot ();
-	void recordCurrentPlot ();
+	void replacebyCurrentPlot ();
 	void removeCurrentPlot ();
 	void clearHistory ();
 	void showPlotInfo ();
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
 	KAction *plot_next_action;
 	KAction *plot_first_action;
 	KAction *plot_last_action;
+	KAction *plot_replaceby_action;
 	KAction *plot_remove_action;
 	KAction *plot_clear_history_action;
 	KAction *device_properties_action;

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